OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

NW Welcome
0 Users 6 0
Neverworld Grid Welcome area is your starting point in Neverworld Grid. We offer 10,000 meter parcels to all residents and everything here is free! We are serious creators who design for opensim, so ...

Happy Holidays from Sharing is Caring Grid
New Animesh Cute Pets in Store - Santa Baby Chimp & Bunny !!

KatKakoola: Another total smile from Chilli - as always :) THANK YOU XOXOXOX 1 years ago
Heute zum 1.Advent "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing youWe look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: sooooooooooooo schöne lieder .............sooooooooooooooooo schön 1 years ago

----- NEW OUTFITS -----

Ellen: such cute clothes!! thank you! 1 years ago

New on camballa
only Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

New on camballa
only Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Thanks everyone, we're still here ? Wow Happy Birthday Arkham City,I love you


NineZero: So, who's requesting sexy underage looking avatars? 1 years ago

Some of our most awesome residents are noobies!

PinDeluca: Awww I love him !!!!! Where can i get one ? 1 years ago

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 1 years ago

ok the structure is finished apart from a few windows,I'll call the painter tomorrow,
it seems like the right one....

William hell: obvious 2 years ago
@FerdFrederix designed Dream Grid Software with one goal in mind: to revolutionize the way we load grids. Its lightning-fast performance is made possible through a combination of innovative technologies and optimizations, ensuring that your grids load at blazing speeds. A new release 5.4993 is out now, upload now!

Thank you, Ferd, your many hours invested are very much appreciated!! You are a shining testament to brilliance in coding. Nice work!

ToniaKara: I love DreamGrid and have it running at I have a lot to learn but being a nerdy girl guess it is fun! 2 years ago

Fun With Curves! I wanted a nice looking rope at the end of the dock,and,of course, bollards. The pelican is on the animesh drawingboard:)

Ladybug, Bee, Dung Beetle, Praying Mantis, and Stag Beetle avatars! Come hang out in the garden as the bug of your choice! Gardens Thank you, Ferd!

Marianna: The house is phantom so the bugs can fly inside the house and look around. Inside you will see a beetle in a cereal box munching, ants in the sugar, and a beetle in the bathtub drain. Take some time... 2 years ago


JeannieDagostino: awww schööön chubby 2 years ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca


victorialogan: beautiful news, happy let me know that we will find you on friends grid. Safine, a wonderful person who is very supportive, always offering her help 2 years ago

would you like to live in tuscany?

AbbiAshland: That looks so pretty. 2 years ago
Second batch of items added, including ornaments, statues, and, special offer:
Your name (or sim-name) converted to mesh .
Send a notecard or IM to amsterdam with details.
You see an example rotating in the shop!

new baby in arms

Early morning harrow- or the early bird gets the worm.


In reference to my post yesterday..
A professor gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons. The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
The professor said to the students: “These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness....we'll find ours too. This is the same as "community building" if we all help and support each other.. we would be much happier.. just something to think about.. as a side note.. I love teachers who teach like this!
Here’s to caring about everyone’s happiness .. now and always!

Suzi_Avonside: I think you've just fundamentally described what socialism is! I realise that that will probably scare the living daylights out of the average, everyday American over the age of 40, but think about i... 2 years ago

-Bakes On Mesh -
#curvybody #heads #fullavatar #arkhamcity

Jerralyn Franzic: Happy Easter 2 years ago

Just some items from the decor section that is available for you here at TSD. Happy shopping ♥

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Curious! How many people care about rankings? Curious! What do people look for when coming to OSW? What do you use to find things to do on OSW. Is it rankings, region it party, shop, explore. Does someone being #1 or top 10, bother you? For myself, I use OSW to find the latest happenings, in shops , builds, and courses, by new ads from people. Then I check out the events list, for the upcoming events. Look for a good chat, to participate. Lately this chat has been attacks on someone. If there is a problem with someone, should you not use a private chat? Or report to OSW, and have them handle the situation.

Zeus2485 Anton: Everyone who comes here can enjoy the hard work of opensim and the owners nice free shoping dance, stuff and lands meet peoples 2 years ago

News at Camballa
Midnight Dress in any Colors
lovely sexy long Gown
have all a good time
Karin Becker

Ellen: I love this hair! Is it available at your store? 2 years ago

Harp outfit in any Colors
Jacket -pants-Blouse
make your Combination self
have all a good time
Karin Becker

harthelie: super merci 2 years ago

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Are you tired and/or frustrated of terraforming? Does it take so long and it doesn`t look good? Fear not, you are not alone. Still you can decorate your region with nice mesh mountains, 01 prim only!!! - Seasonal textures included too! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at MOUNTAIN AREA, BOX 01 (its on the last box ,bottom right). Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: If you want to see them rezed as models, come to my SIM ALFHEIM and see them :) 2 years ago


New arrived!!
Visit our new Shop, made by Lulu Evergreen.
The first things are arrived at her new shop, so come and take a look.
Maybe you find something special for you.
Lulus Fashion is at our skymall at the 2nd floor
Have fun shopping

Full Avatar Evo Valentine's day #arkhamcity

neuer Schmuck im Beauty Shop

8 Brandnew Landscape Items for you .. enchanted Ruins , Viking Path and so much more .. enjoy it .. hugs Bella

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#giulyevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

Free Trees .. animated and without animation :))

I just Open a New Shop Soft Thighs
where you can find garter and stocking

Xmas time #christmas2022
available in Arkham City

Wie auch im letzen jahr gibt es auf der Shopping mall ein Advents kalender.24 Geschenke warten auf euch

Like last year, there is an Advent Calendar on the shopping mall. 24 gifts waiting for you

Ich habe wieder geöffnet...wünsche Euch viel Spass beim shoppen

SheaButter: Great winter build. Thanks for sharing. 2 years ago
A new large shop awaits you on Camballa - Mall.
With many new outfits for men and women.
A little of that and a little of that-
Winter outfits also included.
I hope you will enjoy visiting Camballa.
Be my guests and have a nice time
Your Karin Becker

Kingman Furniture Design autumn
Teleport Arkham Free Access

oni kiri: hehehehe 2 years ago

Halloween has arrived at Dinkietown! Get your cute Dinkie Halloween costume here or at the Lovecats region. Don't forget to join the Dinkietowngroup to get special membergifts only.


Je voudrais vous parler, ce jour d’une confusion trop fréquente concernant les likes sur le site OpenSim World
Le probleme provient des likes donnés aux photographies.
C’est gentil mais ce n’est pas vraiment le but recherché.
Les likes, sont à l’origine prévus pour les terrains, établir leur classement, leur position de manière générale,
Donc, liker une photographie est bien mais cela n’aide pas le terrain, car il faut le liker aussi.
Car on trouve des photographies avec beaucoup de likes, alors que le terrain en a quasiment pas .
Ce qui est un problème !
Si vous pouviez y penser à l’avenir, merci pour ceux qui travaillent sur leurs terrains, quelque soit la réalisation,

Enfin, autre point :
Comment pouvez vous visiter un terrain en quelques secondes ?

Merci d’avoir lu, bonne journée.


I would like to talk to you today about an all too frequent confusion about likes on the OpenSim World site
The problem comes from the likes given to the photographs.
It's nice but that's not really the goal.
The likes, are originally intended for the grounds, establish their ranking, their position in general,
So, liking a photograph is good but it doesn't help the field, because you have to like it too.
Because we find photographs with a lot of likes, while the field has almost none.
Which is a problem!
If you could think about it in the future, thank you for those who work on their land, whatever the realization,
Thank you.

Finally, another point:
How can you visit a plot of land in seconds?

Thank you for reading, have a nice day.

SheaButter: I wouldn't say seconds. But if it is hard to move around, because so beautiful, need more than 5 min to load everything. Then the experience, becomes a move along. For instance, a club who wants to be... 3 years ago
CopyKat Life Boat: Alt Island
CK Alt Island is a 2x2 region made available by Apollo Star. I'm still setting up the estate as a short-term hang-out/dance venue. Other uses, such as having shops, are possible if it looks like we need to use this region longer.

CK Alt Island is open to the public. CK residents can sign in with an alt account on another grid. Then come to the Island and set it as your home location if you like. We can use the region until November if we need to.

Thanks to everyone for your help and offers of land.

Antonia Ling: Much luck for the CopyKats and Nico! BTW: The surrealistic image is so cool - love it. 3 years ago

NEW Release !!!!!

Elas Fashion has moved to a new region.
A whole mall awaits you.
have fun and look around

Elas Fashion ist auf eine neue Region gezogen.
Eine ganze mall erwartet euch .
habt viel spass und schaut euch um

KarinBecker: Thanks to all have fun your Karin Becker 3 years ago

Live Traffic
Rio De Janeiro
1 0
Masala Al Kohav
41 1
OpenSim Worlds Fair
13 0
Alternate Metaverse
59 3
SciattiShopClothes A
89 5
Hypergrid Games
11 5
5 0
48 7
The Dome A
19 3
Events Plaza
6 0
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
48 8
Ruritania A
96 12
13 0
1 0
2 1
Regions Online: 1,783
Active: 372 avatars in 193 regions
The Box
Wolf Territories Grid 4 hours ago
Try posting on their FB page
Speck 4 hours ago
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA 4 hours ago
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane 5 hours ago
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!
CherylFurse 5 hours ago
Niedersachsen kann bestimmt aushelfen. Die haben genug Hühnerfarmen für die ganze USA lol
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
oder brauchst internationale Aufmerksamkeit ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
Schreib deutsch oder sprech mit Trump Player
CherylFurse 8 hours ago
@Susanna Live and let live. Best solution for any family or small community. We are social humen and want to feel free in our being. So best is not to bully others and let them live.
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
Mitleid meinte ich und Beileid bei dem Wort habe ich in der Schule gefehlt ... es sterben jeden Tag tausende und viele haben Problem aber wenn ich umfalle stört es auch niemanden in zum Beispiel Syrien Afrika wo auch immer auf dem Planeten
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
ich höre mir geren mal was an und ist sicht nicht schön wenn man krank ist aber ich sags wie es ist .... Mitlkeid habe ich noch weniger als Geld und gut ist
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
aber du kommst mir wie Lone Wolf vor der labert mich auch bei fast jeder Sache mit seiner Krankheit voll .. .sorry was geht mich seine Krankheit an .. er hat das mit seinem Grid voll im Griff und er ist ein netter Mensch seine Krankheit haben tausende soll ich jetzt weinen
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
und was ist würdevoll ... fang einfach mal mit dem Wort normal an würdevoll in 3D Games ist das ausloggen
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
ohhh es gibt für Demente Menschen keine Ansprech Partner in real ?
CherylFurse 8 hours ago
@Susanna ich habe immer noch den Glauben an Vernunft der Menschen. Meine Naivität. Auch Demente haben noch klare Momente und möchte noch würdevolle Gespräche führen können.
Susanna_Heller 10 hours ago
@CherylFurse wieso reagierst du auf die Leute hier .. ich reagier nur auf den Pixel Verschnitt hier weils Lustig ist einigen ans Bein zu pissen .. das hier hat keine Bedeutung auf das ware Leben also Scheiss drauf
Speck 12 hours ago
@Gentle (Edited for crap typing) Only if you warm your hands and don't make any walnut jokes!
Gentle Dragonheart 12 hours ago
Aww come on Speck, sharing is caring!

New Comments

Jordan Melody 2 hours ago
The Bluesman
Xaria Aubrey 5 hours ago
At the end of the day, all of this is supposed to be about fun, right? Hugs Harmony!
Innatenessboucher 7 hours ago
Very much enjoyed the sim. Thank you, Your order, insights and suppa chillness were noticed. Be well. Olwe Obfuse @ Obfuse Chill Grid
PinDeluca 10 hours ago
I am not sure how to find your shop and the street party :( I keep landing at a club
Marianna 10 hours ago
You have full control over automated backups of all data, including IAR saves and loads for users, with exclusive access to 63 OARs crafted by top OpenSim artists. Plus, with 259 free OARs and a vast ...
Amara Lace 10 hours ago
Copy to the end of the numbers not sure why the whole thing doesn't highlight but copy all the way to the end of 26.
Speck 12 hours ago
I went to see the doctor and he told me I was suffering from vertigo. Right? Like I'm going to fall for THAT one!
Gentle Dragonheart 12 hours ago
I think that is only partially true, Speck. I think it also much depends on the kind of sim/grid you are running and the amount of asshattery it inspires in people. The more controversial a theme is, ...
Harmony Beningborough 12 hours ago
Thank you so much! Mermaid's Cove is the home of Perfect Harmony Home Decor! Ok, I'm not a great creator, but I have fun and that's what it's all about right? All Perfect Harmony items at Mermaid's co...


Events Plaza
Seriously? You gotta be kidding me, How the hell can you be on the 11 place with just 6 likes...something stinks
Cullen_Bohannon 2 hours ago
OpenSim Worlds Fair
If only there were more stars!! This month-long event is so freakin' amazing!! There is soooooooo much here to see and do! Lone Wolf has the region running great and Kimm, Koshari and Cooper have work...
JojoA 12 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
This is the best grid out there as far as I have seen. I have been on a few. Everyone here is very friendly, they all feel like family. Not a better bunch will you find! So if your looking for a ho...
LaRissaBogbat 16 hours ago
The Cedars
Thank you for the lovely freebies.
Debra Ann Congi 18 hours ago
I would like to know why I can't log into Agora. I'm getting a message that users in my world don't have permission. I selfhost on Neverworld.
SaskiaKasaev yesterday
What a great store! EVERYTHING WORKS! Good selections of all kinds of stuff. I shop here before any place else. Furniture - skins and doo dads (I got a hairy chest now!)
DukeNobusho 2 days ago
SilverFox Mall
Such a well laid out mall, all good quality stuff and the 3D texture packs are to die for! So many other positive reviews, and it deserves every one of them.
Zendrako 2 days ago
New and Exciting Clubs at Captiva. Everything you can imagine to do there. I loved the haunted house and Neptune's Beach. I could spend a month there and not see and do everything! I got loads of fr...
AbbeyRoad 2 days ago
Events Plaza
woot woot !!
Hicks 2 days ago

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