OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users 3 0
The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)

#outfit #costume #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

Hello to all the friends of New Life Italy,
We are excited to announce that our Mall is finally reopened! After a period of intense work and dedication, we are ready to welcome you with an even richer and more varied assortment, designed to meet all your needs and desires.
We want to take a moment to apologize for any inconvenience this closure may have caused. We know how important it was for you to spend time in our space, and we are sorry for any trouble this may have brought. Your patience and understanding have motivated us to work tirelessly to provide you with an even better experience.
A big thank you goes out to all of you for the messages of support and encouragement you have sent us. Your words have given us the strength to move forward and overcome the challenges we have faced. It is thanks to you that we continue to grow and improve every day.
We are ready to welcome you to our Mall, where you can discover new offerings and enjoy a warm and friendly atmosphere. We can't wait to see you again and share special moments together!
Thank you once again for your trust and support. We look forward to seeing many of you!

With affection,
The staff of New Life Italy

Calvinux: lots of cool stuff, don't forget to take the group to receive the contents 2 months ago


Happy Friday everyone, today for you new body skins for men
come and get them!

Liebe Freunde,
bald ist es wieder soweit – die fünfte Jahreszeit steht vor der Tür, und wir können es kaum erwarten, sie gemeinsam mit euch zu feiern! Dieses Jahr erwartet euch ein kunterbuntes Programm voller Spaß, Musik und guter Laune.
Los geht’s am Donnerstag, den 27. Februar, mit unserer großartigen Kostümparty. Kommt in euren kreativsten, verrücktesten oder elegantesten Outfits und startet mit uns in die Karnevalstage. Für die perfekte musikalische Stimmung sorgt unser DJ Marlon, der euch mit den besten Klängen den ganzen Abend über begleitet. Tanzen, lachen und feiern ist angesagt – das dürft ihr nicht verpassen!
Weiter geht es am Montag, den 3. März, mit dem Höhepunkt der Karnevalssaison: dem großen Pangea Rosenmontagsumzug in Köln. Freut euch auf farbenfrohe Wagen, beeindruckende Kostüme und die einzigartige Karnevalsatmosphäre, die Köln so besonders macht. „Kamelle!“ und jede Menge Spaß erwarten euch in den Straßen der Domstadt – seid dabei und feiert mit uns diesen unvergesslichen Tag!
Den Abschluss bildet am Dienstag, den 4. März, die traditionelle Nubbelverbrennung. Gemeinsam verabschieden wir uns von den Karnevalstagen und lassen mit dem Nubbel symbolisch all unsere „Sünden“ zurück. Lasst uns diesen Moment nutzen, um die festliche Zeit mit einem Lächeln ausklingen zu lassen.
Markiert euch die Termine im Kalender und bringt Freunde, Familie und gute Laune mit. Wir freuen uns auf euch und eine unvergessliche Karnevalszeit!
Alaaf und Helau!
Euer Pangea Team
Dear Friends,
The time has come – the festive season of Carnival is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you! This year, we’ve prepared a vibrant program full of fun, music, and great vibes.
We’ll kick things off on Thursday, February 27th, with our amazing Costume Party. Put on your most creative, wacky, or elegant costumes and join us to start the Carnival festivities with a bang. To keep the party alive, our fantastic DJ Marlon will be spinning the best tunes all evening, ensuring a night full of dancing, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss it!
The highlight of the season awaits us on Monday, March 3rd, with the grand Pangea Rose Monday Parade in Cologne. Get ready for colorful floats, stunning costumes, and the unique Carnival atmosphere that Cologne is famous for. Shouts of “Kamelle!” and pure joy will fill the streets – come and be part of this spectacular day!
Finally, on Tuesday, March 4th, we’ll wrap things up with the traditional Nubbel Burning. Together, we’ll bid farewell to the Carnival days and symbolically leave behind all the “sins” of the season. Let’s enjoy this special moment and end the festive time with smiles and good spirits.
Mark these dates in your calendar, and bring your friends, family, and good vibes along. We’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing an unforgettable Carnival season!
Cheers and let’s celebrate!
Your Pangea Team

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

I wish everyone in this world a happy new year 2025 and may all your wishes come true!


jetzt im Beach Resort


LaviaLavine: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Nasti. Ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag und alles Gute zum Geburtstag. 3 months ago

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 3 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/158/115/3827


Morning Coffee! Have a great day everyone.

KrisTina: A wolfie and his fleas,.... I mean thoughts. 4 months ago

TheFactory: Wonderful work, looking forward to seeing it expand! 5 months ago


We are Ready to Race at Pangea Cup 2024

Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: So sehn Sieger aus, schalalalalaaaaa :-))) 5 months ago

----- NEW -----

Because Autumn is the favorite season to many of us, I made this little space for you, there is a cabin that probably we all have, but this time I decorated and furnish. I hope you like it. Almost everything is copy.
"Happy Autumns"
Hugs Bebe

Jared Seda: Thank you so much for the awesome destination and also all the amazing content! 6 months ago

I love the look that PBR gives to polished marble floors

Araminta Hexx: I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but... 6 months ago
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un buon lavoro, E che diamine! lo faccio davvero! Poi regalo il mio tempo e la mia testa alle persone dell opensim. Statevene a casa vostra, non venite qui a criticare! Stupide persone ignoranti che non sanno leggere e dicono che gli avatar non sono in vendita quando è scritto chiaro e tondo come fare per averne uneuno, o che ti dicono che hai un traffico fasullo... ma cosa cavolo parlate a fare vorrei sapere Se il mio lavoro è buono e se i miei avatar sono miei non copiati dovreste soltanto ringraziarmi che li regalo!

harthelie: J'adore votre travail 6 months ago
An old picture that I came across. This was my first region, years and years ago, shortly after OSgrid first opened. I arrived here from SL with like 5 textures, and some sculptie palm trees I created. :)

edited: They didn't even have mesh back then. :)

LeonitasLionheart: Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge an... 6 months ago

---------- NEW ----------


Lillysparks: So cute 6 months ago
NEWS!!!!! "Eye Lava You!" mesh eyes, with applier HUD, 28 colors, 13 textures, have 4 sclera options each, compatible applier HUDs
will arrive in future releases! Stay tuned!
We Lava U!!! ♥

RemmyRavenhurst: A ton of effort to do this! 6 months ago
This is so cool. I have not been on in a few weeks, but finally I have carved out my schedule to be in OS more often. Yay.
In my absence it seems 94 different people came to Grid Tumbler to visit. That is awesome. Where are you all when I am online?
Come play with meeeeeeeeee.

LeonitasLionheart: *squishes* i am around. say hi sometime if ya like. 6 months ago

Right, I 'threatened' I've decided to bring some body stuff, focusing on males - watch this space for new cool skins!

Blake Hayvenhurst: We do! Hair, skins and proper clothing (not the bad boy type). 8 months ago
Calling all artists, both seasoned and emerging! Join us for an exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity. We can't wait to see the amazing works you produce under this captivating theme. Ladies, start planning your outfits for the ball—it's going to be a fantastic event with a touch of magic!

We're thrilled to announce a new region to the gallery dedicated to special projects. The first installation will be a collaborative masterpiece by beloved visual and audio artists. Witness how they transform the space into something extraordinary!
Additionally, we've opened another region connected to the gallery, designed for creating art, networking, and collaboration. Simply reach out to me to join this vibrant community and bring your artistic visions to life. Both regions are accessible by raft from the Art Gallery grounds.

Please note, the Gallery is now on a new grid. Old landmarks won't work, so discard them and pick up a new one. At the landing point and within the gallery, you'll find a sign you can click for this ad and a new landmark. You will also need to rejoin the group. Please see Star to be put in the appropriate role.
Many heartfelt thanks for the continued support for Le Beau Retrouve.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Harry Hopto: have some AI generated artwork I could supply 9 months ago

LeonitasLionheart: We already have a holy grail! Oh yessss itsa verreh niiice! 9 months ago
After a decidedly NOT fun couple of weeks, I'm working on something fun. We're making a big 6x6 surf island. Just M-rated. The design (other than the rollercoaster park) will be kind of in the style of Martinique. A tropical island, but with more like french colonial style villages and houses. We don't need bamboo everything everywhere... :) I'd really love to have LGBT meetup dance parties for fellowship and support. Get something positive and non-confrontational going...

Sam's working on the villages today and tomorrow, and I'll make some roads through the forest and have little 3-wheeler island cab tours. It will be fun.
The railroad line goes about 70 kilometers all the way to the Welcome region. It's fun to ride, and we have about 300km of continuous track running so far. Stay tuned!

Hyacinth: We tried out Lilly's surfboards tonight. She definitely has the best surfboards! Thank god! I am so sick of working on mine. I am free! haha 9 months ago
Whales for Sale!!!!

That's right, I am selling whales!

Why am I selling whales? Because I want to help you make an amazing Underwater area. You see, we have whales, many species of stingrays, sharks, jelly fish, hundreds of fish, hermit crabs, dolphins, mermaids, corals, ruins shipwrecks and more!

I spent 6 months finding things in opensim to build my underwater worlds...and now I want to help you build your underwater area.

Textures Trees & Scripts (and Whales)

the little store that is loved by builders and landscapers!

Ankhsenaton: So much things to get :) Thank you Safinemahoe2 ! 10 months ago
Pictured above......typical product from Friends mall

I have tried to tell people that our mall is a little different; but tonight I want to show you one of our best selling products - the amazing horses from my friend Roland Francis.

Most of you know about Roland and his horses....but I am going to brag anyways. I used to raise horses in SL. You dont even want to know how much I spent on food.....and then the horses were not naturally grazing. If you found ones that could not ride them. I have tried every horse I found in Second Life and Opensim, and I honestly believe Roland's horses offer the best ride and most realistic animations. might ask...what does this have to do with a mall? We are honored to be able to offer Rolands horses to you here at Friends Mall and I have built a special path to let you try them. Ride over the mountains...past the pond...and the long oceanside trail....and I am sure you will fall in love with these horses.

Go to the Equitacion Store at Friends Mall.

Then walk out the back of the store to take a horse for a ride. When you arrive back at the building, you can get your own horse is called HHorse rezzer v2.0 and is inside the stable building at the Mall.

These horses are wonderful! Thank you Roland!

Lillysparks: Awesome. Love it!! Can't wait to see these! 10 months ago
I’ve crafted this article to assist individuals eager to upload their models to Opensimulator but unsure of where to begin. This guide aims to direct you toward exceptional resources, making the process much more accessible.

---->It is not all botted from SL
Many SL creators obtain their models from these same resources.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no tr... 10 months ago

Alle Avatare komplett wie abgebildet erhältlich!
All avatars available complete as shown!

Cosa: Toll!! :-) 10 months ago

*** LIGHT BEAM COLLECTION *** From traditional to odd shapes & colors. Available at BOX 09 (LIGHTBEAM box). All for FREE and FULLPERM. Enjoy :)

Sodasullivan: Let there be light! 10 months ago


Base spaziale Solaris moltissimi alieni tutti avatar nuovissimi By Valeria Rossi

Lunaria Emporium is my main store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products related to architecture and decor in multiple themes.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and experience the builds firsthand. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There are freebies scattered throughout the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars and huds.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:, but all items at the store are 20% off Kitely Market Prices, since Wolf territories is not taking 20% off the top of every sale. I pass on those savings to you.

Wishing you and your family the happiest Easter of all.
#happyeaster #arkhamgrid

Our Region is opened for everyone!
Come and find all 30 Eggs!
Teleporter is at Welcome Easter Poster!
Happy hunting

KarinBecker: euch frohe ostern wünsche 12 months ago

AnKaBi: dir auch einen schönen karfreitag :)) 12 months ago

You may have noticed several troublemakers missing from Don't let it bother you.

KrisTina: Nope, still here. 12 months ago
Hi Everyone , just a post for new people. I run a few free malls within Neverworld Advantis , All Free Shopping Spree , Free Port and have a hand in many more places . We try to keep alot of our items full perm . Plase on any sim you are visiting remember when you click on a vender that item has to be sent from the grids server you are on to your home server. If you click to fast walking around hitting everything like machine gun kelly all that will happen is scripts will stop working and servers will stop communicating . All we ask as sim owners is take your time you do not want to crash sims or just not receive items.

SheaButter: Those network cables are like a freeway, with cars travelling that road. Some are going north, south, east and west. If your in Canada and item is in Europe, it has to travel over that water. lol. I a... 12 months ago

Legacy Body only

Tarot V3. This is a new version that I just made on 3/16/2024. It now can do reversed cards, and ill dignified cards. Now it automatically chooses whether the card is up right or reversed, and shows the appropriate meaning. I took the seed from the random number generator built into the computer, which is run by a crystal on the mother board of your computer. This crystal vibrates at a frequency and produces the number out of the vibrations. Amazing! Anyway, This new tarot table can show normal and reversed cards as a result, making the entire process much easier to read, and it now more closely follows the laws of chance just like shuffling a real life deck of tarot cards. Whether a card is ill dignified or well dignified is determined by looking to the cards to the left and right of the card. If one is reversed and one is normal they cancel each other out so the card stands as is. If both are normal it is positive reinforcement and strengthens the card in the middle. If both are negative then they weaken the center card substantially. So now it works like real tarot and the real celtic cross! Come get yours at

----- NEW -----

Jerralyn Franzic: Love the outfits there! :) :) 1 years ago

thedeeferry: Working now, Chubby! Thank you! Teleported using Arielle's suggestion (that worked) and then tried direct teleport to Chubelz Ostermarkt (that worked). Yay! ´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人) 1 years ago

Mystic Moonlight: kool i can get here now! 1 years ago

Prop Facade hop://

Omy2024: Beautiful thank you so much Marpil ♥ 1 years ago

***news at Camballa***
Prom Dress With Gems in Black and Black red
for E-Body-Maitreya-FitMesh
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

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Regions Online: 1,763
Active: 340 avatars in 172 regions
The Box
Xenon Darrow 4 hours ago
btw, I couldn't see what Cheryl said, so if someone wants to message me with it, would love to know ROFL
Xenon Darrow 4 hours ago
@Dorena You owe no one justification or explanation for missing my party. I KNOW we are mutual supporters, outside of any party. I want you to know... I noted you weren't there and missed you in the very best way.
Xenon Darrow 4 hours ago
I have some preliminary hard numbers that support this and am designing an actual study for more confirmation.
Xenon Darrow 4 hours ago
These issues transcend age. And something fascinating I am doing some actual research on: Anecdotally, it appears that our average age here is about 10 years or a bit more than the average age in SL. We represent an older population with significantly higher neuroplasticity than the norm.
Xenon Darrow 4 hours ago
@gentle dragonheart: It's more than that age group! Many people have legitimate difficulty relating with others in rl, struggling with social cues, dealing with extreme isolation, etc. The virtual world is a haven for them. Most of us have a significant support structure here.
Pagane 5 hours ago
Time for jokes: What is the most absurd and ridiculous reason you've been banned for?
EmilyJones 6 hours ago
Gentle Dragonheart 8 hours ago
On average, about 20% of people in the age group that is on Opensim are being treated for mental health issues, age related or otherwise. That means that 80% of us run around unmedicated. Scary, huh :)) We are all mad here!
Dorena Verne 9 hours ago
1. Cheryl, es ist völlig bedeutungslos wie viele hier im OSW in der Freundesliste stehen. Nun noch dazu: Ich kenne jemanden der glatte 10 Jahre jünger ist wie ich und bereits in denneunzigern auf war. Zum anderen, obwohl ich über 20 Jahre älter bin wie du, kam ich auch erst 2007 nach SL.
CherylFurse 9 hours ago
Du hast 0 Freunde hier seit 3 Jahren. Das tut mir leid für dich @JillMunroe
JillMunroe 10 hours ago
Cheryl hat doch wohl eh einen Furz quer sitzen. Respektlos, arrogant, herablassend und scheint im richtigen Leben nicht viel auf die Reihe zu bekommen, sonst wäre sie nicht dauernd online um jeden Mist zu kommentieren
CherylFurse 10 hours ago
thats why most are old. Jimmy was even in worlds com in the 90s before. I am newbee compared. Started 2007 in Secondlife lol I am a youngster here
Dorena Verne 10 hours ago
First of all, dear Cheryl: Don't be so disrespectful to older people. At 44, you're not exactly the youngest anymore. Secondly: Xenon is a really lovely person, and I won't let anything get in my way. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend her birthday party for health reasons; I'm already old and sickly.
SheaButter 11 hours ago
@CherylFurse do you have a point , Don't forget some have been in Opensim for 17 years, and in SL for alot longer. I have seen 40 year olds get confused sometimes.
CherylFurse 11 hours ago
One says the average age in opensim is 60 years. I have the impression average age of members in opensim is much higher. I even know some over 80 years old.
CherylFurse 11 hours ago
I recognize much cognitive dissonance or even dementia problems in opensim. e.g. actually I was on Xenons birthday party and she thanked me for coming on opensimsocial, but here I can't see her post about banning.. She blocked me lol Why? No one knows. I think it is a problem of aging here in OS
Spahkey 12 hours ago
Bipolar? @Cyberglo ? How come everything you ever say is an insult against Mental Health? Toxic prik
KrisTina yesterday

New Comments

Eva Nowicka 1 hour ago
a great performance by Rogue and a great club
Khiron Ametza 1 hour ago
I just started to sing ! Dress up and join us!!!! ♥♥♥
Xenon Darrow 1 hour ago
Pagane's alt's comments were deleted because ew.
Sylvia-Koeln 5 hours ago
It Starts in 29 Min :))
Dorena Verne 5 hours ago
It starts in 30 minutes.
Sylvia-Koeln 5 hours ago
The *Girls Power* is already in the starting blocks
Gentle Dragonheart 6 hours ago
Such a lovely place, great to see it's still around and secure!
Alex Leo 7 hours ago
💖💖💖Моя вкуснятина
Hicks 7 hours ago
cool , heureux de ton retour :)


I would like to know why I can't log into Agora. I'm getting a message that users in my world don't have permission. I selfhost on Neverworld.
SaskiaKasaev 3 hours ago
What a great store! EVERYTHING WORKS! Good selections of all kinds of stuff. I shop here before any place else. Furniture - skins and doo dads (I got a hairy chest now!)
DukeNobusho 15 hours ago
SilverFox Mall
Such a well laid out mall, all good quality stuff and the 3D texture packs are to die for! So many other positive reviews, and it deserves every one of them.
Zendrako yesterday
New and Exciting Clubs at Captiva. Everything you can imagine to do there. I loved the haunted house and Neptune's Beach. I could spend a month there and not see and do everything! I got loads of fr...
AbbeyRoad yesterday
Events Plaza
woot woot !!
Hicks yesterday
Dream 13
this is really a very cute place.. for those that enjoy different things.. thank you for sharing
Misty Shadow yesterday
Graywolf landing
great place to be and listen to the music
IsadoraLeah wolf 2 days ago
Alternate Metaverse
This is a great place to come and hang with family and friends they have awesome games, great staff, down to earth DJ from around the world that are there to make your day happy ! so come on down toda...
Jacobwolf50 2 days ago
Hartland Shopping
Some very nice builds here, plus well laid out malls
Zendrako 2 days ago

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