OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users 3 0
The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)

Welcome back (Unknown)

Still an hour to go....

St David' Day Dance.

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.

Starting in 15 minutes...

St David' Day Dance.

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.

The Latest Edition of Bla Bla Bla Magazine is Out Now!

Dive into the newest issue of Bla Bla Bla Magazine, packed with exciting March events, special features, and community highlights
from the Alternate Metaverse Grid! and some Opensim Grids.

Read it online now:
Bla Bla Bla Magazine
Alternate Link
Archived Issues: Find past editions here! (Click the dropdown tab above the magazine)

and also on:

Don't miss out—discover what's happening in the Opensim community today!
Be sure to join us at the Opensim World's Fair and see all of the magnificent displays, and plenty of exhibits and lots of entertainment and fun. And don't miss the Genesis Roleplay Grid's exhibits showcasing some of our regions and builds. I look forward to seeing you there. Blessings and much love, Lavia
It's finally here!! The OpenSim Worlds Fair starts today! There are fabulous exhibits (The mermaids are there too!) Art installations, vendors, entertainment and more!! It's been a year in the making and I know you are going to love it! I am very honored to be able to host for some of Opensim's most incredible talent today! Come join me in the festivities!! I'll be watching for you!! Worlds Fair
Tenth Dimension Grid is a dynamic and immersive OpenSim world featuring a diverse range of unique regions. From the tranquil residential retreat of Mystic Pines Estates to the artistic showcase of Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery, each region offers a distinct experience. The grid includes entertainment destinations like Heaven & Hell, home to an outdoor movie venue, and Electric Vortex, a modern, futuristic club. Celestial Veil, a 6x6 transit region, serves as a key hub for travelers under development with Hypergates, planes, bikes and all things transport to have fun with, while Raven Gate, an 8x8 mysterious and otherworldly region, is evolving as a collaborative community project. With creative sandbox spaces like Big Bang Theory, Tenth Dimension is a realm of endless possibilities, innovation, and exploration.
Rock music party of Nikopol club tonight at 1:00 PM pacific Time (21:00 GMT), an alternative mix through time by Dj Slid'r, with for example Death in Vegas, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth, the Cramps, The Stooges, Motorhead, No one is innocent and more. Station
Step into a futuristic and retro-fantasy world for a couple of hours of mesmerizing Rock music!
A Steampunk & Sci-Fi ambiance, hypnotic lights, and deep bass await you… Get ready for a timeless sonic

It's time for ROUND TWO of the Bollywood Invasion! 5 pm GRID TIME!!!

It's the OPENING DAY of the OpenSim Worlds Fair!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be playing two sets of frisky & fun Bollywood and Punjabi!
Come be immersed in the passion and vibrance of the east!

The OpenSim Worlds Fair is a massively vibrant & gorgeous demonstration of immersive art and original designs and builds! Free to all, open for the next 30 days! Experience the best OpenSim has to offer!

Saturday, March 1st, noon & 5 pm grid time Worlds Fair
@the Bollywood Stage!
Today @ 12:00 PST (20:00 GMT 21:00 CET) St David' Day Dance.

March 1st is St David's Day, the patron saint of Wales. It's also Wales' national day where children traditionally have a half-day at school and the day is spent in celebrating our identity with both girls and boys dressing up in the national dress.

The set will include the music of Welsh performers, some of them famous and well known some not, and will definitely NOT include Shirley Bassey or Tom Jones! Dress informal, no topless men!

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.

Good morning.

JamieWright: Not smiling but it goes with the classic art style of it. 10 days ago
@FerdFrederix created the Tin Man of Emerald City Thank you Ferd!

"I shall take the heart. For brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." Tin Man in Wonderful Wizard of Oz-L. Frank Baum City

JamieWright: The textures are suberb! The whole build is delightful:) 10 days ago
Arkham Grid 5th Anniversary Celebration
A Special Thanks to Our Community,in these five years our success has been built thanks to the support and active participation of our amazing community. Every piece of feedback, every idea, and every suggestion has helped us to improve and perfect Arkham Grid.
Let’s celebrate a past full of achievements and look forward to an even more exciting future. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Now, get ready for the new, thrilling adventures that await! Arkham Team

Emma Florido: Congratulations Felix and your Team for the amazing work you have done at your Grid! 10 days ago

Marigold Bay Pool

Marigold Bay Flickr Group

Justin Meyers: Marigold Bay Flickr Group 10 days ago
Come join me today at OSGrid Event Plaza!! I'll be taking your requests and Singing your favorites!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴1:00pm/1300h ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL!∵∴ ❈
» MAP: Plaza

Little ones are awesome - but sometimes they really rock!

Available now in the Family Living store on Ardent Lake

Hello I am Pixie. I am a < new oldie > or < old newbie > in Opensim. 😁
I was owner of < Pixel 3D > before I left Opensim a few years ago.
I am very happy to be back and thank everyone for the warm welcome. 😘A lot has changed while I've been away. I have to find my way around again. 🤔

Unfortunately, I can no longer manage to set up my own store. But I am planning a photo exhibition on the subject of “Original and fake - what would an Opensim snapshot look like in real life?”

The two pictures above are a first AI attempt with my profile picture.

At the moment I have returned to Kitely as a homeless person. Unfortunately, it's not worth having my own region as I can only spend very little time in Opensim. 😢 But maybe I'll move back to OSGrid when their technical issues are fixed.

I'm very excited about all the people I'll meet here in the future. 😊❤️😍
Have a nice evening.

hugs, Pixie

Pagane: Hello again Pixie! I'm glad to see you here again and the screenshot is wonderful as are all your things done in Opensim! Please don't get involved in the hysteria with the crazy AI - AI generated che... 10 days ago

#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

Join us for the OpenSim Worlds Fair Opening Day Celebration on March 1st. Enjoy hours of fantastic music from DJ IndigoQueen King, DJ Rosa Alekseev, DJ Xenon Darrow, Ellen Griswold and Clark, and DJ TazzieDevil. Dress in themes or come as you are.

The first 2-hour event is from: 11am - 1pm
The second 2-hour event is from: 4pm - 6pm

Themes and hops are:

Motown (stage 4) 11:00am and 4:00pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

Latin (stage 2) 11:30am and 5:30pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/1276/1183/23

Bollywood (stage 1) 12:00pm and 5:00pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/1276/1183/23

Rock n' Roll (stage 3) 12:30pm and 4:30pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

Help us kick off the month-long fair! All are welcome!

Now Available @


Kylie Brimmer: Great to see Valands at new location! :) 10 days ago
My apologies to one and all, but the dance for Saturday, March 1st, has been postponed until a later date and will be canceled for Saturday due to illness and RL responsibilities. Be sure to be ready on the 15th and for fun wear your best Star Trek costume, or your favorite Sci Fi outfit and we'll see you in 2 weeks, Lord Willing!!...until then, Live Long And Prosper.
Today - 2pm PST!!
Rogue Galaxy LIVE at Sound City!!
Friday 02/28/2025 - 2pm PST

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00pm ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫SOUNDCITY✫
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: We must call you ROOUE GAXY from now on. 10 days ago

Where are we going?

Hicks: at bed !! good night :p 10 days ago
great evening live on newlifeitaly with the Spanish singer Koke, romantic atmospheres will be the splendid setting for an unforgettable evening.....don't miss it!!!!!!!!
grande serata live su newlifeitaly con il cantante spagnolo Koke, atmosfere romantiche saranno la cornice splendida per una serata indimenticabile.....non mancate!!!!!!!!

Angeldark: GOOOOOOOOOOO hop:// 10 days ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Sound City -
Littlefield Grid! Come join me, request a few tunes
and have some fun!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00pm OST/5:PM EST ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫SOUNDCITY✫
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://

Please note that the Re-Textured Petite store now relocated from Princess region to our Ardent Lake region.

The Witches Hud - New Release - Fixes: For some reason the broom travelled backwards in opensimulator I fixed this. Also the arcane meeting place was phantom even though it wasn't set to phantom. I fixed this too. Get yours here: Trees, & Scripts at the Wizardry store. :) NOTE: if you try too use arcane spell above 4000 it will kick you out. For some reason you must only cast [Arcane] between 1 and 3999 meters high. It's a limitation of opensimulator. *The huds are hidden at the Wizardry store behind a secret bookcase. :) PLEASE RESET THE SCRIPTS IN THE HUD AND THE ATTACHMENT SO THEY WORK. You may have to take the objects off and wear them a second time to imprint them with your id and start them working. Note: If you cast spells on your friend, please don't harass them. It only works on your land b/c you dont have rights on other peoples lands unless they allow it.
Cherry Freebies moved from OSGrid to Pangea Grid
New adress: Freebies

New zones are under construction with AI generated meshes, it's not finished but you already can pick some freebies.
~Cloudy Ride, a cute pastel world with sea creatures and hot air balloons
~Paradoxical Sleep, the strange world living in my mind..

A huge thank to Lampi, Marlon and Kitty ♥

Bink Draconia: It's wonderful to have another great region of yours with us at Pangeagrid.... 11 days ago

Come and join us at the carnival parade
19.00 Uhr / 10 AM SLT

A beautiful, safe ship, oh what beautiful icebergs are back there?

Xenon Darrow: It's always the case, right? Whatever is on the surface is only a fraction of what is below the surface, waiting to wreak havoc. 11 days ago
Heute geht es in die zweite Runde
Girls Power
heute mit Sylvia Koeln
Today we start the second Round
Girls Power
with Sylvia Koeln
Join us Club

Sylvia-Koeln: *Gute-Laune-Music* Karneval.....Mardi-Gras.....Oktobergest.....Apres-Ski 11 days ago

Opening Day of the OpenSim Worlds Fair is TOMORROW Saturday March 1st. Come and celebrate OpenSims Originality, creativity, great music, art, tech, fashion, & the spirit of community!

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/118/136/3827

Jordan Melody: loveee them!!! 11 days ago
Neverworld has FREE parcels for all and not little "houses either" Our Free land for all allows them to live away from the greedy grids and have decent sized parcels 4000 meters and up in a fully developed professionally curated region. Stop living like a pauper and get your free land no strings now. We have over 500 parcels to choose from!

the cutest houses are here for everyone to live in. Come over join the rental group and claim your place in Neverworld.

Good evening. :-)

Xenon Darrow: Cherry Manga needs to make that dress! 11 days ago

News!!! Bento Sock Puppets hop:// De Volcanes/130/150/3827

New comfy leather sofa, chair and ottoman. All in a very wide range of colours. All with G ratings and optional PG (with cuddles) rating for sofa.

Available now in the Family Living store at Ardent Lake.
The Hidden Cove Ranch is being remodeled, still can visit but excuse the Mess. but it coming to together right nicely you will be able to explore the farm and join the group when it's all said and done, remember its great way to enjoy open Sim farming.
I did some Mardi Gras Clothing for you.
You can find the Vendors at my Mall 2.

hop:// Noctem 2/256/317/3000

check the pics for the included sizes.
Have a great Mardi Gras.

Ellen: Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!!! 11 days ago
Well they are cruel to me. As you can see here Ferdzee says I should kill myself. First of all, I never said I was going to kill myself. Second of all, I would never do that to someone as wonderful and awesome as I am... What are you mad?

Mistressdalgato: Ignore him, i know it hurts and im sorry you had to deal with that. I have been on the receiving end of this kind of hate. a previous game i played someone told me they gave me permission to kill myse... 11 days ago
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered

Live Traffic
ShoppingDance A
6 1
Lockets Dream A
6 1
Welcome Area A
16 1
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Alternate Metaverse
33 0
Kings Quarter A
11 1
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Gilley's A
7 1
44 2
6 1
3 0
SciattiShopClothes A
86 5
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
36 7
6 1
Regions Online: 1,784
Active: 183 avatars in 124 regions
The Box
Steffy Sparkes 3 hours ago
A couple of points of interest.... Fred promised people free adversising for their region on his Dreamgrid Launcher? False: He only shows regions owned by his members of staff, also, Fred makes public every main and beta version of Dreamgrid? also false, his staff members get unreleased versions
JamieWright 6 hours ago
I found a hurdy gurdy on Sketchfab. It's the weird little things sometimes that delight:)
Pagane 8 hours ago
Despite all the problems in Osgrid, even when their server is offline, it absolutely correctly notifies me that I am banned in LBSA, but I can visit other SIM even they are down :) This is transpolar!
CyberGlo CyberStar 8 hours ago
yehhh osgrid is bipolar these days... up, down, up, down...
JamieWright 8 hours ago
SheaButter 8 hours ago
@Blake Hayvenhurst...Osgrid is offline for maintenance.
Pagane 10 hours ago
osgrid is partialy down. may be 99,98%
Blake Hayvenhurst 11 hours ago
Been offline for some time, noticed soul grid can't visit osgrid anymore? what did I miss?
Hicks 21 hours ago
ty :)
Susanna_Heller 22 hours ago
But I know that young French people can get over it in a few hours
Hicks 23 hours ago
i juste care about my health so i need a day off:)
Susanna_Heller 23 hours ago
Hicks you at this time .. .holiday (vacation) or pension (lottery win)? I have work shift ....
Hicks 23 hours ago
have a nice monday ...if it's possible ;)
Steffy Sparkes 24 hours ago
I had the same problem @EstiMoondust but Freds reply was just a tirade of abuse so.... I gave up
Pagane yesterday
opensim is writen for windows and this is root of problems. Opensim is writen on C# (DotNet) not on C++ and work on server OS with compatibility layers.
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix yesterday
Hey Facebook finally fixed y broken feed. Its been down since before 2022. Not that I care anymore.
Ankhsenaton yesterday
Opensim.exe run very well all alone in windows too... especialy for a standalone ;-) @EstiMoondust
Kylie Brimmer 2 days ago
mr Snoodle the is back online.

New Comments

Khiron Ametza 6 hours ago
Is Dreamgrid part of Opensim - Hypergrid? and if it is, what's website link to create a new avatar?
Marianna 9 hours ago
DreamGridders please send your maps to me at I will add them to our Reddit Sidebar.
Khiron Ametza 12 hours ago
I just started! Come on over here!!!
Bebe 12 hours ago
Thank you I really enjoy the serendipity of your place :))
Josy Abbot 12 hours ago
thank you for sharing :)
Marpil Grafenwalder 14 hours ago
wowowoow !!!! super
Hicks 19 hours ago
it s start very fine for me !! kiss
Gentle Dragonheart 22 hours ago
I tried to visit, but I get a message that I have no access because the region is private?
MarySTEton yesterday
Very Cute! Only the Queen dont works...will find it next :) Thank you very much!!!


Thank you for taking time to Open your Door For us and for the wonderful furniture and houses that you are sharing I give you 10 stars and a thumbs up. Your place is truly remarkable because everythin...
Adore 4 hours ago
If you are an old school fan, this is the place for you/ Lots of free classic items, LUV-MY-BOD, Ruth and Roth. It was a great visit, scooped lots of free stuff. Thanks for this wonderful little gem.
Dusty_Roads 9 hours ago
New Beginnings
Owner Isadora has place to much effort and soul into her creation.. lots to do here whether dancing, fishing, shopping.. there is always something to do . You should definitely take a look. ♥
Misty Shadow 9 hours ago
Lilie of the Valley
Very nice place to visit and explore the music is very great. Had alot of fun there. Check it out
IsadoraLeah wolf 11 hours ago
Free Animals
An absolutely wonderful sim that has tons of animals, both animesh and static. The set up is great, part of it feels like walking through a zoo or a farm. Diamond is very friendly and helpful. I tried...
Gentle Dragonheart 11 hours ago
Impero Island
I can't get any object. It doesn't allow me to bring the object to the inventory even though I'm in the group. Is there any reason for this? Thanks :(
DRESTRANHO 12 hours ago
Best store ever! Oh, and welcome to Opensimworld! :D
Billy Ross 12 hours ago
Moana is the City that never Sleeps! This entire area was built by Gentle Dragonheart and it is a combination of charming city, extensive Athena /Jake/Apollo shopping, sexy role play areas and a hun...
Safinemahoe2 16 hours ago
No regions found with that name
Marga 19 hours ago

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