OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
0 Users 30 6
Lunaria Emporium is where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna, with themes such as Christmas, Cemetery, Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Egyptian, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and...
All Littlefield Residents are urged to attend this special meeting.
Details of the meeting can be found in-world in today's notice.

Meeting Times:
02/11/2025: 6AM PST (grid time)
02/11/2025: 12PM PST (grid time)

a partager et relayer very important .

Pagane: As you all know, I don't have an account on OSGrid, I have a permanent ban on access to LBSA, I have had my own server for a long time (small, but withstood the attacks of giants like Sacrarium and Av... 2 hours ago

I'm performing at BlackSun!
Come join us for some fun & dancing!
PLACE: BlackSun

NEWS!!! Octavia Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/349/212/5002

AmberNL: looks really cute but it looks like it's not set for sell or copy at the moment. 2 hours ago
Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon
Besser spät als nie.
Heute Abend in der Zappelbude:
21:00 – Tony Levin und anderes verbasstes Zeug.
Lasst uns einfach Spaß haben.
Hypergrid :
Grid :
Erstelle dein Account im Xenolandia Grid

Hyacinth: That's Tony Levin from King Crimson! Groovy :) My RL Partner sang on a couple of prog rock albums with him. 3 hours ago

Small Mi'kmaq village. Those wigwams are actually easier to build in RL. (i have built a few) :D

Community Meeting Video -
We have developed a tool that can bulk create and load regions from oar files by the customer filling in a simple spreadsheet if anyone needs assistance. We moved 87 regions to Wolf Grid yesterday. Our assets are stored in Object Storage which is spread across multiple servers and locations. We maintain 2 live backups of the assets at any time. If it gets low on space we just buy more space.

We are offering free migration for the next month.

CherylFurse: You should really watch the video. Much information you get here about the grid and what you can do and what you will do soon. I wait for Bobby that he can generate mesh objects. This is something rea... 5 hours ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827

Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport

We are aware of the hypergrid issues on E Grid and working on it :)

Will post here when its fixed ...

Hello everyone, there are some new legacy clothes in my shop again. Come by and let yourself be surprised :) This swimsuit is also included...


Sending thoughts and prayers to all my OSG friends and wishing OSG Techs much success during this challenging time.

Good morning to Aviworld residents and outsiders. My understanding is people are upset about renting FREE parcels and being on lands that read General and Nudity in every place around them. This was brought to my attention, and really, I never looked at it; I just looked at people joining to play their game as they wished. But as of today, I draw the line; we will have general locations and adult locations. Please inform any staff of what location you would like to be in; we will also be preparing new note cards that will be given out. If your in General Location with nudity out you will be asked 1 time to remove 2nd time it will be returned to you Thank you for your understanding. Remember, we are all people here to play our GAME as we see fit. Try to understand the others around you; not 2 people are the same. And if you are a resident already and you are concerned, contact one of us staff; we can help. Our goal is to make each resident of AVIWORLDS happy, not uncomfortable.
Also New Location Coming in to AVIWORLDS......Aviworlds Dinkie Villa
Dancing and singing by the fire in Ossipee Village.

I created some singing attachments with traditional Mi'kmaq songs. The Honour Song, The Feast Song, and The Gathering Song. They are chained sound clips, so they are spatialized. It's kind of cool. There will be NPC characters doing activities in the villages, singing songs and telling stories.

video link w/ audio:

#carnivalland #arkhamgrid

The ORIGINAL Latex Lounge Fetish Dance with live DJ Windrunner Constantine - Tonight at 5pm Pacific!

Come join in for some great music and a great group of people who've been in the BDSM and Fetish business for over 13 years in Opensim! Free LATEX gift every week!!

Starts at 5pm PST!!
we have a new edition to club ryanna its the world beyond come and check it out tom starting at 12 we have dj ullusions,at 1 we have dj rich,at 3 we live singer evan,at 4 live singer ouie,at 5 dj ladyjo,at 6 live singer acidic and at 7 live singer aint come on over for a great day of music
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "Doo Wop / Motown"

Sunday Feb 9th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing a collection of Doo Wop songs from Motown and other record labels as well as his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

CORRECTION!!!Surprise Birthday Party on Feb. 9th from 11.30 to 12.30 Grid
Zoree Jupiter Live
It is an OOC event in a Fantasy Medieval setting, but period clothing is not required.
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon

No os lo perdais os esperamos esta noche con mucha diversion

DJane Dragon at The Coffin Club on Carpe Noctem : today 8:00 AM to 10:00

DJ DragonLady - Dragon loves gothic rock, her sets are lively and often feature the less well known european artists

The Coffin Club is a gothic club in a church surrounded by a cemetry, furnished with coffins, music is gothic, rock, metal, EBM and Industrial.

Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon  17 bis 19 Uhr im Coffin Club mit Gothic, Industrial and EBM
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber in den Coffin Club

A great place to visit...

Catch me if you can

Pagane: Sorry Dorena... you again is few years behind world:) yesterday
╔═══◈◈Carnival Land ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs◈◈
╫◈ ᴅᴊ ◈DjChanel Hurricane
╫◈ ᴡʜᴀᴛ◈ Progressive House Mashup☻
╫◈ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ◈14.00 SLT
╫◈ where ◈♬ Carnival Land, Arkham Grid ♬
╫◈ when ◈2-4 pm grid time February 9th Sunday

Alexjacklin: I can't wait, the best DJ GREAT HURRICANE 2 days ago

Khiron Ametza Live
Saturday, February 8th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to romantic songs among nice people!

5pm @ Golden Rose Ballroom
Attire: Semi Formal to Formal
Region: All Graders Vets
Location: 649, 858, 1520

PamellaEaston: woohooo 2 days ago

#costume #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
♬ WHO MoonStar Lisa & Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT Live Music Performances
♬ WHEN 2:00 PM SLT - Moon
♬ WHEN 3:00 PM SLT - Lisa
RIDE: Creek

New women's face skins have also been released today

LisaLandar: thank you for making it possible for us to look beautiful ♥ 2 days ago
Hey Everyone 🙂
I'm performing at AnKaBi Bikers Heaven at 12:pm/1200h Grid Time!
Come join us for some great fun & music!
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴11:am OST ∵∴ ❈
» Ride: Bikers Heaven
I lied. We partying. Now.

Join us for the GRAND OPENING of the NEW GRID WELCOME AREA! Territories Grid Welcome Area

Wolf Territories has a NEW WELCOME Area with Club Stonehenge!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be spinning for you with an eclectic mix of upbeat and driving pop and rock! Come on out, celebrate, and be sure to check out the entire region on the bus or train!

But most of all, GET READY TO PARTY & HOWL @ THE MOON!

TWO shows: 11 am & 7 pm grid time!
♦♦♦ ] CC – CLUB [ ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ Presents ♦♦♦

════▷▶ 90`s-2000`s Party ◀◁════

☑ When: Saturday/Samstag 08.February 2025
⏰ 12:00 OS – 21:00 Uhr EU
☑ Where: CC-CLUB
Good Tunes / Good Vibes Gute Musik / gute Stimmung
╫◈ at the MIC - DJ CRAZY - 90`s to 2000`s Vinyl – Livemix
✥NO Clothcode – Keine Kleiderordnung

╠═ here: SeaVibes

AvatarFest 2016

Mirror Worlds

Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up · Chicane · Bryan Adams

Love Prana Mountain on Fridays :-)

Lone Wolf at the Irish Wolf Pub on our welcome area. Picture by Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: Thankfully, no wolf-boogers to be seen! 3 days ago
By request I'm doing the large Japanese home next, but this time I'm going to make it in situ, where it will be displayed once finished. It will take about a month and those interested in my building process can visit and see the progress as I go along. I sketched out the plans yesterday then did my space planning on site today. Pictured is how that looks. You can see it at the Emporium. In the lobby click the Japanese teleport sign and you'll see the build area in the far back.
The Love Box


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

AlexTerieur: merci val 3 days ago
Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon

We are so proud to announce our grand opening at 12pm. Let's join us for this great event!!!

Live Traffic
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
8 0
4 0
6 0
SciattiShopClothes A
76 5
7 2
Graywolf landing
5 0
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Xenotown A
17 0
NakedWorldz Family Area
5 0
Serrallo de Mogor A
1 0
Anubis A
6 0
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Serrallo de Mogor A
1 0
Serrallo de Mogor A
12 1
Regions Online: 1,850
Active: 325 avatars in 172 regions
The Box
JamieWright 6 minutes ago
I cannot even begin to imagine the scope for the work that OSGrid has to try to do this. I wish them all the luck with it.
Pagane 2 hours ago
Despite our diametrically opposed understandings on many issues: I FULLY SUPPORT THE OSGRID TEAM!
Susanna_Heller 15 hours ago
i know Bruce Lee thats his Brother
Tonia Kara 15 hours ago
Dan Banner according to Fandom is the son of Bruce Banner and has great stregth the same as his father!
Susanna_Heller 16 hours ago
i think is more make the asset stable not 100% restore ... but Dan and the Team are the experts
Tonia Kara 16 hours ago
I will be glad when this asset issue is resolved. I got banned from Discord when I had a melt down which is not my fault as I am an undiagnosed Autistic Person!
Tonia Kara 16 hours ago
That is good news that they are now going to restore the assets!
Hicks 16 hours ago
Susanna_Heller 18 hours ago
Ah ok same link
RemmyRavenhurst 18 hours ago
Asset reset on hold now. by danbanner|Published February 10, 2025 After further examination we are going to try and restore the assets. More info to follow soon.
Susanna_Heller 19 hours ago
Dorena kannst ja dann zu den Grünen gehen und dann als Klimakleber dann klebst fest und alle haben ihre Ruhe XD XD XD
Susanna_Heller 19 hours ago
schnell pusten damits 5% werden ha ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 19 hours ago
ich schon wo ich mich ausgeloggt habe Dorena dund das Arschgesicht Rowland sind auf dem Kriegspfad .. links 2 3 4 links 2 3 4 BSW gibts bald nicht mehr und die linken kannst als Fussabtreter benutzen XD
Susanna_Heller 21 hours ago
everything sounds like politicians at OSG .. we will never do it never ever .. ohhh we did it
HarperHeld 21 hours ago
someone tell osgrid my rm comment was a joke! 😱🤣
Susanna_Heller 22 hours ago
and so the Grid is back ... 3000 ppl want upload her IAR and OAR ..... :)
Susanna_Heller 22 hours ago
3000 User have 2 weeks or so time make a Backup (IAR and OAR) thats the next Issue some ppl have between 10 - 100 Avatars (Inventars) omg good luck
JamieWright 22 hours ago
Thanks for the heads up Mari:

New Comments

Pagane 2 hours ago
As you all know, I don't have an account on OSGrid, I have a permanent ban on access to LBSA, I have had my own server for a long time (small, but withstood the attacks of giants like Sacrarium and Av...
Crazyposeidon 2 hours ago
I completely agree with Hicks, the most important thing is good performance and you have to get rid of old garbage, if there is no other way, you should do the reset and we start a new era and anyone ...
AmberNL 2 hours ago
looks really cute but it looks like it's not set for sell or copy at the moment.
Hyacinth 3 hours ago
That's Tony Levin from King Crimson! Groovy :) My RL Partner sang on a couple of prog rock albums with him.
KarinBecker 5 hours ago
So ich denke ich mache jetzt das einzige was mich nicht mehr aufregen wird und das ich hier zur ruhe komme ich werde dich blocken dann habe ich meine ruhe und du auch. So I think I'll do the only th...
CherylFurse 5 hours ago
You should really watch the video. Much information you get here about the grid and what you can do and what you will do soon. I wait for Bobby that he can generate mesh objects. This is something rea...
Luna Lunaria 6 hours ago
One of the many reasons I am on this lovely grid :-)
Jupiter Rowland 7 hours ago
At yesterday's Wolf Territories grid meetup, Lone Wolf said something about 87 OARs having recently been uploaded to new sims in the Wolf Territories. Probably completely unrelated. [/Sarcasm]
Xenon Darrow 7 hours ago
It really speaks to the grid and the community when you have 10-12 people showing up 30 min early just to hang and chat, like it was happy hour LOL. (including me) I am incredibly grateful that I came...


We had a blast exploring all the wonderful spots in Eden. We are planning a trip back so we can do more there. Lots to see and do. :) Great build!
EvaSeli 22 minutes ago
Tierra De Volcanes
I love your Avatars and furniture you always do a awesome job and you are very friendly and helpful This is my fave look so far!
Kiana Fawn 50 minutes ago
Tierra De Volcanes
WOW !!!
OmO_oH 14 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Stormjervil Che negozio meraviglioso, Valeria è una donna molto dolce e gentile. La consiglierò a chiunque incontrerò
ValeriaRossi yesterday
Tierra De Volcanes
a very complex store with a little bit of everything, you just have to get here and in a few moments you can create a very beautiful avatar, the owner pays attention to every detail
trevor yesterday
a beautiful place, a beautiful atmosphere, it deserves more rooms to visit. bravo
Hicks 2 days ago
Very Nicely Done , i love it and enjoyed my visit ,,, i know what work it takes to put in all the details you have going here ,,,i myself have been working on a canyon sim for some time a...
Mystic Moonlight 2 days ago
Wonderful Sim.........I love it :))
Sylvia-Koeln 2 days ago
AWESOME new club!!! Great music and friendly staff. You will not regreat spending a hour or all day here!!!
LaRissaBogbat 3 days ago

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