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New Not War Jeans&Top Fullperm

Every registered user gets free land, 2500 prim, 256X256 if needed more!

The Subtle And The Not So Subtle
The fat pack for these jeans includes this pair with a very subtle and very lovely floral pattern. The off-shoulder sweater? Not so subtle. You get fat packs of all but one of the outfit items. And still unique as far as I know, you get a pre-set body alpha HUD.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options.

new arrivals

The Secrets of DragonFyre:
DragonFyre castle has many many secrets, and since some people are not aware of all the secrets I thought I would share them here. Dragonfyre has many secret passages.
1) Behind the red couch between the deer heads in the entrance to the castle. Click the wall to find a set of stairs. Go down the stairs and follow the path to a trap door. Open this trap door, and follow the path to another trap door. Open the second trap door, and go down the stairs to the hidden wine cellar. In the corner of the wine cellar is a wine registry bookcase. Click the bookcase and a secret staircase appears. Go down the secret staircase to an iron door. Open the iron door and go down the hall to another bookcase on the right. Click this bookcase and it opens into the chef's office.

2) Behind the chef's office is the chef's bedroom. If you go into the chef's bedroom and click the wall paneling to the right, a hidden room is revealed full of magic.
3) In the rust room the bookcase leads to a small hidden room.
4) if you open the dungeon door just off the kitchen, click the floor to reveal a staircase which leads down to the dungeon. In the huge castle dungeon, there is a vampires room encased in stone.

The Secrets of DragonFyre: There are 2 caves on dragonfyre sim. One is hidden very well in the woods and has luminous blue water running down the sides. The other cave is a large cave beneath the 2nd bridge that you can reach by boat. There is a sign that rezzes boats in the lake.
Once you go into this cave under the bridge you find a dragon and a gold treasure. Just past the treasure, you will see a white dragon egg nestled in the rocks. Click the egg and a saddle appears. Sit on the saddle and a dragon npc rezzes. You may also let a friend ride the dragon with you. However it is not easy to fly dragons out of the cave. pgUp key and pgDown key control the inclination of the dragon, and arrow keys control the direction you travel. If you fly the dragon out of the cave and over the pond and fly up through the trees you can soar into the air with the other dragons flying around the castle.
There is a hidden church on the land not far from the tiny gazebo.
Mysteriously... The gate which worked fine last night, didn't work today. Also I found that all the prims and scripts had been changed. (Someone is either a super hacker or a voodoo witch doctor, and im not sure which...) Anyway after being visited by the jealous talentless people once again... I've repaired it to full working order. We will call this version 5. So... here we go...
New! Amazing! Pegasus stargate that actually rotates and dials other sims and grids!!! PLUS this one has a working DHD, the dialer device in front of the gate in the photo that talks to the gate and actually will dial the place for you!!! NOW FREE AT Magic COME GET YOURS TODAY!!!

Luna Lunaria: I couldn't get mine to work either :-( I'll try to come back later 3 years ago

We have moved Starfleet Academy access to the WELCOME region of grid.our-dawn. There you can enter the Bifrost and access the Starbase region when it is ready. Live long and prosper.

Reserve your spot now. Registration for all roles is open and is free to everyone. Sponsor levels are available:

Thirza Ember: I registered! It's almost entirely painless! (the doctor said to lie down in a darkened room for a few hour) 3 years ago
I love Steampunk! You can see the Airship on both Mobius and Kitely

HG Address:

HG Address: Emporium

Kitely Market Store:

Roland Francis: Hmmmmm, I see some similarities with the Behemouth of "The Expanse" on Amazon Prime (6 seasons 2015-2022, praised for its fabulous narrative and fact checked physical laws compliance and scored 8.6 on... 3 years ago
I share the sentiment towards the people of Ukraine, I also became sad with the people of Iraq, or Libya, Yemen, Somalia or Pakistan. But I didn't see flags of those countries when the U.S. invaded them. It is curious to see how it is OCCUPATION when the US invades a country, but when another world power occupies a country it is called INVASION. We should put politics aside and think only about the suffering of those countries that are illegally occupied by others.

Caribia Zsun: All wars are illegal there is no right to any country to invade to another one and in my opinion we should be thinking humanity not taking sides nor thinking whats legal in wars. 3 years ago
Weiter geht es mit guter Laune aus dem Soul Grid!

Nachdem der Sturm uns ordentlich durchgeschüttelt hat, wollen wir wieder ein wenig die Sonne ins Herz lassen.
Heute Abend legt unsere Grid Mudder Nasti in der blauen Lagune auf.
Um 20 Uhr geht´s im Tosca los.
Sie spielt heiße Rhythmen, die uns in die Welt von Sonne, Strand und Meer entführen.
Und natürlich , wie immer, Eure Wünsche.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch !

Let´s party at Soul Grid !
We are having a Beach Party at our nice blue lagoon location.
Meet Djane Nasti playing the hottest tunes from sun and the south
We are starting at 11PST at Tosca.

Let´s party together !

Great news! I finally fixed the Ferriss Wheel, the led lights still are not right but the Ferriss Wheel is back up an running. Idk how but some of the tracks deleted themselves.

My newest region on Utopia Skye grid. This is a brand new ongoing project.

See it here:

Lone Wolf: ooooh. Someone will be buying one of these when it's ready :-) 3 years ago
Let's talk beaches, part 2: Non-tropical beaches
(German beaches in a nutshell)

Since Nico has already mentioned it in her comment on part 1 (, and since this has been my plan from the very beginning, here's the other part of my "beach talk". What about beaches that aren't in the tropics?

Way too many beaches are a) tropical with lots of naturally-grown palm trees and b) flat. It's a trope that's commonly known in Second Life as Tropical Beach Paradise ( The reason for the abundance of these may be that most beaches are built by people who only know beaches from TV and have never seen one in real life.

But there are so many other ways to build a beach, at least in theory, sometimes actually carried out. Beaches that may be more relatable to especially those of us who know beaches.

Something that has been done, for example, is the kind of beach you often find in Mediterranean coastal towns in southern France. A seawall with a more or less wide beach in front of it and something that could qualify as a promenade on top of it. Destination Fécamp ( has quite a good one, realistic to the point of only one lounger on the entire beach being free and so much surf that you start asking yourself if you should actually go into the water (which you can because Fecamp does that right). Les pieds de sable ( used to have a somewhat different one with less sand and more seawall.

The North American boardwalk beach has been done more often than you may think. For one, there are the many iterations of Linda Kellie's Boardwalk Amusement Park; Lucia Island ( and AMSmediterrania ( both make use of it. One of the best examples, however, has to be scratch-made Coney Island ( where the rides alone can keep you busy for quite a while.

Most of TexLand ( is somewhere in-between because it mimicks islands on the South Texan Gulf coast. There are palms, yes, but there are also seawalls, there are no traces of Tiki style, and it still feels very close to the U.S. mainland.

What I'd like to see done on a somewhat larger scale than at Gridtalk ( are the various styles of northern German beaches. Gridtalk mimicks what formerly West German Baltic Sea beaches often look like, and that's an interesting style, but it could be taken further. In this style, the dunes behind the beach are a given, but they need grass on top and maybe the occasional seagull nest. Speaking of fauna: seagulls, seagulls, jellyfish (which fortunately aren't available on the Hypergrid; I hope it stays that way) and more seagulls (notice how I didn't mention mosquitos).

Unless it's a natural beach, have a promenade behind the dunes with fences between the promenade and the dunes and all kinds of amenities from small shops to hotels (I recommend at least one big hotel tower, even if it's just a few textured prims) on the land side of the promenade. If you're daring enough, build an indoor pool right behind the promenade as well. Just because it's a beach, doesn't mean it's perpetual summer. Instead of lifeguard chairs, install one DLRG station for the entire beach. Also, LOTS of beach baskets. If you want to take the German-ness to the logical extreme, make tiny parcels for the beach baskets which can be rented.

The formerly East German variant would combine this with a long wooden structure between a pier and a boardwalk that extends from the raised promenade across the beach into the water. We call it a "sea bridge". These things were built in times when the wealthy tourists who came there didn't dare to step into the water yet. Somewhere on top of it should be a white-walled wooden building with at least a café/restaurant and an event location in it.

The North Sea variant usually doesn't have beach baskets and a promenade because it isn't part of a town (unless you want to mimic places like St. Peter-Ording or Westerland which would be beach themes of their own). No trees because the area has probably been treeless for centuries (chances are, part of it was sea until a few decades ago). Replace the dunes with a dyke. Optionally, fence the dyke in and add sheep on the dyke to the fauna. (Only sheep because cattle would ruin the dyke.) Add vast mudflats on the seaside which may or may not be under water (set the mud to phantom for extra fun so your feet sink in up to your ankles). Any and all architecture on the sim must be Frisian. Dress code: barefoot (or Wellingtons), rolled-up jeans, windbreaker.

You could make it eerier by building it as a varsim with even vaster mudflats from which sometimes a church bell rings even though there isn't a single church on the sim, much less out on the mudflats.

Also, the North Sea allows for small islands, only that they're called "holms" instead of "islands". Surround the whole thing with mudflats. Don't skimp on sheep. And instead of having dykes, every last building has to be built on a mound no less than four or five metres high.

But let's go back to the Baltic Sea. Natural beach variants should have cliffs. Not rocks, clay. Or white chalk (works both in former East Germany and Denmark). But preferably clay. If it's clay, boulders on the beach are a given. This is the kind of beach where campfires are the most likely.

Something in-between (not quite natural, no beach baskets, no promenade, but the occasional shop and the DLRG station) exists, too. It often comes with a camping site behind it which is a requirement for surf spots. This kind of beach is also the typical German nudist beach. Don't forget "FKK" signs. However, keep the rating Moderate and sex furniture inside the campers or tents. If you really want to go full cliché, fill the camping site behind your FKK beach with Trabants, Wartburgs and QEK campers.

Danish beaches would be similar to German ones, but even less urban, more likely with wooden summer cottages behind the dykes/dunes (per-week rent boxes, anyone?) and always clothing-optional. Oh, and think twice before you put up Linda Kellie's hot dog cart: In Denmark, hot dogs are sold at least from a trailer, if not a snack bar. But one of these is pretty much mandatory. Also, røde pølser (red sausages).

Ernest Moncrieff
Live Music
Sunday 13th February
12:00 Noon
Whispering Oaks

Aphra Hendrix: dont miss! 3 years ago
On February 18, we are again looking forward to the wonderful Al Hofmann. Our DJ Marlon will open the evening with musical fireworks before Al Hofmann then invites us on a fascinating musical journey with his music.
We look forward to having you join us again!
Dont forget Valentinesday at the 14th February. come over and look at the valentinesday shop at the CarpeNoctem Mall. You will find something for your loved one for sure.
see you there and happy valentinesday XOXO

inma: It is not a question of my pc or my connection since I go to many places and I do not have that problem, as I have told you I have been several times in your sim and as I said it is very complete but ... 3 years ago
Pure Exhaustion

I fell out underneath the SF leather-work station from overwhelming exhaustion and starvation, lol.

Phantom Rose Grid, welcomes you to attend the new Snowflake Ballet at the Phantom Rose Bayou Region Opera House. This production is open 24/7 for your convenience and will play until Spring. Take a beacon to Phantom Rose Bayou or hop via the viewer map to, upon landing at the welcome area, just use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to Phantom Rose Bayou and its beautiful Opera House!
Behold, The Mermaid! Every Sideshow of yesteryear had the Fiji Mermaid as part of their show. Yours will too! I always loved Mermaids, but really never thought of them as being beautiful maids with long flowing hair. In my mind, well, they're a little fishy. They have the famous tail of course, but they also have gills, fisheyes, sharp teeth, dark hair with glistening skin of blue or green. A smaller, toned upper body. She's really quite lovely though and will be given a second look for sure. The set comes with The Mermaid Animesh, her vintage water tank and makeshift banner. It also comes with a bubbling water sound either looped or on collision, your choice.
Ah, the Snake Oil Salesman. The traveling salesman of yesteryear. He's the seedy profiteer trying to exploit an unsuspecting public by selling them fake cures. This guy is a quick talking slickster for sure. By the time his customers figure out they bought a bottle of hooch instead of the medicine miracle promised, he is long gone onto the next town. This vignette will fit in any vintage setting, Western Town or carnival.








o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!

Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport x,y,z teleports to location you specify, and can listen in on conversations and tell you what is being said even if you are in another sim! Salem that little spy. hehehe

NOTE: This hud is built for dreamgrid users. It needs osnpc capability, scripts running, rez rights, and so you pretty much have to own your land. Some functions will not work in grids or sims where you do not have rights and privileges.
NEW and IMPROVED: While updating older outfits I discovered the hair fatpack was missing from this one. (There are bad hair days, but even worse are no hair days!) I did add an extra necklace. However, "Those are wonderful necklaces you are wearing and I'm totally not noticing you do not have hair" said no one ever. So, this outfit now includes hair. If you see any bald person wearing this dress, please send them straight away to the oh HELLO shop to get that fixed.
Blender 4 Beginners!
Scheduled for Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4pm.

Was blender to steep and gave you a headache but still you would like to create content ? Well come join us !

Note : We will use Blender 2.28 or 2.79!
Sylvester ist der höchste Feiertag im Jahr, deswegen lade ich am 31.12.2021 ab 20 Uhr zur Party ein. Für musikalische Unterhaltung sorgen 4 Dj´s und um Mitternacht gibt es ein großes Feuerwerk
Taxi: Exotic Souls
New Year's Eve is the highest public holiday of the year, which is why I invite you to the party on December 31, 2021 from 8 p.m. Four DJs provide musical entertainment and there is a large fireworks display at midnight

Just to let you know that we have a special guest in residence
at the Bistro Mitaines at the Christmas Market Place.
Can you guess who?

Wishing you all the blessings of that first Christmas now and throughout the coming year! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

NEW OUTFITS FOR OLD. This is not a new outfit, exactly. When I first assembled it a couple of years ago, it seems I left out one of the dresses in the fat-pack. It's now in the box. Yippie, I guess. This is one reason I'm revisiting older outfits - to fix mistakes and/or refresh the look with new items. The only thing refreshed here is my memory. How could have I forgotten I had these lovely Curator Rose EarthStones Eye Glasses? For me, they are the highlight of this outfit. Come get it, if only for them.

Inspired by Fashionista. Available to all.

Hello there, visit the new Nature Region in 3*3 Sims format
Mokka Island in the "soul" grid
.... have fun

Forgotten Island is designed just for those that want to be child / teen. Land has been parceled off around each little home, once you have joined up with you will land at the Welcome center, you can from there go straight to Forgotten Island and get your setup... be sure to join groups that are at the landing point and get your info and rules, once done you can im me, Molly Hawker, and I can get you set up right off with your own parcel, there you will have 500 prim count to use for your own or just run all over the sim giggles. Also Santa has arrived here at the island :) so come, explore and most of all enjoy your stay.
Forgotten Island is setup for free shopping, residential, hangout, kids / teens welcome, and all around fun!

Winter fun on Xanten. Come join skating with the elves!

There are no words more true.... ROFL

NEW !!! Velvet Dress Fatpack


Good Day everyone!
I am truly honored that people are still looking to visit the Social Mouse Grid, unfortunately, we have decided to become locked as we are rebuilding every single region with licensed or Original content. Our goal is to provide a place where Original content is valued. A place for people who are tired of tping around to every region or grid in OS just to find the same or "new" stolen hauls. let legal items become the norm. Anyone wanting to help or share their own content please message me. We are looking to provide LM HUD to all shoppers to other legal resources if you want to be listed provided your grid URL