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Eden Travels
2 Users 13 0 A
Honey's Fun Creations Shopping Mall.... tobacco, Party Time, homes, birthdays, hula hoops, balloons, birthdays...weddings, jewels, bathrooms, showers, bath, kitchen, fun furniture, office, meeting roo...
I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 2 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago
!! NEUHEIT IN OS !! BAAALD.. kommen die beiden Bodys Luna & Chonsu (based on Legacy) in den Laden. Dazu gibt es natürlich für Frau und Mann auch Kleidung. Darum ist es im Moment auch ziemlich still bei uns im Grid .. ich bin mächtig am arbeiten. Spezieller Dank für die Bodys geht ans Adult-life Grid, Moonrose Grid & das Mare Grid. Vielen Dank für Euer Vertrauen !

!! NOVELTY IN OS !! SOOOOON .. the two bodys Luna & Chonsu (based on Legacy) come into the store. Of course, there are also clothes for women and men. That's why it's pretty quiet in our grid at the moment. I'm really working. Special thanks for the bodys go to the Adult-life Grid, Moonrose Grid & the Mare Grid. Thank you for your trust !

Ladyweissehexe: Frohes Neues Jahr für euch beide und an allen die hier geantwortet haben. 🍀♥♥♥🍀 2 years ago

Brilliant appearance on new year's eve

We wish all the residents of OpenSim a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Enjoy the time wherever you are.

Love and peace to you all!

Charlene McNally: Merry Christmas from Pa 2 years ago
Kerzenschein und Christlaterne leuchten hell die Weihnacht ein.
Glocken läuten nah und ferne,
Friede soll auf Erden sein.
Wir wünschen dir gesegnete Weihnachtsfeiertage
und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Genie & Bella
Candlelight and Christmas lantern brightly illuminate Christmas.
Bells ring near and far,
Peace shall be on earth.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a good start into the new year!
Genie & Bella
Sometimes a few greifers come to your sim and they use a trick to crash your sim or create lag. They do it by wearing a device which runs many scripts, and each script is created to do intense math calculations which take a lot of cpu time.
Wouldn't it be great if you had x-ray vision and could see who these people are? Now you can. Just wear my "person lag detector" and it will show you how many scripts a person has running, how much memory their scripts are using on your sim (some are designed to eat up all your sims memory), and how much time they are using of your cpu (some are designed to use up all your cpu with calculations). Get it free, now at Wizardry! :) All you do is attach the device to hud center or center2.

Jupiter Rowland: Must-have for party sim owners, me thinks, to find out who really causes all the lag. 2 years ago

For male
for the 2nd advent new on camballa

Symphony: Fuzzy! \0/ 2 years ago
NEW Tattoos arrived!!!!
You can find new BOM Tattoos at our skymall.
The Tattoos are most Unisex!
Just come to the Welcome and look for the Teleporters to the skymall.
One is at the landingpoint and at every side of the stairs is another one.
BTW we update the skymall as often we can.
Have fun shopping!!!

The Mare- Team

New shops at the Welcome in sky.
Come and grab our new stuff!
You find Teleporter at every 2nd shop around the welcome.
Happy shopping!!!

Tinapotira: NAO CONSIGO IR PRA ESSA REGIÃO 2 years ago

Very warm feets now we hope they dont start to smell

***POPLAR TREE PACK (Populus Nigra Italica): Up to 4 of them using only 1 single prim! Smooth animation on leaves // Seasonal textures included! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 08. Enjoy :)
And for all those who don't know what to do (dont come along) with Halloween, the Winter and Christmas sim is now open to the public again. for the 3rd time you can explore, shop and just have fun.
And for the ones who talk bad about the Sim and bitch about everything.....It was my first attempt to make something creative. I put my heart and soul into it and I love my baby. Not much new this year , but older things can also be fun and there is a lot!

AlexisCarrington: Do not let it get you. Your Sims reflect a lot of attention to detail. 2 years ago

reopening of Offworld

..even Igor (orig. creation by Kimm Starr) has fun listening...

Almost ready

Lone Wolf: The one at Wolf Territories Grid is now at Territories Colorado We have our first shows there Sunday. 2 years ago

Dinkietown has a new segment, which is called DinkieLane. Two shops are already open and have special hair for Dinkieboys and girls. Feel free to shop around. More to come!

Hugabug: super cute Avia you've done it again 2 years ago

NEW!!! Neck Gems

Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamgrid #Kingmancity

Die neue Event Reihe Grids Hopper Nights startet am Donnerstag mit unseren Jungs Tailor & Tommi. Sie bauen ihren Gemischtwarenladen im Tosca auf und lassen die ehrwürdigen Mauern beben.

TailorNova: Wir Eskalieren nicht....wir reißen die Hütte ab ....sünggggggggggg 2 years ago

Grid Hoppers. Die neue Event Reihe.

Time for something in pink?

alexa maurer osw: Oh, I guess I got caught on photo :D 2 years ago

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#meshbodys #heads

Welcome La Nube
#newregion #arkhamgrid #2022


Thirza Ember: You've got balls, I'll say that for ya. 2 years ago
Born on October 30, 2008 on Francogrid, this day March 14, 2022, the pirate queen died with the grid. Thank you for your past support.
Née le 30 octobre 2008 sur Francogrid, ce jour 14 mars 2022,la reine pirate est morte avec la grille.
Merci de vos soutiens passés.

St. Patrick's Day
Carnival Land
Special freebie items inside!

New freebies
collection for 2Lei violence against women added

Today I've released my last addition to the Fairies and Sprites of the Glen.

The Sprites of the Glen with Magic are now out in the enchanted section of the shop.
These like the other 2 versions come in 5 colours and this time they have a little extra trail of light that flashes around them (it's magic ;)).
I don't believe these are any more mischievous than the others however they insisted they were, it's probably just because their feelings were hurt because they were last to go out, I'm sure they'll get over it.

They are animesh and directions on set up are on the enclosed notecard.

Have a fantastical day!

Aaack: Yay more fairies!!! I'll get the bug zapper! "Honey! guess what we'll have for dinner!!" 3 years ago
My apologies for the repost, I was trying to edit the post not delete it :( I got click happy.

Fairy of the Glen is available in the fantasy section of the shop. They are animesh with 5 styles to choose from.

Scripts are thanks to Arcadia Shop. Directions on activation are included in the box

The fairies float and fly around fluttering their wings. The animations are in a different order for each fairy in order to avoid synching if you put out more than one.

They add a little action wherever they are.

Have a great day!

River: The fairies are very beautiful and I love the animations! Thank you, Bibiana!! 3 years ago

New outfit for the Steamkies (Bento)
Steamkie Madhatters checkersoutfit now in the store available, enjoy!

New in the Store, Join :)

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Bakes On Mesh

la cité Nèmo

Perdu ? Lost ?
Verloren ? Perdido ?
Perduto ?

LA solution, the solution,
Lösing, la soluzione



Liebe Freunde and Starkies,

was wir heute ankündigen werden, fällt uns nicht leicht. Niki und ich, Mathilda, haben beschlossen, den Betrieb von Stark Islands nach dem 30. Juni 2021 einzustellen.
Wir haben uns viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, unter welchen Voraussetzungen wir Stark hätten weiterlaufen lassen könnten. Aber letztendlich hätte es zu viele Änderungen geben müssen und Stark wäre nicht mehr das gleiche gewesen. Außerdem haben wir uns außerhalb von OpenSim eine neue Aufgabe gestellt. Einerseits bedauern wir, Stark zu schließen, nach all der harten Arbeit, die wir in dieses Paradies investiert haben. Aber wir sind auch sehr stolz darauf, dass wir es bis nach ganz weit oben auf der Liste der beliebtesten Regionen von OSW geschafft zu haben. Das wäre ohne euch, unsere wunderbare Gemeinschaft, nicht möglich gewesen.
Deshalb möchten Niki und ich uns an dieser Stelle bedanken. Danke an alle Starkies für eure Unterstützung und Treue. Danke an unsere DJ’s! Jeder einzelne von Euch hat mit seinen mittlerweile legendären Sets zum Erfolg von Stark beigetragen. Danke an das Zeta Worlds Team, ohne dessen Unterstützung der stabile Betrieb einer solch leistungshungrigen Region wie Stark nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Danke auch an alle Besucher, die jederzeit herzlich willkommen waren und viele nette Kommentare und Likes hinterlassen haben. Wir wünschen euch allen von ganzem Herzen alles, alles Gute!
Für OpenSim wünsche ich mir, dass die Leute, die Grids, viel stärker zusammenarbeiten und nicht gegeneinander. Ihr seid ein Grid! Das Hypergrid! Nur gemeinsam hat OpenSim eine Chance.
Wir werden euch im Auge behalten und vielleicht, irgendwann, sehen wir uns wieder.

In diesem Sinne, lebt wohl!
Niki & Mathilda Stark
Why there are people they give their avatars names like "Nazi German" and "Adolf Hitler"?
Why they visit a sim like Stark and say they hate gays and threaden people to find them in real and kill them?
Why are people so full of hate?
Why can't they stay away from Stark and let live people their (virtual) life in the way they want?
Lots of questions that I don't have an answer to!

But one thing is absolutely clear for me:


So please stay away and spread your hate somewhere else. Or better: Don't spread it anywhere!

And stop crying in the Stark OSW review section because we banned you several times. We would do it anytime again!

Happy New Year!
Arkham Grid

Some good news. I compiled Firestorm 7.1.10 PBR, and it doesn't crash every single time I teleport. There is light at the end of the tunnel with the next release. Photo included of me not f***ing crashing. yay! :D

Danger Lytton: That's great Hyacinth 11 days ago
=OUT NOW: Serpent Candles=
Out now at the Odds&Decor store, this gorgeous serpent/snek candle holder:
- Two versions: hanging and standing
- 6 different snakes for each model
- Material layers
- Texture HUD to change textures of candles, metal, and snek-tongue.
- Particles light scripted to individually turn on/off on click

Uber: hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Awessssssome share! Thanks. :) P.S. plz note that in-store artwork for this is currently showing llewellyn pg chairs and ottoman set, not the snake candles. ;) 18 days ago

The Mountains of Wolf Territories Grid

Jimmy Olsen: The only reason Furball is not howling because there is no moon on that EEP Sky llol 18 days ago

I see a lot of people talking bad about others on OSW lately. Can't we come up with something more interesting than "bad mouthing" each other?

Cute little Kitten Clingers at the MAIN Yin Yang Town (Clothing Store) ..
- 7 Different Colors via click the Kitten
- with and no meow Sound
- for left and right Leg

Jared Seda: omg these are sooooooooo cuuuuuute! 2 months ago

News!!! hop://

Meowkittybunny: Thank you so much, it's beautiful :) 2 months ago
*EUROPA RACEWAY* New release, now open for public - Really a lot of roads - on normal speed (gear 1 from many vehicles) one takes 22 minutes and 30 seconds for complete a tour! Have fun! Hoverbikes rezer available on place! To tap into this place, go to SIM EUROPA, then at welcome area, look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick as destination EUROPA RACEWAY.

Wolf Territories Grid: What could possibly go wrong.... I thought it would never end. 3 months ago

. . ` ★ ☾ . ` . . ` ✩ . . ` . . . . *.
Sparkle Glamour weil du es verdienst zu strahlen.
Sparkle glamour because you deserve to shine.

Taliya: Ganz tolle Arbeit, du hast es echt drauf. Danke für deine bemühungen uns immer wieder zu verzücken 3 months ago

After being asked many times, I now release my 2 cute teddies that lovingly hug you and keep you warm and look forward to sharing them with you.

今日は (konnichiwa) I am happy to finally open my store. Yin Yang Town Store offers many items for all friends of Japanese and Chinese culture. If you find something that is not available in the store, please ask me, I will be happy to offer one or the other handed over to you.So come to Yin Yang Town and take a look around.I will try to provide new articles every day.

Jared Seda: Thank you to ChiChi for sending me the flower planters :D 4 months ago

Live Traffic
Ruritania A
87 12
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
9 3
Rock City
56 15
3 1
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Event Plaza
122 18
Xenotown A
13 0
1 0
26 5
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Gentle Fire Grid
58 6
29 0
Welcome A
18 2
Regions Online: 1,807
Active: 279 avatars in 171 regions
The Box
Jared Seda 3 hours ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.
Copper 18 hours ago
I wished some here would use the simple form of interpunction. Using dots and commas, so people know where a sentence starts and ends..simple 4th graders thing
Xavian Omega yesterday
I really don't know how, but, I use Dreamgrid version 5.492 and I just noticed my region is voice enabled and, voice works! It never did that before... any ideas?
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
How is everyone liking dreamgrid 5.691?
5pm Khiron Ametza singing at La Boricua on Digiworlds. Semi-Formal to Casual. I'll include some Brazilian songs today. hop://
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
About the autoplay thing, i found a way of embedding a youtube playlist in an HTML iframe and forcing it to autoplay so its all good now :)
Essensual 2 days ago
Alex Leo, you came to a formal venue wearing jeans and a tshirt.. and you were asked to change... you ignored my requests so I told your GF, to tell you to change before I remove you.. she told you adn you changed but she didnt like it.. sorry for that.. but dont worry about ever coming here again
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
My Bose has quit. It was a good sounding radio. Now I will throw it in the trash.
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Abbi Masters, did you find your autoplay ?
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
I mean... Soundscape
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
"Vintage Rock Club" is open!
Xavian Omega 2 days ago
I'm looking for an autoplay music video playlist or streaming site to put the stream into a TV I have placed in my new Club, Unfortunately Youtube doesnt seem to do such a thing so if anybody has any suggestions it would be appreciated :)
Yana Dakota 2 days ago
Get your taxi to AMV Welcome, Yana is starting her DJing in 15 minutes . hop://
JoshBoam 3 days ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out!
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Maybe a Vexed, Bothered, and Bewildered Max
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
I'm more of a Moderately Perturbed Max.
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Saw an AV named Mad Max today. I could never have an AV named Mad Max.
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
The answer: All of it.

New Comments

Bebe 39 minutes ago
I am still adding items to the pumpkin stores, so check frequently
Milly Money 4 hours ago
hop:// Al Kohav/884/782/21 Its there and Lavia, it is exquisite!! Thank you for this beauty!! :)
Fearghus McMahon 6 hours ago
Happy belated birthday!
Carmen Jewel 7 hours ago
Happy Birthday , hope you had an Awesome Day !!
CyberGlo CyberStar 15 hours ago
I watched team connercroff and team dominator as they live streamed on youtube while in the eye of the hurricane.
KHIRONAMETZA 17 hours ago
Wonderful Mall and nice taste! Thank you for creating this place.
LeonitasLionheart 18 hours ago
¡Esta fiesta fue muy divertida! ¡Mantente siempre joven y divertido, amigo!
Meow kittybunny 19 hours ago
Love it, thank you :D
rayne 20 hours ago
very nice! thanks for sharing x


AMV Welcome
I was told to "stop being dirty" and threatened with ejection and possibly a ban for asking somebody how they are, seriously. Can't even be friendly at this "friendly" grid??
Xavian Omega 3 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Since last year I have been going to this wonderful club, it reminds me of when I was a teenager, I love disco music, I liked to dance in the best clubs in my city. I invite everyone to come and enjoy...
Toms5 15 hours ago
Trianon Complex
from the moment I started having a Love Song event (2021) in the Trianon Ballroom, it has always been a formal event. A place to get dressed up and enjoy the soft music with your friends, but lately p...
Essensual 16 hours ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
Wonderful mall!
KHIRONAMETZA 17 hours ago
Super Nova Beach Resort
Wonderfully setup place. The beaches are amazing and the store has SO many bikini's, swimsuits, dresses and other outfits, most of them in multiple patterns/colors. Truly impressed!
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
Trianon Complex
Дорогой мой Алекс:) That's why Peter I is GREAT! The Tsar has realized that he has to shorten your beards and lengthen your brains! Unfortunately, he's only half-done. I also don't like exaggerated "...
Pagane yesterday
Trianon Complex
They demand too much from their guests in appearance, although they themselves look clumsy and have unkempt avi. Hey, first get yourself in order and then demand.
Alex Leo 2 days ago
Armstrong Museum
A most unique selection of aircraft and spacecraft, many one of a kind in OS. Well worth the visit by any aviation enthusiast, and even the casual tourist looking for something new. Well done.
TroySeaknight 2 days ago
Once I'd got over the changed region and realised how much better laid out TierraDeVolcanes is now, and saw that there is a lot of very nice clothing for LaraX the next thing I was wondering was where...
Suzi_Avonside 2 days ago

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