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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 41 2
Luxor is the home of Luna Lunaria and a place of meditation for spiritual pilgrims. The region rewards the patient explorer with hidden grottoes and quiet songs playing at various locations. Using a P...

Welcome back (Unknown)

Am Montag, 24.02.2025 ab 20.00 Uhr ihr lieben Närrinnen und Narrhalesen bin ich für euch auf dem Stream-

Come experience the Stonehenge Club at Wolf Territories Grid in OpenSim!
DJ Xenon Darrow will be playing a mix of pop, rock, and more at this event! Our new welcome area is now #2 on OSW! Come see this spectacular build by none other than Jimmy Olsen and be immersed in his venue creation: The Stonehenge Club!
Feb 22, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM grid time
See ya there!
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Click the Stonehenge sign to get to the club!

Girls Power--- Das Party Event
ab 20.00 Uhr
moonrose-grid.de:8002:Moonrose Club

A new gallery: the Maze!
This is an interactive gallery. You go from one room to another by choosing the right answer to a question: a, b or c.
When you choose the right answer, the door will open.
The question for all rooms is:
Where was this picture taken?
The Maze is located opposite Forest of Azure Gallery.

weekend party time :)

it dj Mocci for the next 2 hrs
♬ WHEN: 10:00 pm EUROPE TIME ♬

News!!! Space outfit area Costumes

CyberGlo CyberStar: i've been unable to find the male elf outfits on tierra de volcanes. please help me marpil. :) 20 days ago
it dj jacob for the next 2 hrs
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting 6pm till 8pm grid time
60's to Today! Mix Night :)

New Dance Club.
looking for DJ for occasional party.
Send me a note card if you are interested :-)

Another great show at The Abyss with DJ Maldrul ... 2 pm to 4 pm 22nd February 2025. Special Music by DJ Maldrul with something different thrown in lol ... Rock and Roll and signature songs of his that only he can do, come and join us for 2 hours of Fun, Dancing and Entertainment.

Due to illnes, TGI Thursday @ On The Rocks has been cancelled for today only. We will return for Sensational Sunday on Feb 23 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

Khiron Ametza Live
Thursday, February 20th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to love songs among nice people!
Dress Code: FORMAL

Region: Trianon Complex Location: 395, 384,33
"Zoree Jupiter live at Speakeasy Swinghard on AMV Events : 11:00 to 12:30 PM
A spacious, fun venue on our Events region. Dress code is casual to semi formal.
Speakeasy Swinghard hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV%20Events/1050/1041/4...

What, "Your ticket please?" I don't have one, now what?^^

Jerralyn Franzic: No comment lol 20 days ago

More and more avies, three floors full! :)

Come see what's to be had for free. Lots of very unusual ones here, as always, any issues with copying, message me MK Scott inworld!

Jerralyn Franzic: Not your fault but for me... I have to use a classic Avi to go around here. I use one of the Disneyland avis while I'm here lol... Thanks for putting it all back. :) 20 days ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Hahaha... oh geez .... I love Anime stuff! Shall add this to my stash soon... I can sometimes be seen doing the Anime look in SL... Time for me to do it in Open Sim! Lol, thanks!👍 20 days ago


Wann? Montag, 24.02.2025
Uhrzeit? 21:00 – 23:00 Uhr
Wo? Taxi – xenolandia.de:8002:Xenotown

Diesmal bringt Xenos afrikanische Vibes mit!
Erlebt eine einzigartige Mischung aus mitreißenden Sounds und treibenden Beats – perfekt, um die Woche richtig zu starten!
Kommt vorbei und tanzt mit uns durch den Blue Monday!

Live zuhören könnt Ihr auch:
Online unter: laut.fm/xenolandia
Oder direkt im externen Player: stream.laut.fm/xenolandia
Hypergrid : xenolandia.de:8002:Xenotown
Grid : xenolandia.de:8002
Erstelle dein Account im Xenolandia Grid > https://bit.ly/3CgmiK2
Page: https://Xenopolias.de

Adoptions available now on Ardent Lake.

Find your family with an ad in Ardent Lake (G and PG rated ads only).

NEW Family Roleplay group and region in Sub-Version grid.

A G and PG only area for those who wish to have a family based roleplay. No nudity or sex, just family fun.

Please see the rules on landing before proceeding to the town.

Houses available for free rental to families and adoption ad boards available for use. All ads must be no higher than PG rated.

📝 They're celebrating their victory!/Du warst gegen sie

Du warst gegen sie Ein tödlicher Fehler Lauf so schnell du kannst. Sie jagen dich Sie kriegen dich Sie feiern ihren Sieg! You were against them A fatal mistake Run as fast as you can. They're...

Freitag 31.1.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Musik aus
Feld, Wald & Wiese

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon.

Friday January 31st, 2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

Music from
field, forest & meadow

Ends as always at midnight.

Hypergrid: dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon.

and this too shall pass

Tune Your Parcel Audio Stream to KNWR - Neverworld Radio!
Just paste this into your Music URL: https://gridxchange.co:8000/radio.mp3
Top Hits 24/7
Exclusive Songs about Neverworld!
Short Ads for places to see in Neverworld Grid.
Drop by the Station and Click the Song Request Console in front of the DJ Booth to get your favorites put into the rotation! hop://hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002/KNWR%20Radio/128/128/28
Join Us for The Karaoke Party on Sundays at 11am grid time!
Step Up to the Plate with OpenSim's New Baseball Batting Cages!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our state-of-the-art Baseball Batting Cages, designed to elevate your game and bring the excitement of the diamond right to your fingertips.

How It Works:

Swing and Score: Take your stance and swing away!

Challenge Accepted: Miss three times? No worries! You'll start fresh, ready to take on the next pitch.

Hit It Big: Connect with the ball, and feel the thrill of a perfect hit!

Why You'll Love It:

Engaging Gameplay: Perfect your swing and timing in a fun, interactive environment.

Competitive Edge: Sharpen your skills and boost your confidence for the real game.

Accessible Anytime: Practice whenever you want, right from your device.

Don't miss out on this exciting addition to OpenSim. Step up to the plate, take your best swing, and experience the thrill of the game like never before!

Note: This feature is available exclusively on Opensim Network.

Here is the video


News!!! Space outfit area Costumes hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/166/84/3827

Lunaria Emporium is here to help you complete your own personal vision. I offer my own high quality mesh, structures, and decor to take your world to a higher, more realistic level. Below are some of the many items I carry:

-Medieval tapestries, furniture, thrones, and weapons
-Japanese/Asian decor, lighting, statues, and art
-Art Deco bar area
-Building components such as windows, doors, columns, stairs, railing, and bridges
-Decor items such as furniture, area rugs, figurines, lighting, and fireplaces in multiple styles
-Free Ruth and Roth mesh avatars and accessories
-Free items from multiple categories
-Cemetery items, turning stones, and ritual circles
-Statues of all types and varieties
-Holiday decor such as Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, area rugs, snow people, winter trees, as well as Autumn wreaths and trees

-Star Maiden steampunk airship with ballroom area
-Large venues: Majestic Entertainment Complex, Victorian Club, Lunaria Grand Ballroom, Renaissance Ballroom, Art Deco Lounge, and Modern Clubhouse
-Medieval Castles: Castle Ceridwen, Caerwyn Fortress, and Caerwyn Keep
-Japanese homes, tea houses, pagodas, main gate + walls, torii gates, bridges, and landscaping
-Classical structures such as a temple, a forum, a large pool, and pavilions
-A full cemetery on display

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here: https://www.kitely.com/market?store=13957705&wt=os
#edgeharbor #roguesvibetribe #livevocalist #wtdestguide #wtgrid #livemusic #livesinger #coversongs #music #concert

Wednesday FEB 19
♬ WHO Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT Live Music Performance
♬ WHEN 3:30 PM OST/1830Hrs
♬ WHERE Edge Harbor
♬ RIDE hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Edge%20Harbor/410/421/...
Opensim Trailer Follower: Our new custom-built system enables a truck to automatically hitch to and follow a trailer, executing smooth turns and realistic incremental backward jackknifing maneuvers. The system includes HUD-controlled emergency lights for added safety.

Release Coming Soon!

Sorcer: "Wow, ever since I posted this, my YouTube has been flooded with creepy spam—like, unnervingly targeted stuff. It’s almost like they’re watching… Hope whoever’s behind it realizes they’re messing with... 21 days ago
Hey folks, don't worry any more about outfits breaking. There is now a patch in core Opensimulator code to allow outfits to load correctly without reaking Links from IARs. For the ~ 17% of grids that do not use core, or use Linux instead, I posted a one liner SQL for grid owners to fix their broken links in outfits.

DreamGrid will have this patch this weekend and need do nothing except update to the latest 6.02 (Non PBR) or 7.02 (PBR) when I publish it. DreamGrid is about 83% of all known grids over the last six years. (~6x) and will automatically fix old as well as IAR uploads, even in V6 series which is Opensim 0.9.2 ( Non PBR )

Grid owners who know SQL can see http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=9180

Please be aware you need to backup your robust database first!

Frank Hurt: That's awesome, Fred! Thanks for constantly giving back to the Open Sim community. 21 days ago

This is an ass

Some people spend all their time and effort trying to cover their ass

I dont waste time covering my ass

I simply prefer to have it backed up DAILY!

Jimmy updated our community meeting theatre to make it bigger!

#edgeharbor #roguesvibetribe #livevocalist #wtdestguide #wtgrid #livemusic #livesinger #coversongs #music #concert

With over two decades of real-life experience, Rogue Galaxy is known for her soulful, raspy voice and deep passion for Blues, Classic & Southern Rock, and Classic Country. Though retired from in-person performances, she continues to captivate audiences worldwide through high-energy virtual shows on TikTok and YouTube.

Wednesday FEB 19
♬ WHO Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT Live Music Performance
♬ WHEN 3:30 PM OST/1830Hrs
♬ WHERE Edge Harbor
♬ RIDE hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Edge%20Harbor/410/421/...
🎉 Funsize Dinkies Cornflakes Celebration! 🎉

Get ready for a week of silly fun, parties, and entertainment at Funsize Dinkies World Resort! 🐾🐾

Starts: Friday, February 21st
Runs for One Whole Week!

Join the Funsize Dinkies as they turn up the fun and celebrate in true Dinkie style! Expect wild parties, hilarious antics, and nonstop entertainment—because when the Dinkies party, they go ALL PAWS IN! 🎶🐾🤣

Come for the laughs, stay for the memories! 🌟 All Dinkies on Opensim are welcome—Dinkies, friends, and fun lovers alike!

🐾 At the Funsize Dinkies World Resort on the (Twiztid Timez Grid) 🐾
💜 Why? Because life is better with a little Cornflakes silliness! 💜

Don't miss out—grab your Cornflakes outfit on and let's get FUNSIZED!

Location: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
Stonehaven Estates - Free plots of land for the BDSM community.

As most of you know Littlefield Grid has a very large and active BDSM population since our start in 2011. We are hoping to get more of the people in the BDSM scene together by offering some free plots of land to people from the BDSM community. They are located next to 3 of our BDSM RP regions and we have 64 plots available with 3000 prims each.

Littlefield is an adult only community, so no children, child avatars, or child play of any kind is permitted. For more info on obtaining this free land contact Walter Balazic, Dirk Mathers, or Windrunner Constantine in world.
💚 Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Emerald City! 💚

Step into the magic of The Wizard of Oz in our stunning Emerald City region—a dream brought to life with the guidance of Ferd Frederix and inspired by the beautifully reworked Epic Castle by Cuteulala Artis.

Ferd created the Tin Man, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, Toto Follower, Toto Avatar, Flying Monkey (did I just say flying monkey?) The road check it out too that is ONE piece he created in blender! Thank you Ferd you guys have to see this! Thank you Cute!!

three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Emerald City

Marianna : Thank you @JamieWright for the candy for the Candy Shoppe!! Lollipop kids LOVE caramel apples Yayy! 🍎💗 21 days ago
Cause I'm a gypsy, are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry, I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
"Cause I'm a gypsy"


Andromeda: ***Gypsy Poem*** It is the dance that unites the heart and soul!! This is me… “Daughter of the Wind” “Those who have never seen us dancing have no idea of ​​the magic contained in our dance. Throug... 21 days ago

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/87/205/3829

New area in Tierra de Volcanes, Avatar Accessories, Appearance & Components

Jordan Melody: ooo love me some tatts with neck cover♥♥♥ 21 days ago
Live your dream and take a chance , visit us at hg.ansjelagrid.com:28002:AnsjelaGrid Welcome and jump around.
You will be amazed, we have a lovely group of people and all are friendly.
Hope to see you soon, :)
You have been terrifying the mortal humans for the past year. You need a respite. You need this year's Monsters' Ball. Come shake your bootay, reconnect with old friends, make new friends and engage is some social networking - you never know when you may need to join forces to make them over-sensitized humans wet their pants. Let your apprentices or minions handle the humans tonight while you come party the night away. This Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, 4 to 6pm SLT/pacific.

equinoxgrid.com:8002:EQG Special Events

Xaria Aubrey: Sorry, I had attached the incorrect time in this post. Monsters' Ball is this Saturday, Feb 22nd, 4pm to 6pm SLT/pacific. 22 days ago

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Magestic-Gentle Fire
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual/formal
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
New location:

The wonderland of unusual and rare avies.

Come see what all we have at Avataria!

Any issues getting any of the items, message me @MK Scott in world.

Next Giveaway – Enchanting Apple Tree with Picnic Set!

Get ready for a cozy and magical experience with our Apple Tree & Picnic Blanket Giveaway! This beautifully designed set is perfect for relaxing, cuddling, or creating romantic scenes in your virtual world.

What’s Included:

Apple Tree: Click the tree to open a dialog menu and rez adorable owls or butterflies to bring your scene to life. You can click them again to turn them on or off!

Picnic Blanket: Enjoy single, cuddle, and adult animations for every mood.

Lunch Basket: Click the basket to receive a drink giver and complete your picnic experience.


The set is modify-enabled, so you can customize it to fit your style.

Perfect for creating serene or romantic moments in your virtual space.

Don’t miss your chance to win this enchanting set! Take a seat on the Lucky Chair, and if the first letter of your avatar’s name matches the winning letter, it’s yours!

Taxiii = http://opensimnetwork.zapto.org:8002/

Did you know that Wolf Territories Grid hosts 2 RL Universities and a host of other educational projects with our WolfTec educational programme?

Xenon Darrow: Thank you for highlighting this, Jimmy! 22 days ago


Live Traffic
OpenSim Worlds Fair
12 0
Stark A
138 79
Daves Place A
17 1
Alternate Metaverse
47 1
Kings Quarter A
12 1
China A
2 2
SciattiShopClothes A
88 5
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Sapphorica A
17 3
Xenotown A
18 0
1 0
11 6
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Trianon Complex A
95 23
7 1
Regions Online: 1,781
Active: 334 avatars in 190 regions
The Box
Ted Junior 6 hours ago
HI ALL IF YOU BORED , join us at amv, Dj Sofee Spinning your tunes , Hola a todos tenemos festuki con dj sofee , guten mittag alle , dj sofee macht musik jetz ihr zeit alle eingeladen , feel free to join us , meet and greet.alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Alternate Metaverse
Spahkey 11 hours ago
Good morning everyone
KrisTina 14 hours ago
@KHIRONAMETZA ask @RichardFairplay
Khiron Ametza 15 hours ago
Please Watersplash grid owner or somebody else can tell me if NewLifeItaly grid was mac banned from your grid?
Esti Mation yesterday
about dreamgrid, i also wrote to Fred and got the normal reply and the download of it got online and it is downloadable again, too late for me but others can do
JamieWright 2 days ago
I found a hurdy gurdy on Sketchfab. It's the weird little things sometimes that delight:)
Pagane 2 days ago
Despite all the problems in Osgrid, even when their server is offline, it absolutely correctly notifies me that I am banned in LBSA, but I can visit other SIM even they are down :) This is transpolar!
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
yehhh osgrid is bipolar these days... up, down, up, down...
JamieWright 2 days ago
@Blake https://www.osgrid.online/news/maintenance-mode/
SheaButter 2 days ago
@Blake Hayvenhurst...Osgrid is offline for maintenance.
Pagane 2 days ago
osgrid is partialy down. may be 99,98%

New Comments

CCI Grid 37 minutes ago
The people were thrilled by the DJ how he rocked the Viking event
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 2 hours ago
By AI, you mean
Dorena Verne 3 hours ago
Sorcha 3 hours ago
Sandie 5 hours ago
Lovely, kind and helpful people.:))))
Cullen_Bohannon 9 hours ago
What I love about AMV is that it hands you complete creative freedom. Forget the cookie-cutter environments; AMV gives you a blank slate where you can build, break, and rebuild until your vision comes...
Glenys Bieler 11 hours ago
Looks great - as before. Was slightly confused when I teleported to the usual place and found it had moved - but a nice clear sign what's happened means that confusion took only 2 seconds (even for m...
ChristiM 19 hours ago
ChristiM just now The best thing about Wolf is the very reasonably priced islands, small, big or bigger still. Hang on, no, it's all the free stuff, like OSGrid in its heyday. And easy access to the r...
Aurora Starchild 19 hours ago
Thanks everyone for all the love and support so far, btw


Hartland Shopping
Some very nice builds here, plus well laid out malls
Zendrako 1 hour ago
New Beginnings
This is the most beautiful sim, I have ever seen Isadora has bone an exceptional job, and has a spectacular waterfall grab a horse and ride around this beautiful sim not to mention the great club
Jamibogbat 3 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Difficult to add anything to the other reviews below. Perhaps I can expand using some specific details from my own experience here. It's so friendly, everyone's helpful with a real sense of communi...
ChristiM 6 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
The new region Alternate Metaverse, combines all that you need. Great Entertainment = Amazing DJs - Amazing Artist and AN AMAZING PUBLIC And so much more ... You never get bored :)
Rique Giano 6 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Been in many grids and this is the most sharing and caring one and I mean people
Caribia 13 hours ago
New Beginnings
come check out the sim myself and jacob worked hard on it
IsadoraLeah wolf 15 hours ago
Blue Lagoon
The welcome area is very nice and beautiful, but it seems there are no more regions to visit and the only one I found, VVM Furniture Shop, doesn't give access to the region parcels. ?
Khiron Ametza 15 hours ago
found some fun things! Thank you~
Steampunk Siouxsin 18 hours ago
OpenSim Worlds Fair
Koshari, Kimm & Cooper & Whomever else helped build this magnificent Worlds Fair, You've done a spectacularly awesome job here! :D It's such a wonderful place to be! I will take my friends here often...
Passion Jumanji 20 hours ago

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