OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 54 1
Freebie shopping, mash clothes, furniture, Great Hair, classics clothes, Gift shop, decoration need Help lets us know Several Malls besides the Dwell there's Home Depot there's dwell upholstery ther...
Well, from time to time you just need a lamp that goes with almost everything. Basic lamps called the "Daily" lamps, they are available in the main shop building. The textures are included so they can be customized and there's also a menu script which includes the option of having them go on and off automatically with the sim day cycle....but, hey, if you want, go ahead, leave the lights on.

New in the Store, Join :)

Enjoy, and Share!
Halloween Land

Bonjour hello gutten tag ciao
Youpi 1 aout 2021
so super
thank merci danke
à tout le monde

New Bento Dance Animations Pack
Store AO/Animations/Bento
Arkham City

A new release today. A very tiny's a little goldfinch. I never made a bird before but I thought the bird bath perhaps needs one and maybe I'll be doing some other bird related things. This guy is in 2 versions, flat feet for the ground and feet to perch on branches and things. He also comes with and without random finch sounds. He's at the main shop by the bird bath of course :)
This is a beautiful Heart Bezel solitaire in Ruby. It is bento rigged so it increased the LOD it is a bit heavy. The mesh was reduced 50% prior to rigging too. For those that demand bento, and to the ones who scream at me for being heavy, I have to say, sorry but had to do it!! You can find it in the Bento rings section in the Foyer. Jewelry

Shark City Region
#spring #summer #arkhamgrid

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Store Men Style
Teleport in Arkham City

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

hello everyone I'm finishing working on a new hud version of each furry avatar will have new functions such as alpha and eye colors !

#bom #bakesonmesh #malemeshbody
Bento Mesh Body BoM
Have fun enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

renewed Sarracenia, this time, the Leucophylla

and, a fresh Nepenthes

Halloween Town Square. Brought in and Modified by Blue WingBabe
Visit her shop at steamland

YES STUFF BOX #122 Arrived
Arkham City
Kingman City Store STUFF

YES STUFF BOX #121 Arrived
Arkham City
Kingman City Store STUFF

Zoe's mall II, Oceanid II

Tosca das Original , bekannt aus SL auch in Open Sim .
Toscanischer Flair , romantische Abende verbringen bei schöner Musik , Voicen in gemütlicher Runde mit netten Menschen ......komm auch du und sei dabei
I hasten to invite you to my birthday. I would like to celebrate this holiday in a circle of people dear to me, in an atmosphere of love, joy and fun. And you will undoubtedly make this day brighter and more beautiful. I sincerely hope to meet and wait for you
So many moralists ... OK too many. I don't understand it, please help me. You don't do everything yourself. You copy right and left. From people who give you everything free, copy mod transe. You do the same things on your land/sim. You block it for others. No mod no trans ...... DID YOU ASK YOURSELF AT WHICH RIGHT? ACROSS FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Do you understand the message Yes? Welcome to Opensim! :-)
Go to Google, learn what is Opensim Free spirit!

So viele Moralisten... OK zu viele. Ich verstehe es nicht, hilf mir bitte. Du machst nicht alles selner. Du kopierst rechts und links. Bei Menschen die Dir alles frei geben, copy mod transe. Die selben Sachen stellst Du an sin Land. Du sperrst es für andere. No mod no trans...... HAST DU DICH IRGEND WANN GEFRAGT: MIT WELCHEM RECHT? GEGENÜBER DEINEN MITMENSCHEN? Verstehst Du die Botschaft? Ja? Willkommen in Opensim! :-)
Gehe zu Google, lerne was Opensim Freigeist ist!

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

et voila la salle des maquettes

Auf Wunsch einen Femboy Avatar
A femboy avatar on request

Everyone, we love you all! But:-
We cannot provide support for DreamGrid (don't know anything about it)
We have nothing to do with OSGRID
We'd love to help but we're busy enough supporting our wonderful Wolf Grid users! (Photo from Jimmy Olsen's Iceland region) - ofcourse if you want to migrate to Wolf Grid as so many have done we'll do our very best to help you!

----- NEW -----

Animesh Shoulder Chick

Good morning it is friday. Enjoy the day. 😊🌞
Guten Morgen. Es ist Freitag. Genieße den Tag. 😊🌞

MorningGlory: Lovely work! Gypsy Girl 😍 with which model? 10 days ago
Matokwa’s (Flower between two streams) journey to Ogunquit is one of destiny, guided by the whispers of the ancestors and the currents of the two streams
that bore her name.

As she matured, her connection to the land deepened, but the spirits stirred within her dreams, showing her visions of a distant shore where the mist met the sea. A place where the tides sang songs as old as time, and the earth held the stories of those who walked before. This place was known as Ogunquit—a land cradled between water and sky, much like the rivers that had shaped her path.

One evening, under the glow of a crescent moon, the same celestial light that heralded her birth, Matokwa felt the call. The river, her eternal guide, whispered of a journey beyond the lands she knew. She had healed her people, but the world was vast, and the balance of spirit and earth needed her elsewhere.

With the blessing of the elders, she set forth, following the waterways that would lead her to the great ocean. Along her path, she met wanderers and wisdom-keepers, each offering knowledge and gifts for her journey. She carried with her a pouch of sacred herbs, a staff carved with the symbols of her lineage, and the memory of the Flower Between Two Streams—the very essence of her spirit.

When Matokwa finally arrived in Ogunquit, she felt a deep sense of knowing. The wind carried the same voices she had always heard in the trees of her homeland, and the sea smelled of ancient wisdom. Here, she was not a stranger, but a returning spirit, finding the place where her journey would continue.

Nestled in Wesgewi'na, among the rolling hills and mist-covered cliffs, Matokwa found her purpose anew. She walked barefoot through the meadows, feeling the pulse of the land, and knew that this place, too, needed a guardian. The stories of the ancestors did not end at the rivers of her youth—they flowed into the great waters, into the sky, into the hearts of those who still listened.

Here, in Ogunquit, Matokwa would once again become a bridge—between past and present, land and sea, seen and unseen.

It feels like home Hyacinth, Anushiik

Matokwa was brought to life by the brilliant creator @FerdFrederix, thank you Ferd she is quite precious, I love you!

Hyacinth: That was beautiful Marianna. 10 days ago

Easter Time #easterland #arkhamgrid

News!!! Area Accessories, Appearance & Component hop:// De Volcanes/80/206/3830

The Phantom of the Forums

A shadow lurks with many a face,
A master of disguise, yet leaves no trace.
Posts appear like ghosts in the night,
Burying truth, dodging the light.
One name? Two? Perhaps even three—
A puppet dangles, yet claims to be free.
Echoing loudly, drowning the room,
Spreading division, sowing the gloom.
No regions to share, no art to create,
Just endless chatter, laced with hate.
Hijacking boards with a flick of the key,
Yet pretending to be part of "we."
But riddles unravel and masks grow thin,
A hollow voice cannot truly win.
For those who build, who craft, who dream,
Will always rise, while shadows scream.
So let the puppets dance and play,
Their tangled strings give them away.
We see, we know, and we stand tall—
Truth and creation outshine them all.
Hello I am Pixie. I am a < new oldie > or < old newbie > in Opensim. 😁
I was owner of < Pixel 3D > before I left Opensim a few years ago.
I am very happy to be back and thank everyone for the warm welcome. 😘A lot has changed while I've been away. I have to find my way around again. 🤔

Unfortunately, I can no longer manage to set up my own store. But I am planning a photo exhibition on the subject of “Original and fake - what would an Opensim snapshot look like in real life?”

The two pictures above are a first AI attempt with my profile picture.

At the moment I have returned to Kitely as a homeless person. Unfortunately, it's not worth having my own region as I can only spend very little time in Opensim. 😢 But maybe I'll move back to OSGrid when their technical issues are fixed.

I'm very excited about all the people I'll meet here in the future. 😊❤️😍
Have a nice evening.

hugs, Pixie

Pagane: Hello again Pixie! I'm glad to see you here again and the screenshot is wonderful as are all your things done in Opensim! Please don't get involved in the hysteria with the crazy AI - AI generated che... 16 days ago

love my bass guitar in the virtual world ♥

Heute ist wieder "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing you

Slowhand: Ich hatte gestern Abend, wie ich schonmal in einer Mail an dich Nasti fragte keinen Zugang zum Grid, sondern werde nach einigen Sekunden aus dem Soul Grid ausgeloggt. Das finde ich sehr schade weil ic... 21 days ago

#avatarfull #kingmancity

Hey folks, don't worry any more about outfits breaking. There is now a patch in core Opensimulator code to allow outfits to load correctly without reaking Links from IARs. For the ~ 17% of grids that do not use core, or use Linux instead, I posted a one liner SQL for grid owners to fix their broken links in outfits.

DreamGrid will have this patch this weekend and need do nothing except update to the latest 6.02 (Non PBR) or 7.02 (PBR) when I publish it. DreamGrid is about 83% of all known grids over the last six years. (~6x) and will automatically fix old as well as IAR uploads, even in V6 series which is Opensim 0.9.2 ( Non PBR )

Grid owners who know SQL can see

Please be aware you need to backup your robust database first!

Frank Hurt: That's awesome, Fred! Thanks for constantly giving back to the Open Sim community. 25 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/87/205/3829

Introduction to Wolf Territories Grid, including our control panel.

#costume #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

If you enjoy the surrounding nature and wildlife in Eden, be sure to like the region (and not only the post) as I'll do the same for your region :) Let's move forward together...

LaviaLavine: This looks gorgeous I will have to come visit and give any lions you have cat nip. ::snicker:: 1 month ago

Valentine's Day 💘#outfit #costume #carnivalland #arkhamgrid


We are Back and running!!!!

Ludo: Welcome back. 1 month ago
Hey Everybody, TOMORROW starting at 2pm Grid time until 4pm grid time, I will be on the Virtual Beach Grid to help commemorate the life and times of Trizzy Hunter who passed through the portal to eternity in December. This Memorial celebration is hosted by Mistress Dalgato. I hope you will take the time out of your busy schedules to attend and exchange memories of Trizzy who will be tremendously missed.
Beginning at 2:pm (14:00)grid time ----- Beach Memorial Gardens ---- until approximately 2:20 pm (14:20). After the memorial service in the gardens we will transfer to ----'s Edge ---where we will celebrate the life of Trizzy and I will bring you some of the best tunes from the 60's, 70's and 80's and let's continue in the joy that Trizzy wished for all of us.

LaviaLavine: CORRECTION the transfer from the Memorial gardens will be to Daggers Edge ---'s Edge 2 months ago

Valentine's Day Full Avatar #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

Live Traffic
Rio De Janeiro
2 0
Seti A
1 0
Parx Paradise A
14 0
SciattiShopClothes A
89 6
Alternate Metaverse
61 3
Happy Hour!
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Trianon Complex A
95 23
ShoppingDance A
6 1
Tir_Na_Nog A
13 0
6 1
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
49 8
Welcome Area A
16 1
45 2
16 0
Regions Online: 1,749
Active: 176 avatars in 121 regions
The Box
CyberGlo CyberStar 7 hours ago
As many people know... I am amazing! It is for this reason that I have created the Amazing Device. See the main post feeds for more information. You know who you are.
JillMunroe 13 hours ago
@Dorena Eben weil sie wohl schon einen Hauch von Demenz hat, sie weiss schon 2 minuten später nicht mehr, was sie geschrieben hat!
Pagane 14 hours ago
Ако не знаете английски, поне си спомнете български (говорили сте го до преди няколко стотин години!!!).
Dorena Verne 14 hours ago
Sag mal Cheryl , was bindet dich hier eigendlich so verbissen an dem Thema "Demenz" fest, zudem dererlei Diagnosen hier im Portal wohl kaum gestellt werden können.?
CherylFurse 16 hours ago
Um deiner Antwort vorzugreifen @Jill. Ich glaube dir, dass du volljährig bist. Ab einem bestimmten Alter kommt es aber durchaus durch Demenz zu einer Regression. Ist auch normal.
CherylFurse 16 hours ago
@Jill du möchtest unbedingt trollen. Mit deinen Namensverfremdungen (Furz) möchtest du bei einem Publikum punkten? Du gibst eine Vorstellung ab, als wenn du Teenager wärst bei Knuddels chat für Schüler nach der Schule. Da wird auch so gemobbed. Wie alt bist du wirklich?
Susanna_Heller 19 hours ago
dann hat der Suchtentzug zu VR aber nicht lange gehalten oder warum hängst wieder oder so schnell hier wieder rum
JillMunroe 21 hours ago
@cheryl furz...und ratet mal wer am Lautesten im Hühnerstall gackert..apropos Freunde, wer dich als Freund hat braucht keine Feinde mehr. Und ja mein Wochenende war bis jetzt super ausgewesen und mich mit realen Freunden getroffen!..
Hyacinth yesterday
Spinning some late night tunes at our new region, if anyone is looking for something to do. :) hop:// gateway
Wolf Territories Grid 2 days ago
Try posting on their FB page
Speck 2 days ago
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA 2 days ago
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane 2 days ago
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!
CherylFurse 2 days ago
Niedersachsen kann bestimmt aushelfen. Die haben genug Hühnerfarmen für die ganze USA lol
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
oder brauchst internationale Aufmerksamkeit ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
Schreib deutsch oder sprech mit Trump Player
CherylFurse 2 days ago
@Susanna Live and let live. Best solution for any family or small community. We are social humen and want to feel free in our being. So best is not to bully others and let them live.

New Comments

Kylie Brimmer 30 minutes ago
Damn and my grid have joomla too. Not sure how it going to replace it cause i have all users in joomla opensim.
Sharpened Razor 1 hour ago
this script is thowing errors
Faith Fromund 4 hours ago
Here now and enjoying your set! Thank you for the invite. =)
Sophie Momo 6 hours ago
Loving the tunes...and nice people too! Great way to end the weekend!! Jump on over and enjoy the fun :)
John Sheppard 6 hours ago
Did you let Fred and Marianna know about this? I know I've loaded your sims on Dreamgrid.
Ginger 7 hours ago
Gentle Dragonheart 8 hours ago
thank you very much! Just happy to help :)
John Sheppard 8 hours ago
I really LOVE this outfit, simple as it is... Would there be any place where I could get a copy?
Caribia 9 hours ago
Aye I do love potatoes


Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience 12 hours ago
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos 16 hours ago
Very nice region, contains a lot of different cars, from old cars to racing one (NASCAR).
Monica Cloud 17 hours ago
J'adore!!! très bon accueil de la propriétaire et des articles de qualité.
Jadepatience 18 hours ago
Events Plaza
Great place with great people, wonderful DJs and live artists. And @Cullen: rankings are based on in-world traffic, not likes.
Gentle Dragonheart 19 hours ago
Fabrica dos Sonhos
does not support the latest version of the client. Apparently everything there is very old and ancient lol. If so, then I don't see the point
Alex Leo yesterday
Events Plaza
@ Cullen_Bohannon Likes don't mean a darn thing. Not many people use that option. Event Plaza is the place to be. Aussie has done a wonderful job hosting this event for many many moons.
SheaButter yesterday
Events Plaza
Seriously? You gotta be kidding me, How the hell can you be on the 11 place with just 6 likes...something stinks
Cullen_Bohannon yesterday
OpenSim Worlds Fair
If only there were more stars!! This month-long event is so freakin' amazing!! There is soooooooo much here to see and do! Lone Wolf has the region running great and Kimm, Koshari and Cooper have work...
JojoA 2 days ago

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