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Copper: ehm...What do you want to say with that post? 1 years ago

looks deceptiful simple, but texturing it pinpoint was daunting..this is my final for ZZ !

Zoe: Amazing work. Again the high quality of all the wonderful details of your works. Congrats Peter. 1 years ago
Our newest creation on the grid, the Pineview Townhouse. It has a garage, kitchen, living room on the first floor and Den/Study, bedroom and bathroom on the 2nd floor and a deck on the 2nd floor as well, bay door and window entrance with the same on the 2nd floor. The windows are 3/D not flat texture and there is a lot of nice detail and all only 147 Li. It is full perm copy, modify, transfer though the mesh may make modifying, other than texture, a bit difficult. It is free and waiting to grace your region as a beautiful manor or townhouse. Blessings and much love, Lavia.


Sylvia-Koeln: So........ Uniform gebügelt für die Weltreise 1 years ago

ok the structure is finished apart from a few windows,I'll call the painter tomorrow,
it seems like the right one....

William hell: obvious 1 years ago

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Gentle Fire
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
New location:
Fotos vom Blue Monday in der Zappelbude

Wie immer einfach auf den Link klicken um zur Diashow zu gelangen. ;)
Datum: 11. September 2023
Uhrzeit: 20:00 Uhr

Ort: Zappelbude

what can I say..., a success, and I'm not finished yet!!!

William hell: I open now 1 years ago
Inglés / español

Although the figures vary, it is estimated that only a fraction of the waste we separate at home actually ends up being recycled. In many cases, we're talking about less than 50%. It's an alarming statistic that highlights the inefficiency of current waste management systems. And when it comes to organic waste, the situation is even more disheartening. Most of this waste ends up in landfills, where it decomposes uncontrollably, releasing methane, a greenhouse gas much more potent than CO2.

In this context, the lack of a stricter packaging law is a clear example of how short-term economic interests often prevail over long-term sustainability and well-being. Existing laws, although they do exist, are insufficient and, in many cases, ineffective in addressing the massive generation of packaging waste. A stricter law could force companies to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products, from production to final disposal. This could include measures such as the obligation to use recyclable or biodegradable materials, packaging return systems, and penalties for companies that do not comply with requirements.

It's as if we're playing a game where the cards are stacked against the environment. We're asked to do our part, but the system itself is designed to fail. And meanwhile, the climate emergency waits for no one. It's time for authorities to take drastic and effective measures, rather than sticking to rhetoric and half-measures.

It's frustrating, isn't it? 😤


Aunque las cifras varían, se estima que solo una fracción de los residuos que separamos en casa realmente termina siendo reciclada. En muchos casos, estamos hablando de menos del 50%. Es una estadística alarmante que pone de manifiesto la ineficacia de los sistemas actuales de gestión de residuos. Y en cuanto a los residuos orgánicos, la situación es aún más desalentadora. La mayoría de estos residuos terminan en vertederos, donde se descomponen sin control, liberando metano, un gas de efecto invernadero mucho más potente que el CO2.

En este contexto, la falta de una ley de envases más estricta es un claro ejemplo de cómo los intereses económicos a corto plazo suelen prevalecer sobre la sostenibilidad y el bienestar a largo plazo. Las leyes actuales, aunque existen, son insuficientes y, en muchos casos, ineficaces para abordar el problema de la generación masiva de residuos de envases. Una ley más estricta podría obligar a las empresas a asumir la responsabilidad de todo el ciclo de vida de sus productos, desde la producción hasta la disposición final. Esto podría incluir medidas como la obligación de utilizar materiales reciclables o biodegradables, sistemas de devolución de envases y sanciones para las empresas que no cumplan con los requisitos.

Es como si estuviéramos jugando una partida en la que las cartas están marcadas en contra del medio ambiente. Se nos pide que hagamos nuestra parte, pero el sistema en sí está diseñado para fallar. Y mientras tanto, la urgencia climática no espera. Es hora de que las autoridades tomen medidas drásticas y efectivas, en lugar de quedarse en la retórica y las medias tintas.

Es frustrante, ¿verdad? 😤

Thank You to each and every one of you that celebrated our special day with us, it was a blast!!!!

DJ Maldrul's "The B-Side" at Hot Daddy's!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Maldrul is taking the stage at Hot Daddy's tonight! He's gonna spin what he calls "The B Side"--tunes that were recorded on the "B" side of single records and went on to become an unexpected hit. You know the ones...songs like "Into the Groove"--Madonna, "Hound Dog"--Elvis Presley, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"--Beyonce. DJ Mal has his playlist queued up and ready to Rock N Roll, so come on down to The Dance Dock and get this party started! Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys

I think I'll build this store for the items

William hell: OK, then I'll continue the project. 1 years ago

Is the sky falling or is the ground falling up?

You can end up where you started from, or you can go elsewhere. Sometimes you have to try elsewhere.

Lone Wolf: What an amazing structure. 1 years ago

Things on the ground point to the sky, but what to?

Crystals reflect light, color can mean what they are made of, or where they came from.

Space is more than just a place where things occupy space. Up and Down, Left and Right are places to go, but in space your point of view is all you have to go by.

Some are hot and some are cold, but what is in the space between?

Places that are familiar to what you have seen, but not at the same time.

Deep space holds more mystery, the fastest way isn't always the best way. Sometimes you have to just drift around to find what is on the other side.

When your ready too dive into the sky instead of the depths, come here and seek the rings with blue lines.

Though also a very deep place for those who venture too far from the shoreline.

About a 3rd of nearly mile wide place is water, a beach is waiting for nearby for those who come here.

The sky is best seen with (use shared environment). Not all viewers will see the same things, but the orange sky will still be there.

Things that catch the eye can seem obvious but their purpose may not be.

A few nice lookouts here, not as wide of a view, though calm.

Traces of nature still remain here, gives the eyes a place to rest from all the neon lights.

Empty towers glow brighter than the orange of the sky as a strange wiry bird looms overhead.

Reality here seems to be distorted, things are not what they seem. Things require a closer look.

Lights appear to be everywhere. Is this place getting brighter, or is the divide between the light and dark just growing more obvious?

The central tower is the key to traveling to distant locations on the island. Some are still unknown.

Half Time @ QUIET MOUNTAIN BALLROOM with DJ HOWIE Come over for the last hour of this brill event Howie is smashing it you will
be sorry you missed it

Your Limo:

An unstable landscape suggests that eventually everything here may change. Though at the rate its moving, who knows how long that could take.

This place is being reduced to cubes. What could this mean? Seems like its shattering and is frozen at the same time.

Mysterious structures can be found and secrets they hold can be out of this world.

the welcome area where you'll find yourself upon arrival.

Good Morning Everyone! I'm performing at 12:00pm at Radio DJ Club today! Come and join me for some fun & music!
Where: Radio DJ Club
Time: 12:00 grid time (3:pm est)
Ride: DJ Club
Listen Here:
Watch Me Live!:

Soon I will add a shop with items related to the scene,


MasalaEstates: Thank you so much for your kind words! - Grazie mille per le tue gentili parole! 1 years ago
Skyrealm Observatory

Whether gazing at the stars above or taking in the sprawling vistas below, this mountain retreat offers a truly unforgettable experience. Thank you @ferdfrederix for lending a hand in this project. This is an EEP-enhanced region please use shared environment.

Marianna: 1 years ago