OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 164 7 A
Best Shopping Mall , Freebies, Mesh, Complete avatars, Clothes, Hellas, Agora Temporarily moved to another Hypergrid 2025/3/15 due to OSgrid maintenance and trouble shooting

Very needful things :) ... now available at Needful Things landing area

l'entrée du village

Vesti was launched March 7th 2024, and for the anniversary Im posting 11 NEW Xara outfits for you. a little Latex, sequin, sexy lingerie, and more. Come Check them out and dont forget to visit the Seasons Store for your St Patricks Day Clothing.

Caribia: just beautiful picture =) 9 days ago
My New Store - Amara Lace Designs Complete Avatars and Outfits. These are 4 of my current Avatars. Working on more as well as outfits! All avatars are shaped from scratch and made with love. Come on down to see them. hop:// Street Party/106/180/26
DEAR PEOPLE WITH BROKEN OARS AND IARS. Take them to and ask Lone Wolf to help you. He has made a system that can REPAIR your iar and oar by seeking the same UUID object from other grids databases and inject the fixed one into your IAR or OAR. This means that in most cases you get ALL OF YOUR INVENTORY AND OAR BACK. Wolf territories also stores their assets in an object format like instagram and youtube do that serve millions customers worldwide. They have for example 30 robust servers running all the time with load balancing, which means no more lost assets. I hope this helps you all. ** Note, I may be mistaken that it is off of the UUID - as I am not privy to the tech Lone invented. That was just my first guess. Saccw pointed out that uuid's are assigned randomly to new items and he/she is correct. So it seems I made an assumption without thinking about it much. Apologies. I should further clarify that Lone is not attempting to capitalize off of osgrid's misfortune. I posted this post without his knowledge and then told him about the post I made. See so many people are asking Lone to recover their iar's and oar's that it's a lot of work for him to sit there and personally upload the file, and use his tech to fix it, and then give it back to the person. Lone's grid is a land rental grid, and the whole process is much easier if the oar and iar are already on the system, think bandwidth and server cost, not to mention personal time.

CyberGlo CyberStar: KieranCloud asked "Hi - Does Wolfterritories allow privately hosted regions to connect, like OSGrid?". No Lone Wolf does not allow self hosted regions to connect to his grid. This chat somehow veere... 13 days ago

Happy Valentine's Day from Gentle fire grid to open sim and Facebook

We've been updating some of our office buildings in our welcome area. Region owners can have a FREE office to show off their regions and provide an immersive experience.

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827

Wish everyone a good night. :-)

Xenon Darrow: #FIERCEAF 1 month ago
The two new Japanese Tea Houses are nearly complete - one wood and the other red. Each has a matching Tea Set Group like the one pictured here, and the zaisu chairs come with AVSitter and two animations. Both Tea Set Groups are available now, and the Tea Houses should be ready sometime tomorrow. All new items have both PBR and standard textures. In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Mistressdalgato: let me know when there ready 1 month ago

New Burlesque Outfits for Shows!

My Contribution for Valentine
for Bodys Reborn Lara X Legacy

The old sofa looks very beautiful when I used PBR material brown leather on it, also I changed the material of the wood and gave the cushions an elegant look with the help of silver fabric material. If anyone needs this sofa, please contact me. Also in my residence there are many more interesting PBR furniture. Сome and see, the photo does not convey this amazing view. My entire residence is 60% PBR

RemmyRavenhurst: Good Texturing really does make a difference. Well done looks beautiful. 2 months ago

#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

Lots of news and views from around Opensim in the past couple of weeks... like this:
The French-speaking community inaugurated a new garden of memory on Francopholie
Neverworld reorganized their continents
Safari went to see Anachron Young's Mystic paradise
Safine took us swimming
@EllenTiratzo organized a message from us all to Verna Avril
Alien encounters on OSgrid with Geo perez
We found out more about Hogwarts and Animesh from Taarna Welles
A tour of Paris with Ana, Nadir, and friends
Khiron Ametza tells her story
and finally, some background to tomorrow's big anniversary on Craft

Safinemahoe2: Thank you Thirza, it is an honor having you and the Safari people! The coordination for Safari guests, picture taking and article writing is a ton of work! We all owe you a huge Thank you for ... 2 months ago

Valentine's Day 💘 #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

News!! Katarina Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/354/236/5002

Aurora Starchild: Woooow super avatar :O 2 months ago
Another fun project. "The Legend of La Mariecomo" She was a legendary witch of south-east New Brunswick Canada, who lived from 1838 - 1910. She was like the Marie Laveaux of Canada. I learned of her while studying my Mi'kmaq and French ancestry. I think we have a few people from that area in OpenSim. If anyone knows of her story, I would love to hear from you.

There is a book that is out of print, unfortunately: La mariecomo: Roman (Collection Les Romanciers du jour ; R-112) (French Edition)

"Mariecomo is the story of an Acadian witch (born in 1838, died around 1910) who made the rain and the good weather during the second half of the 19th century in the Acadian villages of the southeast coast of New Brunswick. From Cap-Pelé to Richibouctou, it was the "country of Mariecomo" and like the other sorcerers, witches, spellcasters, fortune tellers, readers of the black books, the Little and Great Albert, the Richibouctou Tears, celebrants of black masses, white and black magic, etc., Mariecomo was part of the "sect" that the world called the "sorcerers of the Coast"."

Hyacinth: Wow. I have it all translated. Many of the words are unique dialect, or possibly Mi'kmaq or a mash-mash. I am 1/3 of the way through reading it carefully. This is quite a story. Very irreverent. ... 2 months ago
15 Jahre Dorenas World.
Freitag 17.1.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Ihr könnt auf uns zählen!
Ein Programm im Rahmen der Events zum Jubiläum
15 Jahre Dorenas-Welt

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

15 years of Dorenas World.
Friday 17.1.2025
with DJ Anachron
Starts at 7:00 p.m.
You can count on us!
A program as part of the anniversary events
15 years of Dorenas World
Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid: .

Ankhsenaton: it was really good... except there was Hicks..... :-P 2 months ago


Men's store #kingmancity

Without words...

KrisTina: Just another person posting something to get attention, move along. 2 months ago
Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump is Open to Public - Everyone Welcome

I added Giraffe Family today and Fred added his excellent camels!

@FerdFrederix thank you for adding your rideable camels so that we can ride here 🐪🐫 and Dexter's Community Dump

Caribia: Thanks camel was working fine to me usually I get all kinds of bug's :P 2 months ago

New update, Gauges ears.
for Lelutka heads
(autoalpha system for Sciatti Grid heads)
hop:// De Volcanes/118/153/3827

Marianna of Monets jewlery wanted to honor Trizzys legacy by creating a PBR Pendant for all of her friends and everyone to enjoy.

You can pick it up at's Roost Concourse have you be notty or good...?

Blessed Yuletide from The Starchilds!
Let this be my gift and Blessing to you: 'May, when give the choice, you always choose kindness. For you are all Children of the Earth and Starry Heavy, but your race is of Heaven Alone'.
For it's when the choice is the hardest to make, that becomes the most meaningful. May, when blame, when criticism, when frustration are the easy paths, you still make the hardest choice to be kind. For in this dwells a great Mystery of the quality of humankind.
As Miradola portrayed:
'We have given thee, Adam, no fixed seat, no form of thy very own, no gift peculiarly thine, that thou mayest feel as thine own, have as thine own, possess as thine own the seat, the form, the gifts which thou thyself shalt desire. A limited nature in other creatures is confined within the laws written down by us. In conformity with thy free judgment, in whose hands I have place thee, thou art confined by no bound; and thou wilt fix limits of nature for thyself. I have placed thee at the centre of the world. Neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal have we made thee. Thou, like a judge appointed for being honourable, art the moulder and maker of thyself; thou mayest sculpt thyself into whatever shape thou dost prefer. Thou canst grow downward into the lower natures which are brutes. Thou canst again grow upward from thy soul's reason into the higher natures which are divine'.
Bright Blessing!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas from Wolf Territories Grid :)

plus que quelques jours et il neige .
Le marché est au fond.
bonne visite

Hicks: A voir absolument :p 3 months ago

Bombshell/Pinup is out now + 4 new heads, many more new releases coming out today


Zoey Cutey: Did you say you would do Athena petite? I can't get to your older pages, something up with OSW :P. TY for all your hard work! 3 months ago

From Adora and PP mint, we like to wish you and your family a merry Christmas, and may God bless and keep you and everyone safe .

PinDeluca: Have a wonderful time over Christmas. Thank you both for all the fun and Laughter over 2024. Hope you have a lovely holiday ! 3 months ago

Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts

Happy Holidays to all, here is a little group gift, there is blink for the light and it is holdable.
We lava U!!!
*** Remember if you are already part of Tierra de Volcanes Group come and get your group gift, open the group info ---> announcements, there open attachment and get your group gift.
If you are not yet a member don't forget to join the next time you visit us

Aurora Starchild: Oleeee ya lo tengo 3 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/102/294/3827

Aurora Starchild: Oyyyys todas las cositas bonitas que me traeees 3 months ago

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!
teleport Dreamscape Area

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!
teleport Dreamscape Area

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/156/117/3827

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/121/76/3827

*** News At camballa***
Doris Dress
laraX-reborn -compatible Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Another amazing place in the OS HyperGrid that I love to visit, if you haven't been there already! Amazing @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes!

Jerralyn Franzic: Her outfits are wonderful, and I love the playground nearby. 4 months ago
The store that is loved by so many people just got a whole lot bigger!

Texture Too - a new store for you by Zuzu Bahro and Safine Mahoe

the new building at Textures Trees and Scripts and it is full of textures to help your projects.

Ancient writings
sci fi
stained glass
and much more!

Come on out and find out why people are loving the new , second texture building. Just take the tp stone to Textures Too

Textures Trees & Scripts - the little store that everyone is talking about!

Thirza Ember: It's not the store we deserve, but it's the store we need! LOL thanks Safine! 4 months ago


OUT NOW: Pack Scars v2 and Plastic Bandage add-ons for EvoX
Another two pack along with the vibe of the previous two.
A face scars pack for EvoX with 6 different variations
A plastic bandage pack compatible with BOM

Uber: hop://

Marpil Grafenwalder: con tanta cosa bella para chicos estoy pensando seriamente en cambiar mi avatar a hombre 5 months ago
Pixey and Harmony (Jojo), owners of Pendle Hollow and Mermaid's Cove, send love and prayers to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton. Pixey is in Florida and has been evacuated to safer ground. Stay safe everyone!
---------------------- updated October 09th 2024 -----------------------
(*) NPC Killer HUD included.

By request, NPCs you could see at sims at EUROPA now available at LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM, SOUND SECTOR, BOX 07 for FREE AND FULLPERM!

01- ALIEN BEATLES, singing "Yellow Subarine";
02- ALIEN MADONNA, singing, "Like a Virgin";
03- STARWARS ALIEN PERFORMERS, singing "Cantina in Mos Asley";
04- EDITH-ALIEN-PIAF, singing "Je ne regrette rien";
05- Alien singing "I just pooped in my pants";
06- LORD SITH and STORMTROPPERS, singing "I`m too sexy for my shirt";
07- MARILYN-ALIEN-MONROE, singing "Diamonds are the best girls friend;
08- REDNECK ALIEN, singing "Big Rock Candy Mountain";
09- THE ALIEN CHORDETTES, singing "Lollipop";
10 -TINY ALIENS, singing "We are the world".
11- DEE-ALIEN-LITE, singing "Grooves in the heart";

Xenon Darrow: they are all stellar! Jimmy has enough for an album! But...I don't know about that poop dude... :D 6 months ago
Nestled down a quaint path, you'll discover the newly opened Nailed It! salon. Inside, you'll find an array of 6 fresh nail options tailored for the modern, on-the-go woman.
Four of the styles are designed to fit the nails of Simona, Xara, and potentially Athena, while two come with their own custom nails.
The Belle Nails collection offers longer-than-standard tips in a vibrant selection of 30 colors. For those seeking a bold look, the Coffin Nails come in 21 distinctive hues and styles, featuring an extra-long, tapered shape.
We hope you'll stop in and enjoy the latest nail trends and offerings at Nailed It!

MarySTEton: Very cool, thank you. Do you found Nails for Legacy Body too? 6 months ago

Another angle

Passion Jumanji: OMG! Luna! What is that? An Egyptian Cat? I LOVE IT! Where do you have that for sale!? I'ma get that for SURE! :D 6 months ago
Teaching myself pbr materials. Very different process to get those materials into OS. This is the clearest comparison yet of the difference between legacy materials and pbr materials. The one on the left was the best I was able to do with regular materials using only the original diffuse, normal, and specular textures. The one on the right uses all the original textures and shows them correctly.

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
95 23
10 0
L&M Shop
17 3
Gentle Fire Grid
65 6
Badass Club Land A
21 1
Happy Hour!
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Shopping FUN A
11 0
OpenSim Worlds Fair
14 0
Manderley A
6 1
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
49 8
ShoppingDance A
6 1
Rock City
59 16
Rio De Janeiro
2 0
Las Vegas A
4 0
Regions Online: 1,775
Active: 237 avatars in 134 regions
The Box
CyberGlo CyberStar 3 hours ago
Why does the firestorm exit snapshot always catch you at the worst time imaginable???
Hyacinth 7 hours ago
I just saw a new member name: Shamelesshussy. i want to meet this person. lol
Ankhsenaton 8 hours ago
I see an advertising without any link in it talking about a Wallness Pod Relax Unwind & Rejuvenate. Who ever you are you paid for nothing as no body can have any infos
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
As many people know... I am amazing! It is for this reason that I have created the Amazing Device. See the main post feeds for more information. You know who you are.
JillMunroe yesterday
@Dorena Eben weil sie wohl schon einen Hauch von Demenz hat, sie weiss schon 2 minuten später nicht mehr, was sie geschrieben hat!
Pagane yesterday
Ако не знаете английски, поне си спомнете български (говорили сте го до преди няколко стотин години!!!).
Dorena Verne yesterday
Sag mal Cheryl , was bindet dich hier eigendlich so verbissen an dem Thema "Demenz" fest, zudem dererlei Diagnosen hier im Portal wohl kaum gestellt werden können.?
CherylFurse yesterday
Um deiner Antwort vorzugreifen @Jill. Ich glaube dir, dass du volljährig bist. Ab einem bestimmten Alter kommt es aber durchaus durch Demenz zu einer Regression. Ist auch normal.
CherylFurse yesterday
@Jill du möchtest unbedingt trollen. Mit deinen Namensverfremdungen (Furz) möchtest du bei einem Publikum punkten? Du gibst eine Vorstellung ab, als wenn du Teenager wärst bei Knuddels chat für Schüler nach der Schule. Da wird auch so gemobbed. Wie alt bist du wirklich?
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
dann hat der Suchtentzug zu VR aber nicht lange gehalten oder warum hängst wieder oder so schnell hier wieder rum
JillMunroe 2 days ago
@cheryl furz...und ratet mal wer am Lautesten im Hühnerstall gackert..apropos Freunde, wer dich als Freund hat braucht keine Feinde mehr. Und ja mein Wochenende war bis jetzt super ausgewesen und mich mit realen Freunden getroffen!..
Hyacinth 2 days ago
Spinning some late night tunes at our new region, if anyone is looking for something to do. :) hop:// gateway
Wolf Territories Grid 2 days ago
Try posting on their FB page
Speck 2 days ago
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA 2 days ago
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane 2 days ago
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!
CherylFurse 2 days ago
Niedersachsen kann bestimmt aushelfen. Die haben genug Hühnerfarmen für die ganze USA lol
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD

New Comments

Xenon Darrow 11 minutes ago
Irish rock, metal, grunge, and EDM. It's a JOURNEY!
KrisTina 1 hour ago
Or just don't use dreamgrid?
Hyacinth 3 hours ago
I wrote a similar script to remove prims. I found a more secure way to delete the prim is to set it temporary. That way it disappears on it's own in a minute or so, and you don't have to enable the...
Hicks 4 hours ago
c est trop cool ! bravo hyacinth ♥
Cosa 5 hours ago
Coooooooole Musik :-)
MrMikie 6 hours ago
Sunbeam is Magic!
Ankhsenaton 6 hours ago
ceux qui vivent dans une maison en verre ne devraient pas jeter des pierres aux autres ......
Hyacinth 7 hours ago
SL does that too. But there, you are basically watching a streaming video of the SL viewer running on a very expensive server, and it is like a remote desktop system for gaming. Probably not thei...
Pagane 7 hours ago
The problem has existed for a long time. The reason is in how the OpenSIM server works with the cache. ALWAYS some of the commands are not executed instantly for some reason, but after some delay the ...


what a beautiful and amazing place.. Thanks for sharing all that you have.. found some stuff so cute. Recomend you take the time to explore... there is something at every turn that is beautiful
Niketa Amly 6 hours ago
super endroits plein de joli endroits a visiter ,libre de faire ce qu ont veut bravo
Wesley Snipes 15 hours ago
Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience yesterday
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos yesterday
Very nice region, contains a lot of different cars, from old cars to racing one (NASCAR).
Monica Cloud 2 days ago
J'adore!!! très bon accueil de la propriétaire et des articles de qualité.
Jadepatience 2 days ago
Events Plaza
Great place with great people, wonderful DJs and live artists. And @Cullen: rankings are based on in-world traffic, not likes.
Gentle Dragonheart 2 days ago
Fabrica dos Sonhos
does not support the latest version of the client. Apparently everything there is very old and ancient lol. If so, then I don't see the point
Alex Leo 2 days ago
Events Plaza
@ Cullen_Bohannon Likes don't mean a darn thing. Not many people use that option. Event Plaza is the place to be. Aussie has done a wonderful job hosting this event for many many moons.
SheaButter 2 days ago

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