OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Gentle Fire Grid
1 Users 58 6
Joining the Gentle Fire Grid offers a unique and welcoming virtual experience. Here are some reasons why you might want to join: Friendly Community: The grid is designed to be a friendly and caring en...

La Nube
#newregion #arkhamgrid #2022

Weiter geht es in die nächste Runde, mit der Zwangsbeglückung on Air für euch DJ Tommy

CherylFurse: War klasse! Und tolle Mix. Hatte ich noch nicht gehört zuvor. Scheint wohl Spezialität von Tommy zu sein. 2 years ago
I found the cutest tiny birds by Jian. They were broken and unanimated, so of course, i fixed them! If you would like some tiny animated birds to put out on your sim come by and help yourself! :) As always they are for sale for 0$ The detail in these birds is amazing! I can't believe they were lost and unworking for so long! How beautiful!

Thirza Ember: you really are magic. 2 years ago

360 snap test

Luna Lunaria: Lovely work Cherry 🥰 2 years ago

my "pièce de résistance ", so far: animated peacock with unfolding tail!

Peter: lol, thanks sweety! damm, thats been ages we had a chat:)) 3 years ago
Did you always wonder where to find an octagon shape for ur building and hadn`t found anywhere on metaverse? No need to look for it anymore! Here comes a FREE and FULL PERM basic geometric shapes pack (*) for you.. Thx for my friend @Areum Yeoshin (AMV) who had asked me for a hexagon shape and gave me an idea? Why not make it for others who are in search of such odd shapes here.. And i Said.. why not :) hope u like it.

(*) For obvious reasons, some shapes like square or ring shown on pic are not there as its easily done by any prim.

Jimmy Olsen: *****3D MUSEUM ******BASIC GEOMETRIC SHAPES 14MAR22 UPDATE!!******* Added more 31 interesting shapes inside box. Also on both solid and hollow versions for ur building! Available for FREE and FULL PER... 3 years ago
Ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg bei allen bedanken, die so zahlreich aus nah und fern zum Abschied von Cayoun Daydreamer erschienen sind.
Das hat mich sehr gerührt.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came in such large numbers from near and far to say goodbye to Cayoun Daydreamer.
That touched me very much.

welcome Carnival Land
#newregion @arkhamgrid #2022

A new shop for all Dinkie-lovers.
Theme will be Harlequins and it is a little store inside the Castle, with all sorts of Harlequin Dinkies and their new outfits.

We offer BOM and Open Sim Dinkie Clothings.
The BOM boxes will also include some new dinkie avatars inside, which are a special gift to Open Sim by White Angel Deed.

AnaKathy: i love it so much ♥ 3 years ago
The Lantern of the Glen has just been put out in the enchanted section of the shop.

I needed something for the garden that was a little more fanciful than a street lamp.
It comes in iron or bronze with different leaf and glass versions as well. I'm afraid I got a bit carried away with the versions. I do like to have choices :D

It has also got a master/slave light script version in addition to one that's a manual menu script. Details are on the notecard inside the box along with the textures.

Have an excellent day!

Jupiter Rowland: I can relate to getting carried away. I need one tailor-made shelf for a store, I end up making 32. Juno needs a skin, I have to limit myself in order to not make more than 138 skins. But hey, maybe ... 3 years ago
Inspired by René Magritte
Le fils de l'homme / The Son of Man / Der Menschensohn (1964)

This free 3D-model was found by Avia Bone und fixed by Modee Parlez.

Now in my gallery '.inspired by René Magritte'.
Opensim | OSGrid | The Art Factory
( Art Factory)

Special thanks to

Avia Bonne - @Avia3D
Modee Parlez - @Modee

for their support!

New in the store, Steamkies!
Little Dinkie-avatars go Steampunk!
This outfit can be used by BOM and Open Sim dinkies.

Happy New Year!

Well, it's been a while since I had a new release. I've been RL busy, busy and getting the garden ready for winter.
I know it's a little early for this one but before we know it the holidays will be upon us! I've put out pointsettias with and without pots in the Xmas section of the shop. They come in Red, Pink and White. Textures and all variations are included in the box.

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!

oops I found a lot more items that are related to Halloween inside my inventory. I places them all inside the magick should do a second look inside

Au secours
Help !
Achtung !

hello bonjour gutten tag ciap
mon nouveau projet , my last project

Thanks to Aaack Aardvark and Bibiana Bombinate we have new designs for the OpenSimWorld Teleporter, including a steampunk version!

As always you can get them from the OSW region:

A new level....animated mesh! The first creatures are in the sim already, I'll be busy making animations for them over the next months, or longer:)

*** WATER & RAIN & WAVE RELATED (PACK) *** NEW RELEASE *** All of these sorted stuffs available at TROPICAL AREA, BOX 01 for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)
PS. For thoses whom are looking for the rain/snow HUD system, it is still at WEATHER AREA. thx

Just arrived to Oceanid II - Zoe's mall II, the new Bento BoM Mesh Body (Athena6), and all the New BoM layers, for your gorgeous bodies.
Enjoy share and be happy!

The new Stark! magazine with Typhaine Artez from Sacrarium is out now!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the new Stark landing point.

Thanks to all the Opensim people who participate in the gallery on Flickr, this gallery is now also present in the Bluebay café in the region: Nadejdae

TP to the gallery is indicated at the entrance

ps: please let me know if you have any objection to the exhibition in the OS world.

For other photos, please contact me, I need to fill this gallery :)
Thanks for your help!

falene hawks: juste bravo 8 days ago


Chelsea Louloudi: Ummm...the dog is eating your pizza! 14 days ago

Aurora Starchild: SOO GORGEOUS 17 days ago
Why so serious? :p

Just a reflective moment, a snapshot I thought turned out well. Remember to have fun and relax a bit, and treat each other with respect. Taking the time to hear someone out, does not mean you agree with their opinions. Treat people the way you would wish to be treated. Enjoy your week, everyone!

RemmyRavenhurst: We need more of it in this world for sure! :) :) 25 days ago

Einladung zum Mitmachen
Liebe Opensim Community,

wir freuen uns, euch im Rahmen der 4. Pangea-Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten am 12. Oktober zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis einzuladen: Die erste Pangea Regenbogenparade!

Unter dem inspirierenden Motto "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns" möchten wir euch herzlich einladen, eure Kreativität zu entfalten und mit uns gemeinsam zu feiern. Unsere Parade bietet euch die Möglichkeit, eure bunten und fantasievollen Wagen zu gestalten und diese in einem fröhlichen Umzug durch die Straßen von Köln zu präsentieren.

Mitmachen und Gewinnen
Die schönsten Wagen werden von einer Jury, bestehend aus Mitgliedern verschiedener Grids, mit tollen Preisen prämiert. Pangea-Wagen fahren außer Konkurrenz und werden daher nicht prämiert. Wer an der Parade teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis Ende September bei Marlon Wayne oder Lampithaler Artist. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, eure kreativen Ideen zu verwirklichen und mit uns ein starkes Zeichen für Vielfalt und Respekt zu setzen.

Was euch am 12. Oktober alles erwartet
Bunter Umzug der Regenbogenparade: Erlebt die Vielfalt in ihrer schönsten Form! Die Parade zieht mit euren kreativ gestalteten Wagen durch die Straßen von Köln und setzt ein buntes Zeichen für Respekt und Zusammenhalt.

Beeindruckende Shows: Freut euch auf atemberaubende Darbietungen! Bink Draconia wird mit einem Männerballett verzaubern, und Lampithaler präsentiert ihre mitreißende Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.

Grandiose Aftershow-Party: Der Abend endet mit einer fantastischen Party, bei der erstklassige DJs für die perfekte Stimmung sorgen und den Tag gebührend ausklingen lassen.

Jetzt mitmachen!
Meldet euch jetzt an und zeigt, was Vielfalt für euch bedeutet! Eure kreativ gestalteten Wagen sind das Highlight der Parade. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Fest der Vielfalt erleben!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Invitation to Participate
Dear Opensim Community,

We are excited to invite you to a very special event as part of the 4th Pangea Birthday Celebrations on October 12th: The First Pangea Rainbow Parade!

Under the inspiring motto "Diversity is Our Joy: Respect Connects Us," we warmly invite you to unleash your creativity and celebrate with us. Our parade offers you the opportunity to design your colorful and imaginative floats and present them in a joyful procession through the streets of Cologne.

Participate and Win
The most beautiful floats will be awarded fantastic prizes by a jury consisting of members from various grids. Pangea floats will be non-competitive and will not be eligible for prizes. If you want to participate in the parade, please register by the end of September with Marlon Wayne or Lampithaler Artist. Take this opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life and make a strong statement for diversity and respect with us.

What Awaits You on October 12th
Colorful Rainbow Parade Procession: Experience diversity at its finest! The parade will move through the streets of Cologne with your creatively designed floats, making a colorful statement for respect and unity.

Impressive Shows: Look forward to breathtaking performances! Bink Draconia will enchant with a men's ballet, and Lampithaler will present an exciting Rainbow Show set to the music of Reyno Parx.

Grand Aftershow Party: The evening will conclude with a fantastic party, where top-notch DJs will create the perfect atmosphere to end the day in style.

Join Now!
Sign up now and show what diversity means to you! Your creatively designed floats are the highlight of the parade. Let’s experience an unforgettable celebration of diversity together!

We look forward to seeing you!

Cosa: Tolle Idee :-) 2 months ago
Ankündigung und Infos: 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids
Liebe Pangea Grid & Opensim Freunde,
Wir freuen uns, ab Oktober den 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids zu feiern! Bis zum Jahresende erwarten euch viele überraschende Events und interaktive Erlebnisse, an denen alle teilnehmen können. Unsere Feierlichkeiten umfassen außergewöhnliche Veranstaltungen und Themenwochen, die die Vielfalt und den einzigartigen Charme der Sims würdigen, die in den letzten vier Jahren entstanden sind.
Erste Eventankündigungen und Infos:
6. Oktober: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event an der Bourbon Beach
Adriana Darkheart präsentiert:
Livemusic Evan Williams: Ein unvergessliches Pink Floyd Konzert.
Livemusic PutriSolo: Mitreißende Blues- und Rock-Performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: Aftershowparty mit Reggae-Rhythmen.
11.-13. Oktober: Jubiläumswochenende
11. Oktober: Mega-Party in Köln
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heizt mit einem fantastischen Musik-Set ein. Ein unvergesslicher Abend voller Musik und Tanz, gekrönt von einem unglaublichen Live-Act.
12. Oktober: Pangea Regenbogenparade
Motto: "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns"
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann teilnehmen, bunte Wagen bauen oder sich als Jurymitglied bewerben, um die besten Kreationen auszuzeichnen. Zu gewinnen gibt es u.a. kleine Geldbeträge.
Shows: Bink Draconia präsentiert ein Männerballet, und Lampithaler mit einer Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.
Aftershow-Party: Mit erstklassigen DJs.
Anmeldung: Bitte meldet euch bis spätestens 15. September. Weitere Infos findet ihr in der Regenbogenparade-Infobox Inworld.
13. Oktober: Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennen
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann zwei Fahrer ins Rennen schicken. Die Strecke kann im freien Training kennengelernt werden.
Event: Nach der Siegerehrung gibt es ein Konzert von SarahMarie Phillis und eine Go-Kart-Race-Party mit DJ Marlon.
Infoabend: Am 9. August veranstaltet Karsten Runningbear einen Infoabend zum bevorstehenden Go-Kart-Rennen. Die Einladung und weitere Details findet ihr Inworld in der Infobox: Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen.
Weitere Informationen und Updates werden auch auf unserer Webseite, weiter hier auf Facebook und in Opensimworld veröffentlicht. Für Fragen steht euch unser Pangea Team jederzeit zur Verfügung.Wir danken allen, die das Pangea Grid zu einem lebendigen und einzigartigen Ort gemacht haben: Ein Ort, an dem Kunst und Kultur florieren, wo Menschen gemeinsam lachen und einander unterstützen, und wo Kreativität in jedem Winkel sprüht. Hier verzaubern uns Live-Konzerte, beeindruckende Showaufführungen, farbenfrohe Karnevalsfeiern und inspirierende Kunstausstellungen, die viele Menschen begeistern und zahlreiche Partys unvergesslich gemacht haben.
Unser besonderer Dank gilt allen Künstlern, Sängern, Performern, Besuchern und Erbauern, die das Pangea Grid mit Leben gefüllt haben. Ebenfalls geht ein großes Dankeschön an die HG Safari, an Thirza Ember, Mal Burns und sein Team für ihre Berichterstattungen und Unterstützung. Ein besonderer Dank geht auch an Kitty Sarrasine, unsere Serveradministratorin und Programmiererin , sowie an unseren Scripter Karsten Runningbear und alle, die Teil unseres wunderbaren Pangea Grids sind.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch allen zu feiern!
Euer Pangea Team

AdrianaDarkheart: Rogue Galaxy wird am 6 Oktober auch dabei sein und singt Reggae :) 2 months ago
MAGABAGA BUMPER CARS available now at EUROPA! Come and have fun! The 1st to make 50 collisions is the winner!
To tap in the place, go to SIM EUROPA on INTERSIM AREA (Tp point), look for the big glassy Teleport board) and pick as destination EUROPA RACEWAY sim. Once there, take the bubble interphasic bubble and go to BUMPERCARS. Have fun!!

Chelsea Louloudi: much fun! Imagine a number of people in the bumper cars..would be a blast! 2 months ago

Pooh The Bear Full Avatar & Animesh Dancing Pooh
- Full Avatar 56 cm
- Animesh Dancing Pooh (animation can be changed)

Nico Kalani: When using this Avatar, please use that endearing voice we all know, to utter a soft: "Oh bother." 2 months ago

*PINK FIREWEED FLOWERS PACK NEW RELEASE* 01 prim mesh models with animation! Seasonal textures on different pixels available. All for FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 03! Enjoy :)

LaviaLavine: awesome work as always Jimmy!! 2 months ago
The shopping region is still a work in progress and every day, more is set for $0 so pardon the mess as you come to shop as new things are made available daily. Even though I already have tons of stuff for you, I couldn't help but make some new things, Yes I am insane! More stuff you say?
Check it out. I have made 5 sets of small tables at 3 different heights and sizes. These look beautiful in any home and can be used in many ways. I know you decorators will find the perfect spot for one of these.
I also made some Cut Crystalware. Bring a touch of elegance to your decor with one of these beauties. We like shiny things, right?
My items are Full perm and always free. Thanks for looking! Have a fabulous Friday!! Or Sat for those already in the future). ::)

John Sheppard: I'm interested in the standing stones with mystical gems... some awesome stuff! You've inspired me to keep going on the Blender classes... because I LOVE shiny things and I have plans to put stuff out... 3 months ago


Belze Cherub: COOOOLLLLL 3 months ago
Speaking of horses, @RolandFrancis created Pegasus_Starry Fantasy horse and gave to me for Iknimaya. The color is so beautiful, I am not quite sure how he did it but it is the most beautiful horse I have ever seen, thank you Roland 🐴💗🐴

Set Emily ready! :) hop://

CyberGlo CyberStar: How beautiful. I love it. Very exotic work! :) 3 months ago
I support Gay Rights, not Gay Wrongs. There is right and there is wrong, let me learn you the difference! Ask me for a free gay pride flag! (not for children, minors, miners, underage, or rugrats! Must be 18+ to come to my grid! No kids allowed!)

Blake Hayvenhurst: I support the human race and do not think in colors, types, tastes, sexual preferences etc. and wish more people did, but as long as we need flags and celebrations we're still far from acceptance. I ... 3 months ago

Decided to work on a mermaid look on a whim. An old outfit that I retextured parts of. Photo taken at Luxor.

Ankhsenaton: I love your Luxor! As you can imagin with my name ;-) Did you made this mermaid outfit available ? thanks 4 months ago
I’ve crafted this article to assist individuals eager to upload their models to Opensimulator but unsure of where to begin. This guide aims to direct you toward exceptional resources, making the process much more accessible.

---->It is not all botted from SL
Many SL creators obtain their models from these same resources.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no tr... 5 months ago
🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.” Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.

Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 5 months ago

We now have speech to text on Wolf Territories Grid. This is mainly for meetings and for our hard of hearing / deaf members. < demo video

Arielle: Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others? 6 months ago
New Eborn Rebody shoes, available full-perm in 12 colours (their tint-able), feel free to copy and re-distribute. Not available in SecondLife. Made by me. Please don't ever sell these, anywhere, ever. Only to be given away, free of charge. of Merci

snik snoodle: @Suzan_vonOtter Nice One! :) 6 months ago

Camballa and Soul wish you all
Easter holidays
Kind regards, Karin Becker
Euch allen wünschen Camballa und Soul
liebe grüsse karin Becker

KarinBecker: Wünsche ich euch auch liebe grüsse Karin 6 months ago

Wünsche allen ein frohes Osterfest mit viel viel Sonne ♥

AnaKathy: Wundervolle Osterfeiertage dir wünsche 6 months ago


SheaButter: Love love love your outfits. But they are too high in complexity for me. Any way to bring this down? 6 months ago

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Regions Online: 1,803
Active: 350 avatars in 177 regions
The Box
Online Custom Gaming 52 minutes ago
MySQL is continually failing to run in Dreamgrid, anybody else having similar issues?
LeonitasLionheart 3 hours ago
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁
Jared Seda 7 hours ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.
Copper 22 hours ago
I wished some here would use the simple form of interpunction. Using dots and commas, so people know where a sentence starts and ends..simple 4th graders thing
Online Custom Gaming yesterday
I really don't know how, but, I use Dreamgrid version 5.492 and I just noticed my region is voice enabled and, voice works! It never did that before... any ideas?
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
How is everyone liking dreamgrid 5.691?
5pm Khiron Ametza singing at La Boricua on Digiworlds. Semi-Formal to Casual. I'll include some Brazilian songs today. hop://
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
About the autoplay thing, i found a way of embedding a youtube playlist in an HTML iframe and forcing it to autoplay so its all good now :)
Essensual 2 days ago
Alex Leo, you came to a formal venue wearing jeans and a tshirt.. and you were asked to change... you ignored my requests so I told your GF, to tell you to change before I remove you.. she told you adn you changed but she didnt like it.. sorry for that.. but dont worry about ever coming here again
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
My Bose has quit. It was a good sounding radio. Now I will throw it in the trash.
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Abbi Masters, did you find your autoplay ?
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
I mean... Soundscape
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
"Vintage Rock Club" is open!
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
I'm looking for an autoplay music video playlist or streaming site to put the stream into a TV I have placed in my new Club, Unfortunately Youtube doesnt seem to do such a thing so if anybody has any suggestions it would be appreciated :)
Yana Dakota 2 days ago
Get your taxi to AMV Welcome, Yana is starting her DJing in 15 minutes . hop://
JoshBoam 3 days ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out!
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Maybe a Vexed, Bothered, and Bewildered Max
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
I'm more of a Moderately Perturbed Max.

New Comments

Xenon Darrow 33 minutes ago
Got the adult sippy cup. It's AMAZING
Bebe 1 hour ago
Who doesn't love Autumn eh..Enjoy :))
Darci Viper 2 hours ago
Thank you Bebe for the cool items.. cant wait to see whats coming soon ;)
SilviaFrey 2 hours ago
Acabo de ver el anuncio ahora. Estoy segura de que tuviste una fiesta genial llena de tanta gente que te aprecia. Feliz cumpleaños amiga!!!
AngelicKisses 4 hours ago
Happy Birthday, Marpil!! Hope your day was blessed. :)
Bebe 5 hours ago
I am still adding items to the pumpkin stores, so check frequently
Milly Money 8 hours ago
hop:// Al Kohav/884/782/21 Its there and Lavia, it is exquisite!! Thank you for this beauty!! :)
Fearghus McMahon 10 hours ago
Happy belated birthday!
Carmen Jewel 11 hours ago
Happy Birthday , hope you had an Awesome Day !!


Sunny Brook
Very well organized. Very good location for all things Wedding/Bridal from rings to animation proposals to venues! Also found a lot of building supplies, furniture and knick knacks. Highly recommend.
Faith Fromund 2 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Can you explain to me and everyone else in Opensim what the point of you creating a room and filling it up with all the avatars you have made. Is it so people can just look at them when you rez them ?...
Michelle Hartley 3 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Since last year I have been going to this wonderful club, it reminds me of when I was a teenager, I love disco music, I liked to dance in the best clubs in my city. I invite everyone to come and enjoy...
Toms5 19 hours ago
Trianon Complex
from the moment I started having a Love Song event (2021) in the Trianon Ballroom, it has always been a formal event. A place to get dressed up and enjoy the soft music with your friends, but lately p...
Essensual 20 hours ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
Wonderful mall!
KHIRONAMETZA 21 hours ago
Super Nova Beach Resort
Wonderfully setup place. The beaches are amazing and the store has SO many bikini's, swimsuits, dresses and other outfits, most of them in multiple patterns/colors. Truly impressed!
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
Trianon Complex
Дорогой мой Алекс:) That's why Peter I is GREAT! The Tsar has realized that he has to shorten your beards and lengthen your brains! Unfortunately, he's only half-done. I also don't like exaggerated "...
Pagane yesterday
Trianon Complex
They demand too much from their guests in appearance, although they themselves look clumsy and have unkempt avi. Hey, first get yourself in order and then demand.
Alex Leo 2 days ago
Armstrong Museum
A most unique selection of aircraft and spacecraft, many one of a kind in OS. Well worth the visit by any aviation enthusiast, and even the casual tourist looking for something new. Well done.
TroySeaknight 2 days ago

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