OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Stag Hollow is still under construction and it is a cooperative effort among various grid members. It took a little searching and a lot of editing but here we have a whole herd of buffalo grazing in the valley between the town and the Indian camp. All are welcome to visit and if you'd like to have a home on this region we can discuss particulars. There is a hot air balloon to ride or you can find a horse rezzer in the stables of the blacksmith shop. Tour the hotels and restaurants and enjoy the many homes and businesses in this small town of Stag Hollow. There really is a lot to see here and I believe you'll enjoy it. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Lets begin with

The Italian GRID "VIRTUALIFE GRID" Have been taken a lot of my outfits from Bella Donna & Black Shades store they have made other pictures and put up my outfits on there mall called PORT AURORA
hop:// Aurora/129/46/28
They have even take my friend Belindas outfits to from MI AMORE city area REBORN OUTFITS.
The Owners of this GRID were in Jungle and were kicked of the GRID beacuse they steal a lot from here and put up at other areas and at there GRID. They have put out outfits
with there name as creator and made pics. They have taken one of the Black Shades Logo that I have made.
This is not the first time they take from other GRIDS.
I hope people will not support the GRID and let me know if you see more at the area. This people are Italian and they used Jungle GRID to get stuff. They have taken from Arkham GRID and many more GRIDS at there area REBORN outfits.
I wanna thank you all who is supporting me , Belinda & Angelina Santorini.
I will never give my permission to add my stuff or outfits on other GRIDS or shops. Always ask.

Arthur Owner
"Bella Donna"
"Mi Amore"


Cominciamo con

Il GRID italiano "VIRTUALIFE GRID" Sono stati presi molti dei miei abiti dal negozio Bella Donna e Black Shades, hanno fatto altre foto e hanno messo i miei abiti nel centro commerciale chiamato AURORA hop:// /Porto Aurora/129/46/28
Hanno persino portato gli abiti della mia amica Belindas dall'area della città di MI AMORE REBORN OUTFITS.
I proprietari di questo GRID erano nella giungla e sono stati espulsi dal GRID perché rubano molto da qui e si insediano in altre aree e lì GRID. Hanno messo fuori degli abiti
con il nome come creatore e foto realizzate. Hanno preso uno dei loghi Black Shades che ho realizzato.
Non è la prima volta che prelevano da altre GRIGLIE.
Spero che le persone non supportino il GRID e fatemi sapere se ne vedete altri in zona. Queste persone sono italiane e hanno usato Jungle GRID per procurarsi le cose. Hanno preso da Arkham GRID e molti altri GRID nella zona abiti REBORN.
Voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che mi supportano, Belinda e Angelina Santorini.
Non darò mai il mio permesso ad aggiungere le mie cose o i miei outfit su altre GRIGLIE o negozi. Chiedi sempre.

Arthur Proprietario
"Bella Donna"
"Mi Amore"


Comencemos con

El GRID italiano "VIRTUALIFE GRID" tomó muchos de mis conjuntos de la tienda Bella Donna & Black Shades, hicieron otras fotos y colocaron mis conjuntos en el centro comercial llamado AURORA hop:// /Puerto Aurora/129/46/28
Incluso han llevado los trajes de mi amiga Belinda a los REBORN OUTFITS del área de la ciudad de MI AMORE.
Los propietarios de este GRID estaban en Jungle y fueron expulsados del GRID porque roban mucho de aquí y se alojan en otras áreas y en GRID. Han sacado trajes
con su nombre como creador y fotos hechas. Han cogido uno de los Black Shades Logo que he hecho.
No es la primera vez que toman de otras GRIDS.
Espero que la gente no apoye GRID y avíseme si ve más en el área. Esta gente es italiana y usaron Jungle GRID para conseguir cosas. Han tomado de Arkham GRID y muchos más GRIDS en la zona de trajes REBORN.
Quiero agradecerles a todos los que me apoyan, Belinda y Angelina Santorini.
Nunca daré permiso para agregar mis cosas o conjuntos en otras GRIDS o tiendas. Pregunta siempre.

Arturo propietario
"Bella Donna"
"Mi amor"

Dj KrisTina:80's Night!
Now Till Close
Taxi: hop://
See You there, Message me for Teleport!

New Dungarees Skirt for Ebody Reborn.
Not available in Secondlife (currently). Comes in a multitude of fun Hello Kitty and paisley textures, with an accompanying top.

No, it's not a texture HUD... This one will rezz poseballs so you can have fun anywhere!
Brand new animations in both items, and sounds!
Remember that, like the walls, you can/should make this box transparent and place it anywhere (instructions inside). They HUD only needs attaching!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/391/359/23

Sodasullivan: *sings Justin Timberlake's "I am bringin' sexy box!" 6 months ago


These items are fully customizable to fits ur needs

SN Nova Sport DRESS
incl. Single Sneakers
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Oi! Are you still playing the same 20 pop songs on your land stream? Are you putting your visitors to sleep with "Chill Traxx"? That's just cruel!

Dial in the the best radio station in Open Sim, Second Life and beyond! Over 1001 hand curated music tracks for over 122 hours of quality music! (You don't hear the same 10 songs five times a day like every other stream.) You'll hear the best of rock, pop. hip-hop, indie and even a little jazz and country classics. We are never too loud and definitely not too soft! Hey, you can event to go to our website and request a song. You say and we play it!

At Black Cat, we do not spam you with advertising and we do NOT collect our listeners location to send local ads to them. (That is SO creepy!) We are 100% listener supported.

Feel free to come visit our radio station at Avedon Park. You can even grab a free mesh radio to stream us on your land.


Land URL:

*(NOTICE: The statements made by the staff at Black Cat Radio are not endorsed by the management or staff at Avedon Park! We apologize for their salty language! They drink heavily and they make a mess! However, their music IS the best, so we do tolerate them ...barely*

Finnegan: Best stream on any grid! 6 months ago
My favourite out of the latest 3 new items. Comobo of stand alone gaming chair with really steamy animations, as well as a fully linked set of the same chair animations + additional ones on the station itself.
Comes packed with hundred of textures as well, and of course - materials! (amazing material layers on this one, by the way).

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/391/354/23

Neue Kleider eingetroffen.

New clothes arrived.

Once upon a time ... there was a story to be told. Erika looked up from her book startled by the noise. A sudden sinking feeling swept over her, she knew the day would come when the Pirate would finally find her. That day she feared was now! Dropping her book she raced to throw the bolt across the large Hungarian door.....

Brabbits: hold on! What? You found Erika? You nailed it? 6 months ago
Not all our textures are beautiful.....

actually some are pretty ugly

so if you need an ugly texture like Tropical thatch roofing,

Make a trip to

Textures Trees & Scripts

hundreds of beautiful textures.....and a few ugly ones!

Phryne Fisher has also risen from the pixel dead and is waiting for new adventures

Jerralyn Franzic: Is the sim open? Just tried to TP there with my OSgrid avi. 6 months ago

Namaste, Beautiful People!

As we all know we are facing an Eclips on the 8th of April.
Samsara is organizing a meditation at the same time the Global Mass Meditation will start in RL with all the lightworkers on earth. Consider yourself a lightworker when you feel any connection with this, cos You are!
We will start at 11.18 AM grid time. It will take a 20 minutes but your always welcome to stay longer.
Here are some guidelines for you regarding the eclips and the mass meditation.

Come on time please when you decide to participate, We start exact on 11.18. If you later, please make sure your voice is off, enter the dhamma hall and be in noble silence and take your seat.
Meditation stream will be given out at your presence at location.

I advice you to burn a candle and burn some incense to your desire in RL...make yourself comfortable wearing wide clothes, specially white or indigo or light blue...let your hair hang down as it is, open our crown chakra...and be in peace with yourself totally, ;)

Namaste Yana Dakota
Threadz Barely There
Lingerie Store

– where every woman can feel:
and undeniably sexy.

Threadz Barely There

one of the specialty shops at
Friends Mall
While SL embraces PBR in an attempt to embrace greater 'realism' using the increasingly creaky old technology we’re all familiar with there is a backlash among Generation Z and other younger demographics towards cutting edge gaming with hypereal graphics and an embracing of older, less graphically real aesthetics. Some of this may be down to the fashionable adoption of retro, as in the numbers buying things like typewriters and traditional film cameras, but is some of it also likely a backlash against the increasing trend for hyperrealism where it’s no longer really easy to spot something real from recorded game action.

I am not a gamer, hence there have been a few times when I’ve been watching videos purporting to be actions in the current Russo-Ukrainian war where the game graphics have been so good that they appear to be real, it’s only when one looks more intently that it becomes subtly obvious that it’s recorded game action and not footage of an actual battlfield encounter.

I’m aware of arguments that the graphics of SL/OS are ‘poor’ but I have never agreed as this is a very subjective area depending on so many different factors, such as the comparisons being made. Relative to Minecraft and Active Worlds the graphics of SL and Opensim are fantastic, but compared to a photograph or the hypereal renderings of high end computer graphics, very poor indeed. Personally I rather like the aesthetic of SL/Opensim and would argue that the aesthetics are neither good nor bad, but exactly what they are. I’m not arguing against hyperrealism for those who want it, but rather agruing that the current graphics are regarded as fine by the vast majority if those who use Opensim and SL.

This article in today’s Guardian prompted me to write the above after last week I read something about the implementation of PBR in Second Life. Sometimes maybe, less is more, and if the aesthetics of retro games are appealing to Generation Z and other demographics younger than the average found in Opensim, then maybe there is hope yet that our hobby will endure. After all, Active Worlds is now nearly in its 30th year, has a very faithful and dedicated community together with graphics that make Minecraft look good!

RemmyRavenhurst: I am a tech dummy so don't really understand how PBR works but I can figure out that it will take a long time for people to implement for two reasons 1) People have invested so much in what they alre... 6 months ago

GlennXpletive: I knew I shouldn't have eaten that eggs, bacon and bowl of Lucky Charms this morning. ;-p 6 months ago


SN Bikini Sophia
Athena & Reborn
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Happy Easter!

SN Bodysuit Alice
Athena & Reborn
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

SN Beachdress Lyra
Athena & Reborn
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

From our grid to yours Barefoot-Dreamers wishes everyone a very Happy Easter

Marianna: Blessings to you @Hugabug ❤️ 6 months ago

Happy Easter From The E Grid and The Roleplay Grid :)

New drink item at Starchild Shoppe. Board and decor champs mimosa glasses both dispense a wearable, hold+drink+animated smaller glass via prop. Bubbles animated too.
Comes with 2 hold+drink poses (initially Male Female, but just renamed them to Pose 1 and 2)
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/389/350/23
Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit tollen Leuten , toller Musik und guter Atmosphäre freuen.
Also rein in eure Party-Outfits und auf ins Tosca 20:00 Uhr gehts los

Wir freuen uns auf euch

You can look forward to an evening with great people, great music and a good atmosphere.
So get into your party outfits and come to Tosca. Party starts 11:00 SLT

We look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viele liebe leute 6 months ago

Happy Easter from Bob and Shea at AVW. "Easter is the soul's first taste of Spring".

Marianna: Spring blessings to you Shea ❤️ 6 months ago

Zensational's Sakuragawa (Cherry Blossom River) Image by @FerdFrederix
Thank you Ferd

Sodasullivan: Beautiful, and just in time for spring! 6 months ago

Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19 UHR !!!!!

MiguelTorres: Bevor wieder jemand schreibt das es schleimt.. nur ganz kurz.... !nebelre ednebA nellot rehclos eretiew eleiv hcon nennök riw ,effoh hcI .gnurennirE revitisop ni tfo tbielb ,tffirt nednesewnA rella gn... 6 months ago
Will it be the beginning of the end?

What will the investigations of the federal police or the authorities responsible for oversight find?

Will Linden Lab's partners distance themselves if the platform's structural issues regarding minor avatars and sex are confirmed?

If Amazon were to revoke their server access due to such violations?

Will Second Life survive with limited funds and few users (those psychologically subservient)?

In Europe, if the matter is taken seriously (and it is a serious matter), will we still be allowed to access Second Life?

If specific regulations are applied in Europe and worldwide to control this type of metaverse (SL-Like), will it spell the end for many Opensimulator grids?

But above all, will Opensimulator suffer?

Sodasullivan: Heh. Guess what Glenn? My facts are on the money. **"Patch Linden? Did you mean "PHIL" who began SecondLife? At least try to get SOME facts right in your search for fame and glory simpleton. Now B... 7 months ago

Immersive 5 1601

Hi folks - if someone hasn't tried @valerieluv0 's rental system, please do. Amazing stuff... and she is super supportive.
Small details that show that the person who designed it knows about he process (like, being able to set the picture for the main office in each box, so you can take it and drop it as you rezz them!)

Playgrounds Keeper: Agreed Aurora, it's a fantastic product! 7 months ago
Liebe Freunde und Gäste,
wir freuen uns, euch zur feierlichen Einweihung von Cafe Käse einzuladen!
Kommt und feiert mit uns den Beginn einer neuen kulinarischen MusikReise mit Nast Bakerly
Heute Abend beginnen wir mit einer
Romantischen Nacht

KarinBecker: Kaese 7 months ago

Many Portals to take you to a themed region.

Hugabug: Glad to see ya back cuz 7 months ago

If you are out and about tonight, come by the park and enjoy some great music and great people. We have some high-energy music that is guaranteed to get you through the rest of the week.

ToryRepublic: yay! nice 7 months ago
it touches us
and bringes out so many emotions!

Inspired, joyful, satisfied, interested, happy, serene
moody, gloomy, unsatisfied, scared, nervous

Nothing affects us like Art!

Come find the latest AI generated art to create the mood you are wanting at

Bahro Fine Art

one of the Specialty Shops

At Friends Mall
Cabo da Roca is the westernmost point on the European continent, located at the tip of the Serra de Sintra, and is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic places in Portugal.

With a 22m tall lighthouse dating back to 1722, shrouded in fog or bathed in splendid sunshine, this inspiring scene has been part of the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms" program dedicated to peace since 1989.

It is also reproduced on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in yet another magnificent reproduction by Ernest Moncrieff.

Easy jet:

TheFactory: Looking forward to the opening tomorrow! 7 months ago
Society 3D

1 members


10 members


1 members

aMMuina Craft

5 members

Gallam Hispana

3 members

Rev World

6 members


9 members

Erotic SIMs

0 members


1 members
