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Not Safe For Work At All...
Dedicated to Priscilla Kleenex. :O
Do not watch if you are at all offended by cursing.
Someone actually made a video about priscilla kleenex... o.O

OpenSimUser: Completely innacurate, they are not even a hacker, just taking advantage of people that fail to bother setting permissions correctly on their regions. And why give more light to this moron? 2 years ago
Littlefield Grid's annual Christmas Eve Dance Party!! Littlefield Grid will be hosting it's Christmas Eve Dance party from 9.00 p.m. Pacific Time on December 24 at Christmas Island.

There will be rides, ice skating, a Christmas shopping area, and a dance with with LIVE DJ Walter Balazic.
Come on by and join in the celebration! Island.

Home Sweet Home - Arriving just in time for Xmas

The new Peace Enclave Museum located at my Safari Wildlife Reserve. This museum is dedicated to continuing awareness of our responsibilities to our animal friends that we share this planet with. While there must be a balance for healthy wildlife, to quote Mr. Spock "To hunt a creature to extinction is illogical", we must not allow continued poaching of these beautiful animals. It is my hope you will visit the museum and I will be adding to it and to the reserve as time goes on. This has become a very interesting project for me to dive into. Be Blessed, ~~Lavia~~

Star Ravenhurst: We are supposed to be the "Intelligent" species. And yet we can't figure out how to protect our most vulnerable creatures on this planet. Even the mightiest, strongest, scariest creature is no match f... 2 years ago
Hola, amables usuarios, se les recuerda que mañana por la noche, 22.12.2022, a las 22:00 GMT - 16:00 LTS, en el castillo de Avilon, en CosmoPlanet New, habrá una fiesta de Navidad, con el simpático DJ Arponera. Al final de la tarde, nos reuniremos en la Bienvenida para la distribución de los regalos de Navidad y para intercambiar saludos. Están todos invitados. Los Propietarios de CosmoPlanet New les desean a todos una Feliz y Santa Navidad.
Hello, kind users are reminded that tomorrow evening, 12.22.2022, at 22:00 GMT - 16:00 LTS, at the Avilon castle, in CosmoPlanet New, there will be a Christmas party, with the nice DJ Arponera. At the end of the evening, we will meet at the Welcome for the distribution of Christmas gifts and to exchange greetings. You're all invited. The Owners of CosmoPlanet New wish everyone a Merry and Holy Christmas.

Hoping for Santa to come soon . . .

Happy Happy!
I'll be brief. Cranberry-Eggnog Cheesecake awaits me (don't be a hater). I like this outfit so much I'd wear it any season. I'll just swap out the festive dress for something without the snowflakes. That's it. Time for cheesecake! Merry Merry!

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Thirza Ember: short but sweet! Love it! 2 years ago
@JamieAnnaWright invites you to share in the holidays with her and the Mendel family at Neverworld Grid. Thank you Anna, I look forward to the different holidays that you will be planning in the future.

Jamie Wright: Aww thank you:) Great post Mari! *hugs* 2 years ago

Our little community!

Thirza Ember: let the panda-monium begin 2 years ago
Did you ever try our 7km cross-country ski tour ?
Get your ski gears at the kiosk near landing and sit on the block
The treck is in Sections, the block here is for the 2nd part of
the frozen mountain pathway, bringing you to the polar bear world.
The Ride is pre-programmed, just enjoy the landscape

Skating northward, beyond the montain ridge can be hazardous.
If you encounter a hungry polar bear or if you are facing low blizzard
look around for a refuge to spend the night.

Viking Shipbuilding Lofoten


*** Lace T-Shirt Dress ***

Available in 6 Colors and can be found in the Short Dresses Shop in the RRD Mall.

⚔ Vikings ⚔
The Great Hall

Grand Opening Party on Sat. 17th December, 11.00 SLT (am)
Dress Code: Chaos Outift (available for free in 2 stores on The Good Place)
NOTE: TGP is a 512 gaming region, to make the party run as lag-free as possible please do not play or do things that put additional load on the simulator during the party. Thank you!
Tip: Visit the region briefly earlier that day to load it into your viewer cache and also to preload your own assets....
Große Eröffnungsparty am Samstag, den 17. Dezember ab 20.00 Uhr (MEZ)
Dress Code: Chaos Outfit (kostenlos erhältlich in 2 Shops auf der Region)
BEACHTE: TGP ist eigentlich eine 512er Spieleregion und um die Party möglichst flüssig laufen zu lassen spiele bitte nicht während der Party oder mache nebenbei andere Sachen, die den Simulator zusätzlich belasten.
Tipp: Besuche die Region kurz schon früher am Tag um sie in deinen Viewer-Cache zu laden und auch um deine eigenen Assets vorzuladen...

christmas animesh girls for everyone best wishes

DALLAS MALL: Remove the Indiana and you can get there 2 years ago
You are cordially invited to a Coopersville Holiday Celebration in honor of our special guest, the great author Charles Dickens.

Mr. Dickens will treat us with a special reading from his novel, "A Christmas Carol".

Saturday, December 17th
1:00 pm PST (Grid Time)
Coopersville in Kitely

On arrival please take the trolley to the party.

Period attire is optional.

Please help find this dog!!!

Ouverture de la Chasse de l'Avent à Novale

La Chasse de l'Avent de Novale est en quelque sorte un hybride entre le calendrier de l'Avent traditionnel et une chasse au trésor.

Lorsque vous cliquez sur la boule de Noël du jour dans notre arbre calendrier, vous recevez un indice pour vous aider à retrouver la boule cadeau du jour dissimulée quelque part dans la région. Cela encourage nos visiteurs à explorer d'avantage les beautés de Novale. Il faut faire un petit effort de recherche pour obtenir son cadeau, mais cela en vaut la peine. Un nouveau cadeau à chaque jour jusqu'au au 24 décembre.
Das Winterspektakel ist eröffnet. Am Landepunkt findet ihr einen Adventskalender wo ihr euch jeden Tag ein Geschenk abholen könnt.

The winter spectacle is on. At the landing point you will find an advent calendar where you can pick up a present every day
I love the Arthurian legends. Pictured here is my version of the round table, engraved on top with the Knights' Oath, and sitting on a platform with Merlin's triskelion symbol upon it in white, symbolizing a kingdom based on law and founded by magic. One of the chairs is called Siege Perilous, that would take the life of anyone who dared to sit in it save one: Galahad, who would find the Grail. On the walls are the Pendragon Shield and the Grail Tapestries. Unseen is King Arthur's sword Excalibur. All of these can be found at my stores along with a selection of castles.

Kelso.Uxlay: Bravo pour le drapeau! 2 years ago

bonjour le groupe
a on va enfin speaker la France
merci au gentil québequois et allez faire du ski chez Novale
hop bisoux

Kelso.Uxlay: Tout le monde est le bienvenu chez nous à 2 years ago

Small christmas bazaar at tosca, decorations for a contemplative christmas.

Created the Jeweled Wand from the Outworldz website, please read about it here at the new VHG Building Tips page

Monentes Jewelry is open again with Holiday Jewelry in a cozier building. I will be adding new seasonal pieces through the Holiday. We are open Jewelry

The Best Tunes for a New Week-Tune in and Dance out Club

Partytime im TPW und Nasti entführt uns musikalisch in die 70er Jahre. Wir starten um 20:00 Uhr und freuen uns auf Euch.

Marina Baer: Ich kann nur sagen, dieser Abend war super spitze. Danke an die vielen tollen (verrückten) Gäste und vor allem ein dickes DANKE an Nasti für die super tolle Musik :-) 2 years ago
Ich habe für ein paar tage mein grid wegen umbauarbeiten geschlossen... ihr bekommt aber meine neusten outfits auch im GWG oder Dwell Welcome
If you try to travel in and get an error message that says the destination does not support your outfit it is firestorm! There is a bug you need to log in singularity and then travel it has nothing to do with the grid it is a bug. Use singularity you will get in. If you have to verify leave off the http:// or a slash on the end / Example >>> have a nice day

Moonrose Presents Dj Achim in the MIX
ab 20.00Uhr
The Best Tunes for a New Week-Tune in and Dance out Club

Dinkie Friday Mornings at the Joint (Open Chat) for Dinkies at Funsize Dinkies World Resort on Region: Funsize Dinkies
Region Map: Funsize Dinkies
SLURL: Dinkies

News at the News Box come an look around at Mall Camballa

Pangea 11/9/22 Immersive Opening
Los sueños de los muertos permanecen entre nosotros.
Coming soon Be part of the Art
An Update About Updates.
Can I say that? Because this is my first post about updates. What the hell. I'm too lazy to think of a different lead. But I've been far from lazy doing updates to oh HELLO outfits.

When you come to shop, look for the "Updated" sign for outfits that have been, well, updated! If you already have the outfit, grab the update. It might have new hair, jewelry, footwear and more -- whatever was needed to bring the outfit to the next level of wonderful. One thing is certain. It's been updated. Whoo hoo!

(BTW, the Updated sign is found in the upper left corner of the vendor display, where you see the New sign for new outfits).

oh HELLO: Outfits With Updates

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: Our three lovely oh HELLO models are wearing some of the thirteen outfits updated so far. I count 64 outfits total in the shops -- and many of them will be updated soon. What's updated in this outfit... 2 years ago

NEW Release !!!!!
Trish Outfit