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Outworldz Alexandria
0 Users 15 5
Cleopatra hears that Marc Antony is rushing to her side, barely alive after falling to his sword. The world changed that day from a democracy to a dictatorship, and Egypt was enslaved. A 16 region ...

New Harlequin outfit, male version, but females can wear them too ofcourse ;-)
Available now at Dinkietown/ VWZgrid.

*** TREE IPÊ AMARELO NEW RELEASE! *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 06 (seasonal textures and scripts included!).
About Ipê Amarelo tree:
This tree is native from Brazil:

-In Autumn its one of very few trees in Brazil that loses the leaves (uncommon on that area as seasons barely have any difference).
- Somewhere in winter and beginning the Spring, the gorgeus flowers sprout. The driest and coldest the weather is, more flowers!
- And in Summer, it loses the flowers and remain all green until next Autumn.
PS: Ipê means = Trunk that floats in tupi guarani (group of languages spoken from Indians in Brazil and other South American countries) and Amarelo is merely the Portuguese word for "Yellow"

The Goth Shop Chapel at the north west corner on the hill.

StevieZee: its great , but went to go back for another look around to find Barefoot Dreamers is grid banned ,??????? 3 years ago

“I think everybody should be nice to everybody.” (Andy Warhol)


Toute l'équipe de Virtual Dream , vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année.
All the Virtual Dream team, wish you happy end of year holidays

Nice pink Xmasoutfit for the bento Dinkie. I think it's so cute ;-)

Bento Dinkie in a funny Xmasoutfit, available at the store too.

Avirtualworld Animesh Collection
AVW has placed all animesh & related Items in Vendors for a better experience & FR
All Free All Copy All the Time HOP: copy paste it to your map;-))
Weekendstuff at Dinkietown at VWZgrid.
2 new outfits now available.
These outfits will only fit the Open Sim dinkies.
The BOM dinkies use another weight, so they won't fit .
Many outfits are made for Open Sim dinkies, be aware of this. DinkieTown

New artwork in the gallery

.inspired by Rene Magritte
(2nd floor)

OSGrid | The Art Factory

More outdoor holiday decor (or indoor if you shrink them...or...have quite a large room :D).
Some Christmas balls, some plain, some say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.
They are out in the Christmas section of the shop. Ho Ho Ho

Kingman City

Kingman City

*NEW RELEASE* MOTO GARAGE GREEDY GAME TABLE* for up to 04 players - Your garage decor will not be the same.... Available for FREE and FULL PERM at GREEDY MUSEUM! Enjoy :)

New Shop added today. The Character Shop featuring both Animesh and Static non animated NPC Bots for your region builds.

New !!!! Leather Pants

New Release at Encantada. It's ready and out at the shop. The Encantada Pergola. It's user friendly and has 4 different set up options and 3 different wood tones.
The touch menu script was provided by my friend Aaack at Arcadia Shop, I'm super grateful for his help on this one.
You're covered in this Pergola, rain or shine day or night :). You can have it just plain, with a canopy, a light or whatever combo you choose.

Shiny lipstick for bom genus

accident under sea
plouf à l 'eau

Thank you :)

I'm starting to think about winter now....I was just looking at the frozen white winter bush and thinking there needs to be more winter things, I've got alot of blank spots in that section.

Sometimes, when life gives you lemons, you just want the lemons. They are incredibly useful in the kitchen, they work for cleaning, cooking and drink making. Yes, they taste sour that's what makes them so fabulous! Have them on hand all the time...virtually.

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Bakes On Mesh

New Avatar minotauro Female !! and New Clothing male - Female Avatar minotauro !!


not sure if anyone will know what this is just by looking at this pic. Or if anyone else will Nerd Out like I did when I found it in my inventory. HOWEVER! Howls Moving Castle *in its original box Now in Vintique Antiques on Steamland.

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Bakes On Mesh

Preparations done:moms and cub, and their den under the tree. Soon I'll have her and 4 or 5 kids animated

My RL client received her earrings today. This is the first exclusive RL order. It is such a rewarding experience to first create jewelry but to see it realized in RL has brought tears, it is an overwhelming awesome experience! Thank you to my kind and generous client! It is very much appreciated!

Thought I'd add some light:)

#spring #summer #arkhamgrid
Kingman Furniture Design

Teleport Arkham City

Optimized stream, now with shiny and bumpmapping

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Alternate Metaverse
68 3
Meeting Point
2 0
6 1
8 1
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Skinny Dip Beach A
16 2
Graywolf landing
7 1
SciattiShopClothes A
93 6
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Freebie Store 2024
130 0
FINDS Furniture
29 6
Breedables Market
6 0
Gentle Fire Grid
65 6
Regions Online: 1,816
Active: 201 avatars in 148 regions
The Box
Sparky 1 hour ago
You dont know a damn thing about anybody, you THINK you do, but you fukin dont, you just spew psychotic LIES.... tosser
Sparky 1 hour ago
This is exactly what I mean about all the fukin liars I am not Ukraine/Moldovan I am British/English, and I have never been on Sacrarium you psychotic fukin freakk
Pagane 2 hours ago
Dear "Sparky" will not use real your Ukraine/Moldovan name because of OSW rules. Where your giv.agencies find my name? 404 is NOT gov! And you is NOTHING! Go back to your EndOfWorld pseudo gov and forbiden Sacrarium fake grid!
Sparky 3 hours ago
I have tolerated years of your bullshyt @Cyberglo, all your lies, your abuse, your threats, you even gave me your home address a year ago to come and "Sort it out " with you, and now, after this? I fully intend to.... you are a kunt, Cyberglo, and pretty soon, you will be a dead kunt..
Sparky 3 hours ago
Happy now, @Cyberglo you kunt, getting innocent people accused of illegal shyte because of YOUR toxic fukin lies ????
Sparky 3 hours ago
The forum information was released online by government agencies, dont you dare to assume or accuse me of illegal activity, you are as bad as Darrow, Cyberglo, Pagane and the rest, starting shyte against innocent people...
Wiener Schnitzel 4 hours ago
You saw them in this Forums? And what have you done there? xd
Sparky 5 hours ago
I have seen the name Xenon Darrow on many darkweb forums, along with other names such as Pagane and Cyberglo... you guys actually trust these people?
Sparky 5 hours ago
People like Xenon Darrow and many others assume that everybody they disagree with is just one person these "People" are clearly psychotic, paranoid trolls and the reason OSW has become so toxic...
Pagane 16 hours ago
@ChrisHansen because bann is always TWO SIDED! When you ban me i'm banned from you... Not from other your 1000 fake twins:)
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
@Jared - I thought I was back. Just today my server decided that usb ports were no longer needed and the hardware malfunctioned. Then the motherboard quit. Once again leaving me with a crashed grid and an empty friend list. This is just not my week. :( New server ordered today though.
Xenon Darrow 2 days ago
@TheReal: I wish it would hide their ads, posts, and comments too. :)
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
because you think we can make multiple account with the same mail ?
TheRealChrisHansen 2 days ago
when we block someone's name why can't it be done server side that it blocks all accounts under that said email? to prevent abuse?
Ankhsenaton 3 days ago
il y a des primes en $ pour ces gens qui ne font que balancer des vacherie ici ?
Xenon Darrow 3 days ago
Ferdeez is the same person who has always spewed lies and violence. Blocked long long ago. And the alts
Julie 3 days ago
Thank you :D
Speck 3 days ago
@Julie - try in this group Julie :)

New Comments

XXGuLyaXx 2 hours ago
Величественный древний город, Красная площадь сердце Москвы
Habib Ahmedi 2 hours ago
Thanks for the rating!
XXGuLyaXx 2 hours ago
Очень красивый город!
Jupiter Rowland 3 hours ago
ShadowxXx 11 hours ago
Your Underwater World is magical!
Hicks 18 hours ago
thank you :p
Moonrose Grid 18 hours ago
Stehen in den Startlöcher
JamieWright 20 hours ago
You too Dorena! Enjoy that rice:)
RaelGabriel 20 hours ago


Реалистично и очень красиво
XXGuLyaXx 2 hours ago
I would like to express my dissatisfaction to you. First, my grid does not depend on you to be publicized, since the platform is much larger for that. Second, you removed the count from my island, cla...
andersom 6 hours ago
Thank you for the freebies.
Debra Ann Congi 12 hours ago
Prana Mountain
Very Awesome place and beautiful colors music is really great.
IsadoraLeah wolf 13 hours ago
H&G Furniture
love the set-up here! easy to shop, lots of household items, games and more. Worth the time!
Annah Gestaga 16 hours ago
we want sex
One person posted a lot of hate and negative comments. I lift people up. :)
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
Thank you for the Freebies. Very freindly and helpful,
Debra Ann Congi 2 days ago
we want sex
Warning: If you visit this club, be careful. The owner has no respect for intellectual property or privacy. Your unique items, including your avatar, could be stolen by him. Avoid this place to protec...
Vychod_Radek 2 days ago
we want sex
The "We Want Sex" club is disappointing. It's full of bots, making it feel fake and dull.
Nikita_Sylvestrus 2 days ago

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