OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Ah, the Snake Oil Salesman. The traveling salesman of yesteryear. He's the seedy profiteer trying to exploit an unsuspecting public by selling them fake cures. This guy is a quick talking slickster for sure. By the time his customers figure out they bought a bottle of hooch instead of the medicine miracle promised, he is long gone onto the next town. This vignette will fit in any vintage setting, Western Town or carnival.








o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!

Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport x,y,z teleports to location you specify, and can listen in on conversations and tell you what is being said even if you are in another sim! Salem that little spy. hehehe

NOTE: This hud is built for dreamgrid users. It needs osnpc capability, scripts running, rez rights, and so you pretty much have to own your land. Some functions will not work in grids or sims where you do not have rights and privileges.
NEW and IMPROVED: While updating older outfits I discovered the hair fatpack was missing from this one. (There are bad hair days, but even worse are no hair days!) I did add an extra necklace. However, "Those are wonderful necklaces you are wearing and I'm totally not noticing you do not have hair" said no one ever. So, this outfit now includes hair. If you see any bald person wearing this dress, please send them straight away to the oh HELLO shop to get that fixed.
Blender 4 Beginners!
Scheduled for Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4pm.

Was blender to steep and gave you a headache but still you would like to create content ? Well come join us !

Note : We will use Blender 2.28 or 2.79!
Sylvester ist der höchste Feiertag im Jahr, deswegen lade ich am 31.12.2021 ab 20 Uhr zur Party ein. Für musikalische Unterhaltung sorgen 4 Dj´s und um Mitternacht gibt es ein großes Feuerwerk
Taxi: Exotic Souls
New Year's Eve is the highest public holiday of the year, which is why I invite you to the party on December 31, 2021 from 8 p.m. Four DJs provide musical entertainment and there is a large fireworks display at midnight

Just to let you know that we have a special guest in residence
at the Bistro Mitaines at the Christmas Market Place.
Can you guess who?

Wishing you all the blessings of that first Christmas now and throughout the coming year! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

NEW OUTFITS FOR OLD. This is not a new outfit, exactly. When I first assembled it a couple of years ago, it seems I left out one of the dresses in the fat-pack. It's now in the box. Yippie, I guess. This is one reason I'm revisiting older outfits - to fix mistakes and/or refresh the look with new items. The only thing refreshed here is my memory. How could have I forgotten I had these lovely Curator Rose EarthStones Eye Glasses? For me, they are the highlight of this outfit. Come get it, if only for them.

Inspired by Fashionista. Available to all.

Hello there, visit the new Nature Region in 3*3 Sims format
Mokka Island in the "soul" grid
.... have fun

Forgotten Island is designed just for those that want to be child / teen. Land has been parceled off around each little home, once you have joined up with you will land at the Welcome center, you can from there go straight to Forgotten Island and get your setup... be sure to join groups that are at the landing point and get your info and rules, once done you can im me, Molly Hawker, and I can get you set up right off with your own parcel, there you will have 500 prim count to use for your own or just run all over the sim giggles. Also Santa has arrived here at the island :) so come, explore and most of all enjoy your stay.
Forgotten Island is setup for free shopping, residential, hangout, kids / teens welcome, and all around fun!

Winter fun on Xanten. Come join skating with the elves!

There are no words more true.... ROFL

NEW !!! Velvet Dress Fatpack


Good Day everyone!
I am truly honored that people are still looking to visit the Social Mouse Grid, unfortunately, we have decided to become locked as we are rebuilding every single region with licensed or Original content. Our goal is to provide a place where Original content is valued. A place for people who are tired of tping around to every region or grid in OS just to find the same or "new" stolen hauls. let legal items become the norm. Anyone wanting to help or share their own content please message me. We are looking to provide LM HUD to all shoppers to other legal resources if you want to be listed provided your grid URL
Things just keep getting chillier and chillier. I did some winterizing of objects to provide items for the cooler environments that are popping up. The latest addition is a frosty Round Greek Pavilion along with concrete outdoor table and bird bath.

Monentes Jewelry has been adding Christmas jewelry in the foyer. New items to be released soon! See you soon Jewelry

HO! HO! HO! Santa Claus and Mere Noel announces the opening of their special Christmas epehemere boutique at the little fecamp, happy day to you

Free New Device!!! Terraformer! It helps you get better control over terraforming your land. Make more nicer roads, and terraform small spots. It has 9 commands, just rez the terraformer over the area you want to change. Set the size to either small, medium, or large (2x2,4x4, 8x8 respectively). Then type raise, lower, level, rough, revert, or smooth to change the land. ENJOY!!!!

Would you buy a car from this man?

Virtual Discovery Tour Mardi 9 Novembre 2021, Rendez vous à l'accueil de VD à 21h00 ,nous irons sur ignis fatuus visiter et participer à un jeu imaginé par Max Hill sur sa nouvelle région Phaedra.
Virtual Discovery Tour Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Meet at the VD reception at 9:00 p.m., we will go on ignis fatuus to visit and participate in a game imagined by Max Hill on his new region Phaedra.
If the instructions for the OSW beacons tell you to make the beacon uncopyable, then PLEASE DO SO!
Yes, it's an inconvenient extra step.

Yes, it's more convenient to leave it as-is.

Yes, you may pride yourself in enabling your visitors to copy every last thing from your sim.

Yes, it does work as desired even if it can be copied...

...until someone actually copies the beacon and then puts it on their own sim, not even knowing what it is. And as they don't know what it is, and as the beacon did not come with instructions (they copied the bare beacon and not the box with the beacon and the instructions), they leave it as-is. They do NOT change or remove the beacon key. Why should they? Nothing tells them to do that.

All of a sudden, the entry for your own precious sim here on OSW will switch between your actual sim and that other sim run by the person who took your beacon with your beacon key and dropped it on their own sim. And half the time, the people who want to visit your sim will instead land on that other sim.

Now you may wonder if there are OpenSim users who don't know that the website OpenSimWorld exists. Yes, there are such people. It's mostly newbies, but there seem to be enough people who start building sims of their own while still counting as newbies. And I dare say there are enough seasoned OpenSim users who still don't know that OpenSimWorld exists.

And those who don't know that OpenSimWorld exists don't know either what this beacon is and what it's good for. Actually, just a few weeks ago, I had to explain to someone who has been in OpenSim for much much longer than myself what the beacon is and what it does.

I myself didn't know right away what the OSW beacon is and does when I started last year. For me, the OSW beacon was nothing more than a nifty Hypergrid teleporter that some sim owners were kind enough to install on their sims. In fact, apart from catching the occasional landmark, the OSW beacon was the only way for me to travel the Hypergrid.

I did NOT know about the website behind the beacon. Nor did I know that the primary task for the beacon is to connect in-world locations to the website.

Had I started to build my own sim about a month into my OpenSim usership, and had I found an OSW beacon that I could (and still shouldn't be able to) copy, I would have taken it and put it on my own sim as it was, someone else's beacon key in it and all. I wouldn't even have known that beacon keys exist.

To cut a long story short: If you let people copy your beacon, people WILL copy your beacon. With no instructions. They WILL NOT know what it really is. They WILL NOT know there's also a box with it inside plus instructions, much less where to get it. And they WILL misuse the beacon. And the entry for your sim here on OpenSimWorld WILL malfunction.

And if you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO make the beacon available to everyone, then at least put the original box next to it. Not somewhere else on the sim, but right next to the actual beacon so that every last dummy will find it. And if you think the box looks terrible where the beacon is, then put the beacon itself somewhere where the box would look better.

Xmas Market - Weihnachstmarkt

go to my new haunted house

new bakery

So much to see!

Caressed Solitaire is created exclusively for the Monentes GCG store. Please look on the table in the foyer at our GCG store. Free / Full Perms
Goodmorning everyone, The Golden Age region instabilityproblems seem to be solved. If you still having problems to enter, pls contact the gridowner Kashi Takeshi. He will restart the region which will fix the problem. Thanks for your patience, Avia
How about some target practice ??? I have made a target you can shot with a arrows, guns, or magic wands and the target will show the area hit. When you are ready click the red box on the side and the target gets reset to new! Have shooting matches! Practice your aim! Yes you can god mode it, make it your own, squish it into a ball and bounce it off the wall, whatever you want to do with it... :)

Hot Air 'Pumpkin' ride
Experience a close to real life hot air balloon ride
i.e. you control the altitude with heat
while the Sim wind controls the direction

Virtual Discovery Tour 28 Septembre 2021
Rendez vous à l'accueil de VD à 21h00 (heure de Paris)
Nous irons visiter la sim STORY sur Soul Grid .
Virtual Discovery Tour September 28, 2021
Meet at the VD reception at 9:00 p.m. (Paris time)
We will visit the sim STORY on Soul Grid.

Hands up, Baby Hands up...reminds me somehow of the Disco Song from Ottawan lol. New to the scene.."Deathgrip" I added it to the graveyard inside the graveyard:-)

New Shilo Dress

Looking for a private place to dance, propose or just have a good time with that special someone. Port Colborne now has a private ball room. When at the landing point, use the teleport

Many new tattoos for your back !!!

a look inside...