OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 1 A
"Poguelandia" was a fictional name of an Island that a group of teenagers were marooned on, in a Netflix series titled, "Outer Banks". Beach, swimming area, fire pit, bungalows, dance platform. C...

Galéria Arte Colorida
A lovely art gallery in Meditarrenean style with RL art from Elin Egoyan aka Marijke Pel

Sinje: Wirklich sehr hübsch dort ...wollte mir ein paar Bilder " kaufen" aus der Galerie , geht aber leider nicht :-( 2 years ago
.:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Valentins-Party im Tosca
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Dienstag /Tuesday
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 19Uhr/10SLT
┊ ┊ ❤ The best love songs
┊ ☆ ♥ Dj Nasti ♥ bin auch schon daaaaaaaaaaa! 2 years ago

New Grid ... Name: Champions Gate
Grid LoginURI Address:
Website to Register:

We made it on Hypergridbusiness!! check us out

KrisTina: all of these use the same sized hardware vps? - 2 years ago

Time: 1:00 p.m. SLT
You can't miss enjoying the wonderful voice and great themes of Rogue Galaxy!

Richard Lionheart: How exciting! 2 years ago
1- Now, pair/unpair table/controller is easier.. There is no need to do the "rez-in-order" steps like on previous NG versions;
2- TOP 5 HIGH SCORES NOW CAN BE RESET/CLEANED! (Many people asked me that and thx for my friends Adani and Essensual from Trianon grid who worked on the script modification.
3- To make it work rez always the table/controller with the N2 V2 logo! (its blue now instead of the golden texture)..
4- Special thanks also for all my friends who helped me ideas and suggestions since my 1st version of tables, years ago. Also thx for Clifford Hangar and Cataplexia Numbers, AMV Grid owners who supported me on grid.. and White Angel, from Sacrarium grid. And Durham Redmond who "scipted the NG previous models.

well, enough written.... enjoy! and send it away to all ur friends )

Jimmy Olsen: GREEDY GAME NG V2 UPDATE on the KATANA model - Had to fix a glitch found on score display. Fixel model available at TP area and also inside the boxed version. Enjoy :) 2 years ago
Today I want to tell you about Haven of Memories and my Dear friend, Lavia Lavine who created it with her own builds as well as stuff from many talented folks in our Metaverse. One of her best talents in MHO is putting together "Scenes". One of her best qualities is her loving heart...and her orneriness. ;) This fountain was put together using her own stuff as well as many other talented creators' work. You can't tell by the photo but the water moves down the steps perfectly and she worked hard to make it happen. Amazing to see in person! It isn't linked so you can't just come and grab it. I am showing this to you because it is simply stunning and the whole region is peaceful, comforting, and beautiful for reflection, memories, and feeling close to your loved ones. What a beautiful Memorial Garden! You don't even have to have an account on the grid to have a memorial of your loved one here. The only requirement is that they lived a Virtual life on any grid in the Metaverse. It is a way for all of us to remember them in one place that we can visit at any time. I took this photo because I thought this was so beautiful and everyone should know that it is there for all of us!!! Thanks, Lavia!

LaviaLavine: Thank you Star for that wonderful review and yes we welcome anybody from any grid who would like to memorialize a loved one from the virtual world, however we also have a section for those whom have b... 2 years ago

Open Talk im AnKaBi-Grid
am 07.02.2023
ab 20.00 Uhr
*Wir freuen uns auf Euch*

JeannieDagostino: hatte ich eigentlich nicht vor...aber wenn sich durch zufall 2 finden... ist es doch auch gut... ist immer wieder lustig auf was für ideen die leute hier kommen jupiter:))) 2 years ago
I added a shop to the Catena di Isole Freebie Mall "Classic Closet". I have decided to wear the default-system-classic avatar and in doing so I decided to create clothes to wear and give what I create freely. I will also give out Fate Mesh clothing that I have textured with a texture-changing script giving you multiple choices. The clothing fits Classic Avatar wearing Alphas old school but I am diggin' it! Thank you Jamie Anna Wright for the inspiration. You can find the clothing store here I have a bit of lingerie and hosiery too~

Star Ravenhurst: Congratulations on opening your new shop! I am so excited! I use a classic avatar I have had forever and to have another source for clothing is AWESOME!!! Thank you! I will visit soon! 2 years ago
I created a Marquee sign free to copy, inside the contents I placed other textures you can use for various Marquee Signs, and also you can add your own! The Marquee sign is in the Monentes store foyer.

Adore: thank you for sharing , your True to the word of sharing 2 years ago
Spring has sprung in the shire. All the cold is gone and the birds are singing. The trees are green and so is the grass. Come and explore and enjoy the town, the tavern, the bakery, the farms, the mountain lodge and fishing cottages, the winery, and St. Brendan's Church.

Arcfury: I must have been too busy to notice that a couple of months ago when the cold and winter had descended on your shire, for I would have liked to have seen that instead. I may have to wait another year... 2 years ago

Jerralyn Franzic stopped by the office. My first visitor. :-)

Jerralyn Franzic: Thanks, it was fun chatting with you, Shimada. :) 2 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago
The Micro Fairies... Someone saw my micro fairies at wizardry and wanted one, so i put one in the dragonfyre sounds box which is on the christmas tree rug at wizardry. If you get this and rez a micro fairy, dont forget to say 'smaller' in local chat so it doesn't push you around. you should only say 'bigger' and then mash control t so you can see it and pick it up to take back into inventory.

EarlAngel: I can't go to your store anymore and you still haven't replied to my message, thanks 2 years ago
Opening of Bubble Land 1/28/23 @11AM SLT on Pangea

The last art exhibit Veri and I worked on, please experience her dream.


LaviaLavine: Astonishingly beautiful this is a must see for everyone! 2 years ago

Rock ’n’ Roll

FEEFEE: where the link for the place 2 years ago

Make no mistake, what I like is astronomy, not rockets....

But doing this simulator (it's endless...), I'm realizing many things.

1. I have gone where I was not called.

2. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict reaches the space.

The international station, the ISS, is falling apart... The docked Soiuz has large meteorite impacts. An unmanned one will arrive on February 20 to return the astronauts to Earth (only the Russians)...

Russia has decided not to carry supplies and the ISS has to start its engines every day, to maintain orbit and not fall, plus water and food.

SpaceX has a spacecraft there, but it only holds 4 people out of the 7 that inhabit it in total. In case of emergency, if something happens before February 20, they will not be able to return in the SpaceX spacecraft either, the astronauts' suits are custom-made for each one, so the Russians could not return in it (they could not sit down for re-entry).

SpaceX will continue to carry supplies (as long as NASA pays), but we all know how Elon Musk's business is going.

NASA on the other hand, is investing in the Moon colonization project, they didn't count on fixing the ISS.... Besides, their latest plan, as they fail to land on Luna with the Orion, is to... crash the spacecraft (the necessary instruments are saved for now, they say). I'm sure this is quite economical

Will the ISS make it to 2031, when it was scheduled to be destroyed in the ocean?
My guess is that international politics will destroy it sooner.

Taking into account, that there is a new space race between SpaceX, China, Arab Emirates, USA and some crazy couple who want to go to Mars (right now nobody is able to reach the Moon and land, but they want to go to Mars...).

Why invest in Mars? Why did we go to Luna?


No os equivoquéis, lo que me gusta es la astronomía, no los cohetes....

Pero haciendo este simulador (es interminable...), me estoy dando cuenta de muchas cosas.

1. Me he metido donde no me llamaban.

2. El conflicto ruso-ucraniano llega al espacio.

3. La estación internacional, la ISS, se cae a pedazos... La Soiuz acoplada tiene grandes impactos de meteoritos. Una no tripulada llegará el 20 de febrero para devolver a los astronautas a la Tierra (sólo a los rusos)...

Rusia ha decidido no llevar suministros y la ISS tiene que encender sus motores todos los días, para mantener la órbita y no caer, además de agua y comida.

SpaceX tiene una nave allí, pero sólo caben 4 personas de las 7 que la habitan en total. En caso de emergencia, si ocurre algo antes del 20 de febrero, tampoco podrán volver en la nave de SpaceX, los trajes de los astronautas están hechos a medida para cada uno, por lo que los rusos no podrían volver en ella (no podrían sentarse para la reentrada).

SpaceX seguirá llevando suministros (mientras la NASA pague), pero todos sabemos cómo va el negocio de Elon Musk.

La NASA por su parte, está invirtiendo en el proyecto de colonización de la Luna, no contaban con arreglar la ISS.... Además, su último plan, como no consigan aterrizar en Luna con la Orión, es... estrellar la nave (los instrumentos necesarios están guardados por ahora, dicen). Seguro que esto es bastante económico

¿Llegará la ISS a 2031, cuando estaba previsto que se destruyera en el océano?
Mi opinión es que la política internacional la destruirá antes.

Teniendo en cuenta, que hay una nueva carrera espacial entre SpaceX, China, Emiratos Árabes, EEUU y alguna pareja de locos que quieren ir a Marte (ahora mismo nadie es capaz de llegar a la Luna y aterrizar, pero quieren ir a Marte...).

¿Por qué invertir en Marte? ¿Por qué fuimos a Luna?

Ellen: Very interesting stories! 2 years ago
I just opened a Kitely store. There's only a couple of items in there now but I'll be filling it up in the coming weeks.
I still have the free shopping center in my sim too

SheaButter: If something is missing from product, do you reply to messages? I have bought from Kitely, and was missing some items. Messaged Kim last week, and still no word. 2 years ago
(( All Dinkies on Opensim ))
Please be at Funsize Dinkies World Resort by 8:00am as the Tour Bus will be leaving at 8:15am
Scheduled Tours booked, to find out more Head over to the Funsize Dinkies World Resort
to see where we are heading to over the next few weeks,
Bring your Dinkie Friends and Family with you.
You are so going to love it!!! Dinkies

Charlene McNally: Anyone know where I can find a dinkie avatar? 2 years ago

so much NEWs at the Mainstore

rayne: oooooo !! thank you Bella !!! 2 years ago

so much NEWs at the Mainstore

rayne: i will send my husband for this! I am sure he will look great in it! 2 years ago

?Guten Morgen ?
? Good morning ?

Tatum: Pretty! 2 years ago

Carpe-Noctem-Zoo will soon open up its doors.

Jerralyn Franzic: Can't wait! 2 years ago

Our grand opening is at noon on the 10th January 2023

I love details and materials. This is the interior of my Victorian Club

Richard Lionheart: Nice look! 2 years ago

New at oh HELLO

Carmen Jewel: Super Outfits :)) Ty for sharing :)) 2 years ago
More characters had been added to the scene plus..for all butler lovers..the collectors edition! Mehr charakter wurden hinzugefügt und für alle Butler Liebhaber.. die Komplettedition!

Antonia Ling: Really cool stuff! 2 years ago
I wish you a happy new year.. and right at the beginning something brand new.
Also bored by the same NPCs that are on many sims? The same ones over and over, always and always again? And if you find new ones they are no copy?
Then let's bring a breath of fresh air to your sim. New NPCs are waiting for you. A new department on CockatielsParadise. Have fun!
ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich euch.. und direkt zu Anfang mal etwas neues.
Auch gelangweilt von den ewig gleichen NPC die auf vielen sims stehen? Immer und im mer wieder die Gleichen? Und wenn man mal neue findet sind sie nicht kopierbar.
Dann bringen wir mal frischen Wind auf deine Sim. Neue NPCs warten auf euch, damit ihr mal neu dekorieren könnt. Eine neue Abteilung auf Cockatiels Paradise. Habt spass!

Jamie Wright: These are FANTASTIC! Thank you for sharing them:) 2 years ago

📝 To all friends and non-friends of OpenSimWorld!

Zone Nations wishes everyone a happy 2023 and may it bring much joy to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year from your friends @ AVW the animesh headquarters

Trizzy Hunter: Happy New Year Bob 2 years ago

When a new year begins at midnight, you know how fast time flies. I wish you love, success and happiness - only the biggest piece of everything!

The Soul-Grid wishes all a happy new year

KikiBaily: Frohes neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago

Allen ein frohes und gutes neues.-.))) Passt auf Euch auf....

JeanDagostino: dir auch a happy new year :))) 2 years ago

❤️ Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes neues Jahr. ❤️
❤️ I wish you all a happy new year. ❤️

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch liebe dorena 2 years ago

Lampithaler created a memorial video in loving memory of Veritas "Veri" McMaster. Thank you Lampi, love you and miss you Veri.

Hugabug: Very beautiful 2 years ago
I enjoy creating caged beads and thought it would be fun to create a little kit of a few caged beads, round and elongated beads so that you can create your own necklaces. You can also add these to your charm bracelets. I started you out with a few beads and will add more beads as I make them.

Star Ravenhurst: Beautiful! Nice work! 2 years ago

MidnightRain Glas: Thank you for sharing this. 2 years ago

NEWs at the Mainstore

Harleyjannys: Beautiful! Thank you 2 years ago

Meine neue Welcome...

JeanDagostino: Danke Sweety♥ 2 years ago

Allen ein schönes Weinachten...-)

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch thorben 2 years ago

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir auch frohe sweety♥ 2 years ago
The new Peace Enclave Museum located at my Safari Wildlife Reserve. This museum is dedicated to continuing awareness of our responsibilities to our animal friends that we share this planet with. While there must be a balance for healthy wildlife, to quote Mr. Spock "To hunt a creature to extinction is illogical", we must not allow continued poaching of these beautiful animals. It is my hope you will visit the museum and I will be adding to it and to the reserve as time goes on. This has become a very interesting project for me to dive into. Be Blessed, ~~Lavia~~

Star Ravenhurst: We are supposed to be the "Intelligent" species. And yet we can't figure out how to protect our most vulnerable creatures on this planet. Even the mightiest, strongest, scariest creature is no match f... 2 years ago
To all Member of Opensim and Gentle Fire Grid and their Family I like to wish a warm and happy Holidays .May the spirit of of Joy, love, faith ring out to you for the New Year and May there be peace on earth and Opensim . From the Team Adore. PP. , Llia , Topsy ,Jon Emily , Una ,And Howie WE ALL WISH YOU A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS .

Marianna : Thank you, and best wishes always to your grid and family! 2 years ago
Thank you @FredBeckhusen for adding the great new VR feature! We will be adding images to our new VHG VR page here Image shown here is Cherry Manga's exhibit Thank you Cherry!
You can see the exhibit here: Odyssey

TrisTH: I was able to enter, spectacular 2 years ago

Italiani ne abbiamo? ;)

AdryMovida: :) 2 years ago
@JamieAnnaWright invites you to share in the holidays with her and the Mendel family at Neverworld Grid. Thank you Anna, I look forward to the different holidays that you will be planning in the future.

Jamie Wright: Aww thank you:) Great post Mari! *hugs* 2 years ago

This video was filmed live at the Copperville Holiday Celebration.
It features a presentation of Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
We gathered around the parlor and enjoyed the storytelling of Shandon Loring as we became immersed in the wonderful sets and characters created by Koshari Mahana & Kimm Starr.
A good time was had by all as most everyone came in period costumes as well. Kudos to everyone and Merry Christmas!

Symphony: Wonderful. loved the video version also. thank you for doing this and sharing 2 years ago

Our little community!

Thirza Ember: let the panda-monium begin 2 years ago
Sanctuary of the Ancients

My newest build because I wanted a larger cathedral and now it is available to share with anyone who may want it. You can view it, walk around inside of it, and take a copy of the box which also contains church pews with various sits that I built specifically for this cathedral. I have other builds in this area of the mall you may like as well. Al Kahov

GramzyNang: AWESOME WORK and it's gorgeous!! 2 years ago

GeoPerez: Hello Lunaria, your designs and styles are one of my favorites, I have several, but I'm fine with your themes. I appreciate you for bringing the future, or of; the hand of the ancient, to learn how to... 2 years ago

Gute Luft hier draußen.:-)
Good air out here. :-)

GeoPerez: Nice Beautiful photo and has beautiful essence thank you. 2 years ago
The Duchess Susanna Valeska and Countess Breila Jenieve welcome you to explore merry 'ole (and sometimes not so merry) Tudor England. This revival region has been set up as an area to explore and learn about life in those times. We are currently in winter and snow gently falls all across the shire. Enjoy a warm drink in the Rose and Thorn. The library will eventually house much information of life in the time of the Tudors. St. Brendan's Church is available for services or weddings. You do not need to be in period clothing to come and explore. Enjoy!

CyberGlo CyberStar: I arrived during a blizzard... The village was empty of people. I stumbled out of the freezing cold into a bakery and freely took two plates of bread, feeling somewhat renewed by the warm fire, I we... 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Welcome A
19 2
0 0
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Ruritania A
87 12
3 0
29 0
Jungle Friends Seas A
7 0
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
Paradise Beach Cove A
5 1
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
10 3
AMV Welcome
96 0
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Regions Online: 1,769
Active: 172 avatars in 106 regions
The Box
Chopsy Bode 9 hours ago
Ive added the script for the lightshare in the scripts tab above for anyone wanting it :)
OpenSimUser 9 hours ago
I tried a dreamgrid search, but no luck.
OpenSimUser 10 hours ago
Does anyone have a copy of the Windlight Thing?
Offworld Grid 15 hours ago
Just finished my welcome hub and my club, so, Offworld Grid is open!
OpenSimUser 16 hours ago
where did you find the windlight thing at
Esti Mation 18 hours ago
got "Windlight-Lightshare-3.2" by Jeff Hall
HarperHeld 19 hours ago
nope, I no longer have it -sorry
HarperHeld 22 hours ago
I used to have one, not sure but I'll check. Lightshare hasn't been a functional thing since at least .9, though?
Crazyposeidon 23 hours ago
Hi we are looking for an enviroment changer Lightshare with blue menue drop in all our favorite , Greetings from C&C
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix yesterday
@Cyber, I've loaded all 225 oars with a few clicks. This is not a place I hang out or a tech support forum. File a Mantis bug report.
Suzi_Avonside yesterday
Thanks Fred, I noticed it last night (wee small hours actually) but was too tired and confused to thought it was me.
Offworld Grid yesterday
Telling me "i'll gnaw your hind end off! >:(" in DM's gets you blocked, @Cyberglo
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
I'm on kali linux right now... using my cellular modem on my uConsole device. /me plays mission impossible music
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
I'm on kali linux right now... using my cellular modem on my uConsole device. /me plays mission impossible music
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
You guys remember that person that was constantly having corn beef with everyone? Well it's back. >:(
Offworld Grid yesterday
I'm not too sure why you would be using an e-mail exclusive javascript header in relation to a supposedly compiled distribution system...
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix yesterday
It's fixed. An extraprint header;
Offworld Grid yesterday
are you ever going to fix the OAR naming issue too where some OAR's won't load into regions from the Dreamgrid app because of random spacing in the names? people have been asking about that for a long time now

New Comments

Sabrinastav 5 hours ago
I sincerely admire your creations and I think you are one of the people who knows the most about these things in Opensim, but I must say that your post was directed to Mirrors specifically, and not to...
Arcfury 8 hours ago
That is so cool to see that effect. If there is no noticeable drop from multiple mirrors, as you say, then things like a gleaming glass covered cityscape would be possible, as well as a Naboo royal s...
Sabrinastav 9 hours ago
Very an experiment, it is very entertaining. But placing only one in your region will decrease the fps by 50% with the consequent increase in lag. It is not recommended to use PBR mirro...
Arcfury 20 hours ago
I wonder if it is now possible to make something that could work like a "mirror". Since I can sort of see your reflection in that floor.
Blake Hayvenhurst 21 hours ago
"Then I logged onto open sim world and insulted someone..." - I laughed :D
Ultra yesterday
заинтересовала ваша разработка магнитофона. хотелось бы посмотреть. где купить?
Sinje2024 yesterday
Hello :-) gibt es auch bald etwas für Frauen?
Offworld Grid yesterday
Proud of the fact and boasting about insulting people for no reason? Yeah, you are very mature and rational, right?
Hyacinthbud yesterday
Love it, thank you so much! Could you make it with even bigger bulges? Heheheh~♥


Dwell Upholstery
An awesome place to shop! Whatever you need for your home they got it! I mean for every room they got you.
HoneyOG yesterday
Totally enjoyable visit So much to see and lots of awesome unique freebies.. The Halloween location was so well done and is the entire region.:-)
Ripple 2 days ago
Funsize Academy
5 FAT FABULOUS STARS ...Fantastic Building Classes taught by Ted Junior are great! Only taken 3-4 classes and I already learned more than I thought I would. If you have a chance to catch one of these ...
Faith Fromund 2 days ago
Trianon Complex
Très bon accueil. Propriétaires adorables. C'est très joli. je lis des commentaires vraiment pas sympa! Des alts ? hum et après? ca change quoi à vos vies? Je trouve leurs avatars très jolis et en tou...
Celeste Charnelle 2 days ago
Trianon Complex
A fun place to be, great tunes and fun times dancing from ballroom dancing to disco and others.
windrunner 2 days ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place, here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party. Come visit the region and just enjo...
Adani 2 days ago
Serrallo de Mogor
Owned by Pakojohns Oh this incredible region has so much to offer! From Spanish to Arabian and worldwide flavor, Pako has multiple events weekly with guest DJs and himself. Ive attended Flamenco danci...
Cataplexia Numbers 3 days ago
The creativity is endless so it seems, The Cathedral is amazing! Did not visit an event yet, but will do that for sure. Pleasantly surprised, well done and worth a visit.
AnsjelaAmat 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 3 days ago

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