OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Gentle Fire Grid
1 Users 65 6
Step into a New Reality! Discover the Gentle Fire Gid where your dreams come to life! explore Limitless Landscapes: From the bustling streets of futuristic cities to the serene beauty of enchanted f...
Elas Fashion has moved to a new region.
A whole mall awaits you.
have fun and look around

Elas Fashion ist auf eine neue Region gezogen.
Eine ganze mall erwartet euch .
habt viel spass und schaut euch um

KarinBecker: Thanks to all have fun your Karin Becker 3 years ago

Cooking new rooms, coming soon

CyberGlo CyberStar: Very innovative design! Very artistic and highly interpretive works of art cover the surrealistic landscape. An amazing vision of the artists incredible perspective of the combination of the abstrac... 3 years ago

CCI Grid: Vielen Dank! Die Fotos sind ein Vorgeschmack, ich bin noch nicht ganz fertig. Ty! The photos are a taste, I'm not quite done yet. 3 years ago

four candles?

Phill895: Love the amount of detail put into this world. Amazing Sim! 3 years ago
New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.

Virtual Life: complete new body with 5 pair feets, HUD and BOM system. A must have for the brand new ATHENA (Maitreya) clothes 3 years ago

A new champ....roaming dragon
(oh, and. another sitting in the crystal cave,on a nest:) )

Muck What They Think
A new and quality assured 100% cool outfit at oh HELLO. Proper pigtails. Puddle boots. Overalls with a "muck what they think" patch. (Takes a closer look) Oh my! Somebody mucked up that patch! But there is also a way cool skull patch and a skull design on the puddle boots. Why? I don't know. But it's way cool! As always, you get all fat pack items and a preset body alpha hud.

A reminder. Outfits without the "quality assured" label may be missing items due to asset loss following a grid attack. I'm working to fix the missing asset issue, and you can help. Each outfit vendor has an "oh HELLO Outfit Status Report" note card. DELETE the sentence on the note card that does NOT apply:
* OK (All assets found and all textures present)
* NOT OK (Assets and/or textures missing)
Then drop the report note card into the mailbox next to the oh HELLO shop sign.


Rogue Galaxy: cute outfit! 3 years ago

New Animated Bento Penis by Dark Wolf
Available at: Island Shopping Men Shop

JonSun: It would seem the texture HUD doesn't respond, even though the animations etc. are all working well. Like others said, it's effectively free as you get a credit of $3000 OS$ when you start the buy pr... 3 years ago

A donation - however small - to charities engaged in helping the victims is worth much more than sharing your dubious wisdom about the current situation in Ukraine. Be serious.

Thirza Ember: Thanks Satyr for suggesting these great ways to make a practical difference. Talk is cheap. 3 years ago
Monentes Jewelry has lots of turquoise jewelry Free/Full Perms! We also have bloodstone, onyx, emeralds, rubies, diamonds etc If you would like a piece created exclusively for you please IM anytime. Jewelry

rayne: these are gorgeous !!! thank you so much for sharing the things you take so much time to create... it is very much appreciated ! 3 years ago

Latest release the 2022 Wave Bangle can be found in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Red Light, Green Light, Oh oh not a great start to the New Year...

Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

In the spirit of new beginnings, today I did a small renovation at Encantada.
Things were getting crowded in the spring/summer area and well, I've started work on some "Fantasy" items. I didn't have a good spot for them so I've made a new area for "Enchanted" items.
I've moved just a few things over there already and will have a new release in the next couple of days.
I'll be keeping Halloween in the fall area and Easter in the spring area for now.

Hope you have a great start to 2022 :)

Kingman Furniture Design

'Stella Polaris' opened in 2020 in Kroatan, but as you can see, she is now beautifying Offworld.
The bubbles above the rocks contain images and landmarks to other beautiful regions in Offworld.
* * *
'Stella Polaris' wurde 2020 in Kroatan eröffnet, aber wie ihr sehen könnt, verschönert sie jetzt Offworld.
Die Seifenblasen über den Felsen enthalten Bilder und Landmarken zu anderen schönen Regionen in Offworld.

Big THANK to every one who visited Novale throughout the year
*** Merry Xmas, Joyeux Noël and Frohe Weihnachten ***

Koburk - Firewood Rental
As soon as it is cold outside, the firewood rental is indispensable!
Koburk -Brennholzverleih
Sobald es draußen kalt ist, ist der Brennholzverleih unverzichtbar!

Crystal Piano (with pose & music)

Want to say Thanks to all here in Open sim......

When I was building my home sims, I discovered I needed rocks and well, I couldn't find what I wanted. Hence, I made rocks and a sky island, I also made some for the beach with flat tops for sunbathing. You never know where you will want to sunbathe.
Well, I made the male goldfinch and afterwards I felt like I really should have done the female as well. So, I did. My apologies to anyone that took the box yesterday, I added the females to the same box. I just felt like he looked lonely.

Thanks to all those who gave me a like lately.
I l'♥ U all

Well, I released a novelty item today. Every once in a while (well, maybe more often than that) I get obsessed with something goofy. I always thought stick men were cute, don't know why, I just do. So, I made animesh and avatar stick people. There are regular ruth size and also tiny versions. I put them on the second floor of the shop building right in front of the elevator. They are dancing in the landing zone purely for my entertainment :).

Bakes On Mesh

The Art Factory is about art and artists. At The Art Factory, we display art; we appreciate art; we learn about art; and, we promote art. We have over a dozen galleries dedicated to in-world artists, where they show their innovative creations. As such, we are continuing our feature - Meet the Artist. This week, we interviewed Antonia Ling, owner of Antonia Ling Gallery, Inspired By Gallery, Metropolis Poster Shop, and a 2001 themed gallery.

Antonia, tell us about yourself and your art.
“It's not easy to talk about myself. What have I to say about my person? Not much... really. I like photography and I like to photograph. I love to photograph old churches when I'm in Denmark. Or ships in the harbor... often details. Not the big ones, I prefer little old boats of the local fishermen. I like to photograph old cars and colorful flowers. I love art from the 1920s to today, I love a lot of the german BAUHAUS and their Master like Kandinsky, Alberts or Lazlo Moholy-Nagy.”

What are you doing currently?
“I try to photograph a bit. At the moment I deal with cyanotype. It fascinates me...”

What is your inspiration for art in world?
“I do what I do because I like to do it. When one in a million likes it... I'm happy.”

Thank you so much for your interview, Ms. Ling. We love your ongoing contributions to The Factory.

#spring #summer #arkhamgrid
Kingman Furniture Design

...wir hatten Besuch ...
...well we got a visitor...

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

It's really not that hard to be ranked #4 on OpenSim when you plant 8 avatars in your region and just keep them there. I really think that is being very deceitful and skewing the OpenSim numbers to raise yourself in the rank. Regions that have been found to have avatars that are just put there 24/7 should have the region deleted and it should not be allowed. Not only is this grid owner stealing people's regions but now they are lying about who is actually occupying their region to raise themselves in the ranks. Awful!

New articles in The Golden River ... Don't miss them

Come for the freebies. Stay for the sites! Take your time exploring this beautiful sim, filled with picturesque views, large forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and beaches. Don't forget to visit Santa along the way.

Opening at Christmas

BOM Caterina - Dia De Los Muertos Now at Steamland

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

JAPANESE MAPLE TREES PACK with animated leaves ** FREE and FULL PERM ** Available at BOX 02 at FOREST AREA (ground). Many options of trees sizes and seasonal textures (spring, summer, 8 kinds of autumn and 2 for winter). Also included leaf particles rezer for this time of year. Enjoy :)

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

SIX KINDS of sculpted wild grasses and weeds for ur place! ALL FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA BOX 01 with seasonal textures (and this time I put the standart size and also the reduced 128x128 pixels one that helps reduce graphic lag when many are rezed).
I had the pleasure of attending one of Gertie's sets. What I loved the most about her was her upbeat and exuberant personality. I wanted to create something to remember her by. This charm bracelet has a music note with her name. Free-Full Perms

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 05 u will find: Neon signs. Enjoy :)

Oubliet: TY! 3 years ago

Region YAY Megastore

New Animesh available, Provided by Blue Wingbabe, Outside of "Not MESHing around" shop. map coordinates: 275, 630, 23

A statement:

This is a world for avatars. If you put your avatar face in the profile, instead of the standard default picture, you get much more reactions and attention for your posts here in the forum. A standard profile picture does not specifically encourage you to open an account and take a closer look. If a profile is not maintained, the contributions and grid are usually the same. It takes effort, patience and perseverance to get people on his grid. Action = reaction. This is never quick! ;-)

Governor Heron


Eine Feststellung:

Das hier ist eine Welt für Avatare. Wenn Du Dein Avatar Gesicht ins Profil gibst, an Stelle des Standardes Vorgabe Bildes, bekommst Du wesentlich mehr Reaktionen und Aufmerksamkeit für Deine Posts hier im Forum. Ein Standard Profil Bild animiert nicht speziell einen Account zu öffnen und näher anzusehen. Wenn ein Profil nicht gepflegt wird, sind meistens auch die Beiträge und Grid so. Um Leute auf sein Grid zu bringen, braucht es Anstrengung, Geduld und Ausdauer. Aktion = Reaktion. Das geht nie auf die schnelle! ;-)

Governor Heron

Very needful things :) ... now available at Needful Things landing area

l'entrée du village

Live Traffic
Changes Adult Resort A
3 0
Rio De Janeiro
2 0
Serendipity Isle
5 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Welcome Area A
16 1
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Hypergrid Games
11 5
GOR Sardar Fair A
5 0
SciattiShopClothes A
89 6
ShoppingDance A
6 1
Risa A
9 0
10 0
45 2
Tir_Na_Nog A
13 0
Regions Online: 1,757
Active: 190 avatars in 133 regions
The Box
CyberGlo CyberStar 5 hours ago
As many people know... I am amazing! It is for this reason that I have created the Amazing Device. See the main post feeds for more information. You know who you are.
JillMunroe 11 hours ago
@Dorena Eben weil sie wohl schon einen Hauch von Demenz hat, sie weiss schon 2 minuten später nicht mehr, was sie geschrieben hat!
Pagane 12 hours ago
Ако не знаете английски, поне си спомнете български (говорили сте го до преди няколко стотин години!!!).
Dorena Verne 12 hours ago
Sag mal Cheryl , was bindet dich hier eigendlich so verbissen an dem Thema "Demenz" fest, zudem dererlei Diagnosen hier im Portal wohl kaum gestellt werden können.?
CherylFurse 14 hours ago
Um deiner Antwort vorzugreifen @Jill. Ich glaube dir, dass du volljährig bist. Ab einem bestimmten Alter kommt es aber durchaus durch Demenz zu einer Regression. Ist auch normal.
CherylFurse 14 hours ago
@Jill du möchtest unbedingt trollen. Mit deinen Namensverfremdungen (Furz) möchtest du bei einem Publikum punkten? Du gibst eine Vorstellung ab, als wenn du Teenager wärst bei Knuddels chat für Schüler nach der Schule. Da wird auch so gemobbed. Wie alt bist du wirklich?
Susanna_Heller 17 hours ago
dann hat der Suchtentzug zu VR aber nicht lange gehalten oder warum hängst wieder oder so schnell hier wieder rum
JillMunroe 19 hours ago
@cheryl furz...und ratet mal wer am Lautesten im Hühnerstall gackert..apropos Freunde, wer dich als Freund hat braucht keine Feinde mehr. Und ja mein Wochenende war bis jetzt super ausgewesen und mich mit realen Freunden getroffen!..
Hyacinth 23 hours ago
Spinning some late night tunes at our new region, if anyone is looking for something to do. :) hop:// gateway
Wolf Territories Grid yesterday
Try posting on their FB page
Speck yesterday
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA yesterday
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane yesterday
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!
CherylFurse yesterday
Niedersachsen kann bestimmt aushelfen. Die haben genug Hühnerfarmen für die ganze USA lol
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
oder brauchst internationale Aufmerksamkeit ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
Schreib deutsch oder sprech mit Trump Player
CherylFurse 2 days ago
@Susanna Live and let live. Best solution for any family or small community. We are social humen and want to feel free in our being. So best is not to bully others and let them live.

New Comments

Faith Fromund 2 hours ago
Here now and enjoying your set! Thank you for the invite. =)
Sophie Momo 4 hours ago
Loving the tunes...and nice people too! Great way to end the weekend!! Jump on over and enjoy the fun :)
John Sheppard 4 hours ago
Did you let Fred and Marianna know about this? I know I've loaded your sims on Dreamgrid.
Ginger 4 hours ago
Gentle Dragonheart 6 hours ago
thank you very much! Just happy to help :)
John Sheppard 6 hours ago
I really LOVE this outfit, simple as it is... Would there be any place where I could get a copy?
Caribia 7 hours ago
Aye I do love potatoes
Marianna 7 hours ago
The old ways never truly fade—they live on in stories, spirit, and those who remember.
Hicks 7 hours ago
yes, there are a few left


Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience 10 hours ago
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos 13 hours ago
Very nice region, contains a lot of different cars, from old cars to racing one (NASCAR).
Monica Cloud 15 hours ago
J'adore!!! très bon accueil de la propriétaire et des articles de qualité.
Jadepatience 15 hours ago
Events Plaza
Great place with great people, wonderful DJs and live artists. And @Cullen: rankings are based on in-world traffic, not likes.
Gentle Dragonheart 17 hours ago
Fabrica dos Sonhos
does not support the latest version of the client. Apparently everything there is very old and ancient lol. If so, then I don't see the point
Alex Leo yesterday
Events Plaza
@ Cullen_Bohannon Likes don't mean a darn thing. Not many people use that option. Event Plaza is the place to be. Aussie has done a wonderful job hosting this event for many many moons.
SheaButter yesterday
Events Plaza
Seriously? You gotta be kidding me, How the hell can you be on the 11 place with just 6 likes...something stinks
Cullen_Bohannon yesterday
OpenSim Worlds Fair
If only there were more stars!! This month-long event is so freakin' amazing!! There is soooooooo much here to see and do! Lone Wolf has the region running great and Kimm, Koshari and Cooper have work...
JojoA 2 days ago

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