OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Outworldz Virunga
0 Users 16 2
The Virunga Regions of Africa is a simulation of Africa in the time of Dian Fossey.. Visit the Virunga Lodge, where the view looks down on Dians Home, and the village of Ruhengeri. Seek out and phot...
We are in Opensim to step away from the real-life grid for a bit, not to have it tossed in our faces soon as we open OSW. Opensim is an escape, and while I am here, I could care two fucks who you voted for or where you live. We are from Opensim. Leave your RL hate in the RL world, where it belongs. 

Dorena Verne: If everyone who reacts and writes like crazy to my posts created a topic about OpenSim instead, my posts would be drowned in this flood.*lol 7 months ago

Carmen Jewel: Looks impressive ! 7 months ago
I just placed the Nature's Embrace Set out, Update** I fixed it, I had to make the stone really teeny and when I uploaded it in the meshmerizer I increased the size some and it worked. In the store Foyer, at Monentes Jewelry.

Star Ravenhurst: I tried to come see you the other day and the region was down. Is it down during certain times? These are STUNNING!!! 7 months ago
Stop by The Artist's Brush Art Shop and get your art supplies, there are easels, tripods, canvases, brushes, oil paints in sets or individual, Artist's Pallets, colored pencils and there are plenty of art pieces for you to enjoy and purchase for $0, full perm too, all original creations of yours truly. And if you have artwork you'd like to showcase, we can fix you up at the Showcase Plateau with your own little gallery and up to 1500 prims. Stop in and visit and we'll talk. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

IndigoQueen King: Such a beautiful art space Lavia. Picked up a few pieces :)) And the art supplies are indeed awesome!! Excellent !!! Love it 7 months ago

DAVISS BoM Body v10 UPDATE AUGUST 2024 Kingman City region

just up to more crazy shit

Jared Seda: Stunning fireworks 8 months ago
It`s a script generated by AI Chatgpt that I wanted to share to opensim community // it actually rolls and with sound! It`s not exactly a greedy thing but its the closest of my sim that it fits so...
Hope u like it.
This was one of my first builds when I came to Open Sim. I had to make all of the textures, and it wasn't very good as I was still green at building. Yesterday I remodeled and straightened walls and linked it all together except the garage door and the toilets with animations and I think the garbage can in the bathrooms. A couple of other things, so use your build window to rez and place. It is now in a box and for the first time, I am offering it for free for anyone that wants it. I am getting everything set up for sale as quickly as I can. If you can't get something, please reach out and I will be sure to get it to you. Thanks for stopping by, friends are always welcome!

Sodasullivan: ha, love the gas sign Star! 8 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Gloria Dress and Sleeve
with Glitter
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker


The Metaverses most advanced radar. This radar tells you if it is an NPC or a real person. It also shows their IP ADDRESS and their name & distance away from you. It's click on & off and only the owner can see that. :) It's at

Xenon Darrow: Cyber, I always know when you have made something stellar because someone starts crying about it. ;) 9 months ago

Also today there are many new small and large items available in the store.Not only what you see on the photo, there is much more new to find!

Sodasullivan: An amazing store and a beautiful sim. Worth a visit! 9 months ago

and the last one

CyberGlo CyberStar: Wow! So beautiful! I love the art and design. :) 10 months ago
With seasonal textures included and smooth animation on leaves! All available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground area), BOX 02. Enjoy :)

(*) Old versions still inside the box.

Xenon Darrow: There he goes...making more beauty for OpenSim. 10 months ago
Welcome to my Welcome center. A futuristic city at Come get a free pair of anti-gravity boots that let you walk up walls, or a pair of jet boots that let you fly around, or a sci-fi version of a segway! :)

IndigoQueen King: A really cool and fun Welcome Center. So much to explore. Love it!! 10 months ago

News! hop://

thedeeferry: Could not find this lovely flybug swarm, erigeron & perdita lavenderfield, garden butterfly thingy. :( 10 months ago


Sunset Dreams Sectional out now!
A new section PACKED with tons of animations, and sitting up to 6 people!
This has always been a favourite of mine, not sure if due to the shape & look, or the nice sitting and cuddle poses!
The couch texture comes with 2 basis tintable layers. While I have put some colours via hud, you can always tint with your own!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/371/380/23

Carmen Jewel: I have also found a perfect spot for this couch :) 10 months ago
The Ultimate Sim Monitor.
This monitors over 35 settings on your sim and displays their status in multiple colors. It's the most advanced sim monitor anywhere. It is based on Roland's Display Board available at NeiferLeif. It's available here: to buy for 0$ :D Enjoy!


We now have text-to-speech as well as speech-to-text in world.

Star Ravenhurst: That is awesome Mr. Wolf! After my gallery opening, I will be spending some time on your grid. I am looking forward to it! Good work! I need to go shopping for my avi! :) 11 months ago

In arrivo la coppia Marghe Hulk


Save the Date !!!!!
Tauche ein in eine Zeit voller rebellischer Rhythmen, wilder Frisuren und unvergesslicher Vibes! Erlebe einen Abend, der dich in die goldenen Ära des Rock'n'Roll zurückversetzt.
Treffe deine Freunde und lasst uns gemeinsam in die Vergangenheit reisen!
Sei dabei, wenn wir die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringen und den Abend zu einem unvergesslichen Fest machen!

Sonntag den 14.April ab 19 Uhr im Rock'n'Roll Diner im Soul-Grid n Roll Diner

Save the Date !!!!!
Dive in in a time full of rebel rythms, wild haircuts and unforgettable Vibes! Enjoy an evening, that puts you back in the golden era of Rock'n'Roll. Meet your friends and let us travel to the past together!
Be a part of rockin' the dancefloor and lets make this evening an unforgettable evening.

Sunday, April 14th, 10 SLT at the Rock'n'Rol Diner at Soul-Grid n Roll Diner

SaarHarzer: Super Geile Musik von DJ Nasti....😘 11 months ago

----- N E W -----

When you land at Indigo Blue Realm you will arrive in our Teleport Hub. From there you can click on the destination board to visit our Welcome Center and other areas of the region.

Backstory of the Teleport Hub because you absolutely didn't ask me.. LOL

It is me being new to opensim and having no clue what i was doing, built my home sim on the region landing spot coordinates. x 128, y128,. I kept building and building all around that spot never ever realizing it is the standard landing coordinates for all regions.

I noticed one day that people coming to my region were constantly landing in or about my home. That can get to be annoying, yah? For me and the person landing on my region, annoying as hell especially if i am changing clothes. Ok that part may not be annoying for some 0.o. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the name of opensimness was going wrong. Because, well, not many people were visiting me at the time I gave up and shrugged it off. I would find out later, wrong move there sista love! Wrong move!!

Finally ready to start letting people know about Indigo Blue Realm and allowing visitors in, lo and behold that old landing point issue rose up like a freakin fire breathing dragon. No one is landing at my Welcome center they are still landing at my home.

Yes i had teleports that automatically put them at the Welcome Center but it was annoying too. I could have moved my home sim but I was already in too and lazy yeah just lazy.

So I just built a teleport hub at those coordinates and moved the house slightly over a bit outta the traffic area and called it a day! Problem solved LOL

So for all you new region owners out there before you start building, make sure your home if you have one is not on or near the x 128, y 128, coordinates or you will be in the same boat as I was (smacks forehead)

Happy Travels and Happy Saturday to you!! :)))

Wolf Territories Grid: Amazing place! 12 months ago
I have created a Magic Carpet that can fly FOUR people around a sim and is driven by the first sitter. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! For 3 easy installments of ZERO DOLLARS you also get a carpet that has bones. This means the carpet can flutter in the wind as you fly. Unfortunately I do not know how to script animated bones. But if you do, I would love a copy of the rug back as an animated magic rug. :D It's at

GlennXpletive: haha Good job. Reminds me of a slum bus I had everyone jump on and drove around Dusk beach in SL to create one of the funniest memories there. All you need to add to this carpet is the passengers twer... 12 months ago

**A sim to Dream about***

Lilly Pond: I loved the experience and I strongly recommend that you go there, with free time to enjoy all the beauty of the place! Ty Karin, you did a great job! 12 months ago

How people think I code DreamGrid.

KatKakoola: I'm surprised your desk is so tidy! TY Super-Fred :) 1 years ago
Sacred Savanah
Amidst the ancient sands and beneath an ethereal orange sky that seems to hold the echoes of bygone battles, there lies a land born anew from the ashes of war and destruction. Here, in this sacred Savannah, nature and history intertwine in a delicate dance of resilience and regeneration.
As the sun dips low on the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the arid landscape, the land seems to exhale a collective sigh—a testament to the trials it has endured and the hope that now stirs within its depths. The scorched earth, once ravaged by conflict, now bears the promise of rebirth, as tender shoots of green push their way through the barren soil, reclaiming their rightful place in the sun.
In this landscape of renewal, a sanctuary arises—a haven for both endangered wildlife and priceless relics of antiquity. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of the ancient pyramids, elephants roam freely, their majestic forms silhouetted against the vibrant hues of the setting sun. Lions, once symbols of power and conquest, now find solace in the shadows of crumbling temples, their fierce spirits tempered by the wisdom of ages past.
But it is not only the animals that find sanctuary in this sacred land. Nestled amidst the dunes lie ancient ruins and forgotten tombs, relics of a civilization lost to time. Carved from the very bedrock of the earth, these monuments stand as silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of history, their weathered facades bearing the scars of countless generations.
Here, among the whispers of the wind and the shifting sands, the past is preserved and honored—a reminder of the enduring legacy of those who came before. As night falls and the stars emerge like jewels scattered across the heavens, the land seems to pulse with quiet, timeless energy—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Wir würden freuen wenn Ihr am 07.03.2024 ab 19 Uhr (10am)... unsere neue Sim
*Bikers Heaven* mit uns einweiht...
für gute Stimmung sorgt ab 19 Uhr DJ WINNI und von 20 - 21 Uhr wird
ROGUE GALAXY LIVE auftreten mit Rock und Countymusik...
Danach übernimmt DJ WINNI wieder

Wolf Abbey and Conference Centre

hop:// Shopping Fun/148/309/22

Aurora Starchild: Gosh, need to go visit, haven't checked it out since you came back! 1 years ago

News!!! hop://

Bebe: and so much work and time behind the fun part :)) worth it though 1 years ago
Love is in the air !!!!!

Musik, die Sprache der Liebe, flüstert ihre Melodien wie sanfte Brisen auf den Saiten unserer Empfindungen. Zarte Finger klopfen an die Türen unseres Gefühls und wecken Erinnerungen, die unter der Decke der Nacht verborgen waren. In ihren Tönen enthüllt sie Eindrücke der Vergangenheit, die Worte nicht zu fassen vermögen.

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.

Genießt mit uns den Tag der Liebenden

Wir freuen uns auf euch .

Eure Souler

MarcWatcher: Ein unvergesslicher Abend bei toller Musik. Danke Nasti 1 years ago

NEW !!!
Jumpsuit Misha comes in 3 Colors
Reborn Legacy Lara X
Happy Shopping :)

remodelled welcome mountain to make it more social

Mistressdalgato: cool! 1 years ago

Ab sofort geöffnet

Chubby Dagostino: ... und es kommt immerwieder neues hinzu ;-) 1 years ago


Sylvia-Koeln: So tolle Kleider....... danke Chubby 1 years ago

We have 3 new Athena Outfits on Grimm.. come check it out

Tatum Nova: Girls would look soooo pretty in this ^^ 1 years ago
It's nice when a region gets a "like". But it's PHANTASTIC when people are inspired by the ideas of others to create great things themselves. Like the beautiful photos that some visitors took with an extra black and white styled avatar at Black White Castle and published here on OSW.
I myself was inspired to build the region in 2022 by the wonderful Christmas present from my friends Finja and Jason, who had built a Wednesday snow globe especially for me. Wednesday (Addams, from the Addams Family) is supposedly allergic to color, and so the two of them made this particular globe predominantly dark ...
So when an idea inspires another person to create a new idea and this idea inspires other people to create new things, that's what makes OpenSim really fun ...

p.s.: The original Wednesday sphere can also be found on Black White Castle: If you find it, you are welcome to look at it, but better not click on it ... :)

* * * * *

Es ist schön, wenn eine Region ein "Like" bekommt. Aber es ist PHANTASTISCH, wenn Leute durch die Ideen anderer inspiriert werden, selbst tolle Dinge zu schaffen. So wie die schönen Fotos, die einige Besucher mit einem extra schwarz - weiß gestylten Avatar auf Black White Castle gemacht und hier auf OSW veröffentlicht haben.
Ich selbst wurde 2022 zum Bau der Region das wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschenk meiner Freunde Finja und Jason inspiriert, die eine Wednesday-Schneekugel extra für mich gebaut hatten. Wednesday (Addams, von der Addams Family) ist angeblich allergisch gegen Farbe, und so haben die beiden diese spezielle Kugel auch überwiegend dunkel gestaltet ...
Wenn also eine Idee eine andere Person zu einer neuen Idee inspiriert und diese Idee andere Personen zu wieder neuen Werken anregt, dann ist es genau das, was einem richtig Spaß an OpenSim bringt ...

p.s.: Die Original-Wednesday-Kugel befindet sich ebenfalls auf Black White Castle: Wer sie findet, darf sie gerne betrachten, aber besser nicht anklicken ... :)

Marianna: Bink, when I saw this I was elated you created this. I have often thought of creating a monochrome-themed sim I love this! Wednesday is a favorite character too, very well done!! 1 years ago

From all of us in The Pride to everyone, may you have a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

thedeeferry: Wow, what a gorgeous lion! Magnificent! ≧❀‿❀≦) Same wishes to you and yours. 1 years ago

Das wünsche ich all meinen Freunden und Bekannten
I wish that to all my friends and acquaintances

Woody: Merry Christmas dear Sylvia 1 years ago

Wish everyone a happy time
and please stay healthy everyone.
Allen eine Glückliche zeit wünsche
und bleibt bitte alle gesund.​

Happy Holidays from Sharing is Caring Grid
New Animesh Cute Pets in Store - Santa Baby Chimp & Bunny !!

KatKakoola: Another total smile from Chilli - as always :) THANK YOU XOXOXOX 1 years ago
Heute zum 1.Advent "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing youWe look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: sooooooooooooo schöne lieder .............sooooooooooooooooo schön 1 years ago

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Bare Island A
5 0
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
48 8
Happy Hour!
Risa A
9 0
Alternate Metaverse
58 3
7 1
SciattiShopClothes A
89 5
Xenotown A
18 0
China A
2 2
ShoppingDance A
6 1
The Rendezvous A
14 0
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Moonlight Shadows A
3 0
Kingman City
329 1
Regions Online: 1,758
Active: 241 avatars in 169 regions
The Box
Susanna_Heller 47 minutes ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD
Susanna_Heller 51 minutes ago
oder brauchst internationale Aufmerksamkeit ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 52 minutes ago
Schreib deutsch oder sprech mit Trump Player
CherylFurse 1 hour ago
@Susanna Live and let live. Best solution for any family or small community. We are social humen and want to feel free in our being. So best is not to bully others and let them live.
Susanna_Heller 1 hour ago
Mitleid meinte ich und Beileid bei dem Wort habe ich in der Schule gefehlt ... es sterben jeden Tag tausende und viele haben Problem aber wenn ich umfalle stört es auch niemanden in zum Beispiel Syrien Afrika wo auch immer auf dem Planeten
Susanna_Heller 1 hour ago
ich höre mir geren mal was an und ist sicht nicht schön wenn man krank ist aber ich sags wie es ist .... Mitlkeid habe ich noch weniger als Geld und gut ist
Susanna_Heller 1 hour ago
aber du kommst mir wie Lone Wolf vor der labert mich auch bei fast jeder Sache mit seiner Krankheit voll .. .sorry was geht mich seine Krankheit an .. er hat das mit seinem Grid voll im Griff und er ist ein netter Mensch seine Krankheit haben tausende soll ich jetzt weinen
Susanna_Heller 1 hour ago
und was ist würdevoll ... fang einfach mal mit dem Wort normal an würdevoll in 3D Games ist das ausloggen
Susanna_Heller 1 hour ago
ohhh es gibt für Demente Menschen keine Ansprech Partner in real ?
CherylFurse 1 hour ago
@Susanna ich habe immer noch den Glauben an Vernunft der Menschen. Meine Naivität. Auch Demente haben noch klare Momente und möchte noch würdevolle Gespräche führen können.
Susanna_Heller 3 hours ago
@CherylFurse wieso reagierst du auf die Leute hier .. ich reagier nur auf den Pixel Verschnitt hier weils Lustig ist einigen ans Bein zu pissen .. das hier hat keine Bedeutung auf das ware Leben also Scheiss drauf
Speck 5 hours ago
@Gentle (Edited for crap typing) Only if you warm your hands and don't make any walnut jokes!
Gentle Dragonheart 5 hours ago
Aww come on Speck, sharing is caring!
Speck 7 hours ago
@Remmy - I'd rather you left my nuts out of this. Thank you.
CherylFurse 9 hours ago
@Xwnon ou just need to unblock me then you can read what I said.
Ellen 13 hours ago
Xenon, Forest Azure did some similar research about a year ago. You might want to contact her?
RemmyRavenhurst 13 hours ago
We all just a big bowl of nuts! Me personally im a Pecan!
Xenon Darrow 19 hours ago
btw, I couldn't see what Cheryl said, so if someone wants to message me with it, would love to know ROFL

New Comments

Innatenessboucher 3 minutes ago
Very much enjoyed the sim. Thank you, Your order, insights and suppa chillness were noticed. Be well. Olwe Obfuse @ Obfuse Chill Grid
PinDeluca 3 hours ago
I am not sure how to find your shop and the street party :( I keep landing at a club
Marianna 3 hours ago
You have full control over automated backups of all data, including IAR saves and loads for users, with exclusive access to 63 OARs crafted by top OpenSim artists. Plus, with 259 free OARs and a vast ...
Amara Lace 4 hours ago
Copy to the end of the numbers not sure why the whole thing doesn't highlight but copy all the way to the end of 26.
Speck 5 hours ago
I went to see the doctor and he told me I was suffering from vertigo. Right? Like I'm going to fall for THAT one!
Gentle Dragonheart 5 hours ago
I think that is only partially true, Speck. I think it also much depends on the kind of sim/grid you are running and the amount of asshattery it inspires in people. The more controversial a theme is, ...
Harmony Beningborough 5 hours ago
Thank you so much! Mermaid's Cove is the home of Perfect Harmony Home Decor! Ok, I'm not a great creator, but I have fun and that's what it's all about right? All Perfect Harmony items at Mermaid's co...
Speck 7 hours ago
It's just a "gut feel" but I'm beginning to suspect that the number of bans given out may be inversely proportional to the mental age of the person doing the banning. Discuss Most creative comment g...
Sinje2024 10 hours ago
schade der TP geht leider nicht :-(


OpenSim Worlds Fair
If only there were more stars!! This month-long event is so freakin' amazing!! There is soooooooo much here to see and do! Lone Wolf has the region running great and Kimm, Koshari and Cooper have work...
JojoA 5 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
This is the best grid out there as far as I have seen. I have been on a few. Everyone here is very friendly, they all feel like family. Not a better bunch will you find! So if your looking for a ho...
LaRissaBogbat 9 hours ago
The Cedars
Thank you for the lovely freebies.
Debra Ann Congi 11 hours ago
I would like to know why I can't log into Agora. I'm getting a message that users in my world don't have permission. I selfhost on Neverworld.
SaskiaKasaev 18 hours ago
What a great store! EVERYTHING WORKS! Good selections of all kinds of stuff. I shop here before any place else. Furniture - skins and doo dads (I got a hairy chest now!)
DukeNobusho yesterday
SilverFox Mall
Such a well laid out mall, all good quality stuff and the 3D texture packs are to die for! So many other positive reviews, and it deserves every one of them.
Zendrako 2 days ago
New and Exciting Clubs at Captiva. Everything you can imagine to do there. I loved the haunted house and Neptune's Beach. I could spend a month there and not see and do everything! I got loads of fr...
AbbeyRoad 2 days ago
Events Plaza
woot woot !!
Hicks 2 days ago
Dream 13
this is really a very cute place.. for those that enjoy different things.. thank you for sharing
Misty Shadow 2 days ago

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