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Shoulder-view camera angles: Looking at the world like your avatar does
We're all used to OpenSim's standard rear camera angle. A camera that floats more than three and a half metres above the ground. But seriously, this camera angle has got a whole lot of issues.

Sure, it can be practical when building. But first of all, it requires buildings which are even more ridiculously out-of-scale than the avatars created by fresh Second Life converts. Otherwise, the camera would constantly bump into the ceiling or even clip through it.

Besides, it suggests that this is your eye level. You don't see the world from your avatar's point of view. 3.60m (12') doors with handles on actual eye level or even higher don't seem strange to you at all, nor do living-rooms with ceiling heights akin to cathedrals or chin-high handrails.

Last but not least, high-hovering cameras are so 2000s. Nowadays, "shoulder cams" at the same height as the character's eyes are all the rage in video games. And you can have them in OpenSim as well.

Here are two settings I've found to work well.

"Standard" shoulder view, right of centre:

Camera Offset:
X -0.700
Y -0.400
Z -0.300

Focus Offset:
X 1.000
Y -0.400
Z 0.700


Alternative shoulder view, left of centre:

Camera Offset:
X -0.700
Y 0.400
Z -0.300

Focus Offset:
X 1.000
Y 0.400
Z 0.700


Han_Held: Good stuff! I always liked Penny Patton's settings, personally. You can see them here: though I use her old numbers, which yo... 2 years ago
I asked Nyx Breen if he would like to join our exhibit and display his work too at Mind Odyssey, to my delight he has accepted and will be working on his exhibit in the coming days. Thank you, Nyx.

nyxbreen: Marianna thanks for the article and looking forward to upcoming projects. 2 years ago

The Region Status shows Offline, but its Online and with visitors time to time.
So if you want to visit, please go :)

Jupiter Rowland: Is there a writing above the beacon that says it has to be re-initialised? If yes, do so. If not, I don't know how old your beacon is and whether Satyr has changed something on OSW that broke compati... 2 years ago

Calling all Aliens, we know you're out there, dancing among us... Show your true colors today at Club Escotia's elaborate Area 51! DJ Clan will be creating the mood with his personal collection of out of this world music :) There are 2,000 Gloebits in the Contest Prize Jar to start, drop in some of your own, winner takes all! Beam over!

Photo Done By Emily Sear at photogenic shop at Gentle fire Grid hop://
make appointment or Just Visit to see what she can do for you!
Its free to all as a Gift from Gentle Fire Grid please contact Emily Sear

DjArianna Nightfire: beautiful 2 years ago

For all the ladies of opensim

*** Jumper Dress ***

This version of the jumper dress is released in beautiful floral prints just in time for summer.

OSFest - What is the story ? For a quick tour around the origins and aims of the event
watch this

NEW from oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Misty_Falls: sweet, looks like a living dead doll. 2 years ago

region suitable type or grd
gorean or ancient

Thirza Ember: I never knew Nessie was Gor. Interesting! 2 years ago

YAY!!!, my first version of my personal fav, toe-socks !!! Who doesn't love toe-socks and sandals....lolz

Thirza Ember: W.A.N.T. 2 years ago

!!! Just Released !!!

** Alexa Lingerie Set **

12 Co-ordinated colors and patterns

There are so many ways to represent yourself and your grid at OpensimFest. Get a free parcel and exhibit. Sign up to be a 'music maker - your own singing, or as a DJ. Or simply be a Greeter.
For one hour, you're the first person that people meet on the festival grid, so it's a chance to make new friends, and to support our diverse community, Will you be a part of something positive?

Thirza Ember: As someone who has always longed to tell people where they can go, this looks like my dream opportunity. 2 years ago
Lovely profile of Luna Lunaria in the opensimfest blog this week.
She is a busy lady!
Great article by Doc Nolan
Have you signed up for OpensimFest yet?

Without comment

still time and a lot of room for you.. come on down.. cause you dont wanna miss a thing

ClanEscotia: clan - whit's a bahookie lol 2 years ago
Today the King's Royal Court chamber was completed and the more I do with this region the more drawn I am to King David as to me, he was the most awesome earthly King that ever lived. Just find myself falling in love with him the more I read. map = Jerusalem take a step back in time and enjoy the peace and beauty.
This gunslinger just traversed in time...been a while since he saw the light of day. He is in a rip roarin' gunslingin' mood so keep on the lookout at Abandoned Ghost Town Ghost Town
Our trip to see life on Mars, and how the Tarns fly. Special thanks to Misty for not minding if I tp'd her to the wrong place.

Virtual_Life: Da scheint jemand den Sommer nicht zu mögen :) 2 years ago
DJ CLAN and the CLANETTES! Come on over to CandleDance at 1pm for some great fun, a competition for gloebits and some new eye candy ;) Map us: Escotia Look for the TP at the landing to CandleDance!

ClanEscotia: bit of salt and pepper - it will be fine 2 years ago
Time and time again I am mislabeled as a furry in regions that only allow humans. on the other side I am mislabeled a human in regions that only allow furries.
I am in fact a neko, a human/animal hybrid. I look like a human mostly but with catlike features. I have spots, cat ears and a tail. I have been a virtual neko for 15 years and nothing anyone can say will change what and who I am.
all I am asking for is the difference to be noted. I am not human, this is true. but I am also not a furry.

All Events have been cancelled until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience we will be back up soon

its Love Song Thursday and you can come and fall in love with the music..


Friday May 6th at 1.30 PM SLT (22.30 h Paris time)

*** CONCERT : TerraMerhyem
*** DANCES lead by :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Dress code : Medieval, Epic...

My Friend, come with me to discover my most recent Art-Installation in this Opensim friendly grid : Pangea Grid...

I have always liked to "pass through doors" to go from one world to another... Here, in my most recent installation, there is another world...
Come with me through the door to this other world... To the northwest lies the mythical Island: Avalon - the final destination... and everywhere, here, the Saga of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is played out... The magic Sword is there, brandished by the Lady of the Lake... heroes, victories, defeats... loves... in this world woven of Magic... Where Merlin the Enchanter still sleeps in stasis, perhaps close to the moment of his awakening - to enchant the/our World again...
Come with me, for the time of my concert, to soak up the epic breath of "that time"... "... ? ? ?

I, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi and all the team of Pangea Grid will be happy and honored of your presence… ? ? ♥ ?


Per il lancio del "Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2022" della durata di 1 anno

Siete invitati all'INAUGURAZIONE della mia costruzione / del mio CONCERTO in Pangea Grid ( ---->> OPENSIM = NON in SL ! ) :


Venerdì 6 maggio alle 1.30 PM SLT (22.30 h ora di Parigi)

*** CONCERTO : Terra Merhyem
*** Danze condotte da :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Dress code: Medievale, Epico...

Amico mio, vieni con me a scoprire la mia più recente installazione artistica in questa griglia amichevole Opensim: Pangea Grid...

Mi è sempre piaciuto "passare attraverso le porte" per andare da un mondo all'altro... Qui, nella mia installazione più recente, c'è un altro mondo...
Venite con me attraverso la porta di questo altro mondo... A nord-ovest si trova l'isola mitica: Avalon - la destinazione finale... e ovunque, qui, si svolge la saga di Re Artù e dei suoi Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda... La spada magica è lì, brandita dalla Dama del Lago... eroi, vittorie, sconfitte... amori... in questo mondo intessuto di magia... Dove Merlino l'Incantatore dorme ancora in stasi, forse vicino al momento del suo risveglio - per incantare di nuovo il/nostro Mondo...
Vieni con me, per il tempo del mio concerto, per assorbire il respiro epico di "quel tempo"... "... ? ? ?

Io, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi e tutta la squadra di Pangea Grid saremo felici e onorati della vostra presenza... ? ? ♥ ?

Taxi in Pangea Grid : in arrivo...

*** Info: Non suono spesso la musica conosciuta nei miei concerti, né electro né tekno - non che non mi piacciano, ma non è il "mio stile"...
*** Suono quello che mi piace: voci vibranti o/e timbri vocali particolari, belle melodie, canzoni emozionali, alcune canzoni francesi ed europee, musica bella ma strana, suoni a volte insoliti, molta world music poco conosciuta in Occidente, musica etnica trance (come antropologo IRL, ho partecipato a riti voodoo e amerindi)... E mi piace anche la musica gotica, la tekno melodica, il metal... e i Rammstein... e Wagner, Monteverdi, Verdi... e la musica medievale e rinascimentale...
*** Questo significa che quello che ascolterai nei miei concerti può sembrare a volte strano, insolito... Ma sono sicuro, amico mio, che se verrai ai miei concerti, sarà con curiosità, orecchie aperte e mente aperta... per condividere con me il piacere che provo nel suonare per te la musica che amo... ♥ ? ?

(Traduit avec )

Pour le lancement du "Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2022", qui durera un an

VOUS êtes invités à l'INAUGURATION de mon Art-Installation / mon CONCERT dans Pangea Grid (NB : ----->> OPENSIM = PAS dans SL ! ) :


Vendredi 6 mai à 13.30 PM SLT (22.30 h heure de Paris)

*** CONCERT : TerraMerhyem
*** DANCES dirigées par :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Code vestimentaire : Médiéval, Épique...

Amie, Ami, viens avec moi découvrir ma plus récente installation artistique dans cette grid conviviale de Opensim : Pangea Grid :

J'ai toujours aimé "passer des portes" pour passer d'un monde a l'autre... Ici, dans ma plus récente installation, il y a un autre monde...
Viens avec moi passer la porte vers cet autre monde... Au nord-ouest se trouve l'Île mythique : Avalon - la finale destination... et partout, ici, se joue la Saga du roi Arthur et de ses Chevaliers de la Table Ronde... L'Épée magique est là, brandie par la Dame du Lac... les héros, les victoires, les défaites... les amours... dans ce monde tissé de Magie... Où dort encore en stase Merlin l'Enchanteur, peut-être tout près du moment de son réveil - pour a nouveau enchanter le Monde...
Viens avec moi, le temps de mon concert, t’imprégner du souffle épique de "ce temps là"..... ? ? ?

Moi, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi et toute l'équipe de Pangea Grid serons heureux et honorés de votre présence... ? ? ♥ ?


NB : 1 PM SLT is :
* - New-York, Argentina : 16.00 h
* - Brasil : 17.00 h
* - France, Deutschland, Espana, Italia : 22.00 h
* - GB, Portugal : 21.00 h

The Sounds of TerraMerhyem
*** Info : in my concerts, I won’t play often hit-parade-well-known-musics. Naturally I have nothing against and I like many of them, but it’s just not “my style”…
*** I love: voices – vibrant and/or with particular tones of voices –, harmonious melodies, emotional songs, strange but beautiful musics, some French and other europeans songs, many little-known world musics, sometimes unusual sounds, authentic ethnic trance rythms (for instance: as an anthropologist, I participated IRL to voodoo and Amerindian rituals and ceremonies) … And also “gothic”, melodic tekno, heavy metal… and Rammstein… And Wagner, Monteverdi, Verdi… And medieval and Renaissance musics…
*** This mean that what you will hear in my concerts may sometimes sound strange… But I am sure, my Friend, if you come it will be with open ears, open mind and curiosity… to share with me my pleasure to play for you the musics I love… ♥ ? ?

*** Info: je ne joue pas souvent dans mes concerts les musiques bien connues de tous, ni de l’electro ni de la tekno - non point que je ne les apprécie pas, mais ce n’est simplement pas « mon style »…
*** Je joue ce que j’aime : voix vibrantes ou/et aux timbres vocaux particuliers, belles mélodies, chansons pleines d’émotions, certaines chansons françaises et européennes, musiques belles mais étranges, parfois des sons inhabituels, nombre de musiques du monde peu connues en Occident, musiques ethniques de transe (en tant qu’anthropologue IRL, j’ai participé à des rites vaudou et amérindiens)… Et j’aime aussi la musique « gothic », la tekno mélodique, le métal… et Rammstein… Et Wagner, Monteverdi, Verdi… Et les musiques médiévales et de la Renaissance…
*** Cela signifie que ce que tu écouteras dans mes concerts pourra parfois te sembler étrange, inhabituel… Mais je suis sûre, mon Ami(e), que si tu viens assister à mes concerts, ce sera avec curiosité, les oreilles et l’esprit ouvert… pour partager avec moi le plaisir que je ressens à jouer pour toi les musiques que j’aime… ♥ ? ?

Das Pangea Grid eröffnet sein Kunst- und Kulturfestival 2022"

Freunde, kommt mit uns und entdeckt die neueste Kunst-Installation
" EXCALIBUR " von Terra Merhyem
auf der SIM TerraMerhyem - AVALON


Freitag 6. Mai um 13.30 Uhr SLT (22.30 Uhr deutscher Zeit)

*** KONZERT : TerraMerhyem
*** TÄNZE unter der Leitung von :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Kleiderordnung : Mittelalterlich, Episch...

NB : 1 PM SLT ist :
* - New-York, Argentinien : 16.00 Uhr
* - Brasilien: 17.00 Uhr
* - Frankreich, Deutschland, Spanien, Italien : 22.00 Uhr
* - GB, Portugal: 21.00 Uhr
Terras Anmerkung:

Ich habe es schon immer gemocht, "durch Türen zu gehen", um von einer Welt in eine andere zu gelangen... Hier, in meiner neuesten Installation, gibt es eine andere Welt...
Kommen Sie mit mir durch die Tür in diese andere Welt... Im Nordwesten liegt die mythische Insel: Avalon - das endgültige Ziel... und überall, hier, spielt sich die Sage von König Artus und seinen Rittern der Tafelrunde ab... Das magische Schwert ist da, geschwungen von der Herrin des Sees... Helden, Siege, Niederlagen... Lieben... in dieser von Magie geprägten Welt... Wo Merlin, der Zauberer, noch immer in Stasis schläft, vielleicht kurz vor dem Moment seines Erwachens - um die/unsere Welt erneut zu verzaubern...
Komm mit mir, für die Zeit meines Konzerts, um den epischen Atem "jener Zeit" aufzusaugen... "... ? ? ?

Ich, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi und das ganze Team von Pangea Grid freuen sich auf eure Anwesenheit... ? ? ♥ ?

Mehr Infos:
Pangea Grid opens its "2022" arts and culture festival.

Friends, come with us and discover the latest art installation
" EXCALIBUR " by Terra Merhyem
on the SIM TerraMerhyem - AVALON


Friday May 6 at 13.30 SLT (22.30 German time)

*** CONCERT : TerraMerhyem
*** DANCES conducted by :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Dress code : Medieval, Epic...

NB : 1 PM SLT is :
* - New-York, Argentina : 16.00 hrs.
* - Brazil : 17.00
* - France, Germany, Spain, Italy : 10.00 p.m.
* - GB, Portugal : 21.00 hrs
Terras comment:

I have always liked to "pass through doors" to go from one world to another.... Here, in my latest installation, there is another world....
Come with me through the door into this other world.... In the northwest lies the mythical island: Avalon - the final destination... and everywhere, here, the saga of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table takes place.... The magic sword is there, brandished by the Lady of the Lake... Heroes, victories, defeats... loves... in this magical world... Where Merlin, the Wizard, still sleeps in stasis, perhaps just before the moment of his awakening - to enchant the/our world once again....
Come with me, for the time of my concert, to absorb the epic breath of "that time.... "... ? ? ?

Me, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi and the whole team of Pangea Grid are looking forward to your presence.... ? ? ♥ ?

More info:
La grille Pangea ouvre son festival artistique et culturel 2022".

Amis, venez découvrir avec nous la dernière installation artistique
" EXCALIBUR " de Terra Merhyem
sur la SIM TerraMerhyem - AVALON

Taxi :

Vendredi 6 mai à 13h30 SLT (22h30 heure française)

*** CONCERT : TerraMerhyem
*** TACIS sous la direction de :
* Medora Chevalier
* Alazi Sautereau

*** Code vestimentaire : médiéval, épique...

NB : 1 PM SLT est :
* - New-York, Argentine : 16.00 heures
* - Brésil : 17.00 heures
* - France, Allemagne, Espagne, Italie : 22.00 heures
* - GB, Portugal : 21.00 heures
Note de Terra :

J'ai toujours aimé "passer par des portes" pour aller d'un monde à l'autre... Ici, dans ma dernière installation, il y a un autre monde...
Venez avec moi passer la porte de cet autre monde... Au nord-ouest se trouve l'île mythique : Avalon - la destination finale... et partout, ici, se déroule la légende du roi Arthur et de ses chevaliers de la Table ronde... L'épée magique est là, brandie par la maîtresse du lac... Héros, victoires, défaites... Des amours... dans ce monde marqué par la magie... Où Merlin, l'enchanteur, dort encore en stase, peut-être juste avant le moment de son réveil - pour réenchanter le/notre monde...
Viens avec moi, le temps de mon concert, pour absorber le souffle épique de "ce temps-là"... "... ? ? ?

Moi, Medora, Alazi, Rage, Marlon, Lampi et toute l'équipe de Pangea Grid nous réjouissons de votre présence... ? ? ♥ ?

Plus d'infos :


Standing beneath the Great Pyramid at Luxor, currently under construction. Prim work, texturing and lighting on a monumental scale.

So much to enjoy at Australian home lands. Currently still in construction although much to explore already. from the great outback to the old world charm of the Australian landscape and small townships. Things to do??? Kayak, canoe, trails to ride on horse back, sand dunes to explore on quad bikes. roam and explore the highest mountain lakes and spring flowers. canoe down the vast canyons, waterways ands wet lands. Use the tp pad near the welcome are to zip around. Don't forget the underwater caves (still being developed and much more to come) Rental islands bungalow, and Mountain lake side cabin rentals available as well as free rentals in Old Mannum Town over looking the great Murray River. Explore and make Australian Home Lands your next home on 64 regions always ON dedicated server. Genavieve Page

My new region now has a name - Luxor, and an OSW beacon. A lot of work still to go.

Cannabis Information Center-Pacific Northwest a 360 view. An information center with permission to share Leafly information. A relaxing way to learn all there is to know about the healing properties of cannabis. Please stop by anytime. The region is on smart start so you might have to hit the tp button couple of times.
The Elven Hud is here. For all the elves out there like me, who wanted a hud for their very own. Special thanks to Cataplexia Numbers for her beautiful elven tower I used in the hud as the sanctuary.

Kubwa: I prefer dogs myself :P 2 years ago


Opening soon at Seahaven...Club Bahia. Join us for live music and DJ's. Beach Attire.

Seahaven Saloon now open. Join us for our first show featuring Beccca Baxton Live - April 16th at 1:00pm grid time

The new Lunaria Emporium satellite store at the Welcome Area on Wolf territories Grid is coming along. I like the late 19th century vibe to this region so I emulated that style on the structure's interior by changing all the interior's textures. First floor is nearly done ?

You can find my store on Wolf territories here: Territories Welcome

See their OSW page here:

You can find Elin's house I used on the Kitely Market here:

And you can find my products on the Kitely Market also:

Lone Wolf: Lovely! 3 years ago

AnaKathy: Hello Shall We Date and Copper ... you were right in your assumption. sorry for the confusion 3 years ago