OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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hop:// Shopping Fun/148/309/22

Aurora Starchild: Gosh, need to go visit, haven't checked it out since you came back! 7 months ago

News!!! hop://

Bebe: and so much work and time behind the fun part :)) worth it though 7 months ago
Love is in the air !!!!!

Musik, die Sprache der Liebe, flüstert ihre Melodien wie sanfte Brisen auf den Saiten unserer Empfindungen. Zarte Finger klopfen an die Türen unseres Gefühls und wecken Erinnerungen, die unter der Decke der Nacht verborgen waren. In ihren Tönen enthüllt sie Eindrücke der Vergangenheit, die Worte nicht zu fassen vermögen.

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.

Genießt mit uns den Tag der Liebenden

Wir freuen uns auf euch .

Eure Souler

MarcWatcher: Ein unvergesslicher Abend bei toller Musik. Danke Nasti 8 months ago

----- NEW LARA-X -----

Rogue Galaxy: nice!! 8 months ago

remodelled welcome mountain to make it more social

Mistressdalgato: cool! 8 months ago

Ab sofort geöffnet

Chubby Dagostino: ... und es kommt immerwieder neues hinzu ;-) 8 months ago


Sylvia-Koeln: So tolle Kleider....... danke Chubby 8 months ago
It's nice when a region gets a "like". But it's PHANTASTIC when people are inspired by the ideas of others to create great things themselves. Like the beautiful photos that some visitors took with an extra black and white styled avatar at Black White Castle and published here on OSW.
I myself was inspired to build the region in 2022 by the wonderful Christmas present from my friends Finja and Jason, who had built a Wednesday snow globe especially for me. Wednesday (Addams, from the Addams Family) is supposedly allergic to color, and so the two of them made this particular globe predominantly dark ...
So when an idea inspires another person to create a new idea and this idea inspires other people to create new things, that's what makes OpenSim really fun ...

p.s.: The original Wednesday sphere can also be found on Black White Castle: If you find it, you are welcome to look at it, but better not click on it ... :)

* * * * *

Es ist schön, wenn eine Region ein "Like" bekommt. Aber es ist PHANTASTISCH, wenn Leute durch die Ideen anderer inspiriert werden, selbst tolle Dinge zu schaffen. So wie die schönen Fotos, die einige Besucher mit einem extra schwarz - weiß gestylten Avatar auf Black White Castle gemacht und hier auf OSW veröffentlicht haben.
Ich selbst wurde 2022 zum Bau der Region das wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschenk meiner Freunde Finja und Jason inspiriert, die eine Wednesday-Schneekugel extra für mich gebaut hatten. Wednesday (Addams, von der Addams Family) ist angeblich allergisch gegen Farbe, und so haben die beiden diese spezielle Kugel auch überwiegend dunkel gestaltet ...
Wenn also eine Idee eine andere Person zu einer neuen Idee inspiriert und diese Idee andere Personen zu wieder neuen Werken anregt, dann ist es genau das, was einem richtig Spaß an OpenSim bringt ...

p.s.: Die Original-Wednesday-Kugel befindet sich ebenfalls auf Black White Castle: Wer sie findet, darf sie gerne betrachten, aber besser nicht anklicken ... :)

Marianna: Bink, when I saw this I was elated you created this. I have often thought of creating a monochrome-themed sim I love this! Wednesday is a favorite character too, very well done!! 9 months ago

From all of us in The Pride to everyone, may you have a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

thedeeferry: Wow, what a gorgeous lion! Magnificent! ≧❀‿❀≦) Same wishes to you and yours. 9 months ago

Das wünsche ich all meinen Freunden und Bekannten
I wish that to all my friends and acquaintances

Woody: Merry Christmas dear Sylvia 9 months ago

Happy Holidays from Sharing is Caring Grid
New Animesh Cute Pets in Store - Santa Kitties & Bulldogs !!

KatKakoola: Another total smile from Chilli - as always :) THANK YOU XOXOXOX 9 months ago

Frohe Weihnachten wünscht das KiWo Grid

AnKaBi: ein frohes fest euch beiden... liebe kiki und wollex♥♥♥ 9 months ago
Heute zum 1.Advent "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing youWe look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: sooooooooooooo schöne lieder .............sooooooooooooooooo schön 10 months ago

----- NEW OUTFITS -----

Ellen: such cute clothes!! thank you! 10 months ago
New teleport system on EUROPA. instead of the traditional (and dull one) now public can tap into many places in SIM by using this Interphasic Taxi Buble. Totem available at many spots spread allover the SIM. It can carry up to 03 passengers. Enjoy :)

Marga: Absolutely a grat work Jimmy. Chapeau !!! 10 months ago

New on camballa
only Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

New on camballa
only Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Xmas @ Wonder: Another of my spaces, created thinking of all of you and what we all need. LOVE! It is all we need. Come and take a look!

KEAKY Outfit
Reborn and Maitreya
Belt- Jumpsuit -Hells
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Thanks everyone, we're still here ? Wow Happy Birthday Arkham City,I love you


NineZero: So, who's requesting sexy underage looking avatars? 11 months ago

Some of our most awesome residents are noobies!

PinDeluca: Awww I love him !!!!! Where can i get one ? 12 months ago

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 12 months ago

And for our little Harrys and Hermiones there is the magical magic shop. There is a lot to discover for the future wizards

ok the structure is finished apart from a few windows,I'll call the painter tomorrow,
it seems like the right one....

William hell: obvious 1 years ago
@FerdFrederix designed Dream Grid Software with one goal in mind: to revolutionize the way we load grids. Its lightning-fast performance is made possible through a combination of innovative technologies and optimizations, ensuring that your grids load at blazing speeds. A new release 5.4993 is out now, upload now!

Thank you, Ferd, your many hours invested are very much appreciated!! You are a shining testament to brilliance in coding. Nice work!

ToniaKara: I love DreamGrid and have it running at I have a lot to learn but being a nerdy girl guess it is fun! 1 years ago

Fun With Curves! I wanted a nice looking rope at the end of the dock,and,of course, bollards. The pelican is on the animesh drawingboard:)

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Ladybug, Bee, Dung Beetle, Praying Mantis, and Stag Beetle avatars! Come hang out in the garden as the bug of your choice! Gardens Thank you, Ferd!

Marianna: The house is phantom so the bugs can fly inside the house and look around. Inside you will see a beetle in a cereal box munching, ants in the sugar, and a beetle in the bathtub drain. Take some time... 1 years ago


JeannieDagostino: awww schööön chubby 1 years ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca


victorialogan: beautiful news, happy let me know that we will find you on friends grid. Safine, a wonderful person who is very supportive, always offering her help 1 years ago
Second batch of items added, including ornaments, statues, and, special offer:
Your name (or sim-name) converted to mesh .
Send a notecard or IM to amsterdam with details.
You see an example rotating in the shop!

new baby in arms


In reference to my post yesterday..
A professor gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons. The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
The professor said to the students: “These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness....we'll find ours too. This is the same as "community building" if we all help and support each other.. we would be much happier.. just something to think about.. as a side note.. I love teachers who teach like this!
Here’s to caring about everyone’s happiness .. now and always!

Suzi_Avonside: I think you've just fundamentally described what socialism is! I realise that that will probably scare the living daylights out of the average, everyday American over the age of 40, but think about i... 1 years ago