OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Haven of Memories
0 Users 8 0
This is a place where people from all over open sim can come to hold prayer vigils for the families of lost loved ones or for those who are potentially fighting for their lives, or to hold memorial se...
Ooops! My blunder! I found that none of the huds would teleport to hypergrid visitors or look to (spy) on hypergrid visitors. So... Today I repaired the Elven Magic Hud first. Now, Finally, Drum Roll.... It actually really does work.
Over the next few days, I will fix the same problems in (1) The Witches Hud, (2) The Fae Hud, and (3) The Vampire Hud in that order, and I will post an update as I fix each one. So if you want to get an idea of how the huds Teleport to, and Spy on someone will work, just get the Elven Magic Hud. Enjoy! Please don't grief people with the hud! Remember be friendly, and have fun!

Symphony: What an awesome (free) sales pitch... soooo getting one! giggles Ty CyberGlo 2 years ago
Just wanted to put a quick note of clarification for the group and visitors. I have received a few messages of people claiming to be STAFF of Amoa. This is the fact:
Glenn Xpletive and Robin Sission are the ONLY Staff members.
However The grid owners of Barefoot-dreamers Grid, can be contacted in the event of their absence. NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER BE STAFF. Glenn built the beach, terraforming, trees, waves, islands. Robin Sisson has made it the beautiful region it is. So please give a warm thank you to Robin for all of her decorating and amenities that have made Amoa such a great place.

If anyone else tries to claim they are staff, or if you need assistance, please contact Glenn, Robin, Huga or Gabe.
Everyone loves the Music
DJ LEE spinning tunes for everyone to get down and party so come and enjoy the best of funk and a mix of tunes for everyone. Wednesday April 27 1:00 pm grid time the party starts.


Lilastone: DJ Lee did a outstanding set tonight and I Loved it so much 2 years ago

Taxi: Bikerworld

Woody: Sounds good 2 years ago

The Elven Magic Hud is here. For elves everywhere in the grids, come get your copy today. If you find a bug let me know, and i'll fix it. :)

Thirza Ember: I found a bug, it's eating my roses. Let me know when you're dropping by to fix this. 2 years ago
João Frazão and Mavenn's Live Show, debut at Craft World

When: 18 Abr 2022 13:00 SLT
GavezDois: Live Show


At 1:00 PM PST: Live Show with Joao Frazao
At 2:00 PM PST: Live Show with Mavenn

Patinha Babii: Mavenn is a perfect singer! 2 years ago

The Witches Hud 6.0 - fixed a major bug that would cause the hud not to reopen if you took it off when it was closed. A few other minor bug fixes included.

Roland Francis: VERY cool HUD & the way it works ;) 2 years ago

Frohe und friedvolle Ostern wünschen euch alle Bewohner von Soul, living with friends.

KikiBaily: Frohe Ostern wünschen wir Euch 2 years ago

AVW Welcome: Animesh super store @ Trails on AVW, all free all copy all the time Welcome


Hello friends and fans of Stark Islands!

We are glad to tell you after 9 months of absence that we are back and will be releasing a new and optimized version of Stark Islands in the near future!

We have had some time to think through the concept and the technical foundation. The huge (server-)workload of Stark Islands was one of the biggest issues we had to fight with in the past. To offer you a better experience, we've made some important changes and are working on other important details. New Stark is the same size as before (though it may expand in time) but split in 4 different regions on different servers to reduce the workload per server.
The region will have a new footprint, based on the old main island, and the best of old Stark you will find in the new version too. We reduce prims, meshes and scripts as much as possible without changing the soul of Stark Islands. This all means a lot of work and we will need some time, though as you all know, a sim will never be finished.
When we think, the sim is in an acceptable state, we will open the gates!

We're thrilled to bring you this announcement today and hope you're as excited as we are, so stay tuned for further updates!

Wishing you a happy Easter 2022!

With love, pride and respect and all the values that make Stark great.

Mathilda and Niki


Hallo Freunde und Fans von Stark Islands!

Wir freuen uns, euch nach 9 Monaten Abwesenheit mitteilen zu können, dass wir zurück sind und in naher Zukunft eine neue und optimierte Version von Stark Islands veröffentlichen werden!

Wir hatten Zeit, um das Konzept und die technischen Grundlagen zu überdenken. Die enorme (Server-)Arbeitsbelastung von Stark Islands war eines der größten Probleme, mit denen wir in der Vergangenheit zu kämpfen hatten. Um euch ein besseres Erlebnis zu bieten, haben wir einige wichtige Änderungen vorgenommen und arbeiten an weiteren wichtigen Details. Das neue Stark hat die gleiche Größe wie zuvor (es könnte sich mit der Zeit aber auch erweitern), ist jedoch in 4 verschiedene Regionen auf verschiedenen Servern aufgeteilt, um die Arbeitslast pro Server zu reduzieren.
Die Region wird einen neuen Grundriss haben, basierend auf der alten Hauptinsel, aber das Beste von Alt-Stark werdet ihr auch in der neuen Version finden. Wir reduzieren Prims, Meshes und Skripte so weit wie möglich, ohne die Seele von Stark Islands zu verändern. Das alles bedeutet viel Arbeit und wir werden einige Zeit brauchen und wie ihr alle wisst, wird eine Sim niemals fertig sein.
Aber wenn wir denken, dass die Sim in einem akzeptablen Zustand ist, öffnen wir die Tore!

Wir freuen uns sehr, euch heute diese Ankündigung machen zu können und hoffen, dass ihr genauso aufgeregt seid wie wir!

Also seid gespannt für weitere Updates!

Wir wünschen euch frohe Ostern 2022!

Mit Liebe, Stolz und Respekt und all den Werten, die Stark so großartig machen.

Mathilda und Niki
Well, Easter is almost here! I've made some decorated eggs on stands to add to the festivities.

The textures are included in the Peter Rabbit Egg. You can use them as is or mod them for different coloured stands or eggs. I have them on display as room size but you can of course mod them to any size from table top to giant :).
It all really depends on the size of the chickens and Easter bunnies I suppose :D.

Have a fabulous day!!

Thirza Ember: Released egg-zackly in time for the holidays. 2 years ago
DJ Riker's Saturday night Blues Showcase tonight at Rockin' the Blues at 6:00PM (SLT)!
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: Tonight at 6:00! [9 Apr 2022 18:00 SLT]
DJ Riker spins the blues, all the blues, all the time! Tonite we get 2 sets of his incredible tunes and 3 hours of friends, chat and laughter!! Riker spins original blues artists, blues covers and "Out of the box" blues! Old blues, new blues and blues you didn't even know were blues!! Riker loves to pull tunes out of his magic box of blues and does he ever have a big box of them! Totally awesome, totally unexpected, totally Blues!!! Join us tonight as Riker Starts your Saturday night with a BANG!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Harmony Beningborough: Second half of DJ Riker's Double Saturday Night Blues Party is coming up at 7:30!! We've got your friends...your family..your FUN and of course, as always, your ROCKIN' Blues!!! Come on down to our ow... 2 years ago
════════━┈ ROGUE GALAXY LIVE ..━════════
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ EVENT SPACE ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★
★ ════ ☆ 12:00pm Grid Time
★ ════ ☆ MAP:
★ ════ ☆en concert à l'Event Space Vendredi 08/04/2022 à 21h00 (heure de Paris)

MinordLoup: Le taxi est : hop:// 2 years ago

N’oubliait pas demain soir
Rogue Galaxy en concert à l'Event Space
Vendredi 08/04/2022 à 21h00 (heure de Paris)

MinordLoup: Le taxi est : hop:// 2 years ago

Rudi Bakerly: Feen, Elfen Kobolde. Wo die Fantasie nicht weiterkommt, hilft diese Sim. Sie ist einfach bezaubernd gestaltet. Viele kleine Ecken, mit Liebe fürs Detail hergerichtet. Fantasy Freunden kann ich diese S... 2 years ago
You Never Know What You Will Find On CopyKat Grid.
This boy is full of dreams about who he could grow up to be. Astronaut. Rugby player. Surfer dude. Some random guy with a red hat. CopyKat Grid has 44 regions with umpteen number of free full-perm items. Maybe even a pretty pink princess outfit for a boy with a dream. One thing is sure. You never know what you will find on CopyKat Grid.

AireTenku: Random guy with a red hat. I think we've found the theme of the next event at Aether. 3 years ago
Yesterday, April 3rd, Kelso and I (Dabici) were Mal Burn invitees at Inworld News
It was a nice opportunity to showcase the four seasons of Novale
You can see it here :

Thirza Ember: Very beautiful grid. 3 years ago

Wir feiern 7 Jahre TPW mit einem bunten Musikprogramm mit verschiedenen DJs. Mit dabei: DJane Loru, DJ Richi, DJ Kai und Plattenschubse Marina

Rudi Bakerly: Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebes TPW. Wir wünschen Euch viele weiteren erfolgreichen Jahre. Macht weiter so. 3 years ago

360d-view in Novale's Maple Grove, near the Sugar Shack

my "pièce de résistance ", so far: animated peacock with unfolding tail!

Peter: lol, thanks sweety! damm, thats been ages we had a chat:)) 3 years ago

es gibt wieder zwei neue Komplettavatar Fairys in meinem Fairy Shop
there are two new Complete Avatar Fairys in my Fairy Shop

Misty_Falls: very pretty ... great job !!! 3 years ago

Suchst du schöne Deko Ideen für Ostern? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
Searching for some nice easter decoration ideas? Come over and have a look.

Rudi Bakerly: und wieder ein Haufen Freebies. And again , many freebies 3 years ago

Party at Club Equinox begins now, DJ Golbez is spinning.

Xaria Aubrey: Half-time, one hour remaining. 3 years ago

Nuevamente esta online ARAUCANA , muy feliz!!! por eso, Ven a disfrutar el Futuro.

TinaBey3d: Gracias a la generosidad de Ken savage. esto es posible ire "modernizando" de a poco los ambientes .. ven a disfrutar . Mucho free por cualquier rincón de la regio. saludos. 3 years ago

...Hair Peace...
.......Bed Peace......
..........Peace On Earth.........

March 15, 2022

Antonia Ling: My Installation in Opensim was inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Maybe not everybody know this Story from 1969. 3 years ago
Did you always wonder where to find an octagon shape for ur building and hadn`t found anywhere on metaverse? No need to look for it anymore! Here comes a FREE and FULL PERM basic geometric shapes pack (*) for you.. Thx for my friend @Areum Yeoshin (AMV) who had asked me for a hexagon shape and gave me an idea? Why not make it for others who are in search of such odd shapes here.. And i Said.. why not :) hope u like it.

(*) For obvious reasons, some shapes like square or ring shown on pic are not there as its easily done by any prim.

Jimmy Olsen: *****3D MUSEUM ******BASIC GEOMETRIC SHAPES 14MAR22 UPDATE!!******* Added more 31 interesting shapes inside box. Also on both solid and hollow versions for ur building! Available for FREE and FULL PER... 3 years ago
What on earth? Or maybe not earth... I found this little robot drone like thing. It's eyes are lit up, it has a rotating radar antenna on top, it has flashing lights, and a jet blue exhaust.
It also plays many different robot sounds. I thought wouldn't this be cool if people could rez it at their welcome centers and it flew around. So I made it fly around using another script i found.
Oh, did I mention the lasers? It shoots blue lasers... Get it at Free Magic on :)

Lone Wolf: Love it! 3 years ago

Alltime fav of mine, the otter
a new animesh family, or, at least a start♫

NEW 2 Outfits !!!!!

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago
New! Amazing! Pegasus stargate that actually rotates and dials other sims and grids!!! PLUS this one has a working DHD, the dialer device in front of the gate in the photo that talks to the gate and actually will dial the place for you!!! NOW FREE AT Magic COME GET YOURS TODAY!!!

Zaidium: Coool 3 years ago
DJ Rachel's "Women of the Blues" Special event Tonite at 7:30!
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 7:30 tonite right after DJ Riker!![5 Mar 2022 19:30 SLT]
DJ Rachel has a special treat for you all tonite! She has collected a fabulous sel;ection of Blues..all sung by women! The Ladies of Blues are incredible and have been pioneers of music from the early days and are as HOT as ever! The music of the women in this list will stir your soul, rock your bones, lull you to sweet peacefulness and raise your blood pressure to the roof! Come join DJ Rachel and the Blues Tribe tonite! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Kith Whitehawk: It's halftime with the sexy, talented of Women of Blues...and of course..our sexy and talented DJ Rachel!! Come on down! 3 years ago

Im playing live today at Event Plaza (OsGrid)
Singing a few new songs, hope you can make it tonight :)
hop:// Plaza
MAP: Plaza

Gavezdois: Bom show para você, João! 3 years ago

opening Song and the crowds are already forming, come on down still a lot of dance floor left and more if we need it :-)

GalaD: Was amazing had loads of fun!! 3 years ago
Having some fun with a visitor to Redlight City out on a pair of Suzuki road bikes.
Great fun, especailly on the long straight road into the main City.
I'm now planning to put more roads in the region for visitors who fancy a bike ride.
There are many great vehicles availble to drive or ride in the City, especially the 50's cars.

Verna Avril: Strange I don't remember riding a bike or ever being at that location but the photo looks like I may have been. 3 years ago
DJ Kith's HOT Kountry Hits tonite at 6:00 at Hot Daddy's!
Where: Hot Daddy's Dance Dock
When: 6:00 tonite [28 Feb 2022 18:00 SLT]
Dj Kith's HOT Kountry!! WAIT!! WHUUUTTT???? Kith and Country in the same sentence?? LOL! It's no secret that Country is probably DJ Kith's least favorite musical genre! Knowing that little fact....the Blues Tribe has encouraged...umm...suggested..well...FORCED him to leave his comfort zone of the other 6000 genres and spin the hottest country tunes ever at Hot Daddy's tonite! Kith is an incredible DJ and makes every genre of music his very own and there is no doubt that even the biggest Country outsider, even Kith, will walk away tonite loving this music! Kith will bring us the very biggest hits from the hottest country artists and really, no matter what the genre...we love DJ Kith! Come one down to the ranch..I mean the Dock and join in the ho-down in your favorite country clothes and get Kountri-fied with DJ Kith! Daddys

Harmony Beningborough: Absolutely LOVING this KOUNTRY party!! Like I knew you would Kith, you ROCKED IT!!!! You got KOUNTRY in your blood! LOL!! 3 years ago
Mardi Gras deuxième partie!! (Mardi Gras Part 2!! ) DJ Riker and DJ Rachel! Starting at 6:00!
Where: Wyldwood Events 3 N'Awlins District, French Quarter, Bourbon Street
When: Saturday night starting at 6:00PM! [26 Feb 2022 18:00 SLT]
It's Saturday Night!! What better place to go on a Saturday night than Rockin' the Bl;ues' MARDI GRAS!!! Ohh as usual...we are having more fun than should be legal!! Mardi Gras opened last night, and we hope you were there but whether you were or not....We are partying in the streets again tonite with our 2 awesome DJs Riker and Rachel! The streets are ALIVE with color and music in N'Awlins here on Wyldwood Bayou and tonite these DJs will spin the most fun Mardi Gras tunes and blues you have ever heard! We've got the Jambalaya and Gumbo simmering, the Beignets baking, and the King Cake frosted for your partying pleasure! Costume is the best way to make the most of Mardi Gras in any world or you can come as you are but DO wear your dancing shoes because I can tell you...You're gonna need them! "Laissez les bons temps rouler"!! See you there!! DJ Riker at 6:00! DJ Rachel at 7:30! Events 3

Kith Whitehawk: DJ Rachel is on stage now!!!! This party is ROCKIN'!! Come on down!!!! 3 years ago

shasiya NEW HUCOW milking sys 3 years ago
Bienvenue à Mardi Gras (Welcome to Mardi Gras 2022!!) de DJ Macy and DJ Kith, tonite starting at 6:00!
Where: Wyldwood Events 3 French Quarter Bourbon Street N'Awlins District
When: Opening Party tonite at 6:00 to 9:00! [25 Feb 2022 18:00 SLT]
It's the party we have been waiting a whole year for!! MARDI GRAS!! Wooohooo! Wyldwood Bayou is based on New Orleans, and what's the biggest event there every year? Mardi Gras! And NO ONE celebrates Mardi Gras the way Rockin' the Blues does!! Tonite, DJ Macy and DJ Kith open Mardi Gras with their most fun and festive tunes of the year! Cajun and Zydeco with some seriously awesome blues...just the way they do it in New Orleans! The way to have the most fun at Mardi Gras is to dress up but you can come as you are! Mardi Gras costumes are flamboyant and flamboyant and as colorful as the Blues Tribe themselves! Eat King Cake, sip absinthe! Dance in the street the New Orleans way! We love Mardi Gras and we love you! Come and be prepared to experience Mardi Gras as if you were really there! Guaranteed...this is as close as you can get to the real thing! See you there! "Laissez les bons temps rouler"!!
DJ Macy at 6:00! and DJ Kith at 7:30! Events 3

Harmony Beningborough: Wooohooo! DJ Macy is ready to open Mardi Gras!!! Everyone come on down! Rockin' the Blues' Mardi Gras Celebration is bigger and brighter than ever this year! :) 3 years ago
Flying the Ukrainian flag on the Brand New 100 Sim Fun Region.
Also standing with you at this terrible time.

I will be posting more about the new Completely modified Adventure Bay region
which includes FemDom City. Stay tuned. More to come.

Michelle Hartley: I have just updated the original picture to show the colors of the Ukraine covering the front of the Adventure Bay Welcome Building. 3 years ago

Next....: Ma Unichorn....with baby, of course ;)

Do you do Voice? are you available on Sundays around 12 noon Grid Time? Would you like to promote your grid, project, creations, or performances in OpenSim? Good news - the Mal Burns talk show Inworld Review is coming back to Opensim!
Guest bookings are beginning NOW, for more information on how to participate, join and friend Mal Burns#5591

Thirza Ember: To those who asked, yes, this is in English, but if it's not your first language, don't let that hold you back. Who doesn't love accents! 3 years ago
DJ Kith's Kick A$$ Sunday Blues Party tonite at Rockin' the Blues at 6:00!
Where: Rockin' the Blues!!
When: Sunday night at 6:00PM!! [20 Feb 2022 18:00 SLT]
It's Sunday night and DJ Kith is gonna blow this party right outta the bayou!!! THIS IS YOUR HOUSE and Kith has your blues the way you like FABULOUS!! This DJ spins the newest, freshest..Bluesiest Blues anywhere and he gets your heart pumping..your toes tapping and the biggest and happiest smiles on your faces! Kith will finish off the night with his famous hard rockin', hard livin', hard lovin' blues party, world class Rockin' the blues insanity!! Get on down to the bayou and party with the Blues Tribe! It's the Hottest party this side of the Mississippi!!! Fabulously cool Blues! TRIBE VIBE! Bayou

Kith Whitehawk: It's halftime and OMMMGGGGG!!! I'll just leave that there!! ROCK ON BLUES TRIBE!!!!! Woooohoooooooo!! 3 years ago
Lunaria on Mobius Grid

My goal with all my stores and regions, but especially this region, is to show that even a store can be an artistic expression of the highest order. Every piece I sell and every place I display them is a work of art.

See Lunaria here:
Use shared environment and advanced lighting model to see it as it was meant to be seen.

Lone Wolf: I love your work so much... 3 years ago

Where did the EVENTS link go? Well we're here getting ready for ours today at 1pm!! SNOW DAY at Club Escotia featuring CLAN and CLAN'S BAND! Map us: Escotia

MidnightRain Glas: great event today with Clan & band at the Red Hen..... hugs 3 years ago
Who: You!
What: Dance, dance ,dance.
When: Now!
Where: Adachi.

We are heading into hour 2 of dance music presented by DJ Dariaa Zaritskaya. Coming up next: some of her cover songs. Can 641K YouTube followers be wrong? Come hear for yourself.

CoolKat: If your name begins with M or D, you have a special invite to the event. We've got Marla, Margo and Mr.Dark here. Also Dame, Dariaa herself and the ever popular Dance Partner. But do not fear. We do n... 3 years ago

My newest region on Utopia Skye grid. This is a brand new ongoing project.

See it here:

Lone Wolf: ooooh. Someone will be buying one of these when it's ready :-) 3 years ago

Lucia Brachmann: Beach Club 3 years ago

Live Traffic
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
Escape2Reality Welcome A
4 2
Indigo Blue Realm A
17 2
Great Plains A
1 0
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
29 0
GOR Sardar Fair A
66 14
Event Plaza
122 18
Rock City
56 15
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Welcome A
19 2
4 0
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
TRF Ministries
6 0
Regions Online: 1,771
Active: 215 avatars in 124 regions
The Box
Offworld Grid 4 hours ago
I'm not Russian/Moldovian... I'm British/English, and you are a Fascist.....
Pagane 5 hours ago
Да я на твой РОДНОЙ язик сказала:) Что не нравится что узнала? Yes i know language of russian/moldovan trols!
Offworld Grid 7 hours ago
You saying "Yes, I have full access... what kind of ban?" in Russian just proves you are a troll and griefer @Pagane
Pagane 7 hours ago
You put my IP in admin panel! Not in ban list.... OMG...
Pagane 7 hours ago
what know banned? Banned know означает запрет на доступ....Да я имею польной доступ... какой запрет?
Offworld Grid 7 hours ago
Your IP is banned from accessing Offworld Grid, @Pagane, go cry to somebody who cares...
OpenSimUser 7 hours ago
Cant we all just get along?
Pagane 10 hours ago
@Offworld LIER! Why i continue to read your SнIТS if i am banned???
Pagane 10 hours ago
i also was in same time, but he is here for violation:(
Misty_Falls 11 hours ago
hey just cuz I was curious about the newbie world, doesnt mean you are welcome to advertise me, thats kinda rude and a violation of my privacy @Offworld
StevieZee 11 hours ago
Good grief
Pagane 13 hours ago
I not understand peoples... When someone uses a VPN, hoping to hide their true location, they shouldn't be so loud and stupid! Are is not true?
Pagane 13 hours ago
Yes, three requests permanently Offline and "registered" on an as-yet-unidentified domain - third in less than 24 hours...
Pagane 14 hours ago
OSW change my true wird "SНIТ" wit "flower and i try to correct.
Pagane 14 hours ago
@Offworlder I'm not interested in twin accounts created a week ago! I am not interested in landless accounts! Do at least one smelly flower and then claim attention :)
Pagane 14 hours ago
Have I ever mentioned @Offworlder's name? Or for his professorship? Perhaps I meant a potential patient of his...

New Comments

Nojan 3 hours ago
great work!
Mona725 6 hours ago
Loved it, such a great theme very entertaining with the interactions. The only thing is Delores and Miss Argentina comes back as unavailable.
Offworld Grid 8 hours ago
OSW is a dating site now? wow...
Morgan 8 hours ago
looking for real life meet relationship only with honest lady big kisses
Hella 12 hours ago
So beautiful build you made as always !!!
Thirza Ember 13 hours ago
I blame Tosha!!
Safinemahoe2 13 hours ago
Thank you to Thirza and the HG Safari Group! You all are outstanding...but slightly destructive! ahahahahh (I think you blew up 14 of my buildings!) Thats ok, wait til you come back ; ...
Ultra 14 hours ago
Hello. I would like to see your tape recorder model. I am also developing a player.where and how to download it?
Slowhand 19 hours ago
No regions found with that name !


Mare Welcome
schöne Region, alles sehr übersichtlich, nach Themen geordnet, hier macht es Freude in Ruhe einzukaufen. Geld wird auch zur Verfügung gestellt, alle gut überlegt Silver, vielen Dank
OasisTeam 22 minutes ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Fantastici avatar quelli fantasy sono superbi, un negozio bellissimo un abiente di amici Alfa, Coral; Valeria e tutti gli altri nella vostra sala da ballo sommersa è stata una bellissima festa. Grazie...
RobertoLeone1 13 hours ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I went here several times on several days and never had a single issue getting there. Tons of fun stuff to be found here, I found great houses, all the decorations for a party I needed, furniture, clo...
Gentle Dragonheart 18 hours ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
The store is beautifully set up in a tropical environment. They have a great collection for laraX, Maitreya/Althea's. The hair is great, also they have jewellery. My number 1 shopping spot.
Josy Abbot yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Vielen dank für die tollen Avatare, wir sind total begeistert! Liebe Grüsse Sea und Pablo
Pablo yesterday
Little Big City Shopping Mall
Oct 3rd 2024 I'm able to get there and move around just fine. I'm using a landmark, however. The change of URL suggests that the owner is adjusting things around which he seems to do a lot. It's a hob...
DaleM yesterday
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I am getting Unable to Verify Identity at a lot of sims what does it mean????
Jared Seda yesterday
Little Big City Shopping Mall
same as last reviewer......unable to verify identify, in avis from two different grids if you wish to restrict access then please state that in your region description, or create a way for visitors...
juliacassidy 2 days ago
The most recent Firestorm viewer version is denied access to this region? wow...
Offworld Grid 2 days ago

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