OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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New room added to the gallery with a collection of images entitled "We, robot". It is composed of images looking for how the history of our civilization would be if it were repeated, but by robots!

Patinha: All images created using Midjourney AI software. 6 months ago

----- NEW -----

Jerralyn Franzic: Love the outfits there! :) :) 7 months ago
A beautiful sunny day....walk in the city, buy a pair of clothes, have a coffee in a place in the centre....and in the evening go to the music disco club....all this on Newlifeitaly
Una bella giornata di sole....passeggiata in città, comprare un paio di vestiti , prendersi un caffè in un locale in centro....e alla sera andare al music disco club ....tutto questo su Newlifeitaly

Adry: tu era meglio che ti spostavi però XD 7 months ago

Inauguration! new store .... dark, really dark hop://

SilviaFrey: Me encantó la ambientación infernal, los muebles y la ropa es muy original y elegante. 7 months ago
Cabo da Roca is the westernmost point on the European continent, located at the tip of the Serra de Sintra, and is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic places in Portugal.

With a 22m tall lighthouse dating back to 1722, shrouded in fog or bathed in splendid sunshine, this inspiring scene has been part of the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms" program dedicated to peace since 1989.

It is also reproduced on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in yet another magnificent reproduction by Ernest Moncrieff.

Easy jet:

TheFactory: Looking forward to the opening tomorrow! 7 months ago

just a friendly reminder from Seaside we will be holding karaoke tomorrow Monday March 11th@ 5pm Grid time hope to see ya there ~S~

Escaped2Again: hi all if you wish to come listen to some good toons come to seaside karaoke happening now 7 months ago
Hiya everyone! Your friendly neighborhood fuzzbutt here! Looking for stores that sell club supplies, like lighting and DJ Boards. If anyone knows any good shops, let me know! Also want to thank everyone that's helped me thus far!

Jupiter Rowland: Aaack Aardvark made a club lights system and an illuminated dance floor and offers both at his Arcadia Shop. Also, you may want to take a look at the big DJ station... 7 months ago

I am still in need of a Ski lift, gondola or simialr to add to my park anyone have one? greatly appreciate all in opensim thanks in advance Hugabug

Jamie Wright: Hugabug, I'm not sure who specifically has one but a few folks I can think of that have the mad skills to do one are Kelso and Dabici from Novale and Hyacinth from Groovyverse. Maybe reach out to thos... 7 months ago

I will be singing Fado at 11:00am at the International Event at AMVhop://

Yana Dakota: You was awesome Zoree ! 7 months ago
Here's another evergreen OSW debate for ya... a troll latches on to a well-respected member of the community. Then, under the guise of 'defending' their famous friend, they launch attacks of righteous indignation on, ya know, anyone.
The famous (but completely gaslighted) friend then defends the troll, and we all shake our heads and say nothing. Cuz, what can anyone usefully say?
*image blatantly stolen from the internet*

Pagane: Well said and accurately described how hater trolls operate. BUT... don't you think it's too late to save OpenSIM? Look around - it's only the gang of trolls here. Normal people who wanted to do somet... 7 months ago

Mystic Moonlight: kool i can get here now! 7 months ago

Hi, Looking for anything Lovecraft related.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Jupiter Rowland: Aaack Aardvark's Arcadia Shop has a Cthulhu plushie, if that's something for you. 7 months ago

With two of them, you get 48 tracks.
So dated.

Jerralyn Franzic: True, but some of my favorite albums of all time were recorded on 2 inch tape! 7 months ago
Tell me about old times, Jeanne. Monkey yawned. We were tired after a day of working on the Caribou regions.

My thoughts went to Skuld, my stray cat whom I miss so much and always will love dearly.

One night in early Second Life, two shy and misplaced souls met outside a strip club. We were too scared to go inside.

We said hi and became friends. Skuld moved from her cardboard box to a Romanian cottage in early Caribou. She found Ariadna, a sweet girl from Romania. They became inseparable.

I was alone. I had lost my SL friend and daughter. Little was weak after a car accident and joined the real angels too soon.

The Mama in me had nobody to take care of.

I got caught by the club and sex scene. A Mistress picked me up and set me dancing on a pole.

Night after night I danced in a quiet club, afraid of losing my life again.

Mostly I was alone. Sometimes someone came. Most had no Linden Dollars.

The Mama in me felt sorry and ended up helping them with a few.

Once a small stocky black cat came in. She just sat there, looking quietly at me.

“Jeanne, friends are the most important thing that we have. Don’t lose us. Come home.”

My stray cat Skuld woke me up. I went back home to Caribou, to Skuld and Ariadna and Kallu and Diana. I was with my friends.

“Could this happen today”, I think Monkey asked.

Yes Monkey. It did. I slipped once again, much later, when I was alone again.

I was helped back by friends who cared.

I am still grateful. Always and forever.

"We have friends now Monkey. And each other."

"These islands are my life. Every cove every hill every cottage and every memory"

"Now we stay with Caribou. Always."

Monkey said nothing. She grabbed my hair. I think she smiled.

AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.


thedeeferry: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 7 months ago
Tarot Table (The Celtic Cross) - BUG FIX. Thanks to 9 zero of neverworld for pointing out that in the dialog plus menu, setting menuidx=0 is no longer allowed due to scripting rule changes on some simulators. It worked on mine. But no matter, I have fixed this now to work perfectly.

Nexus Storm: Your a damn good scripter CyberGlo Nine is over the moon with the tarot tabel you went above and beyond!!!! 7 months ago

Here at the Tribute for THE DOORS!!

Justin Meyers: That was fun 7 months ago
....just another boring mall store.


Come out and grab a board and enjoy the fun at Friends Mall. The skatepark has been custom made for you with half pipes, ramps and bowls. Never skated before........perfect...virtual worlds let us experience some new things.

Skate and Shop (you can carry more when you are on wheels).

p.s skateboards ARE allowed in stores at Friends Mall

Ellen: I love this unique shopping concept! Thank you for all you do, Safine! You are amazing!!!! 7 months ago

Luxor at Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh wow :O ...also...Aliiiiens... :P That looks like the Stargate version of Luxor with the mothership just landing 7 months ago
Just to be clear, I have always pursued my own ideas in my work and have never been interested in replicating what others have done. Because of that my work is easily identifiable wherever it is on the hypergrid. So when I heard that I had stolen someone else's idea for a dance floor I laughed. Pictured above is an event at my Aeroclub on July 13th, 2018 on Bill Blight's old grid (OpensimLife), now gone since he retired. I was using arcane textures on dance floors even back then. When I built the Lotus Club early last year on Luxor I created a similar dance floor because that's what I liked. And no, it would never bother me that someone else got a similar idea on their own. I remember when Essensual bought my Grand Ballroom then invited me over to see it. She had completely remodeled it into a gorgeous Art Deco style. I could still see my objects and textures but I loved how she creatively rearranged everything and added in some of her own textures. That's the way it should be in Opensim.

Nico Kalani: I'm going to sue the Munchkins for putting an occult symbol on their floor. :) 7 months ago
Hi all!

Here goes my request: I'm looking for someone who can create hair for my avatar on opensimulator (in osgrid). I can pay with paypal or L$
Basically is the hair style of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII.

Jamie Wright: Welcome Monica:) This is going to sound odd but try and find a region that has fantasy/rp/anime type people statues. Sometimes you can unlink the hairs. Q-Mesh on Kitely has a style that's kinda close... 7 months ago
I needed to create a car spawner/rezzer for my city (since I can't allow a single space for rez items), so I needed to code this, which allows you to configure cars to be rezzed on designed points, it's split into 3:

- Car spawner (parking): must contains the cars available to be spawned, note the name of the item you put there since you'll need to configure it on the rezzer machine
- Rezzer machine: Here it contains 2 notecards: CFG (configuration) and CARLIST (cars to be rezzed)
- Temporary object: It will have the script to rotate and listen the finall call to destroy itself (when moving to other car or reset)

The panels for images can be modified and added several, just look at the config value from there.

It's full perm, copy transfer including the scripts, you can modify it, do whatever, if you do a modification remember to keep the credits.

It's the first version, maybe it will have some bugs, but I tried to have the best code quality for it.
If you have a question, or found something remember to contact me.
Once I can, I'll do a better guide (there is one included on the object), you must copy or right click buy it (since the object contains all the scripts, the notecard, rezzer, spawner and instructions)

You can get it on: on my freebies mall (same landing point)
I used some cars of Prince Armor from his Region as demo and are the ones currently which can be spawned on my city for drive (these are not included, if you like them go to their region ^^)

FreshVirtualWorld: thankyou 7 months ago

Visitors from across the Mountains, the southern Caucasus, Mongolia and more.

Jamie Wright: You do an amazing job of customizing NPCs:) 7 months ago

Monsters Ball & Katrina's Birthday are today!
3pm to 5pm grid time

Xaria Aubrey: Thanks to everyone who visited and helped to make this years Monsters Ball a great success. 7 months ago
Where can I find an actual scripted, working with props, kitchen?

Seems everything either has all the moves and none of the tools, or is just a dead hunk of very pretty kitchen furniture.

Willing to pay gloebits, have looked on Kitely Market, everywhere I can think of. The closest I have found is the Cottage Kitchen on the Vault, but there's still no props at all. Have even tried added them according to what seems needed and fail (not good at this sadly!).

I seem to remember from a few years ago, a real selection of working kitchens, at some store somewhere. They were for pay. Any help is appreciated :)

Nico Kalani: It seems that creators haven't thought it necessary to add working parts to small appliances. What you can find are larger appliances that you can interact with. I've seen refrigerators, stoves, and w... 7 months ago

where can i find real working games and skating rinks and the likes thereof

Nico Kalani: You can make a skating rink. Someone here should be able to tell you where to find ice and/or roller skates, which usually come with animations. For an ice skating rink, find a thin mesh surface in th... 7 months ago

The songs of sanremo 2024 as you have never heard them.....
Le canzoni di sanremo 2024 come non le avete mai ascoltate.....

PrillLeon: DANCE DANCE DANCE .............. 7 months ago

Marlis2: Danke Scarlett, wie immer geile Musik mit tollen Leuten und super Stimmung:) 7 months ago
The Awesome Greeter. Why is this Greeter awesome? Well. It is full perm. But it also has a lot of features other greeters do not have. It gets a list of everyone in the region and if there are new people in the list then it greets them. But not like other greeters do. It greets each individual person by getting their Key and using the special function called llRegionSayTo(). This creates way less lag in the simulator, as the script only speaks to ONE person and doesn't llRegionSay for the entire sim to hear. Normally people use llRegionSay, instead of llRegionSayTo, which is a lot more laggy. Another reason it's so great, is it plays a nifty little alert, and it updates the list every 5 seconds. If someone leaves it removes their name from the people-that-are-here list within 5 seconds. Then it will greet them again when they come back with a nice pleasant tone. It's at Once you set it down and leave it alone, you can make it invisible or tiny or stick the script & the sound in some other statue or something.
Many greeters use laggy llSensorRepeat() function with a short range. But really don't you want someone to be greeted whether they tp into the middle of your grid, or on some far corner?

alexa maurer osw: the greeter is good, just a suggestion, where it says Welcome to xyz! replace xyz with llGetRegionName() overall very useful. 7 months ago

come and get lost

Sodasullivan: Lovely place with lots to explore. Love the attention to detail. 7 months ago

Holaaaaa Amigos

Ven de fiesta con nosotros!

4:00pm hoy (2-17-24)


Ellen: Fun people and amazing music!!! 7 months ago

Tidal beach at Madrigal

Lillysparks: Looks amazing. Let me know if you would like some surfable waves and a surfboard rezzer. xoxo 7 months ago
At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 8 months ago
I'm excited about our very newest shop opening at last. Indigo's Market and Boutique with beautiful items that are unique! Stop by and check it out, you're gonna love it!! You can find it on the Teleport Billboard...Indigo's Market & Boutique! Open for your shopping pleasure.

IndigoQueen King: Thank you Lavia for the space and the opportunity to share my creations on your amazing grid. Huggs you tight :))) 8 months ago
DJ Rosie Spins Everything Aussie at Hot Daddy's 2nd Monday 6-8PM
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
Event begins: 2024-02-12 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Rosie, our gal from Australia is well known for her themed sets at Hot Daddy's. Join her this week for tunes from every music genre, all from "The Land Down Under". Expect a lively evening of Australian rock, pop and blues and the best party with the Tribe. Dress to match the theme or come as you are, we guarantee the fun!

Kylie Brimmer: Cute kangaroo with guitar l!! 8 months ago
Hi lovelies, I have added a few tiny but cool things:
- Paula's Popcorn Maker: Which dispenses popcorn boxes with animations
- Whiskey (to wear): With drink animations on wear for the glass, and several hold animations for the bottle (click on the bottle to switch - and thanks to Matthew for the script).
- Marshmellow (dispenser): You can wear this cup of marshmellow, and click on it yourself to get a marshmelllow stick, or invite others to click on it!
TP options:

IndigoQueen King: Pretty awesome!! Picked up mine last night been munching on popcorn ever since LOL have to try the whiskey and marshmallows next..Thank you!! 8 months ago
This is the Castle display area at Lunaria Emporium where you can walk through them all. My first attempt at building in SecondLife 15 years ago was a castle and I never looked back. There three available for purchase in different styles and they all have multiple hidden chambers and passages to discover:

The Ceridwen castle, done in a fantasy/fairytale style in a silver and amethyst color palette with a special hidden room below

The Caerwyn Fortress complex, which is a massive, detailed fortress in the Norman / Celtic tradition with realistic 13th century textures. The fortress was inspired by the remains of Harlech Castle located in Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales

The Caerwyn Keep, designed with a smaller footprint in mind

A medieval covered stone bridge to match

There's also a partially finished Camelot Keep that I hope to get back to someday, but it is not currently available. All the castles are available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, all venues are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.

Gabriel_Solstician: Highly detailed buildings - Luna’s right, well worth visiting first, you won’t be disappointed! ☺️ 8 months ago
Zeno Live Singer in AviVerse

Questa sera alle ore 01:00pm SLT nella splendida location "Forever" in AviVerse, Zeno Live in Concerto!

This evening at 01:00pm SLT at the beautiful location "Forever" in AviVerse, Zeno Live in Concert!

Esta noche a las 01:00pm SLT en el hermoso lugar "Forever" en AviVerse, Zeno Live en Concierto!


AviVerseGrid: bravo Zeno! 8 months ago

The new Stark! 2/24 or 24/2 magazine is now available, by Nice Minik about.....................Secrtes, get your copy from the Stark! Magazine shop at Stark Main, just down the hill near Aqua Club

niki stuart: there is also now a mag vendor on Stark North District welcome, and i apologise for typos!!! 8 months ago
Hey Lovelies!
Look what I made! This is a working YouTube TV, though you can access other websites on the Internet like FMovies and other free sites. I used Media, so there are no scripts to lag your region. It is at my shop at Masala Al Kohav. Use the teleporter to choose Star Ravenhurst Designs to put you at my door. Maybe you will find something else you like? Original creations of items for finishing touches that make a house into a home.
Bookcases, China Cabinets, Armoires, Side tables, art, decor, Water Fountains, Fire Places, etc. Al Kohav

JustCurious: Where can i get your youtube tv? It may work better than what i have been using. 8 months ago
Bad news: work has been keeping me away form making new clothes and hairs/ or even uploading my stuff from SL.
Good news: I put new, "100% Rat Free" beach changing rooms, and a real swim balls. Not the static ones that just move you around in one animation, the ones that are scripted as vehicles and you can control yourself!
I'm hoping, in spite of being busy, to finish all of the beaches that wrap around the whole region in these next two weeks!
Have fun with them.

Jupiter Rowland: Now I'm waiting for the first to take one of these to a race track. 8 months ago