OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 0 Full grids for as little as 80 USD per month. any questions emaIl you can order the grid package from please let us help you with all your gri...
Someone is hard at work on CK Alt Island!

And all the hard work is paying off! We had 8 people here all at once on day two. That's like what? 5% of all the AVs in OS?

It's all because of the the aura of Adachi. Drawing people here like bears to honey. Like moths to a flame. Like serial killers to college sororities. (OK, maybe not the last one. That's from some movie or something).

Although we don't have Adachi here, we have many of the great people from the CK grid, with more showing up every day. Pop in and pay us a visit. Alt Island

About the Region
We have built a temporary home for CopyKat exiles. While the CopyKat Grid is down, your AV there can't sign in. You will need to sign into OS using an alt account on another grid. (That's why we call this "CK Alt Island.")

If you are a member of the CopyKat Realm group, find a member of the Friends of CK group and ask for an invite. You can then set CK Alt Island as your home location if you like. We also have shop space for you. (oh HELLO is reopening soon).

CK Alt Island is open to the public. The dance venue and more have been built, and more to come. Old friends, new friends and alts of every variety are welcome. Come visit! Alt Island

Sabrinastav: @Nico, Could you explain to me how to get in there?...I can't access my CopyKat account 2 years ago
The Fraud Of Pumpkin Spice Revealed
According to Jupiter Communications, Inc., an Internet research company, the most common search term this time of year, for five years running, is "pumpkin spice anal beads." Despite this disturbing fact, this outfit has nothing to do with pumpkin spice or...that other thing.

Admittedly, the dress is orange. as are pumpkins. But a little known fact is that pumpkin spice actually does not contain any pumpkin, real or artificial. In other words, pumpkin spice is a fraud. Sad, but true.

Get this pumpkin spice-free free outfit at oh HELLO

Ellen: Cute dress! Pumpkin spice would be the spices typically used in making a pumpkin pie. "The Pumpkin Spice Latte is a coffee drink made with a mix of traditional autumn spice flavors (cinnamon, nutmeg, ... 2 years ago
Hi All,

I've decided to leave both OpenSim and Second Life. It's not for some sulky reason, someone offended me or anything like that. I've just decided my life is going in a different direction.

Big hugs to all those who I have come to know over the months or years and hope you all have great virtual lives in OS :)

CyberGlo CyberStar: Sometimes a cowboy comes to a fork in the road... 2 years ago
My Ruth2 and Roth2 avatars. Luna on the left is wearing Ruth2 RC3 (I don't use RC4 because I don't like the alpha hud for that version). The dress is from the Kitely Market and made by Pacifica. Hair, skin, and shape are mine (no I don't sell these or give them away and haven't made any others since - not my thing). Apelles on the right is wearing the latest version of Roth2. Clothes and hair are from the Kitely Market. The glasses and shoes I made. Each one's complexity is about 55000 to 60000. Just so you know you can get a nice unique look with Ruth2 and Roth2

Jupiter Rowland: Shameless plu-, I mean, PSA: I'm surprised to see that you as a Ruth2 and Roth2 user haven't joined my Ruth and Roth group yet. ( As a benefit, you'll get ... 2 years ago

we are about to reopen with animesh children for everyone

RuSandals: I stand corrected. There are different ethnicities available at this shop. Pardon my error. 2 years ago
Rebelworld is currently dead. My Workstation is no longer currently able to run my server. I simply do not have the funds to fix it. This means no shared worlds, and no Johnny Rebel avatar either for awhile. I am so very sorry everyone. I just wanted to be able to share free, older content that is fast dissapearing, and Johnny Rebel's home, as well as many large worlds that old friends have there. It is simply financially beyond my control at present. Prayers, love, hugs, and high 5's everyone. :/

sharanncousine: awww so sorry. 2 years ago
I am feeling real bad right now. So sorry if I miss a reply, or a friend here, or in my worlds. The red baron shot me down for now... haha! Prayers, love, hugs n high 5's everyone.

(Afterthought) On an upnote? My server is managing to survive on my partially fried workstation. :)

Marianna : Hang in there Rebel...“Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.” hugs 2 years ago
The Rumor-Mill.. says ..Great Canadian Grid is closing it's doors.. May31st, once again, i will have to find a new "she-cave"... maybe i'll make my next AV a gypsy,... kinda fitting my VR life....hahahaha.
UPDATE: CrystalWilde is hosted on Virtual-zone Grid, big thanx to Kashi Takeshi !!

Charlene McNally: Whose saying it’s closing? I also heard there is 1 or 2 silent partners of gcg no names mentioned due to privacy of the names. 2 years ago


Thirza Ember: You've got balls, I'll say that for ya. 2 years ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail :
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail :
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email:
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email:

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 3 years ago
I have become aware that there are various grids saying they have or will stop the use of the SatyrFarm system due to issues with the animal scripts in the Quintonia edition. As soon as I was made aware of this issue I released an update (version 5.8 of the animal script) and you can pick up the rezzer/updater for this in Box 1 from the Mintor store. I would strongly recommend people to update their animals to this version as soon as you can so as not to get on the wrong side of your grid owners etc. Thanking you for your help in this.

Kris Patrick: odd.. 3 years ago
Is the AVITRON GRID the Reality World created by Alexsandro Pomposelli aka Alex Ferraris aka AviTron Metaverse aka... a dead end street?
A friend with an Avatar in the AVITRON GRID asks me and send me this screenshots.

Copper: @Harwol: Wonder why the one stays in such a grid when having such issues. There are thousands (!) of grids in HG. Why rubbing the nerves when get treated so? If people would just go elsewhere, would b... 3 years ago
A carful of too lazy to work thieves tried to sneak into my home late Christmas night. They found out real quick amputee does not always=helpless. An old grey maned wolf with a missing leg still has fangs... heh. Rebelworld is running, but PC still has issues from the most recent breakin during my last hospitalization. Apologies if you experience any lag, or brain hiccups. Happy New Year ya'll, :) hugs n high 5's
I believe, in my opinion, that "war" is founded on envy of the success of a AVITRON... who took advantage of the greed of a grid (Sacrarium) to attract users to their grid, and on the selfishness of some copiers who claim as their own the creations of SecondLife creators, who are not involved in this fight. If you learned to copy and upload your copies, you have 3 options ... 1) you share it with friends ... 2) you share it with the entire Opensim community ... or 3) You don't share it with anyone, only for your personal use . But copiers claim to receive recognition as "Gods" just for knowing how to use a copybot very well. Sacrarium is a good grid, but...IS PART of is beyond than Sacrarium. You want Sacrarium copys ?...make a Avitron dont want Sacrarium copys ?...stay quiet in your grid. Its easy. Just...respect the other users and make your own life.
Ausgrid is down at the moment cause I'm having issues with pc that crash with blue screen saying memory management. I guess it Windows that is corrupted so i might have to reinstall windows. It a pain in the ass. Grid and Regions are safe in other hard drive.
It was working fine and that before bad storms and i saw it coming so i quickly shut down grid & regions then shut down pc and that when next day it gone crazy with blue screen saying memory management, etc you know silly thing. I think i guess it can be corrupted Windows cause i run DVD Linux on it and ran for hours so it have no issues. People that have regions in Ausgrid are missing Ausgrid and so am I missing it.
An old picture that I came across. This was my first region, years and years ago, shortly after OSgrid first opened. I arrived here from SL with like 5 textures, and some sculptie palm trees I created. :)

edited: They didn't even have mesh back then. :)

LeonitasLionheart: Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge an... 11 days ago

Arcfury: This will be a fun show. 17 days ago
This is a pile of SF Meat on one of my regions. I only have 2 kinds of farm animals on there, NOTHING else regarding farming. I love my Unicorns and my monsters! :D

I only have about 10 total.

This pile of meat keeps on replicating. I'm doing an area search and it is now up to 30,000 SF Meat!

I don't understand what's going on, but I hope it's not that slappy sally or whatever her name is that goes around and replicates objects . . . I checked and it did not give a name on who the creator is.

I'll have to talk to Lone about this cuz I'm not sure if I can get rid of it myself! :(

I got rid of it
[9:49 AM]
Took me a while to get rid of all that
[9:49 AM]
[9:53 AM]
I went to the sandbox afterwards because there were 3 boxes along with the SF Meat where the SF Meat was. I wanted to take one out to see if there were any scripts in it. But when I went to look in my trash, I could not find them at all. I deleted those three separately also. Oh well, it's all gone now. I'm just surprised that it happened on a one of my non-farming sims and not on my farming som. Shrugs

Ankhsenaton: j'ai rien compris 22 days ago

UPDATE: I have tried it with an npc and it work, for example wear an invisible prim or necklace whatever you want. name it the name of your bot and add the script in there. create npc notecard and add it to your scripted furniture whatever.

I have been playing around with my 3 day free trial, I have to say i am quiet intrigued. The level of conversations in intriguing. Kind a bummer you have to pay the price for the good stuff lol. Above is with animesh. I am now addicted lol, I've done 3 scenes already with just one bot.

what is everyone's thoughts on this, are there any free versions out there.

here is the original article about it from second life

KrisTina: Everything starts some place. 30 days ago

Steampunk again. :-)

Mistressdalgato: that is one badass outfit! I so want that outfit in world!! nice work! 1 month ago

Well the grid I was on decided to close up :-( It was expected but well, I'll start my own grid later on, I know the ins and outs of how to run one. Anyways hello out there Opensim world!

Mistressdalgato: I am sorry to hear that, which grid closed down? I hope you were able to get your stuff. 1 month ago
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Jimmy Olsen: Another suggestion, I have on my SIM LIght and Sound Museum, on EEP sector, the EEP HUD where one can change EEP by touch (HUD).. guess it could be used to what u need.. Take a look script inside and ... 1 month ago

📝 Love of nature

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Further animation with vidnozAI PixVerse V2 and Photodirector 365 Start and end image edited with Photoshop. Background mu...

📝 "Born to be wild", a short tour.

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Other animations Start and end images edited with Photoshop. Background music from Video creation and editing...

The Hawpanyu, or healer, in Na'vi culture is a highly respected role due to their deep connection with nature and their essential role in maintaining the well-being of the clan. The training focuses on ecotherapy, herbal medicine, and the unique skill of energy healing known as "The Flow of Healing." I have a RP kit for the Hawpanyu (Na'vi Healer)
it consists of various items to enhance your pandoran Roleplay. If you would like a kit it is at the landing here. It would also work with other Roleplays as the kit has items and info that you might find useful.

Ankhsenaton: I ti so nice to be able to create all that :-) I love you plants, thank you ! (I was not able to take the female avatar) 2 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

DjChanel Hurricane: French fries xd they make you fat 2 months ago
Hold onto your virtual hats, folks, because we've got something that will knock your digital socks off! 🧦✨ Our OpenSim store is offering a mind-blowing selection of top-notch products for FREE and FULL PERM! Yes, you heard that right – no strings attached, just pure, unadulterated awesomeness.

Why are we doing this, you ask? Well, our virtual warehouse is bursting at the seams, and we need to make some room. Plus, spreading joy in the virtual world is kind of our thing. 🎉

So, whether you're a virtual hoarder, a savvy bargain hunter, or just someone who enjoys free stuff (and let's be honest, who doesn't?), now's your chance to grab these goodies. This deal is as rare as a unicorn on a hoverboard! 🦄🛹

But wait, there's more! With FULL PERM, you can modify, copy, and transfer to your heart's content. Want to give your best friend a gift? Go for it. Need to make some tweaks? Have at it. The possibilities are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.

So, what are you waiting for? Teleport on over and snag these treasures today! 🎩🐇✨

(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any addiction to free virtual stuff that may occur. Side effects may include excessive happiness, spontaneous dance parties, and an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone you know about this amazing deal. Use responsibly!)

Bebe: hahahahha you are the best dear Jimmy 2 months ago
Thanks to the AMAZING Firestorm and OPENSIM NGC team (and a bit of work from us!) our whole grid is now running with PBR textures and terrains. IN fact this image doesn't use PBR materials, just the standard texturing. Wow.

Luna Lunaria: Cool to see some of our older work holding up and even looking better. Stoked to begin working with it starting next week. Out of town this week. 3 months ago

I'm the H.N.I.C. !!! of my Grid! I'm the Head Naga In Charge! Riding a black & white scorpion! What I say goes on my grid pagane! Learn it woman!

Ankhsenaton: I got the big Scorpio ! Thank you CyberGlo ! 3 months ago

With all the haters, negative comments and drama, I think Opensim needs to add an "unlike" or "not cool" button. What's your thoughts?

KrisTina: Down votes are for the weak. 4 months ago
Teleporting Issues?

I just became aware of a major flaw with firestorm and the solution that is on the Firestorm download page. I have been unable to TP unless I relog for last 3 days. After much research I realized this was a Firestorm SLURL issue.

Go to the firestorm download page and you will see the above information.

I have not changed my viewer settings or added any new viewers; but it appears some upgrade (probably windows) caused the SLURL function in Firestorm to no longer work properly.

As I follow up....I am teleporting perfectly now after installing this.

I am encosing the notes from firestorm :

What is this ?
SLURL Proxy is an application that will handle SLURLs on your Windows system. Clicking a SLURL on the web,
will open SLURL proxy, which will forward the SLURL to the viewer you have chosen.

Why is that interesting ?
Various Second Life viewers you might, or may already have installed, modify the way SLURLs are handled on your system,
and often cause problems when you uninstall certain viewers.

SLURL Proxy provides a user friendly way to correct this.

Upon start up, SLURL Proxy will check to see if it's the default SLURL handler.
If it is not, it will inform you about that, and ask you if you'd like to use SLURL Proxy as default instead.

When you have set SLURL Proxy as default,(or even before that) you can simply drag one or more viewer shortcuts onto the application window,
and they should be listed with viewer name, and icon.

SLURL Proxy allows you to add several viewers, and one always needs to be the default viewer to use.
The default viewer is the one where the checkbox is checked.
If you would like to change the default viewer, simply click the viewer of your choice in the list.

That's it.

If you wish to set a viewer as default SLURL handler instead of SLURL proxy, then you simply need to click
Set other SLURL handler in the menu, and drag the shortcut of your favourite viewer onto the window.

Requires .NET 3.5 and only runs on Windows

KrisTina: Thats realllllllll old. blinks 5 months ago
Today is the day!!! I am so excited to finally open the gallery for all to enjoy! Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over this long journey to get here. I can't wait to see you all! Noon grid time. Formal because we like to dress up! Beau Retrouve

Passion Jumanji: So sorry I could not come to the grand opening, Star! But I did come later that day! I was impressed! I loved all the artwork that I saw there. I even got several souvenirs to take home with me! ;) I ... 5 months ago Lab

The Mech Lab Egg Hunt is on! Gear up and scramble to find 4 hidden eggs scattered around the Lab. Each egg cracks open to reveal a different awesome Mech Model!

Get ready to search high and low, pilots!

Your Clues:
Egg 1: G-Suit Gambit

Amongst the gear that pilots don, a hidden Mech awaits, ready to spawn.

Egg 2: Fountain Fortune

By the water's flowing gleam, a Mech Model waits in a parkland dream.

Egg 3: Secret Lab Stash

Deep within the hidden Levels lair, a Mech Model's secrets wait to share.

Egg 4: Hangar Hideaway

Soar through the hangar high and wide, a Mech Model's waiting, where giants reside.

Happy Weekend!

LeonitasLionheart: very cool and ty! they look amazing. are you working towards making them fully operational some day...scripted, animated, fireable weapons with damage, etc? so cool, either way. long as they aren't u... 5 months ago
Verpasse nicht diese ultimative Zeitreise-Party!

Seid dabei, wenn heute Abend die Hits vergangener Jahrzehnte aufleben.Lasst uns gemeinsam einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Spaß, Musik und Erinnerungen erleben. Bring deine Freunde mit und lasst Sie mit uns die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringen!


Wann: Heute Abend 19 Uhr

KarinBecker: Danke den lieben Gästen aus allen Grids 6 months ago
Haha, this is cute! Auditioned this avi from Darkhearts Boutiques, it's soooo much funnnn!!!!

I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem? Spare me the politics here, I don't need it.

My usual choice to look smaller is usually as a Dinkie. But I think I'll stock up on these avis, too!

Sodasullivan: That hair and hat combo is so cute! 6 months ago
Couldn’t help but say something about one of my most favorite creators on here! Luna Lunaria! Some of the most beautiful buildings, statues, and furniture that I’ve seen! They truly are an absolute gem of a creator here on Opensim! Native creators here on Opensim are absolute treasures. Whenever you can, always try to get your things from native Opensim Creators! Feel free to share your favorite Opensim Native Creators, and tell me what you love about them, and what they make!

HarperHeld: Marianna Monentes is a powerhouse of creativity, as well as being a publisher and a pillar of support for outworldz. Jamie Wright is one of the most good-hearted and creative builders I've had the... 6 months ago

Zensational's Sakuragawa (Cherry Blossom River) Image by @FerdFrederix
Thank you Ferd

Sodasullivan: Beautiful, and just in time for spring! 6 months ago
Dear friends and guests,
We are pleased to invite you to the inauguration of Cafe Käse!
Come and celebrate with us the beginning of a new culinary music journey with Nast Bakerly
Tonight we start with one
Romantic night

MiguelTorres: Dear Woody!! It's just my personal opinion that I'm expressing nicely here. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who pays for slime. If you know someone, I would be very grateful if you would let me kn... 6 months ago
Disco Hits aus 5 Decaden
Für alle Junggebliebenen und die, die sich noch erinnern können. Eine Wanderung durch 5 Jahrzehnte, Wer Spaß daran hat in netter Atmosphäre abzuzappeln ist herzlich eingeladen.
An den rotierenden Tonträgern DJ Marc

Wann: 15. März / March
Start: 19.00 Uhr / 10 SLT

Disco hits from 5 decades

For all those who are young at heart and those who can still remember. A journey through 5 decades. Anyone who enjoys fidgeting in a friendly atmosphere is cordially invited.
On the rotating discs DJ Marc

When: 15 March / March
Start: 19.00 / 10 SLT

MiguelTorres: DJ Marc wusste genau, wie er die Menschenmenge zum Feiern bringen konnte. Mit seinem Mix aus Disco-Klassikern und aktuellen Hits sorgte er dafür, dass niemand stillstehen konnte. Die Tanzfläche war vo... 7 months ago
I'm *thrilled* to finally bring you this one. Has taken me a while because it's PACKED with cute props (90!) that make very nice static scenes, and very funny situations. If it wasn't enough, it was more than 1300 new animations (I bet you haven't seen most before!).
Uber: hop://
Other TP options:

Harleyjannys: Ufff thank you for posting this here, I went there today to get the bed, but the lag is excruciating here, I've never seen anything like it. To get this bed and a pier it took over 10 minutes. I thou... 8 months ago
Few but cute poses. Comes in both MF & MM versions.
Includes the decor rug as well.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/390/351/23
Or for those from HG:

Salvatore_Petrovic: Sorry, it works great now. Thank you 9 months ago

Slowhand: No regions found with that name 9 months ago
Fun Dining set [Adult] now OUT at Starchild Shoppe! 1-4 sitters, +550 animations, MF FF FFM MMF.
Ended up changing the mesh last minute because the original was dreadful. Hope you folks enjoy it!
(There might be some issues with getting to the sim - kindly leverage any of the links here: and let me know if any of them work!)
Uber: hop://

juliacassidy: hiya, i had similar to niketa when i just tried to TP in. total wipeout of firestorm viewer. HNY all. will try again in few days x 9 months ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ NEW RELEASE ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

C&C Worldwide MALL
▶▷▶TAXI : Worldwide Mall

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC- Worldwide Mall ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: That sounds cool , would love to see it sometime 9 months ago
Everything "new" is the well-forgotten old...
The problem with nudity and children is not that the children are naked or that they are doing anything!
The problem is in "Peeping Tom"!

From the hysterical reactions of the majority, I understand that you do not know who he is. Well read about the naked noblewoman and perverted voyeurs and pedophiles and .... know yourself in this legend (or truth?)....

NineZero: The problem is having a child avatar with a profile saying that the child avatar is a 'bad girl' and is a slave to another avatar, not in people saying 'hey, this is not okay to make and use sexualize... 10 months ago

holiday Haven is taking shape. I have all people out now. There are some other Christmas trees, landscaping etc. Adding more daily!

Tainted Angel: This is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing!! Some of the animesh and other items people can't buy or copy, just a little heads up there. But I think its great with what you've got going so far. 10 months ago
*** Camballa***
Here’s to us in the future
Take better care of us here.
A light for Opensim
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

Auf das wir in Zukunft
besser auf uns hier aufpassen.
Für Opensim ein licht
Habt alle eine gute zeit
liebe grüsse
eure Karin Becker

KarinBecker: Thank you for the warm words and many Messages 10 months ago
Early Winter Present, 2x2 Var region .oar with snow terrain, and ice lake, falling particle snow, and terraformed terrain with snowy pine trees, all ready for you to build your perfect winter sim.

This is a file for you to use, not a sim to visit.

KatKakoola: Looks wonderful thank you so much! Going for my winter coat :) 12 months ago

Live Traffic
Event Plaza
122 18
The Rendezvous A
8 0
Happy Hour!
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Welcome A
18 2
Arkham Grid
311 1
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
9 3
Trianon Complex A
88 15
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Ilha Sao Paulo - Santos
19 1
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
2 0
Wyldwood Bayou Pontchartrain Beach
91 25
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
Agora A
154 7
4 0
Regions Online: 1,792
Active: 217 avatars in 118 regions
The Box
LeonitasLionheart 8 hours ago
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁
Jared Seda 12 hours ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.
Copper yesterday
I wished some here would use the simple form of interpunction. Using dots and commas, so people know where a sentence starts and ends..simple 4th graders thing
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
I really don't know how, but, I use Dreamgrid version 5.492 and I just noticed my region is voice enabled and, voice works! It never did that before... any ideas?
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
How is everyone liking dreamgrid 5.691?
5pm Khiron Ametza singing at La Boricua on Digiworlds. Semi-Formal to Casual. I'll include some Brazilian songs today. hop://
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
About the autoplay thing, i found a way of embedding a youtube playlist in an HTML iframe and forcing it to autoplay so its all good now :)
Essensual 2 days ago
Alex Leo, you came to a formal venue wearing jeans and a tshirt.. and you were asked to change... you ignored my requests so I told your GF, to tell you to change before I remove you.. she told you adn you changed but she didnt like it.. sorry for that.. but dont worry about ever coming here again
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
My Bose has quit. It was a good sounding radio. Now I will throw it in the trash.
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Abbi Masters, did you find your autoplay ?
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
I mean... Soundscape
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
"Vintage Rock Club" is open!
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
I'm looking for an autoplay music video playlist or streaming site to put the stream into a TV I have placed in my new Club, Unfortunately Youtube doesnt seem to do such a thing so if anybody has any suggestions it would be appreciated :)
Yana Dakota 3 days ago
Get your taxi to AMV Welcome, Yana is starting her DJing in 15 minutes . hop://
JoshBoam 3 days ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out!
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Maybe a Vexed, Bothered, and Bewildered Max

New Comments

Zoe 37 minutes ago
A always must visit place, all what Bebe does. Can't wait to visit you again.
autumnlady919 4 hours ago
Great clothes and I love love love the hair. Thank you so much.
Xenon Darrow 5 hours ago
Got the adult sippy cup. It's AMAZING
Bebe 6 hours ago
Who doesn't love Autumn eh..Enjoy :))
Darci Viper 7 hours ago
Thank you Bebe for the cool items.. cant wait to see whats coming soon ;)
SilviaFrey 7 hours ago
Acabo de ver el anuncio ahora. Estoy segura de que tuviste una fiesta genial llena de tanta gente que te aprecia. Feliz cumpleaños amiga!!!
AngelicKisses 8 hours ago
Happy Birthday, Marpil!! Hope your day was blessed. :)
Bebe 10 hours ago
I am still adding items to the pumpkin stores, so check frequently
Milly Money 13 hours ago
hop:// Al Kohav/884/782/21 Its there and Lavia, it is exquisite!! Thank you for this beauty!! :)


Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 1 hour ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Ballroom is one of the many beautiful venues on Trianon Grid. I love that it is a formal venue. There are not enough venues to wear all the beautiful ball gowns available on Open Sim. Whet...
Lynne Lundquist 3 hours ago
Paradise Lagoon
Went for Alex's Birthday Great place Awesome music and very pleasant people Love this place ....
EllieVenusa 4 hours ago
Sunny Brook
Very well organized. Very good location for all things Wedding/Bridal from rings to animation proposals to venues! Also found a lot of building supplies, furniture and knick knacks. Highly recommend.
Faith Fromund 7 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Can you explain to me and everyone else in Opensim what the point of you creating a room and filling it up with all the avatars you have made. Is it so people can just look at them when you rez them ?...
Michelle Hartley 8 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Since last year I have been going to this wonderful club, it reminds me of when I was a teenager, I love disco music, I liked to dance in the best clubs in my city. I invite everyone to come and enjoy...
Toms5 yesterday
Trianon Complex
from the moment I started having a Love Song event (2021) in the Trianon Ballroom, it has always been a formal event. A place to get dressed up and enjoy the soft music with your friends, but lately p...
Essensual yesterday
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
Wonderful mall!
Super Nova Beach Resort
Wonderfully setup place. The beaches are amazing and the store has SO many bikini's, swimsuits, dresses and other outfits, most of them in multiple patterns/colors. Truly impressed!
Gentle Dragonheart 2 days ago

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