OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users 3 0
The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)
News at Camballa
Elas Fashion
Simon Elegant outfit
in 10 Colors
with Shoes Jacket Pants Vest
and 2 Shirts
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers
News At Camballa
Elas Fashion have any News
Genevra_Dresa_Maitreya lace
Genevra_Dresa_Maitreya uni
in many Colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

new interactive sofa finally for dads too......hop://

AMV's Land Deal of the month Don't miss out on this special offer- Only good during June 2023

Egyptian Necklace by CJ Goldman can be found in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. Jewelry

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license. Disclaimer.
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.


Hey, all you people with labs needing brains in Jars-I found the perfect prop for your lab. You can find this in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. You might be asking wtf how does brains go with jewelry, who f#$king knows??

Luna Lunaria: Her name was Abby...Abby Normal 2 years ago

Doing my part for Star Wars Day

KrisTina: I find your lack of a purple lightsaber disturbing! Samual Jackson wouldn't be pleased. 2 years ago

I love cotton candy . )))

ich hab mal wieder was neues umgebaut ...
I've built something new again...

Darci Viper: OMGosh that baby fairy ... 2 years ago

we have found and fixed the problem with some grids not being able to access this region and grid.. Happy Shopping

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City


The Tree of Life is a symbol that can be found in many cultures and religions throughout history. At its core, the tree represents growth, strength, and connection to all things. Its roots anchor it firmly in the earth, while its branches reach upwards towards the sky, embodying the idea of balance and harmony. The Tree of Life is also often associated with wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment, as it symbolizes the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all living things. Overall, the Tree of Life is a powerful symbol of the beauty and resilience of nature, as well as the eternal cycle of growth, death, and rebirth.

Please find the pendant on the little table in the foyer. Jewelry
Fancy owning a tattoo shop? Then here at TSD we have some bits and pieces that you can take away with you.... Looking for some lights? We have a fat pack of collection of vintage lights. Happy Shopping
This memorial is for little "Gracie". If you want to shed a few tears while you're building something, just do a memorial for a baby. This precious little buddy was just a year old plus a few days, when she crossed over and her Grandmother asked me to do a memorial for her. This was not an avatar, this was a real life granddaughter and I can't begin to imagine the depth of the loss felt by the family. I hope this helps bring them some comfort and peace. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
Full Avatar Evo Ceylon

Meine kleine Mall ist wieder geöffnet

Aether Evo Full Avatar #arkhamcity

What an HONOR to be featured on HG SAFARI! Many thanks, Thirza!

Spax Orion: Since the posting of this article, I have added 3 NEW rides to 'The Afterlife' area (Hint: Take a swim) and "Festival of Fatalities" Funhouse is completed. So, get your free SYSTEM avatar at hg.osgrid... 2 years ago


JeannieDagostino: die imani sieht ja hammer aus chubby :*** 2 years ago
As promised I wrote a tutorial on what I use to create 3d clothing. Whenever I learn something I have always been open and shared it with anyone who asked and also through tutorials seen at Hypergrid Business:

This helps to build a supportive and collaborative community where everyone can learn and grow together. Sharing knowledge and skills can lead to new ideas, innovations, and collaborations, which can benefit everyone involved. I know this, I hope you know it too.
New clothes on Camballa - many ball gowns - but also the short dresses are new
Everything is available for Valentine's Day, so nothing stands in the way of a wonderful evening.
Have fun and have a good time everyone
the new stuff as always in the new shop
use the teleporter at the news box

Sexy Klare with Legwarmer-Gloves-Ass tattoo-Mask-and more
Use the teleporter to the news box

You can now visit our Photostudio and take some great pics :)
300 female modeling Bento poses available. and A

FEEFEE: i have been there i have used the photo booth and found that the poses are fantastic 2 years ago

Is It Normal To Be So Normal?
This outfit? It's how I might dress in RL. And it's so damn normal looking...


Crazyposeidon: Normal is crazy. Normalities are moving away from reality at the present time. Everything that is “normal” is constantly changing. Don't forget normal is not normal !!! For many people, normality is a... 2 years ago

Whispering Forest now "Whispers". Opening to the public soon.

Luna Lunaria: Nice work Star, love the atmospheric feel :-) 2 years ago
LOST DATA in Opensim.

Hello everyone, I recently decided to move my regions back into a mini-grid application (linked in my profile) due to issues I was experiencing with OSgrid. One of which was the problem with losing MESH assets. It was a well known fact that some 'textures' would go missing but eventually return again. My biggest issue was mesh assets being worn on NPCs while rezzed inworld. One NPC had his head missing, the maid had a missing foot. Console errors would warn me that my NPCs were not going to be fully drawn. I keep boxes of all assets for NPCs and the backups also had the same missing content problem. It does not end there, boxes with mesh items rezzed on land inworld (not in inventory folders) were also affected. It was my understanding (from online articles) that storing items on land was generally regarded as being safer than keeping items in your inventory.

What do you do?

When attempting to load an old oar to OSgrid, I discovered that it will ignore assets which are already in their database, even if the osgrid entry is damaged or missing. So the only way to get those items back is to load this oar on another grid. Maybe a Standalone, Dreamgrid or any other server which has it's own database. Here is how my recovery procedure worked:

1. I loaded an oar backup (from a hidden INVENTORY REGION) I made LAST NIGHT which had several thousand missing items. During the creation process, RED console errors gave warnings of items that would not be included in the archive.

2. I created a separate region to load oars (made last year and the year before) of that SAME sim. As the oars were loading I noticed it was skipping assets and only loading the missing content. I had one old oar load 15 assets and skip the 25k+ which were already in the database. In this experiment, I used several oars in the "recovery" region. I emptied the sim after each oar load. I figured It would not necessary to keep the content live.

3. When all was said and done, this produced an interesting side effect. Since missing assets are now in my new database, I could go into the region which once had asset loading errors and rez mesh content which was previously missing. This tells me that the damaged oar had mention of the missing assets written into it and all that was needed is to load the missing items into the database for retrieval. The way Oar archives work is nothing short of genius!

4. Once the procedure is complete a NEW OAR can be made (with noticeably less content errors) and the Wizardry & Steamworks database cleanup procedure ( can be used to discard database bloat.

Anyway, I wanted to share my findings on this topic and I hope it will help someone who has lost assets. As a content creator, I can tell you it is devastating to lose things you spent a great deal of personal time making. An old saying comes to mind: "Never keep all of your eggs in one basket". Having a hypergrid enabled standalone region on the side will let you get those lost items back. If you wish to stay on OSgrid, you can have your alt bring recovered data to your OSgrid region with NEW asset IDs.

I cannot stress enough... BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP your DATA.

-Peace & Love

Jerralyn Franzic: Curious... I'm basically a user in Open Sim. I don't have any land that I rent/own and I don't run a sim. Is it possible for me to back up my inventory in OSgrid using the OAR method? I'm looking to... 2 years ago

Bonnie Stewart: Well designed region, beautiful and fun to explore with lots of great Viking freebies. 2 years ago

New at oh HELLO

Carmen Jewel: Super Outfits :)) Ty for sharing :)) 2 years ago

Happy New Year from your friends @ AVW the animesh headquarters

Trizzy Hunter: Happy New Year Bob 2 years ago

BRANDNEW Region with full of Houses, Cottages, Villas, Beachy Stuff, Commercial Buildings .. have fun shopping

New Winterjacket arrived!
Stella Design update.
Grab yours at our Skymall.
(porter at landingpoint)
You will find it at the Fashion Shop!

Join us for the
Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
11th December 11:00am - 1:00pm SLT

Discover new places of interest, meet new friends and learn more about the fine art of group hypergridding.

Symphony: Look at that setting! \0/ :) so cool! ty for the invitation. 2 years ago

Muri opened her DarkLove shop!
Finest Dark Clothes.
You find them at the skymall. (TP at Welcome)
Have fun shopping and exploring our
other stuff.

MuriMareDark: Darklove offers the finest dark clothing and some things for erotic moments... have fun and enjoy life :-) greetings Muri 2 years ago

Brrrrr, kalt..
Brrrr, cold....

We are now open for Christmas and you can come to experience the parade any day. Be patient logging in as it is a big build. There is a big underwater sim and much more. Merry Christmas!! The entry problem is now fixed. My apologies.
This event was built by: Michael McHugh, Kimm Starr, Koshari Mahna, Ruby Odegee & Tony Gill with special help from Kayaker Magic and Webby Merlin from Clan Band. And includes many elements and objects created and built and offered for sale on the Kitely Market by high-quality creative builders.

Dabici132: I tried again and this time I arrived directly at the Parade Place without facing a box underwater. WOW, what a fantastic and dynamic creation. It is very impressive, beautiful and immersive ! Kudo 2 years ago

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#vittoriaevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

News For Roleplayers Male
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

How about a classy chair, you can take with you and sit in anywhere? This beautiful golden elven chair can be rezzed and sat in, or attached and sat in, making it possible for you to sit anywhere in style. Get it now at Wizardry!

♬ Arkham Grid Birthday Party ♬

Autum at Novale ends on November 12th
Still only a few days to enjoy Autumn at the farm

River: I must visit here soon! My previous visits have been amazing! 2 years ago
Our Winter's Magic region has been graced with @JoeBuilder OAR "Time of Year" a wintery sim we will have ice skating soon here, stay tuned. Thank you Fred for making this available to us, and thank you Joe! Also thank you to the many creators whose creations helped to create this OAR. We have free shops available if you have winter themed items to share, please IM to get set up.

Marianna : Thank you everyone for stopping by and adding to our gifts! Jamie Anna Wright, thank you for these great ice skates! Trizzy Hunter has shared her ornament collection. A stunning collection of vari... 2 years ago
The park - isn't it pretty? Isn't it wonderful-wonderful?
It would be, if it weren't for the unicorn with the flatulence - and the rainbow only looks good from outside...
* * *
Der Park - ist er nicht hübsch? Ist er nicht wunder-wunderschön?
Er wäre es wohl, wenn da nicht das Einhorn mit den Blähung stünde - und auch der Regenbogen sieht nur von außen gut aus...

With a bag on your head the world doesnt looks better but the world has more fun with you !

Ellen: These are really cute masks and the region is beautiful! Thank you for always making so many lovely things and sharing them! 2 years ago

A little bit of Halloween

What's happier than a Halloween Hunt region? One with a dancing Jack Skellington!

Ellen: I love Jack Skellington!! 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Xenotown A
18 0
Skinny Dip Beach A
14 2
45 2
Rio De Janeiro
2 0
ShoppingDance A
6 1
6 1
3 0
Maze Grid Home A
6 1
Shopping FUN A
11 0
SciattiShopClothes A
89 6
China A
3 2
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
49 8
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Regions Online: 1,765
Active: 183 avatars in 128 regions
The Box
Speck 42 minutes ago
@Cyber and Gentle - As I remember there used to be a debug setting to stop the snapshot. Simpler solution would be to log off somewhere NOT embarrasing and then make the snapshot read only - in your local FS user settings search for screen_last - will have grid name in there and ends in .png
Gentle Dragonheart 2 hours ago
Murphy's Law, Cyber :) You may just have to write a script that puts you in a model pose first then logs you out.
CyberGlo CyberStar 10 hours ago
Why does the firestorm exit snapshot always catch you at the worst time imaginable???
Hyacinth 14 hours ago
I just saw a new member name: Shamelesshussy. i want to meet this person. lol
Ankhsenaton 16 hours ago
I see an advertising without any link in it talking about a Wallness Pod Relax Unwind & Rejuvenate. Who ever you are you paid for nothing as no body can have any infos
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
As many people know... I am amazing! It is for this reason that I have created the Amazing Device. See the main post feeds for more information. You know who you are.
JillMunroe 2 days ago
@Dorena Eben weil sie wohl schon einen Hauch von Demenz hat, sie weiss schon 2 minuten später nicht mehr, was sie geschrieben hat!
Pagane 2 days ago
Ако не знаете английски, поне си спомнете български (говорили сте го до преди няколко стотин години!!!).
Dorena Verne 2 days ago
Sag mal Cheryl , was bindet dich hier eigendlich so verbissen an dem Thema "Demenz" fest, zudem dererlei Diagnosen hier im Portal wohl kaum gestellt werden können.?
CherylFurse 2 days ago
Um deiner Antwort vorzugreifen @Jill. Ich glaube dir, dass du volljährig bist. Ab einem bestimmten Alter kommt es aber durchaus durch Demenz zu einer Regression. Ist auch normal.
CherylFurse 2 days ago
@Jill du möchtest unbedingt trollen. Mit deinen Namensverfremdungen (Furz) möchtest du bei einem Publikum punkten? Du gibst eine Vorstellung ab, als wenn du Teenager wärst bei Knuddels chat für Schüler nach der Schule. Da wird auch so gemobbed. Wie alt bist du wirklich?
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
dann hat der Suchtentzug zu VR aber nicht lange gehalten oder warum hängst wieder oder so schnell hier wieder rum
JillMunroe 2 days ago
@cheryl furz...und ratet mal wer am Lautesten im Hühnerstall gackert..apropos Freunde, wer dich als Freund hat braucht keine Feinde mehr. Und ja mein Wochenende war bis jetzt super ausgewesen und mich mit realen Freunden getroffen!..
Hyacinth 2 days ago
Spinning some late night tunes at our new region, if anyone is looking for something to do. :) hop:// gateway
Wolf Territories Grid 3 days ago
Try posting on their FB page
Speck 3 days ago
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA 3 days ago
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane 3 days ago
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!

New Comments

Caribia 55 minutes ago
mm what was this opensim about ? Trying all kinds and creating if it is not good idea no matter, the main thing is to try and create :D This is interesting Wolf I will test
MrSnoodle 1 hour ago
If you really can't be disconnected from in world activities and have money to burn then this could be really useful. If on the other hand you have a crap computer and use this to actually login then ...
Buzzy Cnayl 1 hour ago
Sad but not suprising as nothing has happened with this for a while. Let's hope someone steps in to take it over as it is a really nice system.
Caribia 2 hours ago
hey awesome looking bottles :D I still feel drunk from yesterdays party lol
Speck 2 hours ago
Curious now, will investigate - thanks Wolf!
Arcfury 3 hours ago
Nico Kalani 6 hours ago
I have to say, thanks belong to these helpers, not I. I only provide the venue for our helpers to do what they do. Coming soon: a venue for people to promote their blogs, and collections of pix and ...
Mistressdalgato 6 hours ago
Welcome back
Luna Lunaria 7 hours ago
Got my green on for this one! Fantastic music :-)


what a beautiful and amazing place.. Thanks for sharing all that you have.. found some stuff so cute. Recomend you take the time to explore... there is something at every turn that is beautiful
Niketa Amly 14 hours ago
super endroits plein de joli endroits a visiter ,libre de faire ce qu ont veut bravo
Wesley Snipes 23 hours ago
Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience 2 days ago
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos 2 days ago
Very nice region, contains a lot of different cars, from old cars to racing one (NASCAR).
Monica Cloud 2 days ago
J'adore!!! très bon accueil de la propriétaire et des articles de qualité.
Jadepatience 2 days ago
Events Plaza
Great place with great people, wonderful DJs and live artists. And @Cullen: rankings are based on in-world traffic, not likes.
Gentle Dragonheart 2 days ago
Fabrica dos Sonhos
does not support the latest version of the client. Apparently everything there is very old and ancient lol. If so, then I don't see the point
Alex Leo 2 days ago
Events Plaza
@ Cullen_Bohannon Likes don't mean a darn thing. Not many people use that option. Event Plaza is the place to be. Aussie has done a wonderful job hosting this event for many many moons.
SheaButter 2 days ago

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