OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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we study Spanish XD

Big thanks to Thirza and the HG Safari for their visit. Hope you had fun playing with the TV studio -- Jeff, Harth and Chip

Read report :

harthelie: Merci Thirza et à tout ceux qui sont venus 8 months ago
Lets begin with FUCK YOU VIRTUAL RBM!! Bela

This is what we deal with now...I have more places that do the same shit.
I know that they have taken all our REBORN Stuff, hairs, shoes and much more from Santorini Shop plus they took the pictures I have made with logo on. But the most stupid thing is that they copy the model statues at Santorini and the Shoe that we have as display at the shop. This is not all...

They have taken almost all stuff from R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID and many more great GRIDS that works so hard to bring stuff like I do to make opensim happy. So yes BIG FUCK YOU!! They have been a lot of people from the GRID that have taken stuff from our REBORN Store, not just one avatar. Oh yes they do use a lot of different avatars the mother fuckers.
I really hope that opensim close down the GRID, if not I hope people stop support this fuckers and stop think they are doing good for opensim. Your fools to then. Hopefully more people do like we did BANN THE FUCKING GRID! We have a lot of good people who do a lot of work and help one and another here, so please don´t think for one moment that we will never know if you or your fucking GRID take our stuff to resell without our notice, the funny thing they were on Avitron to so yes you get mad If I bann you...LOL really!! Kiss my ass.
I have a great of bunch friends that I trust and we help one and another here and yes we do know all of us when people like this shitty GRID do this stuff.
So if your GRID are banned this is the reason!!! So GRID owners check your tenants before they open up stores at your areas.
I will never give my permission to resell my stuff I bring in, if I give it I let you know , ask instead of beeing an asshole like this GRID is.
I want to say to all that works hard like R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID and other GRIDS that works there butts of to make sure you get great stuff here , you all make great work and ty for all you do to make the opensim alive and I wanna say thank you to the true people here who have helped me out to make my dream come true in here to make opensim free and always be kind to me and give me great advice by the time I have been here.
All love and respect and love to you all.
Ty so much to my good friend Snik.snoodle who made this wonderful shirt to me =) it's an honor to wear it because you made it .
Love and respect..

¡¡Empecemos con FOLLATE RBM VIRTUAL!!
Esto es con lo que nos enfrentamos ahora... Tengo más lugares que hacen la misma mierda.
Sé que tomaron todas nuestras cosas REBORN, cabellos, zapatos y mucho más de Santorini Shop, además tomaron las fotos que hice con el logo. Pero lo más estúpido es que copian las estatuas modelo de Santorini y el Zapato que tenemos expuesto en la tienda. Esto no es todo...

Han tomado casi todo el material de R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID y muchos más GRIDS geniales que trabajan tan duro para traer cosas como yo para hacer feliz a opensim. Así que sí, ¡¡QUE TE JODAN!! Ha habido mucha gente del GRID que ha cogido cosas de nuestra Tienda REBORN, no sólo un avatar. Oh, sí, usan muchos avatares diferentes, los hijos de puta.
Realmente espero que Opensim cierre GRID, si no, espero que la gente deje de apoyar a estos cabrones y deje de pensar que le están yendo bien a Opensim. Tus tontos hasta entonces. ¡Ojalá más gente haga lo mismo que nosotros, BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Tenemos mucha gente buena que hace mucho trabajo y se ayuda unos a otros aquí, así que por favor no pienses ni por un momento que nunca sabremos si tú o tu puto GRID toman nuestras cosas para revender sin nuestro aviso, el Es curioso que estuvieran en Avitron, así que sí, te enojas si te prohíbo... ¡¡LOL de verdad!! Bésame el trasero.
Tengo un gran grupo de amigos en los que confío y nos ayudamos unos a otros aquí y sí, nos conocemos a todos cuando personas como este GRID de mierda hacen estas cosas.
Entonces, si tu GRID está prohibido, ¡ésta es la razón! Por lo tanto, los propietarios de GRID verifican a sus inquilinos antes de que abran tiendas en sus áreas.
Nunca daré mi permiso para revender mis cosas que traigo, si lo doy te lo haré saber, pregunta en lugar de ser un idiota como es este GRID.
Quiero decirles a todos los que trabajan duro como R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID y otros GRIDS que trabajan duro para asegurarse de que obtengan excelentes cosas aquí, todos ustedes hacen un gran trabajo y están agradecidos por todo lo que hacen. para hacer que Opensim esté vivo y quiero agradecer a las personas verdaderas que me han ayudado a hacer realidad mi sueño aquí de hacer que Opensim sea gratuito y que siempre sean amables conmigo y me den buenos consejos cuando lo haya hecho. aquí.
Todo amor, respeto y amor para todos ustedes.
Así que sí, ¡Jódete RBM VIRTUAL!
Muchas gracias a mi buen amigo Snik.snoodle, quien me hizo esta maravillosa camiseta =) es un honor usarla porque tú la hiciste.
Amor y respeto..

Questo è ciò di cui ci occupiamo adesso... ho più posti che fanno la stessa merda.
So che hanno preso tutte le nostre cose REBORN, capelli, scarpe e molto altro dal Santorini Shop, inoltre hanno scattato le foto che ho fatto con il logo. Ma la cosa più stupida è che copiano le statue modello di Santorini e la scarpa che abbiamo in esposizione nel negozio. Questo non è tutto...

Hanno preso quasi tutto il materiale da R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID e molti altri fantastici GRIDS che lavorano così duramente per portare cose come faccio io per rendere felice l'opensim. Quindi sì, GRANDE VAFFANCULO!! Sono state molte le persone del GRID che hanno preso materiale dal nostro REBORN Store, non solo un avatar. Oh sì, usano molti avatar diversi, gli stronzi.
Spero davvero che OpenSim chiuda il GRID, altrimenti spero che la gente smetta di supportare questi stronzi e smetta di pensare che stanno facendo del bene per OpenSim. I tuoi sciocchi allora. Speriamo che più persone facciano come noi BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Abbiamo un sacco di brava gente che fa un sacco di lavoro e si aiuta l'un l'altro qui, quindi per favore non pensare per un momento che non sapremo mai se tu o il tuo dannato GRID prenderete la nostra roba per rivenderla senza il nostro preavviso, il la cosa strana era che erano su Avitron quindi sì, ti arrabbi se ti banno...LOL davvero!! Baciami il culo.
Ho un sacco di amici di cui mi fido e aiutiamo l'uno e l'altro qui e sì, conosciamo tutti quando persone come questo GRID di merda fanno queste cose.
Quindi se le vostre GRID sono vietate questo è il motivo!!! Quindi i proprietari di GRID controllano i tuoi inquilini prima che aprano negozi nelle tue zone.
Non darò mai il mio permesso a rivendere la roba che porto, se lo do te lo faccio sapere, chiedi invece di fare lo stronzo come lo è questo GRID.
Voglio dire a tutti coloro che lavorano duro come R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID e altri GRID che lavorano lì per essere sicuri che otteniate grandi cose qui, fate tutti un ottimo lavoro e impegnatevi per tutto quello che fate per rendere vivo OpenSim e voglio ringraziare le vere persone qui che mi hanno aiutato a realizzare il mio sogno qui per rendere OpenSim gratuito e essere sempre gentile con me e darmi ottimi consigli quando lo sarò Qui.
Tutto amore, rispetto e amore per tutti voi.
Quindi sì, Vaffanculo RBM VIRTUALE!
Grazie mille al mio buon amico Snik.snoodle che mi ha realizzato questa meravigliosa maglietta =) è un onore indossarla perché l'hai realizzata tu.
Amore e rispetto..

Beginnen wir mit FUCK YOU VIRTUAL RBM!!
Damit haben wir es jetzt zu tun ... Ich habe mehr Orte, die den gleichen Mist machen.
Ich weiß, dass sie alle unsere REBORN-Sachen, Haare, Schuhe und vieles mehr aus dem Santorini Shop mitgenommen haben, außerdem haben sie die Bilder gemacht, die ich mit dem Logo darauf gemacht habe. Aber das Dümmste ist, dass sie die Modellstatuen von Santorini und den Schuh kopieren, den wir im Laden ausstellen. Das ist noch nicht alles...

Sie haben fast alle Sachen von R.Lion, Moonrose, Soul-GRID und vielen anderen großartigen GRIDS übernommen, die so hart daran arbeiten, Sachen wie ich zu bringen, um Opensim glücklich zu machen. Also ja, GROßER FICK DICH!! Es waren viele Leute aus dem GRID, die Sachen aus unserem REBORN Store mitgenommen haben, nicht nur ein Avatar. Oh ja, sie benutzen viele verschiedene Avatare, die Wichser.
Ich hoffe wirklich, dass OpenSIM das GRID schließt, wenn nicht, hoffe ich, dass die Leute aufhören, diese Scheißkerle zu unterstützen und aufhören zu denken, dass sie OpenSIM Gutes tun. Deine Narren bis dahin. Hoffentlich machen es mehr Leute wie wir. BANN THE FUCKING GRID! Wir haben viele gute Leute, die hier viel Arbeit leisten und sich gegenseitig helfen, also denken Sie bitte nicht einen Moment lang, dass wir nie erfahren werden, ob Sie oder Ihr verdammtes GRID unsere Sachen ohne unsere Ankündigung zum Weiterverkauf bringen Komisch, dass sie auf Avitron waren, also ja, du wirst wütend, wenn ich dich verbiete ... LOL wirklich!! Leck mich am Arsch.
Ich habe viele Freunde, denen ich vertraue, und wir helfen uns gegenseitig und ja, wir kennen uns alle, wenn Leute wie dieser beschissene GRID so etwas machen.
Wenn Ihr GRID also verboten ist, ist das der Grund!!! Deshalb prüfen GRID-Besitzer Ihre Mieter, bevor sie Geschäfte in Ihren Gebieten eröffnen.
Ich werde niemals meine Erlaubnis geben, meine Sachen, die ich mitgebracht habe, weiterzuverkaufen. Wenn ich sie erteile, lasse ich es dich wissen und frage, anstatt ein Arschloch zu sein wie dieses GRID.
Ich möchte allen sagen, die hart arbeiten, wie R. Lion, Moonrose MALL, Arkham GRID, Soul GRID und andere GRIDS, die dafür sorgen, dass ihr hier tolle Sachen bekommt: Ihr leistet alle großartige Arbeit und seid dankbar für alles, was ihr tut um OpenSim zum Leben zu erwecken, und ich möchte mich bei den wahren Menschen hier bedanken, die mir dabei geholfen haben, meinen Traum wahr werden zu lassen, OpenSim kostenlos zu machen, und die immer freundlich zu mir sind und mir tolle Ratschläge geben, wenn ich dort bin Hier.
Alles Liebe und Respekt und Liebe euch allen.
Vielen Dank an meinen guten Freund Snik.snoodle, der mir dieses wundervolle Hemd gemacht hat =) Es ist eine Ehre, es zu tragen, weil du es gemacht hast.
Liebe und Respekt..


At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 8 months ago
Darkness cannot survive in the LIGHT! Please shine a LIGHT on the evil that is permeating and destroying our lives and this world.
Visit AWAKENING and collect your own Light Bearer Lantern along with all the links and please share far and wide.
Collectively we can dismantle this evil and restore PEACE on Earth. It starts with each and everyone of us.

Love Box Valentine's Day/ADD #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

Who doesn't like 4 couches for the 'price' of 1? This one is a modular set with 4 difference pieces, so you can extend it as much as you want. Each piece sits 2 avatars and has +400 animations! I have uploaded it in 9 different colours/textures.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/368/385/23
Other TP options:
If you have a loved one you would like memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just message me. Whether the loved one be human or pet I will do my best to give them a beautiful memorial that you can cherish. Everyone gets a copy of the memorial before it goes out in the Haven of Memories. There is no charge for this service but donations are gratefully accepted. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Carnaval!!!!! is here

Omy2024: This build is absolutely gorgeous! Colorful and exciting, you don't know where to look first. So many little details in the decoration and the buildings are superb! Fell in love with this entire build... 8 months ago

----- NEW -----

Everything is ready ! Tenerife Carnival Thursday 8,
13hrs PST ( 22hrs Europe, 21hrs Canary Islands!)
we are waiting for you !
new costumes for him and her, don't miss yours!

Come take a look at the remodeled store.
Uber: hop://
Other TP options:

~ Morgan Freeman

KatKakoola: Life can be like a frantic, hot kitchen - try to be non-stick cookware 8 months ago
Confronting and shocking but the truth needs to be shown. Use Media if you wish to listen to any of the videos - there are a few videos for viewing.
You can click on objects for notecards with links

A gift is located [use the teleport] along with a box of all the links to do your own due diligence.

If you have lost a loved one recently or you are injured due to mandates, AWAKENING will no doubt trigger you - that is understandable. There are a few displays that may be too difficult for people to see, especially if a loved one has been lost.

There are gardens to relax in, to pray, to take time out and just be.

Please know there is a global community out there waiting for you - reach out and open up and please know you are not alone.

United as One Humanity ♥

Morning haze at Darkheart's Chelsea Point while working are ongoing.

Freedom fighter

Jerralyn Franzic: Want to check this sim out! Hope it reopens soon, take care. :) 9 months ago
Because sharing is caring? 8 people... so up to 4 simultaneous couples at the same time with more than 1000 animations all up! Because it is all could even make the rug 100% transparent and just place it on a beach! Possibilities are endless - the challenge might be to fill all the sitters!
Uber: hop://

RafaGuzn: Thank you for the gifts, a little bit too laggy though. It might help to make one package for each product, instead of separated single items. Just a suggestion. 9 months ago
After looking at the gold Buddha in the 360° snapshot from yesterday, I realized the gold can look much better so I retextured it. This is not pbr, it uses material textures, and adding lights around it will bring out the sparkle even more. This statue is free and can be found in the Asian room in the main store building.

Jerralyn Franzic: That's great! Neat to see it done without PBR. Not against PBR, but with the current engines SL and OS use, it slows things down so much, even with modern PC's because of optimization issues. Anyway, ... 9 months ago
This is the Asian Heritage room at Lunaria Emporium inside the main store building, primarily consisting of Japanese / Chinese inspired items. None of the pieces are intended to be historically accurate, just my personal take on the styles. The buildings displayed on the vendors can be walked through by clicking the teleport link under each one. Some of the items in the room are free, such as the golden Buddha and the lizard garden lamp. You can get to this room by clicking the Asian sign in the main lobby.

Mistressdalgato: I have a few of those pieces and can say its worth the money. 9 months ago

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter // The only SIM where Lizard people DO EXIST!! O.o

KrisTina: So no wearing the MIB outfit, gotcha. 9 months ago
Hello everyone, hope everyone came good into the new Year 2024.

We just reworked the Skilift and Made a Custom Mesh Ropeway to Climb into the Riverdale Wonderland Moutnains! Inspired was it by the Ropeway Oberwiesenthal in Saxony \ Germany.

Safe drives and happy Sunday !
Amelia & Hertha
Valentine's is around the corner...if you don't want to leave the plans for last minute...we have brought some cute items for you! Petals, bunch of roses with pose (full perms!), some decorations...and don't forget the champagne dispenser!
Uber: hop://

Aurora Starchild: These ones don't have any box (only the petals coz....+30 items!), so click&'buy' where you see them :) 9 months ago
Come see my latest creation at VallandShop,

SmallThongBulge is a rigged thong bulge for the athena Body.

features :

Rigged mesh Thong

Hud can stay and get out of the way

Easily remove your thong with button

4 Bulge size : from Tucked to Big

36 Textures to choose from

Materials aspect on/off

Arielle: Some nice other items there too. Loving the NPC hud! 9 months ago

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter // The only SIM where chihuahuas have the latest barkware update – now equipped with a firewall against mail carriers and a tail-wagging encryption algorithm!

A misty swampy morning

--- NEW ---

----- NEW -----

70's clothes
Event begins: in 2 days : 2024-01-14 12:30 SLT
Added by: Adry✦
DireStraits tribute , by DJ ADRY

Angeldark: Come and dance with us with 70s oufit! We look forward to seeing you 9 months ago
Why are people moving to friends-grid?

It’s not because of the 4 new race tracks opened at our Velocidad region.

It’s not because we have the largest, most detailed underwater build in open sim.

It’s not because the sailing here is soo fun and challenging.

It’s not because they heard about the new Friends Mall & Skatepark….opening in February.

It’s not because of our one of a kind Casino…an experience like no other!

It’s not because of the super fast servers

It’s not because of the amazing and rare horses found at our stables.

No, those things are nice
But they are not why people are moving to friends-grid

The secret is out

And word has been spreading fast!

People are moving to friends-grid
Because of our amazing residents!

That’s right……
The reason people are moving to friends-grid is


Our community has people from all over the world…..

But we all speak the language of friendship….and we find ways to communicate and learn about each other’s culture.

We presently have a couple islands still available and we are looking for people who want to be a part of this amazing international community. There is no rent charged on these islands and they offer 10,000 prim.

We do not want everybody, but we want a few awesome people to make our community even better!

Contact Grid Hostess Zuzu Bahro or Safine Mahoe for details or go to

LunaAylan: Es un lugar muy lindo y tranquilo. ♥ 9 months ago
Happy new year ! Seems nothing has changed and the anarchy goes on on this side. Back from vacation and going on vacation next week. Here are some updates.. The experimental sim with "purgatory" on it will be dissolved and parts of the sim will be found again on heavy water. Heavy water is undergoing major expansion and is therefore closed for an indefinite period of time. Afterwards, group access as usual. Cockatiels paradise, as you would expect, receives regular updates and is always changing. Greetings!

Region: NewLifeWelcome
Event begins: 13 hours ago: 2024-01-05 13:00 SLT
Added by: Adry✦
Dj Adry in consolle musica dal vivo - DJ Adry live music on the console

Angeldark: vamonossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 9 months ago

----- NEW FOR MAN -----

Jerralyn Franzic: I really need to work on my male alts in OS... heh :P ^_^ 9 months ago

Your Limo:

I have seen a post or two lately on a topic that I feel i need to write about. There is a lot of Misinformation going around online and in world. I have been contemplating writing this for a few months until i saw a post that drew the line.

I mean no disrespect by my post, its only to educate others. please be respectful when commenting. Also my post is not to enforce a certain lifestyle or kink onto anyone. Its solely for education purposes only.

The majority online and in world seems to think that either a child avatar or a child avatar having sex with an adult is Ageplay. This is not Ageplay!

Ageplay is where an adult portrays a younger age and wears clothes that makes them partially look the part but yet still have the appearance of an adult. Also Ageplay can be between 2 consenting adults, one looking like a full adult and the other wearing childish clothes but still has appearance of an adult.

If you see a child avatar and an adult having sex, that is not in no way anything to do with Ageplay nor is it sexual Ageplay! that is pedo crap which is not tolerated in my grid! Please stop associating it with Ageplay.

if you see a child avatar looking like a real life child, that is also not Ageplay! please dont listen to the wrong information child avatar have passed to everyone online in world.

I have been in the community and an ABDL mom for 11 years and it really frustrates me that people believe a child avatar is Ageplay. please stop listening to them. they are not an Ageplayer by no means.

Please do your research before assuming and thinking what you were told is correct information. I know there are soem child avatars going around saying so what I do Ageplay. that is not Ageplay.

below is a link to a wiki article for those that want to learn more and get a little educated abotu what Ageplay actually is.

Alexandria: As someone mention before I would like to know what does a ''Child Avatar'' look like because clearly a lot of Grids in OS do not know ''Fully'' on what actual children look like in some cases as some... 9 months ago

Taboo Furniture:

New release....long flowy maxi skirt.
We've got Ruth RC3, Ruth2V4(experimental), Athena, and Decadence HG sizes(I have a legal slink devkit, slink closing in SL makes me sad and nostalgic).

I made it as easy to texture as possible, put a bunch of boho patchwork seamless textures in with it. You can play with the tiling manually. It's got materials to look a bit tweed-ish.
Have fun with it and textures....don't sell, don't put it on SL, don't say you're original creator.

Jupiter Rowland: Needless to say that Juno was excited and went and picked that skirt up. For such a long skirt, even the Ruth2 v4 variant has surprisingly little clipping. We haven't observed any when she was standi... 10 months ago
Just want to share with you, that we just opened our Winterzauber Region.

Welcome to our Winter Wonderland Region called "Riverdale Winterzauber"! Feel always free to come arround and explore 8 Regions of pure Natural Winter. You can Drive with a Automatic Train through the Hills or Join the Cafe in the Mountains via Skilift! Feel free to take our Free Ice Skates and drive arround the Sea. Do you know a German Weihnachtsmarkt? Explore him too. We glad to see you :)

We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Amelia & Hertha

Merry Christmas everyone, wishing you all more of all the good things.
Look after each other eh?

OpenSimUser: And to you as well, happy holidays 10 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays To All
Zeno and Julia
