OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Erotic Dreams Nude Beach
0 Users 3 1 A
Step into a world of pure relaxation and discovery at one of the most stunning adult nudie beaches in Opensim! Located within the OpenSim Network, this beach is perfect for those seeking an open and c...

New !!!! Glafi Outfit inc.Black Jacket
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

@Aloria came by with a special request which I always love a good challenge. On her list was a Locket that could be opened when touched. I created a Love Locket that can be opened by touch thanks to @FerdFrederix tips! I still have some fine-tuning yet to do but it should be out later this week. I created three lockets, Cameo, Celtic Heart, and Love Locket. The image has a texture-changing script so that you can add the images to the contents of the image prim, that way you can select different images. If you would like to create your own locket that opens and closes I wrote a bit of info on how to here: the lockets will be out soon~

Marianna : I have just placed the first Love Locket in the foyer, I will have the others ready tomorrow. Thank you @FerdFrederix for lending a hand with the scripts! Enjoy! 2 years ago

Wir wünschen allen ein schönes Osterfest mit viel Sonnenschein.

Soul-Grid : Vielen Dank dir Kiki :) 2 years ago

News at Camballa
New Dress and
3 boxes of Shoes
everything in many colors
have all a good time
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
greet yours
Karin Beckers

Happy Valentine♥♥♥ New Gown for Valentine

Full Avatar Evo Valentine's day #arkhamcity

so so much NEWs at the 2nd Floor now, Deco, Furniture, Plants .. happy shopping

Happy New Year

KikiBaily: Frohes Neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago

Wünsche Euch allen einen guten Rutsch und ein frohes neues Jahr

KikiBaily: Frohes neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago

❤️ Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes neues Jahr. ❤️
❤️ I wish you all a happy new year. ❤️

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch liebe dorena 2 years ago
A celebration of the life of Veritas McMaster is to be held on the Alternate Metraverse Grid on 1/2/23 @ 10 -12 SLT grid time
Veri loved this world and the people who lived in it with her. Please show your love and respect for the person she was in your life and celebrate her together.


Littlefield Grid: So very sorry to hear this she was a wonderful lady and she will be greatly missed by all of us. 2 years ago

Wünsche allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest. :-)
Wish everyone a Merry Christmas. :-)

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir und deiner familie auch eine frohe weihnacht dorena:) 2 years ago

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir auch frohe sweety♥ 2 years ago

Roland Francis horse in christmas look on Tosca

KarinBecker: So schöne Pferde.............noch viele mehr 2 years ago
We are moved to our own Grid .. pls join the Group again you can find it at my Mainstore in Offworld .. huggies Bella

Wir sind umgezogen in unser eigenes Grid .. bitte die Gruppe nochmal neu nehmen, du findest den Inviter im neuen Mainstore in Offworld .. Knuddel Bella

News For Roleplayers
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Ab sofort sind auf Dorenas World die Regionen Weihnachtsmarkt und Wintersport wieder online.

JeanDagostino: sehr schön gemacht dorena :)))... wir haben grad ganz viel spass ... 2 years ago

Halloween and Clown Dinkies at DinkieLane.

The first and only beer spa in Opensim. An experience of a special kind, after 5 minutes in the beer bath you get the smell of beer in your real nose. We are looking forward to your visit!
Even water becomes a noble drop when mixed with hops and malt!

BELZE: Hat richtig gut getan das Bad im bier 2 years ago

!NEW! Neva Outfit .... Turtleneck comes in four Colors

But now another topic. Do you like art?
Then come and visit my gallery '.inspired by René Magritte' in the OSgrid in the region 'The Art Factory'.
There are also other artists represented. There is a lot to see!
This is a 360° snapshot from the 2nd floor with my newer pictures.

Luna Lunaria: I love your work Antonia :-) 3 years ago

** NEW RELEASE ** DWARF DATE PALM TREE PACK ** 01 prim mesh (up til 12 trees) with animated leaves. All FREE and FULL PERM available at BOX 01, TROPICAL AREA. Enjoy :)

VeritasMcMaster: I see, click "Flora" at top and takes you to page with LMs 3 years ago

La Nube
#newregion #arkhamgrid #2022

Weiter geht es in die nächste Runde, mit der Zwangsbeglückung on Air für euch DJ Tommy

CherylFurse: War klasse! Und tolle Mix. Hatte ich noch nicht gehört zuvor. Scheint wohl Spezialität von Tommy zu sein. 3 years ago
I found the cutest tiny birds by Jian. They were broken and unanimated, so of course, i fixed them! If you would like some tiny animated birds to put out on your sim come by and help yourself! :) As always they are for sale for 0$ The detail in these birds is amazing! I can't believe they were lost and unworking for so long! How beautiful!

Thirza Ember: you really are magic. 3 years ago

360 snap test

Luna Lunaria: Lovely work Cherry 🥰 3 years ago

my "pièce de résistance ", so far: animated peacock with unfolding tail!

Peter: lol, thanks sweety! damm, thats been ages we had a chat:)) 3 years ago
Did you always wonder where to find an octagon shape for ur building and hadn`t found anywhere on metaverse? No need to look for it anymore! Here comes a FREE and FULL PERM basic geometric shapes pack (*) for you.. Thx for my friend @Areum Yeoshin (AMV) who had asked me for a hexagon shape and gave me an idea? Why not make it for others who are in search of such odd shapes here.. And i Said.. why not :) hope u like it.

(*) For obvious reasons, some shapes like square or ring shown on pic are not there as its easily done by any prim.

Jimmy Olsen: *****3D MUSEUM ******BASIC GEOMETRIC SHAPES 14MAR22 UPDATE!!******* Added more 31 interesting shapes inside box. Also on both solid and hollow versions for ur building! Available for FREE and FULL PER... 3 years ago
Ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg bei allen bedanken, die so zahlreich aus nah und fern zum Abschied von Cayoun Daydreamer erschienen sind.
Das hat mich sehr gerührt.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came in such large numbers from near and far to say goodbye to Cayoun Daydreamer.
That touched me very much.

welcome Carnival Land
#newregion @arkhamgrid #2022

A new shop for all Dinkie-lovers.
Theme will be Harlequins and it is a little store inside the Castle, with all sorts of Harlequin Dinkies and their new outfits.

We offer BOM and Open Sim Dinkie Clothings.
The BOM boxes will also include some new dinkie avatars inside, which are a special gift to Open Sim by White Angel Deed.

AnaKathy: i love it so much ♥ 3 years ago
The Lantern of the Glen has just been put out in the enchanted section of the shop.

I needed something for the garden that was a little more fanciful than a street lamp.
It comes in iron or bronze with different leaf and glass versions as well. I'm afraid I got a bit carried away with the versions. I do like to have choices :D

It has also got a master/slave light script version in addition to one that's a manual menu script. Details are on the notecard inside the box along with the textures.

Have an excellent day!

Jupiter Rowland: I can relate to getting carried away. I need one tailor-made shelf for a store, I end up making 32. Juno needs a skin, I have to limit myself in order to not make more than 138 skins. But hey, maybe ... 3 years ago
Inspired by René Magritte
Le fils de l'homme / The Son of Man / Der Menschensohn (1964)

This free 3D-model was found by Avia Bone und fixed by Modee Parlez.

Now in my gallery '.inspired by René Magritte'.
Opensim | OSGrid | The Art Factory
( Art Factory)

Special thanks to

Avia Bonne - @Avia3D
Modee Parlez - @Modee

for their support!

New in the store, Steamkies!
Little Dinkie-avatars go Steampunk!
This outfit can be used by BOM and Open Sim dinkies.

Happy New Year!

Well, it's been a while since I had a new release. I've been RL busy, busy and getting the garden ready for winter.
I know it's a little early for this one but before we know it the holidays will be upon us! I've put out pointsettias with and without pots in the Xmas section of the shop. They come in Red, Pink and White. Textures and all variations are included in the box.

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!

Au secours
Help !
Achtung !

hello bonjour gutten tag ciap
mon nouveau projet , my last project

Thanks to Aaack Aardvark and Bibiana Bombinate we have new designs for the OpenSimWorld Teleporter, including a steampunk version!

As always you can get them from the OSW region:

A new level....animated mesh! The first creatures are in the sim already, I'll be busy making animations for them over the next months, or longer:)

*** WATER & RAIN & WAVE RELATED (PACK) *** NEW RELEASE *** All of these sorted stuffs available at TROPICAL AREA, BOX 01 for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)
PS. For thoses whom are looking for the rain/snow HUD system, it is still at WEATHER AREA. thx

Just arrived to Oceanid II - Zoe's mall II, the new Bento BoM Mesh Body (Athena6), and all the New BoM layers, for your gorgeous bodies.
Enjoy share and be happy!

The new Stark! magazine with Typhaine Artez from Sacrarium is out now!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the new Stark landing point.

I've been posting & asking others about "LIKING" our new welcome area :D

If you look above here, you will see this pic that I posted. This is where I am referring for you to "like". :D

You may like elsewhere too! Giggelz :D

But that is the main area that I am referring to! :D



victorialogan: The place is very nice, its spaces are designed so that the user can spend pleasant moments. The people welcome you with warmth and a very good disposition. 5 days ago
Reposting this as it is an important fix any grid can and should run. There is a patch in core Opensimulator code as of 2/15 to allow outfits to load correctly without breaking links. This has been a bug forever, and was caused by loading IARs. For the those grids that do not use core's latest dev (PBR), I have SQL for grid owners to fix their broken links in outfits. DreamGrid has this patch for future uploads, and also will run this SQL to repair all old outfits. You need do nothing except update to the latest DreamGrid 6.02 (Non PBR) or 7.02 (PBR). DreamGrid will automatically fix old as well as IAR uploads, even in V6 series which is Opensim 0.9.2 ( Non PBR )

Mysql SQL code is this:
use robust; //with whatever your database is. For standalones it may be 'opensim' as there is no robust.
show databases; // will show you which databases you have and their names.

use robust;
update inventoryfolders set type = 47 where foldername='My Outfits' and type = -1;

This fixes all old links. You need the patched Opensim to fix future links, OR you can run this again after loading an IAR. You do not have to do this, links can be fixed in the viewer but it's a tad tedious.

Grids will need to compile dev master from Feb 15 or later to make this automatic fix when loading of IARS. If you can't do that, just run this SQL after any IAR load.

Please be aware you should backup your robust database first, just in case. The details for coders is at

Mirror_Mondegreen: Is there a possibility that the broken links are the result of certain versions of Firestorm writing incorrectly to the database, and that the damage to the outfit folder is actually just a symptom of... 8 days ago
EQG Steampunk Festival is now open to the public.
Edison & Steamy's Anniversary Party begins at 3pm, however until then, you may wish to come by and attempt the Scavenger Hunt, or just check out the region. Steampunk Festival

AdrianaDarkheart: great party , wonderful people ♥ 11 days ago

Live Traffic
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Shopping FUN A
11 0
SciattiShopClothes A
88 5
24 7
ShoppingDance A
6 1
44 2
Alternate Metaverse
53 3
Welcome Area A
16 1
3 0
6 1
Maze Grid Home A
4 1
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
44 7
Kings Quarter A
12 2
Regions Online: 1,793
Active: 178 avatars in 136 regions
The Box
Khiron Ametza 14 hours ago
thank you Kristina!
Ted Junior 20 hours ago
HI ALL IF YOU BORED , join us at amv, Dj Sofee Spinning your tunes , Hola a todos tenemos festuki con dj sofee , guten mittag alle , dj sofee macht musik jetz ihr zeit alle eingeladen , feel free to join us , meet and Metaverse
Spahkey yesterday
Good morning everyone
KrisTina yesterday
@KHIRONAMETZA ask @RichardFairplay
Khiron Ametza yesterday
Please Watersplash grid owner or somebody else can tell me if NewLifeItaly grid was mac banned from your grid?
Esti Mation 2 days ago
about dreamgrid, i also wrote to Fred and got the normal reply and the download of it got online and it is downloadable again, too late for me but others can do
JamieWright 2 days ago
I found a hurdy gurdy on Sketchfab. It's the weird little things sometimes that delight:)
Pagane 2 days ago
Despite all the problems in Osgrid, even when their server is offline, it absolutely correctly notifies me that I am banned in LBSA, but I can visit other SIM even they are down :) This is transpolar!
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
yehhh osgrid is bipolar these days... up, down, up, down...
JamieWright 2 days ago
SheaButter 2 days ago
@Blake Hayvenhurst...Osgrid is offline for maintenance.
Pagane 3 days ago
osgrid is partialy down. may be 99,98%
Blake Hayvenhurst 3 days ago
Been offline for some time, noticed soul grid can't visit osgrid anymore? what did I miss?
Hicks 3 days ago
ty :)
Susanna_Heller 3 days ago
But I know that young French people can get over it in a few hours
Hicks 3 days ago
i juste care about my health so i need a day off:)
Susanna_Heller 3 days ago
Hicks you at this time .. .holiday (vacation) or pension (lottery win)? I have work shift ....

New Comments

Jordan Melody 56 minutes ago
There should most definitely be a club
No_Decent_Name 9 hours ago
Very kewl and huge welcome area with TP's to all sorts of regions! Thank you for this edition to Opensim!
Khiron Ametza 10 hours ago
Come on come on guys!!!!
PamellaEaston 10 hours ago
Good Luck Khiron!!
JamieWright 10 hours ago
Cool story building. What bird is that? Is it a rideable creature?
sofee supermarine 11 hours ago
It's always amazing to see people from all over OpenSim come together, enjoy the music, and share good vibes. Here's to more fantastic parties ahead! :-)
Xenon Darrow 12 hours ago
THAT IS AWESOME! Can we be vampires???
Siwas 13 hours ago
Daumen hoch!
Amara Lace 13 hours ago
Party Party Party!!!!!


Graywolf landing
great place to be and listen to the music
IsadoraLeah wolf 9 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
This is a great place to come and hang with family and friends they have awesome games, great staff, down to earth DJ from around the world that are there to make your day happy ! so come on down toda...
Jacobwolf50 13 hours ago
Hartland Shopping
Some very nice builds here, plus well laid out malls
Zendrako 15 hours ago
New Beginnings
This is the most beautiful sim, I have ever seen Isadora has bone an exceptional job, and has a spectacular waterfall grab a horse and ride around this beautiful sim not to mention the great club
Jamibogbat 17 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Difficult to add anything to the other reviews below. Perhaps I can expand using some specific details from my own experience here. It's so friendly, everyone's helpful with a real sense of communi...
ChristiM 20 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
The new region Alternate Metaverse, combines all that you need. Great Entertainment = Amazing DJs - Amazing Artist and AN AMAZING PUBLIC And so much more ... You never get bored :)
Rique Giano 20 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Been in many grids and this is the most sharing and caring one and I mean people
Caribia yesterday
New Beginnings
come check out the sim myself and jacob worked hard on it
IsadoraLeah wolf yesterday
Blue Lagoon
The welcome area is very nice and beautiful, but it seems there are no more regions to visit and the only one I found, VVM Furniture Shop, doesn't give access to the region parcels. ?
Khiron Ametza yesterday

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