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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 21 3
A Japanese sim on a terraced Lava mountain with cherry trees. Hanami, or the tradition of flower viewing, is a cherished cultural event in Japan, particularly celebrated during the blooming of cherry ...

Welcome back (Unknown)

Cherry Freebies moved from OSGrid to Pangea Grid
New adress: pangeagrid.de:8002:Cherry Freebies

New zones are under construction with AI generated meshes, it's not finished but you already can pick some freebies.
~Cloudy Ride, a cute pastel world with sea creatures and hot air balloons
~Paradoxical Sleep, the strange world living in my mind..

A huge thank to Lampi, Marlon and Kitty ♥

Bink Draconia: It's wonderful to have another great region of yours with us at Pangeagrid.... 11 days ago

Come and join us at the carnival parade
19.00 Uhr / 10 AM SLT

A beautiful, safe ship, oh what beautiful icebergs are back there?

Xenon Darrow: It's always the case, right? Whatever is on the surface is only a fraction of what is below the surface, waiting to wreak havoc. 11 days ago
Heute geht es in die zweite Runde
Girls Power
heute mit Sylvia Koeln
Today we start the second Round
Girls Power
with Sylvia Koeln
Join us
moonrose-grid.de:8002:Moonrose Club

Sylvia-Koeln: *Gute-Laune-Music* Karneval.....Mardi-Gras.....Oktobergest.....Apres-Ski 11 days ago

Opening Day of the OpenSim Worlds Fair is TOMORROW Saturday March 1st. Come and celebrate OpenSims Originality, creativity, great music, art, tech, fashion, & the spirit of community!

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/118/136/3827

Jordan Melody: loveee them!!! 11 days ago
Neverworld has FREE parcels for all and not little "houses either" Our Free land for all allows them to live away from the greedy grids and have decent sized parcels 4000 meters and up in a fully developed professionally curated region. Stop living like a pauper and get your free land no strings now. We have over 500 parcels to choose from!

the cutest houses are here for everyone to live in. Come over join the rental group and claim your place in Neverworld.

Good evening. :-)

Xenon Darrow: Cherry Manga needs to make that dress! 11 days ago

News!!! Bento Sock Puppets hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/130/150/3827

New comfy leather sofa, chair and ottoman. All in a very wide range of colours. All with G ratings and optional PG (with cuddles) rating for sofa.

Available now in the Family Living store at Ardent Lake.
The Hidden Cove Ranch is being remodeled, still can visit but excuse the Mess. but it coming to together right nicely you will be able to explore the farm and join the group when it's all said and done, remember its great way to enjoy open Sim farming.
I did some Mardi Gras Clothing for you.
You can find the Vendors at my Mall 2.

hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Carpe Noctem 2/256/317/3000

check the pics for the included sizes.
Have a great Mardi Gras.

Ellen: Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!!! 12 days ago
Well they are cruel to me. As you can see here Ferdzee says I should kill myself. First of all, I never said I was going to kill myself. Second of all, I would never do that to someone as wonderful and awesome as I am... What are you mad?

Mistressdalgato: Ignore him, i know it hurts and im sorry you had to deal with that. I have been on the receiving end of this kind of hate. a previous game i played someone told me they gave me permission to kill myse... 12 days ago
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "Cornflake Festival"

Thursday Feb 27th, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing silly songs to celebrate Cornflake!

Khiron Ametza Live
Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!
Dress Code: Casual
1 pm @ Starfleet Infinity
Region: Infinity
Location: 880, 887,2001

Khiron Ametza: It's about to start 12 days ago
Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00pm at The Triannon Ballroom
Friendly crowd and music variety according to your requests.
Looking forward to having you join us :)
Attire: Formal
hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex
We just ordered another server! This one is for our third object storage in our own cluster. We'll be using minio to store over 7.2 million assets. https://www.wolf-grid.com/
Our Object storage is built to fail over and write live to all of them at once.

Glenys Bieler: Now you're just getting greedy Lone :D In all seriousness though - good luck to you - I know you work really hard on your grid :) 12 days ago
As many people know... I am the cat's meow. I have 2 cats, dash & applejack, which I adopted from a shelter. They were found in the sewer drain. Someone tried to drown them? I don't know. But any way. They are very happy now living in my house. But aside from this and their many funny antics, I am announcing my return to the virtual worlds. Since the recovery was awesome, (and why wouldn't it be? I did it.), I now have most of my builds replaced. It is with great joy and fierce resolution that I have decided to tear down the wizardry shop again. ( I tore it down once and let Safine sell the magic huds for me.) But it came back, when I recovered the oars. This time I will sink the land under water and decimate the trees and shrubbery, plus I will obliterate the vines and flowers. This should leave nothing, but water. I do plan to leave the wizards house, since it is so full of magic, the wizards shack, and of course the school of magical education and generalized debauchery. I am deeply saddened to hear of the heartfelt tragedy osgrid is going through losing all their inventory... I know many of you will miss the early prim built furniture if only for it's historical sentiment. Many lands people owned but died after renting a server for 50 years will be disappeared from osgrid. Many people who died will be removed from the databases. Are you one of them? Boo! So anyways, as you may have surmised from my initial scribery on the wall of html everything is copacetic. Karma says what goes around comes around, a good reason to strap a 24 pack of charmin around your hiney. Cheers!

Xenon Darrow: YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Welcome HOME!!! You ARE awesome! Def the kitty's mew! 12 days ago

Top down view by Jimmy. Wolf Grid Welcome area.

Arcfury: I'm feeling a tiny bit of vertigo now. 12 days ago


After an exhausting 12 days all backups are complete.

Glenys Bieler: I have oar's taken daily of all my regions (with content - I dont do this for ocean regions), and IARs every week. OFC My IARs are just for my very limited local account users (as my grid doesnt have... 12 days ago

I wish you all a wonderful good morning.

Dorena Verne: Since my request has not been met, I am now closing the post. I will not delete anything, but I do not want any further discussion at this point. 12 days ago
Am 27.02.2025, wie jeden Donnerstag, um 19 Uhr, starten wir auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind immer herzlich willkommen. Diesmal geht es musikalisch unter anderem um echte Musik auch aus Rock und Pop und eine gute Zeit, die wir gern miteinander verbringen werden. Also gut hörbare Musikstücke die bestimmt wieder Erinnerungen hervorholen.

Stream: https://laut.fm/radiorockt
Streaming URL: https://stream.laut.fm/radiorockt
Taxi: artdestiny.de:8002:MusicCallBay

"With every graceful step and twirl, the Fleur Ballerinas dance like petals in the wind—light, enchanting, and full of magic."

three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Emerald City

🪵💩 Got Junk? Dump It Here! 💩🪵

Don't let your unwanted items go to waste—bring them to a dump where they might find a new purpose! Whether you're clearing out clutter or looking for quirky treasures, these dumps are open and waiting for your contributions.

Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump
Dumping allowed here
three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump
DumpMaster → Marianna

Dingleberry Dump
Dumping allowed here
groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump
DumpMaster → Hicks

Please contact the DumpMaster for more info on their dumps!

♻️ Your trash could be someone else’s treasure! ♻️
Help keep the dumps thriving—drop off your unwanted items today! For more info, contact the DumpMaster at your preferred location.

Please Join our group to stay informed https://opensimworld.com/groups/1078

CyberGlo CyberStar: Now if someone will just start a place called "The Antique Shop" and let people drop off high quality mesh furniture and high quality items, my life will be n-complete. :) 12 days ago

♥ good morning , have a nice day ♥

CyberGlo CyberStar: Announcing the Gypsy Magic Hud by CyberGlo. This hud allows you to cast gypsy magic on your frenemies. Bless someone and a light comes down from heaven and surrounds them in a celestial glow. Curse... 12 days ago
Freitag 28.2.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Die Narren feiern Karneval
Im Irrenhaus ist Maskenball

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Friday 28.2.2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

The fools celebrate carnival
There's a masked ball in the madhouse

Ends as always at midnight

Can't decide between animals or plants? Why not have both! These and many other planters available now in the Family Living store in Ardent Lake.


A new great way to relax, breath and meditate. Choose from 12 different videos. Relax to music, soar over Maui or try one of the meditation videos. Lots of options to help you relax.

♥good night and sweet dreams to all♥

Hicks: really nice pic 13 days ago

Du brauchst noch ein Kostüm für Mardi-Gras?
Große Auswahl an Kostümen und Masken im Shop

Do you still need a costume for Mardi Gras?
Large selection of costumes and masks in the shop



DATE: 01/03/25 TO 04/03/25

What fun is coming our way?! On The Rocks is having a Cornflake party on Thursday February 27. I love these parties, not just to remember a wonderful and funny Cornflake Woodcock, but it gives us all a chance to release the child within and be silly. Come dressed in funny and wild outfits, hair, shoes... what ever you like. Primary colors would be perfect too! There are boxes of clothes, avatars, toys and accessories in front of the DJ booth to make it a little easier. Be ready for some laughs and a great time. :)

Thursday February 27
4-6 P.M. Pacific time.
Am 27.02.2025, wie jeden Donnerstag, um 19 Uhr, starten wir auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind immer herzlich willkommen. Diesmal geht es musikalisch unter anderem um echte Musik auch aus Rock und Pop und eine gute Zeit, die wir gern miteinander verbringen werden. Also gut hörbare Musikstücke die bestimmt wieder Erinnerungen hervorholen.

Stream: https://laut.fm/radiorockt
Streaming URL: https://stream.laut.fm/radiorockt
Taxi: artdestiny.de:8002:MusicCallBay

Sam and I are DJing from 12 - 4pm today at The Meadow. Leave your troubles behind and come join us :)

This time AI Mix and Photoshop.

Fancy a new rug? What about two? Three? More?
Available now at the Family Living store at Ardent Lake

How was that? I'm listening!

Xenon Darrow: btw, I would KILL for her abs! 13 days ago

Good Morning. :-)

Xenon Darrow: Morning, gorgeous! 13 days ago
New places New things Opening in AVIWORLDS. We have ADULT FREE spaces for AVIWORLDS residents, a new adult sim, and new Dinkie free land homes. Every day something new is coming in... Best way i can say to look for them , Type on your search bar AVIWORLDS they most likly will all show up

love my bass guitar in the virtual world ♥

Ashland Jewelry is now available in Ardent Lake (as well as its original home in Princess). Abbi Ashland is no longer in OpenSim but her awesome work lives on !

Live Traffic
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Hypergrid Games
11 5
L&M Shop
16 3
44 2
Mariner's Bay A
8 0
Risa A
9 0
Rock City
58 16
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Loose Cannon
25 4
CandM Town
1 0
Happy Hour!
Wonderland A
3 0
Serrallo de Mogor A
5 0
Loose Cannon
1 0
Trianon Complex A
95 23
OpenSim Worlds Fair
12 0
Regions Online: 1,770
Active: 253 avatars in 157 regions
The Box
Esti Mation 16 hours ago
about dreamgrid, i also wrote to Fred and got the normal reply and the download of it got online and it is downloadable again, too late for me but others can do
JamieWright yesterday
I found a hurdy gurdy on Sketchfab. It's the weird little things sometimes that delight:)
Pagane yesterday
Despite all the problems in Osgrid, even when their server is offline, it absolutely correctly notifies me that I am banned in LBSA, but I can visit other SIM even they are down :) This is transpolar!
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
yehhh osgrid is bipolar these days... up, down, up, down...
JamieWright yesterday
@Blake https://www.osgrid.online/news/maintenance-mode/
SheaButter yesterday
@Blake Hayvenhurst...Osgrid is offline for maintenance.
Pagane yesterday
osgrid is partialy down. may be 99,98%
Blake Hayvenhurst yesterday
Been offline for some time, noticed soul grid can't visit osgrid anymore? what did I miss?
Hicks 2 days ago
ty :)
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
But I know that young French people can get over it in a few hours
Hicks 2 days ago
i juste care about my health so i need a day off:)
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
Hicks you at this time .. .holiday (vacation) or pension (lottery win)? I have work shift ....
Hicks 2 days ago
have a nice monday ...if it's possible ;)
Spahkey 2 days ago
I had the same problem @EstiMoondust but Freds reply was just a tirade of abuse so.... I gave up
Pagane 2 days ago
opensim is writen for windows and this is root of problems. Opensim is writen on C# (DotNet) not on C++ and work on server OS with compatibility layers.
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 2 days ago
Hey Facebook finally fixed y broken feed. Its been down since before 2022. Not that I care anymore.
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Opensim.exe run very well all alone in windows too... especialy for a standalone ;-) @EstiMoondust

New Comments

ChristiM 1 hour ago
ChristiM just now The best thing about Wolf is the very reasonably priced islands, small, big or bigger still. Hang on, no, it's all the free stuff, like OSGrid in its heyday. And easy access to the r...
Aurora Starchild 1 hour ago
Thanks everyone for all the love and support so far, btw
Fyyff 1 hour ago
Visited today, no problem. Well done. Keep going. Looking good.
Danger Lytton 5 hours ago
Evan Williams - up next at 13:00(1:00PM) grid time.
Dbeery 5 hours ago
Great time at Daves Place with the Best of Dancing with the Stars Video DJ show come on down
ZelleMist 5 hours ago
Danger Lytton 6 hours ago
Lucky up next - starting NOW
PinDeluca 6 hours ago
I adore these holdables ! Great work !
niki stuart 6 hours ago
yay rogue blastin out a great set, come join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


found some fun things! Thank you~
Steampunk Siouxsin 14 minutes ago
OpenSim Worlds Fair
Koshari, Kimm & Cooper & Whomever else helped build this magnificent Worlds Fair, You've done a spectacularly awesome job here! :D It's such a wonderful place to be! I will take my friends here often...
Passion Jumanji 1 hour ago
Daves Place
Awesome place wonderful people.Love the show
IsadoraLeah wolf 6 hours ago
The ValLands
Valerie is an INSANELY good creator, focusing on a lot quality scripted systems that are SO needed in OS. My favourite, of course, the Rental System, which I have used to managed +400 rentals in a gri...
Aurora Starchild 9 hours ago
This is not a correct HG address, and has to be altered. "hop:80:Welcome" cant work
Copper 9 hours ago
Thank you for taking time to Open your Door For us and for the wonderful furniture and houses that you are sharing I give you 10 stars and a thumbs up. Your place is truly remarkable because everythin...
Adore 22 hours ago
If you are an old school fan, this is the place for you/ Lots of free classic items, LUV-MY-BOD, Ruth and Roth. It was a great visit, scooped lots of free stuff. Thanks for this wonderful little gem.
Dusty_Roads yesterday
New Beginnings
Owner Isadora has place to much effort and soul into her creation.. lots to do here whether dancing, fishing, shopping.. there is always something to do . You should definitely take a look. ♥
Misty Shadow yesterday
Bare Lilies 3
Very nice place to visit and explore the music is very great. Had alot of fun there. Check it out
IsadoraLeah wolf yesterday

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