OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Seventh Heaven
0 Users 13 2 A
Clothing is optional here at Club Paradise. You may see semi nude, full nude, swim wear No child avatars. We even have a store and a game room even fishing and Jet Skis come on down and chill .
I was told SUNFLOWERS are the national flowers of Ukraine hence FLORA offfers u a mesh pack (up til 90 of them for 1 single prim) for FREE and FULL PERM! Available at GARDEN AREA at BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Ps. And before someone starts complaining about pic sent, I`m not against Russian people but against this sh*t war....

River: lol, I love your picture 3 years ago
Ein neues Jahr heißt neue Hoffnung, neues Licht, neue Gedanken und neue Wege zum Ziel. Einen guten Start ins Jahr 2022 das wünsch ich Euch!
A new year means new hope, new light, new thoughts and new ways to the goal. I wish you a good start into the year 2022!

New at Dinkietown! Dokkies!
My first little doggie avatar with the size of a Dinkie. Full outfit included the Dokkie avatar now available at the store.

Arkham MocapMotion
Enjoy, and Share!

The Snowfall Expanse
Go in skates and a scarf, you can have fun in the snow, it is very big you need time to visit it, there are ski slopes in the mountains, then you can go to the Christmas market, visit the castle and the house of Santa Claus. Don't be in a hurry or don't enjoy this region, have fun, thanks to everyone it was a great job.

We are Back

Kingman City

Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

The Snowfall Expanse
to access you need to join the Region group,contact me

New in the Store, Join :)

New in the Store, Join :)

Neiferleaf as seen from it's souden neighbour region. All neighbouring regions got a landscaping update. Much, much better then sim surrounds. HOP

Pink Floyd - In the Flesh! Or is it In the Mesh? Ernest and I spent all day bringing album cover art to life today. A different spin on art, but the installations are pretty amazing to see! Come by Battersea and see for yourself!
The Art Factory is about art and artists. At The Art Factory, we display art; we appreciate art; we learn about art; and, we promote art. We have over a dozen galleries dedicated to in-world artists, where they show their innovative creations. As such, we are beginning a feature called Meet the Artist.

This week we want to introduce to you, the very talented Nice Minik.

Ms. Minik, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your art?
My interest for VL-Photography started back in InworldZ with some photos of dancing Avis.
In 2017 the "Nice Minik" on OSG was created to try out "hypergriding" and to build a photo-studio with backdrops and "flat" lighting for Avi photo sessions.A visit of Ellen and Ernest in my first little gallery changed my virtual life.
Since that day I explored the photo-features of Firestrom and tried a lot of light-effects to make my inworld-photos more interesting. It comes in handy to be a prim builder (for certain backgrounds) and I also learned to create poses in the meantime.

And what are you doing artistically now?
Nowadays I can display model-sessions and themed series at "the Art Factory". And I was able to create some issues of the Stark Magazine.

So, what's the motivation behind your work?
Some of my work just tries to show beauty. Some may be a bit provocative. But I always try to find the mood, lighting and angle to take photos, that "tell a story". And sometimes I can even achieve that goal.
One thing stayed consistently through my development as an inworld-photographer: what you see is what I saw. That means, that I never do after-works on my photos.

What do you enjoy most about creating art in virtual worlds?
Besides that, I very much like to show virtual life in a way, that makes viewers enjoy what I enjoyed or maybe get an impulse to think about certain aspects.

Thank you for the interview, Ms. Minik!

Please stop by The Art Factory Reloaded and check out Nice Minik's art! It won't disappoint!
Living with friends ...
Amazing community
wir sind mal wieder mächtig stolz auf unsere Leute. Einfach weil sie sind wie sie sind,
weil sie " living with friends" nicht nur als geklauten Slogan nehmen,
sondern dieses feeling jeden Tag leben. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar .

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

bonne année
2021 Falene prend de la hauteur

Ein aufregendes Jahr liegt hinter uns.
Wir hatten Verluste.
Manche taten weh, manche weniger.
Wir hatten aber auch Gewinne
Der größte Gewinn war
Teil einer funktionierenden, lebensfrohen, lebendigen Gemeinschaft geworden zu sein.
Teil eines Grids zu sein,in dem Freundschaft nicht nur ein geklauter Werbeslogan ist.
Teil eines Grids zu sein, dass eigenständig zurecht kommt.

Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Unseren Bewohnern und allen, die uns dies ermöglicht haben, wie auch unseren zahlreichen Besuchern.
Möge die Zeit der bollernden Heizungen und prasselnden Kamine die Herzen der Menschen erwärmen und der Duft der Tannenbäume
all den Menschen die schlechten Gedanken vertreiben

Wir wünschen Euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen sensationell schönen Start ins neue Jahr und bleibt gesund.

Euch allen ein besinnliches und herzerwärmendes Weihnachtsfest

wünschen Euch Nasti und Rudi vom Soul Grid

*** LARCH TREE V- Larix sibirica V3 (version 3). Thx my friend Alfred (from sim WELCOME ( she gave a better model for these trees as seen at RL, so I could work on blender - once more released at FLORA, BOX 04, FOREST AREA (ground area). All FREE and FULL PERM. Seasonal textures included and leaves has a soft animation. Enjoy :)

Join Arkham City Halloween

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

CHERRY TREES PACK * FREE and FULL PERM available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX02. Animated particles are in mesh and separated prim so u can remove it when playing seasonal (textures inside). Enjoy :)

OpenSim is an oasis for people who are following physical distancing around the world. Thank you all for keeping yourselves safe, keeping your regions online and keeping your visitors entertained!

The first Stark! magazine is out now!

I love the look that PBR gives to polished marble floors

Araminta Hexx: I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but... 5 days ago

----- NEW -----

This is a preview of the upcoming champ, also a request of a friend.....

Yinni Benelli: Nice =] If you pet it will it go 'Mooooo'? 8 days ago

---------- NEW ----------

This is so cool. I have not been on in a few weeks, but finally I have carved out my schedule to be in OS more often. Yay.
In my absence it seems 94 different people came to Grid Tumbler to visit. That is awesome. Where are you all when I am online?
Come play with meeeeeeeeee.

LeonitasLionheart: *squishes* i am around. say hi sometime if ya like. 17 days ago
OUT NOW: Stone House
It's been a while since I don't bring some landscaping/building items.
Here's a modern stone house (tailored mainly as skybox). Comes in 2 tones (day & night).
Door and ceiling lights scripted.
If you want to reduce the LOD considerably - it's mainly generated by the door inside!

This item can be found in the landscaping store (inside the tower!).

Uber: hop://

Mona725: Seems like a great sim, but the region is lagging so bad crashed me 3 times so far. 27 days ago

Thank you all, Hugs

IndigoQueen King: It was a beautiful ceremony, a beautiful day and love and blessings to the both of you. I am so happy I was able to attend. Hugs 28 days ago
Safari starts up again next Wednesday! Usual time, 12 noon SLT. but departing from the new HG Safari grid, not from OSGrid, so please tell your friends about the change.
Recent posts on the HG Safari blog
A conversation with Victor DeAngelo
The new expanded Europa by Jimmy
Some insights into Star's upcoming gala event
A bit of background to tech guru Ai Austin
and some MorlitaM news
Happy reading!

Thirza Ember: Forgot to say, the picture shows the house/art of the very talented Xenon Darrow, on Europa 30 days ago

Daddy swan's got a girl! And, chicks on the nest too:)
The nest is included .
Now available in ZZ's shop.
Have fun! :)

Ankhsenaton: Thank you Peter (I love the babies ;-) And your leopard is so beautifull (but I put it very far from the swans! I don't want he eat them! 1 month ago

FLORA new welcome area. Don`t mind the pixel dust.. redoing a lot of areas, optmizing SIM, reducing graphic lag,scripts used. etc :)

Xenon Darrow: It's beautiful, Jimmy! 1 month ago

The Hypergate at Luxor, inspired by the Bifrost at Asgard in the Thor movies

LaviaLavine: Beautiful, it reminds me of the one I built in 2nd life several years back. Well done Luna!! 1 month ago
New and Improved steampunk lamp for your desk, please find it in the Monentes Store foyer. Or you can upload one too from this creator:

Mike Chase: Probably better to get it from the creator link. The license specifically prohibits redistribution of the model, for sale, even for 0 dollars. Nice that the link to the original was cited. 1 month ago

Carmen Jewel: Looks impressive ! 2 months ago
I just placed the Nature's Embrace Set out, Update** I fixed it, I had to make the stone really teeny and when I uploaded it in the meshmerizer I increased the size some and it worked. In the store Foyer, at Monentes Jewelry.

Star Ravenhurst: I tried to come see you the other day and the region was down. Is it down during certain times? These are STUNNING!!! 2 months ago
Stop by The Artist's Brush Art Shop and get your art supplies, there are easels, tripods, canvases, brushes, oil paints in sets or individual, Artist's Pallets, colored pencils and there are plenty of art pieces for you to enjoy and purchase for $0, full perm too, all original creations of yours truly. And if you have artwork you'd like to showcase, we can fix you up at the Showcase Plateau with your own little gallery and up to 1500 prims. Stop in and visit and we'll talk. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

IndigoQueen King: Such a beautiful art space Lavia. Picked up a few pieces :)) And the art supplies are indeed awesome!! Excellent !!! Love it 2 months ago

DAVISS BoM Body v10 UPDATE AUGUST 2024 Kingman City region

just up to more crazy shit

Jared Seda: Stunning fireworks 3 months ago
It`s a script generated by AI Chatgpt that I wanted to share to opensim community // it actually rolls and with sound! It`s not exactly a greedy thing but its the closest of my sim that it fits so...
Hope u like it.
This was one of my first builds when I came to Open Sim. I had to make all of the textures, and it wasn't very good as I was still green at building. Yesterday I remodeled and straightened walls and linked it all together except the garage door and the toilets with animations and I think the garbage can in the bathrooms. A couple of other things, so use your build window to rez and place. It is now in a box and for the first time, I am offering it for free for anyone that wants it. I am getting everything set up for sale as quickly as I can. If you can't get something, please reach out and I will be sure to get it to you. Thanks for stopping by, friends are always welcome!

Sodasullivan: ha, love the gas sign Star! 3 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Gloria Dress and Sleeve
with Glitter
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

The Metaverses most advanced radar. This radar tells you if it is an NPC or a real person. It also shows their IP ADDRESS and their name & distance away from you. It's click on & off and only the owner can see that. :) It's at

Xenon Darrow: Cyber, I always know when you have made something stellar because someone starts crying about it. ;) 3 months ago

Also today there are many new small and large items available in the store.Not only what you see on the photo, there is much more new to find!

Sodasullivan: An amazing store and a beautiful sim. Worth a visit! 4 months ago

and the last one

Live Traffic
Little Big City Shopping Mall
7 0
9 3
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Wright Plaza
77 5
Tosca A
95 4
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
Trianon Complex A
88 18
29 0
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
AMV Welcome
96 0
2 0
Gentle Fire Grid
58 6
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Welcome A
18 2
Regions Online: 1,799
Active: 176 avatars in 124 regions
The Box
Ellen 41 minutes ago
I wish some people here would use the correct tense of a verb, write complete sentences, and use correct punctuation when criticizing others' posts.
Ellen 52 minutes ago
Copper, the ellipsis is three dots...
NoraCola 5 hours ago
That's me, Leo, I'm saying nothing at all ;)
LeonitasLionheart 14 hours ago
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁
Jared Seda 17 hours ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.
Copper yesterday
I wished some here would use the simple form of interpunction. Using dots and commas, so people know where a sentence starts and ends..simple 4th graders thing
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
How is everyone liking dreamgrid 5.691?
5pm Khiron Ametza singing at La Boricua on Digiworlds. Semi-Formal to Casual. I'll include some Brazilian songs today. hop://
Essensual 2 days ago
Alex Leo, you came to a formal venue wearing jeans and a tshirt.. and you were asked to change... you ignored my requests so I told your GF, to tell you to change before I remove you.. she told you adn you changed but she didnt like it.. sorry for that.. but dont worry about ever coming here again
CyberGlo CyberStar 3 days ago
My Bose has quit. It was a good sounding radio. Now I will throw it in the trash.
Ankhsenaton 3 days ago
Abbi Masters, did you find your autoplay ?
Yana Dakota 3 days ago
Get your taxi to AMV Welcome, Yana is starting her DJing in 15 minutes . hop://
JoshBoam 3 days ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out!
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Maybe a Vexed, Bothered, and Bewildered Max
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
I'm more of a Moderately Perturbed Max.
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Saw an AV named Mad Max today. I could never have an AV named Mad Max.
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
The answer: All of it.
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Today's Quiz: How much cheese should you put on a pizza?

New Comments

Zoe 1 hour ago
I just saw your invitation. Ho appena visto il tuo invito. Congratulations and the best wishes for happiness and joy. Tanti complimenti e i migliori auguri di felicità e gioia.
autumnlady919 10 hours ago
Great clothes and I love love love the hair. Thank you so much.
Xenon Darrow 11 hours ago
Got the adult sippy cup. It's AMAZING
Bebe 11 hours ago
Who doesn't love Autumn eh..Enjoy :))
Darci Viper 12 hours ago
Thank you Bebe for the cool items.. cant wait to see whats coming soon ;)
SilviaFrey 12 hours ago
Acabo de ver el anuncio ahora. Estoy segura de que tuviste una fiesta genial llena de tanta gente que te aprecia. Feliz cumpleaños amiga!!!
AngelicKisses 14 hours ago
Happy Birthday, Marpil!! Hope your day was blessed. :)
Bebe 15 hours ago
I am still adding items to the pumpkin stores, so check frequently
Milly Money 18 hours ago
hop:// Al Kohav/884/782/21 Its there and Lavia, it is exquisite!! Thank you for this beauty!! :)


The creativity is endless so it seems, The Cathedral is amazing! Did not visit an event yet, but will do that for sure. Pleasantly surprised, well done and worth a visit.
AnsjelaAmat 2 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 7 hours ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Ballroom is one of the many beautiful venues on Trianon Grid. I love that it is a formal venue. There are not enough venues to wear all the beautiful ball gowns available on Open Sim. Whet...
Lynne Lundquist 9 hours ago
Paradise Lagoon
Went for Alex's Birthday Great place Awesome music and very pleasant people Love this place ....
EllieVenusa 9 hours ago
Sunny Brook
Very well organized. Very good location for all things Wedding/Bridal from rings to animation proposals to venues! Also found a lot of building supplies, furniture and knick knacks. Highly recommend.
Faith Fromund 12 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Can you explain to me and everyone else in Opensim what the point of you creating a room and filling it up with all the avatars you have made. Is it so people can just look at them when you rez them ?...
Michelle Hartley 13 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Since last year I have been going to this wonderful club, it reminds me of when I was a teenager, I love disco music, I liked to dance in the best clubs in my city. I invite everyone to come and enjoy...
Toms5 yesterday
Trianon Complex
from the moment I started having a Love Song event (2021) in the Trianon Ballroom, it has always been a formal event. A place to get dressed up and enjoy the soft music with your friends, but lately p...
Essensual yesterday
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
Wonderful mall!

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