OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Luxor is the home of Luna Lunaria and a place of meditation for spiritual pilgrims. The region rewards the patient explorer with hidden grottoes and quiet songs playing at various locations. Using a P...
The American movie titled "The UFO Movie They Don't Want You To See.", explains the truth about e.t. life. They even explain the nimitz, tic-tac, and gimble videos which even the u.s. pilots thought were aliens. Now we know that even the videos released by the u.s. navy are fake. I was so believing in that one b/c I thought "hey, it's the u.s. navy...." But they were wrong wrong wrong. Even the Jimmy Carter UFO is explained in this movie.
Meanwhile SETI is still searching for a signal and the only signal SETI ever got was in the 1970's called the WOW signal. It was a radio signal at 1.42 GHZ. (They explain the reason that all e.t. life would use this frequency.) SETI hoped that the signal would carry some sort of information encoded in it, but either it doesn't, or no one has been able to decipher it yet or figure out how the information is encoded. But do keep in mind that the distances are so great between solar systems in just our own galaxy, that even though there are over 60billion planets in our milkyway, it would take thousands of years to reach them on a spaceship, so unless aliens live forever they are not travelling space. You see nothing known to us can travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein was a lot smarter than you and me, and according to many real scientists who understand the Einstein temporal equations, He's right. This is why most of the people on earth who claim there are ufo's taking off and landing every five minutes are just outright lying to you. It's not happening. We wish it was. But the simple truth is SETI also has equipment which would know if there were aliens taking off and landing, and it just is not happening. But people are stupid, they will believe whatever anyone tells them or swears to... Will you?

Valentine's Day Event
New items for this great love event

KittenKeppler: Got a few outifits to Reborn...lovely and well choosed itens congratulations for the hard working 1 hour ago
DJ Eagle, 11 AM to 1 pm Grid Time AT Radio DJ Club/valentine's Party
WITH - 80s to 2001♫♫
Who - DJ Eagle
When - 11 am to 1 pm Grid Time
Where- hop://


Our apologies for going offline. We’re currently revamping the store, adding more cars, and relocating to the AMV Grid. Stay tuned for more updates!

Don't miss the Grand Opening of our new Ballroom!!!

We'll kick off at 1pm grid time on Wednesday the 12th of February with hostess Candice and DJ Mattt Mcg. The lovely Khiron Ametza will sing for us from 2pm, then back to DJ Mattt :-)

Strictly formal dress.


CandM World: Khiron's on right now!!! w00t!!! 4 hours ago
Come visit Havana @ OMG Twitztid Timez Grid - it's colorful and lots of fun. Walk the streets of Havana, visit the art gallery. Pick up some groceries at the supermarket. Stop at the cafe and people watch and when your done, kick off your heels and dance away at Havana Open Air Club - be sure to pop in and visit the locals close by.

Bebe: is it hot over there now? :)) 4 hours ago


Play and sing my song..

Pagane: Look good with few small mistakes: A guitar with 6 strings, 7 crooked keys and a support for the 8th key. We won't argue about the two left shoes - AI is known for this mistake :) And actually where d... 7 hours ago
Sandbox für Jedermann im Xenolandia Grid.
Für Musik beim arbeiten sorgt Radio Xenolandia.
Nach acht Stunden wird alles abgerissen und an Euch zurückgeschickt.
Viel Spaß und fröhliches Schaffen:)
Sandbox for everyone in the Xenolandia Grid.
Radio Xenolandia provides music while you work.
After eight hours, everything will be torn down and sent back to you.
Have fun and happy creating :)
Stonehaven Estates - Free plots of land for the BDSM community.

As most of you know Littlefield Grid has a very large and active BDSM population since our start in 2011. We are hoping to get more of the people in the BDSM scene together by offering some free plots of land to people from the BDSM community. They are located next to 3 of our BDSM RP regions and we have 64 plots available with 3000 prims each.

Littlefield is an adult only community, so no children, child avatars, or child play of any kind is permitted. For more info on obtaining this free land contact Walter Balazic, Dirk Mathers, or Windrunner Constantine in world.
For All Trance Lovers the Bourbon Bar
Open seven days a week , twenty-four hours Melody Trance to relax
I'm still looking for DJ's who like to play Techno, Trance, House Music
if you are interested please contact me

Für alle Trance Liebhaber die Bourbon Bar
Sieben Tage die Woche rund um die Uhr geöffnet. Melody Trance zum Entspannen
Ich suche noch DJs die gerne Techno, Trance, House Music auflegen
Bei Interesse melde Dich bitte bei mir


wenn alles nach Plan verläuft werde ich mit meinem Mann im März auch auf Sendung gehen :)

NEWS!!! Earrings Lel EvoX -Male/Female hop:// De Volcanes/120/110/3827

Thorben Goerssen: Einfach eine Klasse Location....super Sachen zum anziehen und Möbel..Avatare...usw.. Nur weiter zu empfehlen...ein grosses danke an die Owner.-) 14 hours ago

Like every Wednesday at 6:00 am
Same today: 02/12/25

***Wild ride through Sylvia's record box*** Welcome

Brrrr lots of goings-on in opensim right now! Need a breather from the asset frenzy? Get yourself a cuppa, here are a few recent posts from the HG Safari blog *caution may contain eye candy*
Yana Dakota's spiritual paradise, with an asian theme
another Japanese build of great beauty
important hg news about how your grid can be part of the Parade on Pangea
some much needed R&R, Star trek style
Neverworld's fab riders
and finally a positive take on the OSGrid situation

Hello everyone, there are some new legacy clothes in my shop again. Come by and let yourself be surprised :) This swimsuit is also included...


wicked: Attempted to go but says bad gateway 17 hours ago

Introduction to Wolf Territories Grid, including our control panel.

News!!! Be my love Dress hop:// De Volcanes/140/115/3827

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting 4pm to 6pm Grid-Time
60's to Today! Mix Night :)
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country, Mix
Taxi: hop://


Kiana Fawn: Beautiful job I love what you did! yesterday
Spinning the Tuesday Tunes!

Tuesday at The Almost Islands
Danger @10:00
Lucky @ 11:00 LIVE
Charice @ 13:00(1:00PM) LIVE
Evan @ 14:60 (2:30PM) LIVE

Join us at: The Almost Islands
For taxi: Azi Az or Danger Lytton

Danger Lytton: Evan is up LIVE - NOW yesterday

Zoree Jupiter Live at Gentle Fire!

Added two new members to the GRPG friends wall here at the mall. Our friends Andre and Alchy Miklos and their regions Cartier and The Abyss, awesome places and awesome people. This makes 15 total on our friends wall and we invite all our friends to get their walk through portal to their region set up in our friends wall.

Andremus Miklos: Thank you so much my friend! yesterday
Come visit us at our Video DJ show every other tuesday at 12PM until 2PM at the Starlight Lounge over at Daves Place. We always have great music and comedy videos so come join us. Always alot of Fun for everyone
One of the sweetest dreams in virtual world is to own your on parcel, sim, region or grid. We're here to help you do just that and with reasonable prices. Genesis Roleplay Grid, hosted by Masala Estates, is a stable, strong and growing grid and we welcome you to join us and go beyond your dreams. You do not have to be a role player nor do you have to be a builder, while either or are appreciated. Let us help you see your dream come true. Come see us about a deal for you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Virtual Beach is currently in the process of system wide backups, including oars. If you experience any lag it is due to backups being done. Backups should be completed by tomorrow.

NEWS!!! Monica Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/346/205/5002

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it, but... Is it OK is if I take the avatar and use the clothing on myself anyway lol 💘🤩 yesterday

View from one of our office buildings.

There is soup for everyone.^^

Ludo: Try it first to see if it's too hot. yesterday

a partager et relayer very important .

Pagane: Many many assets from SL or Sacrarium contains "linked" textures, mesh or even scripts. If author close acces - assets "die" and is missed. Locally you will see from cache some time. http://opensimula... yesterday
Looking to self-host your own region? Neverworld lets you connect unlimited regions—100% FREE! Setup is quick & easy!

Don't want to self-host? Our hosted regions start at just $2.50/month, or claim one of hundreds of massive parcels (10,000m² and up)—totally free! Hypergrid users welcome!

Celebrating 10 years with near 24/7 support, Neverworld is a trusted, drama-free grid where you can build, explore, and connect.
hop:// Welcome

Arielle: Oh this is good to know and an excellent price, yesterday
All Littlefield Residents are urged to attend this special meeting.
Details of the meeting can be found in-world in today's notice.
This meeting will be in voice. We will attempt to have a translator for Spanish and German at the meeting.

Meeting Times:
02/11/2025: 6AM PST (grid time)
02/11/2025: 12PM PST (grid time)


After a couple days of extensive testing and re config, the E Grid Hypergrid seems to be in working order again.

Port issues, apparently resolved, we believe :)

Thanks for your patience!

♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
Besser spät als nie.
Heute Abend in der Zappelbude:
21:00 – Tony Levin und anderes verbasstes Zeug.
Lasst uns einfach Spaß haben.
Hypergrid :
Grid :
Erstelle dein Account im Xenolandia Grid

Jerralyn Franzic: Love Tony in KC, but he's performed with so many groups! I thought he was a bit of an oddball being in Liquid Tension Experiment, the group with three of its members from Dream Theater. Reminded me of... 2 days ago
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
All Littlefield Residents are urged to attend this special meeting.
Details of the meeting can be found in-world in today's notice.

Meeting Times:
02/11/2025: 6AM PST (grid time)
02/11/2025: 12PM PST (grid time)

I'm performing at BlackSun!
Come join us for some fun & dancing!
PLACE: BlackSun

Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon

Small Mi'kmaq village. Those wigwams are actually easier to build in RL. (i have built a few) :D

Community Meeting Video -
We have developed a tool that can bulk create and load regions from oar files by the customer filling in a simple spreadsheet if anyone needs assistance. We moved 87 regions to Wolf Grid yesterday. Our assets are stored in Object Storage which is spread across multiple servers and locations. We maintain 2 live backups of the assets at any time. If it gets low on space we just buy more space.

We are offering free migration for the next month.

CherylFurse: You should really watch the video. Much information you get here about the grid and what you can do and what you will do soon. I wait for Bobby that he can generate mesh objects. This is something rea... 2 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827

NEWS!!! Octavia Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/349/212/5002

Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport

Sending thoughts and prayers to all my OSG friends and wishing OSG Techs much success during this challenging time.

Live Traffic
0 0
AMV Street Party
7 1
Little Big City Shopping Mall
15 0
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Shinobar Annex
65 19
Clarity Islands A
6 1
Obfuse Chill
3 0
Trianon Complex A
95 23
2 0
Mexico Lindo A
86 14
Manderley A
7 1
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
Rock City
57 16
Event Plaza
127 18
Shopping FUN A
9 0
Regions Online: 1,841
Active: 242 avatars in 150 regions
The Box
HarperHeld 8 hours ago
@TheBigA sometimes I simply restart the region itself, and keep everything else running. If neither of those two work I'm not sure what to do.
HarperHeld 8 hours ago
@TheBigA I'd try two different things; first is simply shutting down all the regions on your dreamgrid and then closing the dreamgrid software -and restart it all. That helps me sometimes
Ankhsenaton 8 hours ago
Google trad is using AI ? I was wondering why it was so bad since a while ...
Pagane 8 hours ago
Chinese AI is much better than USA AI because you can always blame the Chinese after the failure:)
Pagane 8 hours ago
The quality of the much-hyped AI is best seen in the work of Google Translate - since it started using AI, translations have been absolutely mindless gibberish. Don't expect AI to replace your lack of natural intelligence.
Tonia Kara 9 hours ago
OpenSim is open source!
Copper 9 hours ago
Yep @Ankhsenaton, use chinese spyware. Free is more important than protecting you data *rolls eyes*
Ankhsenaton 13 hours ago
"open source" and China sound a bit weird to me ... I prefer to stay far away from them
CherylFurse 16 hours ago
If you want to run the best AI at the moment locally on your normal computer then try the chinese Deepseek. Here some info
Nikita_Sylvestrus yesterday
hum , nothing worked there partly due to the annoying No scripting restriction and part because my freaking outfits did not want to load and that sucked. so i left.
Arielle yesterday
KrisTina yesterday
Moved my iar's to my private grid and everything that was missing isn't missing on the private grid.
Pagane yesterday
Many many assets from SL or Sacrarium contains "linked" textures, mesh or even scripts. If author close acces - assets "die" and i missed. Locally you will see from cache some time.
Arielle yesterday
For the missing assets one may still have after the IAR load, one will just have to shop for the same or a compatible item.
Wolf Territories Grid 2 days ago
we loaded around 50 oars in the last few days. 3 of them were missing assets, although the asset records were there, the asset data was blank (mainly textures)
Glenys Bieler 2 days ago
BUT... it wont help recover missing assets ofc but I think people already realise that.
Glenys Bieler 2 days ago
Saving an OAR or IAR will still save the "objects" even if they have missing assets. It wont save/reload corrupted assets (AFAIK) but you still get objects restored with broken assets. Thing is - there are missing assets far and wide across the HG anyway - so I don't think this will cause probiels

New Comments

KittenKeppler 1 hour ago
Got a few outifits to Reborn...lovely and well choosed itens congratulations for the hard working
CandM World 4 hours ago
Khiron's on right now!!! w00t!!!
Bebe 4 hours ago
is it hot over there now? :))
Jerralyn Franzic 6 hours ago
Thanks, picked up a few outfits and some hair! Will mix and match soon. =D
Pagane 7 hours ago
Look good with few small mistakes: A guitar with 6 strings, 7 crooked keys and a support for the 8th key. We won't argue about the two left shoes - AI is known for this mistake :) And actually where d...
Piggyshell 7 hours ago
It's great what you're doing, but try to take the pictures yourself and don't use the original ones from Sl.
Ludo 7 hours ago
AI decided to go wild on the pegs and shoe laces hole. LMAO
LisaLandar 9 hours ago
oh yessss, I hopped back and forth and now it works ♥ I thank you from the bottom of my heart - big hugs , thank you very much for your help ♥
Zendrako 10 hours ago
Correction for Valorians' correction (which is a fudge for the editor): replace: list _serverData = llParseString2List(body, ["\":\"", "\",\"","}}",'"'], []); //" with: list _serverData = llParseSt...


The Almost Islands
only a load of people standing around and say nothing.
Yuki_Yubari 20 hours ago
The Almost Islands
BORING ! Most people do not even talk and just stand or dance around asmannequins
Monique_hulsen 20 hours ago
The Almost Islands
Nothing worked when i arrived. My outfit ( which are ALL in my suitcase ) did not want to load at all and my huds ( even my body huds ) did not work due to the no scripting restriction. So i left ...
Nikita_Sylvestrus yesterday
Tierra De Volcanes
Amazing clothes, also for my LaraX. Furniture neatly arranged in full room packages so you can rezz an entire living/bed/bathroom etc. at once. And the full avatars... they are awesome and really incl...
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
I am so happy! I am now one of the managers for Rocky Shores on Airmid!! I love this region(s) The Unicorn Forest is so beautiful and has so many places to explore and dance and play. The other half o...
EvaSeli 2 days ago
Tierra De Volcanes
I love your Avatars and furniture you always do a awesome job and you are very friendly and helpful This is my fave look so far!
Kiana Fawn 2 days ago
Tierra De Volcanes
WOW !!!
OmO_oH 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Stormjervil Che negozio meraviglioso, Valeria è una donna molto dolce e gentile. La consiglierò a chiunque incontrerò
ValeriaRossi 3 days ago
Tierra De Volcanes
a very complex store with a little bit of everything, you just have to get here and in a few moments you can create a very beautiful avatar, the owner pays attention to every detail
trevor 4 days ago

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