OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Seventh Heaven
0 Users 13 2 A
Clothing is optional here at Club Paradise. You may see semi nude, full nude, swim wear No child avatars. We even have a store and a game room even fishing and Jet Skis come on down and chill .
*OPENSIM FIREWORKS V7 (VERSION 7) UPDATED RELEASE (less complexity than the previous version and effects now look more real - All you see on that picture is mesh! With sounds and animation! Available for FULLPERM and FREE at PARTY SECTOR inside a box for fireworks. Enjoy :)

P.s Version with particles available as well, if needed.

Ankhsenaton: Thank you, I will to to see that :-) (I hope you took lots of photos for the Daily Planet ;-) 4 months ago

Does anyone know how to fix this when trying to add a pic to saved outfits in your closet?

Mistressdalgato: I know i can upload texture and do it that way or take a pic with the in world camera and do it that way. but it used to be when u saved an outfit u could just snap a pic and boom it applied it. idk w... 8 months ago
Anyone who enters the University as a child avi will now be banned. Never thought I would have to do this but had a child avi come in twice and also told me how pretty I was as if they were trying to get with me. if it wasn't for that last part I would just nicely ask them to change to adult or leave.

SnoopKing: It is curious to read how people insist on defending what does not need to be defended, and how others are determined to offend the private and personal practices of each person. Personally, I think t... 2 years ago
After two weeks of waiting, I can announce the results of the competition.

The owner of a single network admitted that he was wrong and mistakenly placed a fake beacon. This network name is now hidden.
During these two weeks a new group is attacking the title and if I have time I will update the ranking soon.

You can see everything else in the comments and review ...
From charges of throwing a party on my sim where I've ridde ....... My sim is technically unable to throw parties. I will not comment on all of them.
I will only comment on the emanation of impudence and shamelessness:
The hard-working admins who work on their sim for 18 hours without a break...... Sitting, during this time they are visited by the well-known Priscilla, but they don't even get up... They use a steel version of viewer that does not block and allows them to work even lying down... I trust them :)
And finally they threaten me that they are like Google and they set the rules... I am dying of fear that I have attached screenshots.
Tremble, all of you! As of today, the OpenSim community has a new ruler….

SamuSmith: What is this here? Im on this sim and there is nothing only 2 cubes with fake sim informations pictures. Please remove this fake post that here is a shame 2 years ago
I really hate to have to do this but, I want to make it clear that my region is NOT a shopping region. Most of what is on it are builds that I have made myself though there are items that I have gotten from around Open Sim in the freebie stores. That said, let's be perfectly clear - there are malls for you to go shopping for freebies if you want, my "Home" is not a freebie shopping mall, it is a residence you are free to visit and enjoy, but after today's experience I have made everything I can "no copy". When someone visits my region and I am there and greet them and talk to them and they do not respond at all even though I send them the same greeting in their native language that is just TOTALLY RUDE. Then walk around just grabbing all the "copiable" items you can find, well I become a whole lot less accommodating and make everything no copy and it will remain so. I'm usually a very friendly person, and I love to meet new people and chat and visit and will continued to be so, however if you wish anything from my region, from now on, show some common courtesy and ASK. Thank you.

Everyone Loves the Pumpkin Patch!

Ankhsenaton: If I'd seen all this in my early days in SL I'd have been really scared I'm not much of a haloween “customer” but the medieval mix appeals to me. I almost destroyed an island with the cannons! Well do... 5 days ago
Some good news. I compiled Firestorm 7.1.10 PBR, and it doesn't crash every single time I teleport. There is light at the end of the tunnel with the next release. Photo included of me not f***ing crashing. yay! :D

Danger Lytton: That's great Hyacinth 11 days ago

Visit our LinuxCafe to find out more about the different Linux distros out there and read about open source / open content projects.

GlennXpletive: This is an outstanding idea and great thing to do Sunshine! Seriously, very impressive and helpful to more than just the OS community. You should get the "great Idea" award of the month! 4 months ago

We now have speech to text on Wolf Territories Grid. This is mainly for meetings and for our hard of hearing / deaf members. < demo video

Arielle: Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others? 6 months ago

thedeeferry: Working now, Chubby! Thank you! Teleported using Arielle's suggestion (that worked) and then tried direct teleport to Chubelz Ostermarkt (that worked). Yay! ´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人) 7 months ago
Back to the carefree time .
Let's shout it out to the world
“Love, Peace and Happiness”
❤ WHO: DJ Nasti
❤ WHAT: ♪ 60's, 70's,
❤ WHEN: 10 SLT !!!!

♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡ If you′re going to Tosca
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to Tosca
You′re gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to Tosca
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of Tosca
Gentle people with flowers in their hair. ♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡


We look forward to seeing you

TailorNova: Kultparty trifft auf Kult Djane. Was für eine Megaschöne Flower Power Party im Tosca präsentiert von Nasti. Wenn jemand solch eine Party auf der Berg des Olymps bringen kann wird es nur Nasti Bakerly ... 7 months ago
* Black White Village *
A small, sleepy village on the brink of mayoral elections. There are posters on the streetlights everywhere. Really annoying ...
* * * *
* Black White Village *
Ein kleiner verschlafener Ort, der kurz vor den Bürgermeisterwahlen steht. Überall hängen Plakate an den Straßenlaternen. Echt nervig ...

Jerralyn Franzic: A quick way to find a black and white avatar is to visit Shapeshifter. Felix Ringtail's avatars feature black and white skins. Many of the avatars wear monochromatic outfits. Ruth and Roth bodies are ... 9 months ago

OPENSIM - The grids that cry poaching..

ShalHeira: You can't poach someone who owns their own free will. You are an amazing singer and I would come visit you more often, if I only remembered where to look. Seriously. I miss having you around. You were... 1 years ago
Mein geliebtes Weib, meine Siwas
Ich will versuchen dir nur zu versprechen was ich auch halten kann.
Ich kann dir die Welt nicht zu Füssen legen, sie gehört mir nicht.
Ich werde dir keine Sterne mehr vom Himmel holen denn das habe ich schon und du hast deinen Stern.
Ich habe damals gesagt dieser Stern soll dich beschützen und über unsere Liebe wachen. Das hat er getan und uns nach unserer Trennung wieder zusammengeführt.
Vielleicht merkt man erst bei einer Trennung was man wirklich verloren hat.
Wir sind wieder zusammen und nun will ich dich endgültig als meine Frau und werde alles tun dass wir zusammen glücklich sind und unsere Liebe für immer bleibt.
Siwas, du warst immer, du bist und du bleibst für immer mein Baby,

Hange: félicitations plein de bonheur 1 years ago
Opening Titty Twister
Region: SoA Events Events
Event begins: in 1 days : 2022-11-12 11:30 SLT
Added by: SoA .BAD
Saturday, 12. November 20.30 Uhr (11.30 a.m.)
Opening Party with Dj Crazy,
and his - FROM DUSK TILL DAWN - Live Mix
*** All welcome *** Events

Crazyposeidon: Great Video Dorena , well done ! Tolles Video Dorena, sehr gut gemacht ! 2 years ago

Jupiter Rowland: What really happens when you click that thing? Are you being showered with prim dongs? 2 years ago
Continuing our series of profiles of the OSFest team, this time Thirza Ember.
Bookmark our Blog page, it will have information and reviews throughout the festival!
OSFest begins July 8, and runs for 17 days of music, entertainment, shopping and exhibits.

sharanncousine: want t-shirt! 2 years ago
Happy New Year to all Opensim grid owners and users alike. I just want to add my thoughts as a few others have on the past year. We have all seen growth or maybe a decline in our grids and even so far as to have our grids banned by other grid owners. Isn't it bad enough real life has tossed us a pandemic to deal with. Losing Family & Friends we have cherished for years to a sickness we can't get control of. We all come online to escape real life even if just for a few hours, to forget our troubles and just have that bit of time to relax, have fun ... and maybe meet a new friend or two.

I recently had one of my users come to me and say why am I banned from such and such grid? My answer of course is "I have no idea no one has contacted me about any issues." I can tell you this ....if I have an issue with a user visiting my grid I am going to ban the offending user/users not the grid they came from. Banning the whole grid for the unfortunate actions of 1 or 2 users in my opinion is childish and very unfair to all the good users from that grid that have the same lets have fun and meet new people and share what each of us have to offer mind set. After all isn't Opensim supposed to be about offering a place to enjoy the free time you wish to spend online when you access a grid?

I and my partner have and will always try to offer a peaceful and enjoyable experience for users of our grid. If you have had an issue with one of our users please don't ban the grid ban the offending user/users and please feel free to contact me regarding any user from the grid. I am one of those No Tolerance for crap people that will not stand for a user tarnishing our grid by doing something they shouldn't. They want to do that crap it's time for them to move on find someplace else where it's acceptable or get their own grid. We have already banned and deleted one user for unacceptable activity and I am not afraid to do it again if needed.

I like to think and I'm sure I have shown to many visitors I am a very reasonable person to deal with. And I try to act on issues ASAP so the grid is enjoyable for users and visitors alike. See something you don't agree with message me and lets talk. Have a user issue message me and let me know so we can get any issues resolved quickly so we can get back to enjoying our grids and members.

Lets make 2022 a year of change for each of us in Opensim. Lets enjoy our online time helping each other, providing fun places and content for members and visitors to our grids, and working together to resolve any issues that arise in an adult manner.


Trizaria Hunter
Owner/ My Virtual Beach
Rayvn's Roost Designs

Blow Torch: I will say this i Have Never Banned anyone, unless it was really bad, i know some of you :) i use to run Eros island and it took a lot for me to ban anyone since i came to opensim i try to be same way... 3 years ago
EEP SKIES FULL COLLECTION (*) Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LAMP AREA (TP main area) for who enjoy playing with different skies!

1- Imported all old Windlight Sky set from Firestorm and changed to EEP;
2- Added also timezoned EEP for all seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter), between seasons (Spring/Summer, Summer/Autumn etc) and for each season or between seasons, all kind of days (clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy) , all ready to use!
3- Some nice textures for moon, Sun and Water included for those who like to customize the skies and give an extra touch on SIM.

(*) Make sure your grid is EEP enabled and using the latest Firestorm - unsure how and if it works on others viewers though).

Enjoy :)

If you can't reach the Sim or crash after teleport, please tell me here or inworld! Greetings!

We all love to fly, don't we?
So I decided to make a ridable version of my dragon, as rezzer, so all your visitors can get their own.
Its temp, no worry of littering your place.
Get yours in my shop!

Luna Lunaria: Always nice to visit your region Peter :-) 4 days ago

Everything will take its bitter revenge at some point, says the Dark Angel.

LaviaLavine: This saying is just another way of saying, be careful what you do and say, because eventually those things will come around to bite you in the butt, or the old saying "What goes around, comes around".... 2 months ago
As some of you might have seen, the region hosting the Shoppe has divided into four themed ones, and so have we!
- Starchild Shoppe: Furniture: hop://
- Starchild Shoppe: Odds&Decor: hop://
- Starchild Shoppe: Landscaping: hop://
While the previous location is still available, it will be decomissioned soon!

Chelsea Louloudi: Wow, it is spectacular, Aurora. 3 months ago
Today at Soul-Grid !!!!

Up to 8pm CET the Soul Residents' Show begins. Our Show is more then entertaining. It's an Adventure, which brings people together. It's where you find friends, where you laugh and have fun together. Share that moment with us, let's enjoy the Show. Danach After-Show
Were looking forward to see you
Heute im Soul-Grid !!!!

Ab 20 Uhr starten die Soul Bewohner mit ihrer Bühnenshow, unsere Bühnenshow ist mehr als Unterhaltung – sie ist ein Erlebnis, das Menschen zusammenbringt, wo man Freundschaften knüpft, wo man lacht und miteinander spaßt. Teilt diesen Augenblick mit uns, lasst uns miteinander feiern.
Danach geht es mit Musik und guter Laune weiter.
Wir freuen uns auf euch

MarcWatcher: Danke dass ich ein Teil von diesem super tollen Abend sein durfte. 4 months ago
How to get text messages, emails, pushover, telegram, and jabber alerts if a region goes down on your grid. Well it's easy. Download servermonitor from Next unzip it and upload it to your linux box. I put the files in /var/www/html/servermonitor.
Next get on your web browser and go to Fill in the questions. Set up a web database of your choosing. Create a user and a password. I did this: create database servers; create user 'someone'@'localhost' identified by 'password'; grant all on servers.* to 'someone'@'localhost'; flush priveleges;
Once that is set up, it's a breeze. Use the web interface to add servers to your list. For regions just enter a service and the port number the region is on. example service, custom port, 8007 Then select how you want to be notified if the region goes down. e.g. email or sms text message, etc. Finally using crontab -e enter * * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/servermonitor/cron/status.cron.php You are done. Now if one of your regions goes offline you will know about it in 60 seconds. Also you can add websites to the list to be monitored, mail servers, any kind of server really. It has a looooong list of server types that can be added. (very handy). Additionally you can click on a region and see it's uptime plotted hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly as well as LATENCY. We all know how important latency is for showing lag. :) Enjoy!
Note: When they go offline the console shows them as red. Also you get a text message, email, etc.

Jared Seda: This is so freaking awesome thank you for sharing this!!! 4 months ago
The Love Is Love Alliance
We promote LGBT community-building activities in OS, such as identifying and promoting places that celebrate pride, individuality, and diversity. Membership is open to all people and places supportive of our purpose and those working to promote it.

Join us:

Jupiter Rowland: Jamie, if you're a member, you may want to advertise which ever Birch Grove sim you've currently got online. I guess they all have the Pride Shop now. 4 months ago
Welcome to MAGABAGA INTERNATIONAL SPACEPORT- All species are welcome, even humans... SIMs at WTG are connected so fly your ship and use our facilities.. Enjoy the performance of our alien artists... And avoid being nearby Aracno Airlines store... they are not much keen of people...

thedeeferry: Wish I could be there. IP banned. Thanks AMV. 5 months ago
Because sharing is caring? 8 people... so up to 4 simultaneous couples at the same time with more than 1000 animations all up! Because it is all could even make the rug 100% transparent and just place it on a beach! Possibilities are endless - the challenge might be to fill all the sitters!
Uber: hop://

RafaGuzn: Thank you for the gifts, a little bit too laggy though. It might help to make one package for each product, instead of separated single items. Just a suggestion. 8 months ago

Lyr Lobo talking about Shopping and Content in Opensim, on Inworld Review. Do you agree with her suggestions and opinions?

Arielle: What specific suggestions and opinions are you meaning @Thirza Ember? Can you point to the time of the show you are referring to? 10 months ago
@FerdFrederix designed Dream Grid Software with one goal in mind: to revolutionize the way we load grids. Its lightning-fast performance is made possible through a combination of innovative technologies and optimizations, ensuring that your grids load at blazing speeds. A new release 5.4993 is out now, upload now!

Thank you, Ferd, your many hours invested are very much appreciated!! You are a shining testament to brilliance in coding. Nice work!

ToniaKara: I love DreamGrid and have it running at I have a lot to learn but being a nerdy girl guess it is fun! 1 years ago

How's THAT for space saving in a small area? haha! xD STILL ALIVE! lol ;)
Prayers, love, hugs n high 5's everyone. :)

Marianna : When Life Throws You a Curve bro you …Lean Into It, Pick Your Lane and Keep Your Weight on the Outside Peg. It wasn't a question of if you would be back it was when. Welcome back, Johnny 2 years ago

WOW, I wonder what I can do with such a GENEROUS land impact?

Spax Orion: @Jimmy Olsen I have NOTHING on my mind. Do you? 2 years ago

I want to ask the Opensim community... Is it normal that the objects that an Avitron user gives you, can not be loaded in another sim?

Sashacohen: I dont want copyboot anything...I just want to use the tattoo that a friend of avitron gave me. 2 years ago
Hi everyone!

Heads up 1: We are changing our instant message system, and your messages will now be integrated with it.

In case there are any unread messages of the old instant-chat system, you can find them in this page:

Heads Up 2: The friends system is changing, from followers to friends. People who follow each other will now become friends, otherwise you have to accept their friend requests. Check your friends requests here:

Thank you!

Misty_Falls: Followers are just friends we have not met yet... Thanx OSW. 3 years ago

Hello, bonjour
Grid kaput, broken, cassée
Voila Falene est surement finie
Sorry, it's now possible Falene is dead
Thank for all visitors, merci tout le monde

Dabici132: Chère Falène, c'est avec tristesse que j'ai appris les difficultés techniques rencontrées par Virtualdream Grid. J'espère que toutes tes billes n'étaient pas rattachées à une seule base de données. ... 3 years ago
Reyn and I are excited to bring to you Rigged avatar store! We will be designing bento rigged mesh avatars a bit different than what you might be familiar with. These avatars are designed to work with the Y engine scripts. Clothing is included that can be worn simply by typing into local chat! No more searching through inventory for that favorite blouse! You simply add the textures to the avatar contents and you are set! We have included outfits to get you started! The alphas apply the same fashion just by typing into chat and it applies to the body!
We have a few just for fun and RP and a few that can be worn every day. I can create alphas to work with most clothes. The skin can be changed to your skin if you have the textures. If you know Photoshop or Gimp you can create your very own textures unique to just "you".

A huge thank you to Reyn Softly for creating our store, and a special hug and big thanks to our friend Fred Beckhusen who helped to make all this possible, thank you!
I will be creating new clothes for these avatars as time allows~

Marianna : I owe everyone an apology!! Yesterday for me was wild and had a few issues, firstly the teleportation is now fixed! The second issue I noticed is the Flintstone avatar had the NPC in the box that wa... 3 years ago
So many moralists ... OK too many. I don't understand it, please help me. You don't do everything yourself. You copy right and left. From people who give you everything free, copy mod transe. You do the same things on your land/sim. You block it for others. No mod no trans ...... DID YOU ASK YOURSELF AT WHICH RIGHT? ACROSS FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Do you understand the message Yes? Welcome to Opensim! :-)
Go to Google, learn what is Opensim Free spirit!

So viele Moralisten... OK zu viele. Ich verstehe es nicht, hilf mir bitte. Du machst nicht alles selner. Du kopierst rechts und links. Bei Menschen die Dir alles frei geben, copy mod transe. Die selben Sachen stellst Du an sin Land. Du sperrst es für andere. No mod no trans...... HAST DU DICH IRGEND WANN GEFRAGT: MIT WELCHEM RECHT? GEGENÜBER DEINEN MITMENSCHEN? Verstehst Du die Botschaft? Ja? Willkommen in Opensim! :-)
Gehe zu Google, lerne was Opensim Freigeist ist!

I love the look that PBR gives to polished marble floors

Araminta Hexx: I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but... 5 days ago

Please, Have a look on the gallery of Beautiful Opensim People, and if you want a photo, just ask me about it in my OSW messagery :) so simple !

Marianna : Hella, your ability to make the experience inviting and relaxing made all the difference. From your warm and friendly approach to the thoughtful atmosphere you set up, everything contributed to makin... 28 days ago


Jimmy Olsen: I always tell my friends... Wear a penis in your forehead`s female av and you will get rid of 99% of these male creepy 1 month ago

💜Greetings from me to​ Kamala Harris.💜

Xenon Darrow: Wish you could vote in the USA, gf 1 month ago

Here is one for you Freddie Mercury fans; it plays Mamma. Will be landing tomorrow at shopping mall 2.

Dorena Verne: I must have completely mixed something up and I would like to apologize. I can get into your grid without any problems. 2 months ago
The hypergrid never ceases to amaze me. I went shopping over at Nutella tonight on a shopping avie. My main avie has over 120k items in my inventory, so I use other avies to shop. It has become more and more common that when I jump to other grids, all my mesh gets ripped off. I am then a lumpy nekkid system avie with a hairy face. It's not fun for anyone, trust me. To avoid this, I will strip down to a system avie, then use a full body alpha and be invisible. This prevents the embarrassment, potential maturity rating violations, excessive shopping lag, and having to tp home, log, clear cache, log back in, sometimes 2x to get things to act right again. It's efficient and effective.

I haven't filled out the profile of this shopping avie's a SHOPPING AVIE. I guess I could put "I'm just here to shop" on the profile. But honestly...she is 1/10k avies running around without anything in their profile.

Apparently, a resident there took exception with me and sent me some rather rude messages. I didn't see them because I was engrossed in shopping and had the chat window closed. I saw them when I returned to my home grid. I then reached out to her and explained 1) why I was invisible, and 2) why there was nothing in my profile. She promptly told me she was reporting me to the grid owner for "not acting right."

I popped back over there and spoke to her in genchat, once again explaining myself. I told her to be well and left. I am interested to see if that avie or even this one gets banned because a resident didn't like that I was invisible and shopping. It's always an adventure.

ContessaLacombe: smh. Well, now I'm dying to hear the rest of the story...if there is any at a later date. The suspense is almost more than I can bear.... Grins and winks. 2 months ago

The wildest animal drummer in history!! New created NPC out of Froggies costumes

CyberGlo CyberStar: hhahaha! i love it. so funny! :D I laughed my butt off...! hehehee There it is ---> (__.__) 4 months ago
We happy to announce that our new Mall is opened right now !

As you seen we didnt posted new updates the last 2 Weeks. We used the Time to build a Custom Mall for more space so we can grow.

Why a new Mall? We builded a modular System so we do not need always to change the Land. Every Store got a own Brand name so do not be confused about :)

We got so much new stuff done:
* Male Hair Shop as Requested ( 60+ Hairs with 6 Variation )
* Wedding Shop with Suits & Dresses
* Mesh Nail Shop
* Furniture Shop
* Decoration Shop
* Flower Shop
* Skin Shop ( ofcourse with new Skins )
* Sound Shop
and much more!

As requeseted there is allready a Inworld Group Joiner.
We hope that you like the new Mall and ofcourse there will come more stuff for you.

Happy Shopping,
Amelia & Hertha

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx for the quick and friendly Help 7 months ago

went hunting today, look what i found

Nico Kalani: One of the great things about these sneakers is that they are the only ones I've seen with socks. What is cool is that you can tint the socks. I once had a pair with one sock tinted red and the other ... 8 months ago
Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 9 months ago
THE JOYS OF DREAMGRID. DreamGrid is a software by Fred Beckheusen that makes it super easy to set up your own grid on windows. Having your own grid means that you can back up your lands at a whim, or on a schedule you set. You also have the power to back up your own inventory. Why is this important? When a grid is down for maintenance you are at the mercy of other people relying on their timeline to get the grid back up and running. Having your own grid also lets you control your own npc's, and gives you vast amounts of power that you don't have if someone else is in charge. If you have a problem with a person you can block their entire grid, or just that person if you don't like them. You can create and control tides, and automate birds flying in the air. Another super cool feature dreamgrid has, is that it lets you just start up the regions people are in, or going to. This means you can have 500 different lands, but if only 10 people are on your grid, then only up to 10 would be active. So basically as people teleport around your 500 lands, only the lands they teleport to instantly load for them to enjoy. This gives you a vast amount of options. DreamGrid even comes with hundreds of ready-made lands you can click and install and instantly enjoy. It also means that you can run hundreds of regions on a small not very powerful computer at your home, as only the active regions people teleport to will be running.
DreamGrid has so many many options and features, to many to mention... That you don't have access to or even dream about if you are a member of someone elses grid. It's easy to run. Now of course there will be some people who have difficulty starting a program or are just technically dumb who will complain about dreamgrid, but these people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer in the first place. DreamGrid is dead simple to operate and has features such as auto restart a crashed region, auto restart all regions at a certain time similiar to secondLife's rolling restarts, and of course the ability to backup all your hard work and your precious inventory at a moments notice. Put it on an external drive and you will never again lose all your data. So give DreamGrid a try! It really is a work of art that deserves praise and recognition.

MrSnoodle: As a Linux user I would love something like this. I did help my dyslexic friend setup his own dream grid world a few weeks ago on his windows 11 laptop. I was surprised how versatile dream grid was a... 1 years ago

📝 How to configure landing points on your sims

An explanation for the landing point controls and how to make landing points act the way you want them to

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The Box
Online Custom Gaming 1 hour ago
MySQL is continually failing to run in Dreamgrid, anybody else having similar issues?
LeonitasLionheart 4 hours ago
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁
Jared Seda 7 hours ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.
Copper 22 hours ago
I wished some here would use the simple form of interpunction. Using dots and commas, so people know where a sentence starts and ends..simple 4th graders thing
Online Custom Gaming yesterday
I really don't know how, but, I use Dreamgrid version 5.492 and I just noticed my region is voice enabled and, voice works! It never did that before... any ideas?
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
How is everyone liking dreamgrid 5.691?
5pm Khiron Ametza singing at La Boricua on Digiworlds. Semi-Formal to Casual. I'll include some Brazilian songs today. hop://
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
About the autoplay thing, i found a way of embedding a youtube playlist in an HTML iframe and forcing it to autoplay so its all good now :)
Essensual 2 days ago
Alex Leo, you came to a formal venue wearing jeans and a tshirt.. and you were asked to change... you ignored my requests so I told your GF, to tell you to change before I remove you.. she told you adn you changed but she didnt like it.. sorry for that.. but dont worry about ever coming here again
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
My Bose has quit. It was a good sounding radio. Now I will throw it in the trash.
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Abbi Masters, did you find your autoplay ?
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
I mean... Soundscape
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
"Vintage Rock Club" is open!
Online Custom Gaming 2 days ago
I'm looking for an autoplay music video playlist or streaming site to put the stream into a TV I have placed in my new Club, Unfortunately Youtube doesnt seem to do such a thing so if anybody has any suggestions it would be appreciated :)
Yana Dakota 2 days ago
Get your taxi to AMV Welcome, Yana is starting her DJing in 15 minutes . hop://
JoshBoam 3 days ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out!
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
Maybe a Vexed, Bothered, and Bewildered Max
Nico Kalani 3 days ago
I'm more of a Moderately Perturbed Max.

Upcoming Events
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43 minutes ago Event Plaza 0
43 minutes ago Masala Al Kohav 0
Started DJ SISSI
43 minutes ago Jungle Friends 0
in 17 minutes SPACE FORCE 1
in 17 minutes Event Plaza 0
Soon DJ Alex
in 17 minutes Paradise Lagoon 0
in 1 hours SPACE FORCE 1
in 1 hours EQG Club Equinox 0
in 1 hours Event Plaza 0
in 1 hours Paradise Lagoon 0

New Comments

Xenon Darrow 50 minutes ago
Got the adult sippy cup. It's AMAZING
Bebe 1 hour ago
Who doesn't love Autumn eh..Enjoy :))
Darci Viper 2 hours ago
Thank you Bebe for the cool items.. cant wait to see whats coming soon ;)
SilviaFrey 2 hours ago
Acabo de ver el anuncio ahora. Estoy segura de que tuviste una fiesta genial llena de tanta gente que te aprecia. Feliz cumpleaños amiga!!!
AngelicKisses 4 hours ago
Happy Birthday, Marpil!! Hope your day was blessed. :)
Bebe 5 hours ago
I am still adding items to the pumpkin stores, so check frequently
Milly Money 8 hours ago
hop:// Al Kohav/884/782/21 Its there and Lavia, it is exquisite!! Thank you for this beauty!! :)
Fearghus McMahon 10 hours ago
Happy belated birthday!
Carmen Jewel 12 hours ago
Happy Birthday , hope you had an Awesome Day !!


Sunny Brook
Very well organized. Very good location for all things Wedding/Bridal from rings to animation proposals to venues! Also found a lot of building supplies, furniture and knick knacks. Highly recommend.
Faith Fromund 2 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Can you explain to me and everyone else in Opensim what the point of you creating a room and filling it up with all the avatars you have made. Is it so people can just look at them when you rez them ?...
Michelle Hartley 3 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Since last year I have been going to this wonderful club, it reminds me of when I was a teenager, I love disco music, I liked to dance in the best clubs in my city. I invite everyone to come and enjoy...
Toms5 20 hours ago
Trianon Complex
from the moment I started having a Love Song event (2021) in the Trianon Ballroom, it has always been a formal event. A place to get dressed up and enjoy the soft music with your friends, but lately p...
Essensual 20 hours ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
Wonderful mall!
KHIRONAMETZA 22 hours ago
Super Nova Beach Resort
Wonderfully setup place. The beaches are amazing and the store has SO many bikini's, swimsuits, dresses and other outfits, most of them in multiple patterns/colors. Truly impressed!
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
Trianon Complex
Дорогой мой Алекс:) That's why Peter I is GREAT! The Tsar has realized that he has to shorten your beards and lengthen your brains! Unfortunately, he's only half-done. I also don't like exaggerated "...
Pagane yesterday
Trianon Complex
They demand too much from their guests in appearance, although they themselves look clumsy and have unkempt avi. Hey, first get yourself in order and then demand.
Alex Leo 2 days ago
Armstrong Museum
A most unique selection of aircraft and spacecraft, many one of a kind in OS. Well worth the visit by any aviation enthusiast, and even the casual tourist looking for something new. Well done.
TroySeaknight 2 days ago

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