OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 0 A
Chienoshima (Island of Wisdom) is a region set in the time of the Emperor Go-Suzaku (, Go-Suzaku-tennō, December 14, 1009 – February 7, 1045) was the 69th emperor of Japan, according to the traditiona...


I stumbled across something cool today. I have been working on a huge cluster of 6x6 regions, with all mis-matched, imported terrains. So there was a LOT of terraforming and blending, which can take a long time with the land tool. I discovered a debug setting "LandBrushSize" It normally maxes out at 11, but you can set it to cover a HUGE area and very quickly flatten out sim edges and smooth them, build mountains quickly, etc. You can get to the Debug settings with control-alt-shift-S and type "LandBrushSize" in the search box. It set mine to 30 or 40 to do large areas.

Hyacinth: Another great tool. Unreal Heightmap. You can specify the image size to match your region: 256, 512, 1924, etc.. and they work great with OpenSim. This one is centered on New Brunswick Canada... 2 months ago
Valland Shop got a new shop !

Best viewed with PBR Viewer.


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

AlexTerieur: il y à pas de lien vers le nouveau shop ? ou bien vois je mal? 2 months ago

#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

----- NEW -----

#carnival2025 #arkhamgrid #valentine'sday
Teleport Area Dreamscape

New release of the SkyScraper 2.0
This is The Skyscraper revisited, I added PBR materials, redesigned the floor, Fixed a few things.
It now looks gorgeous with its luxurious tiles and marbles, particularly in the luxurious Penthouse.
The Elevators can now be sited, this is mandatory in BullitSim region and optional in uBode Sim.
I also added a "Builder Kit" that will allow you to add walls, doors, fluorescent in the Rezzed building.
Those will mix with the current layout. Also include are the materials used for it so you can also add
your own walls.

There will be a meet and greet tomorrow 2025-01-25 @ 08:00 AM SLT to 10:00 AM SLT directly @ the "Penthouse top floor", level 26.
Come and see the 26th floor demo rezzed in vallands with some furniture and walls from the BuilderKit added and meet me there.


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.
Kitty_Shirt-&-Off with Ur Shirt - Bear Black

New Exclusive!
Top with Hud Colors
Cute Animesh Bear

Nuovo Esclusivo!
Top con Hud Colori
Simpatico Orsetto Animesh


Arielle: Very cute but how can I make the top pink and the bear white? Is that a seperate box? 2 months ago

----- NEW -----

Thirza Ember has written a beautiful article about Verna Avril's life in Opensim. Please read it here!
Dali Babe Splash Cleavage Add-on
Out now is the Splash Cleavage add-on for Dali skin tones.
Only in 15 out of the 22 Dali tones.
Comes for Legacy, Reborn, as well as Waifu and Juicy cleveages (you can find Waifu deformers at LanaLabs: hop:// )

Uber: hop://

Sabrinastav: Muchas Gracias !!! uso esos AddOns...pero agradezco el trabajo que haces. Siempre tan generosa con tu trabajo. 2 months ago
Hello everyone, friends!
We would like to inform you that our Mall will be temporarily closed to the public for expansion work. We are making these improvements primarily for you, who have shown us great affection through your messages of support and encouragement.
We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that we will reopen as soon as possible.
Wishing you a wonderful day!

The staff at New Life Italy....

KarinBecker: thank you for all your hard work that you do for everyone. 2 months ago

Getting the venue set up for our white party

Aurora Starchild: Love it! I made a script for the tiles to light up on collision if you want it (it does require a script on each tile tho, so might be a bit laggier) 2 months ago

Hicks: c est fait 2 months ago

#woman #shop


we're almost there, the pregnancy will also be out soon, you can already find some outfits

KayceeBlack: @Ludo, Take your personal attack on Pagane elsewhere. OSW doesn't need your troll activity seen on a totally unrelated region. This is a nice, adult only SIM and not involved in your "white-knight" ac... 3 months ago

Willow Outfit For Legacy_Perky_Classic_Pregnancy_
Out Now!


Zoey Cutey: I love your creative avatars, thank you, Happy New Year! 3 months ago

AppleBody Store #available #kingmancity


KHIRONAMETZA: I'd love to get there from Trianon Grid, and OsGrid (Aviworlds is not allowed to go) but the only thing I get, when I get there is this and I re-logged about 5 times in ea... 3 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/102/288/3827

Aurora Starchild: Oy dios lo nesesssitooo 3 months ago

Lise: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Nice photo! 3 months ago

Happy Holidays from Wicked Way!

Hugabug: Merry Christmas Wicked & a safe wonderful New Year! 3 months ago
Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce the opening of the new New Life Italy store! We invite you to join us for an evening filled with music and fun. Don't forget to wear your best holiday attire!
Here’s the program for the evening:
Dj Ana; 11:30 - 12:00
Dj Tombeur: 12:00 - 12:30 SLT
Angel Dark - Dear Santa: 12:30 - 13:00 SLT
Dj Luna Nera - Live Singer: 13:00 - 13:30 SLT
Vivi Vivian - Live Singer: 13:30 - 14:00 SLT
DJ Giovy: 14:00 - 14:30 SLT
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio: 14:30 - 15:00 SLT
We look forward to seeing many of you there to celebrate together! Don't miss it!

AnaKathy: Gerne hätte ich die Mall besucht, aber leider war sie geschlossen. Wurde sie nur für die Veranstaltung geöffnet? 3 months ago
News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/99/120/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by @SciattisiGrid ****

----- NEW -----

----- NEW -----

Note: Novale's uses GMT (or UCT) as reference Timezone
Info: Click the huge bauble for info
Good Luck !

Faith Fromund: Thank you so much! Beautiful Region and the Advent Hunt is fun. =) 4 months ago
Another flower that I love that I've not seen in Opensim is the Fuchsia, they're so pretty. Well I took a shot at making them and the original basket was over 900 prims but I fought with Blender and got it down to 39, which is still primmy but not so bad when you see the detail involved, and they make a great decoration for a porch or balcony or even in a window. I put them in a hanging basket and you can find them at the greenhouse in or garden center here at the mall. They are C/M/T and free, stop by and get your basket. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Marpil Grafenwalder: thank you very much!!! it is truly beautiful and the details are very well done ♥ 4 months ago

Good morning Opensim. My dogs are now eating the bills :)

AleksanderFairport: Hahaaaa, thats so cool & funny. Great Picture!!! 4 months ago

First a hot mulled wine

Xenon Darrow: You look so cozy! 4 months ago

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design #christmas2024 #arkhamgrid


--- NEW ---

NEW Release SN Anis Bikini

-Lara X
-Unpacker incl
-NEW HUD > Off Modus <

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

*** New on Camballa***
Elas Anita-Athena-Green & Red
Boots and Dress
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** New on Camballa***
ANGELA XMAS BOOTS - green/ red
Athena -Reborn
FEMME FATALE HEELS Athena in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

People have been asking me why I took out the furniture and other things. I have been adding them and some new ones ever since I appeared in the sky. When you land, grab the teleport to get to the items.

Good morning everyone, happy Saturday from Wolf Territories Grid where the wolves are friendly unless they are hungry. Bring wolf snacks!

IndigoQueen King: Oh what a great view!! Stuffing Wolf snacks in my pocket LOL 4 months ago

Jade full avatars are waiting for you at the * Agartha Shop *

Emma Lewis: Beautiful ! 4 months ago

The new Grimm store has been relocated to a single-level 4x4 space, with teleportation systems installed to enable seamless transitions between different sections of the store.

GREENHOUSE DABICI's FIORI (close to the Marina, destination 1 of TP Buoy)
We are proud to showcase our collection of Carnivorous Plants
Most of them are copiable! Just be cautious with them :)

Gentle Dragonheart: It took a bit of creativity to get there since the TP buoy near where I landed was not working. But Popeye's boat tour got me to a buoy that did work and from there, I TPd to the Marina and found the ... 5 months ago

Animesh PumpkAss Companion

#halloweenland #arkhamgrid
Teleport Area DREAMSCAPE

Before OpenSim...

PagaSuccubus: I don't want to pick on you, but just to ask: How do you imagine a baby or a person in a wheelchair accessing this thing? If you haven't noticed, we are already in the 21st century and there are requi... 5 months ago

News!!! halloween news..... hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ohhhhhh me encantaaa 6 months ago

---- NEW ----

Live Traffic
Gentle Fire Grid
65 6
Events Plaza
11 0
2 0
Happy Hour!
Shopping FUN A
11 0
76 16
Xenotown A
18 0
3 0
Stark A
138 79
SciattiShopClothes A
90 6
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Daves Place A
17 1
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
50 8
Samsara A
32 3
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Hypergrid Games
11 5
Regions Online: 1,776
Active: 304 avatars in 181 regions
The Box
Speck 31 minutes ago
@Julie - try in this group Julie :)
Julie 1 hour ago
Anyone know where i can get a steam train :)
Sparky 2 hours ago
If you wanna tell everybody the stuff you post on your own profile is bait, @Cyberglo, thats your retardation, nobody elses, stop blaming other people for your own toxic crap.. asshol
Jared Seda 4 hours ago
@CyberGlo Cyberstar! Your back!!!!! Welcome back!!!!
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
Ferdzee enjoy your block, im not taking the bait.
Sparky 14 hours ago
You say you dont even know me but you posted crap about me 20 days ago, its on YOUR profile @Cyberglo, fukin fake-ass LIAR
Pagane 20 hours ago
If you choice to login to "Last location" will see LAST picture - Like cloud what Cyber explain), If choice "Home" will see screenshot from moment of setting home location. OMG.... EXPERTS!!! Whats will see if type free text in location field???
Pagane 20 hours ago
I cannot understand why you continue to speak about experts, knowlege and all this UNKNOWN words! Until almost all here NOT KNOW how to use FS.....
CyberGlo CyberStar 21 hours ago
Ferdzee you are a bald face liar. None of what you said is true. I don't even know you.
Speck yesterday
OR - you could make a png file with "I am amazing!" and put that in place of the last saved location, set it to read only and then it would be your startup screen :)
Speck yesterday
@Cyber - Hey if orange dust balls turn you on, that's fine too!
Speck yesterday
@Pagane - I wasn't testing FS, just the blocking of the logout picture :)
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
My firestorm logout picture is of me in a sandbox as an orange dust ball. LOL.
Pagane yesterday
try, start and work is different words in english. Really all FS versions work perfect in all platform. There is some minor compatibility problems between FS and OpenSIM server, but ... FS continue to work!!!
Speck yesterday
*additional - I just tried this on FS64 on Linux and it still works.
Speck yesterday
@Cyber and Gentle - As I remember there used to be a debug setting to stop the snapshot. Simpler solution would be to log off somewhere NOT embarrasing and then make the snapshot read only - in your local FS user settings search for screen_last - will have grid name in there and ends in .png
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
Murphy's Law, Cyber :) You may just have to write a script that puts you in a model pose first then logs you out.
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
Why does the firestorm exit snapshot always catch you at the worst time imaginable???

New Comments

Hicks 40 minutes ago
j ai une passion pour les tentacules ... j ai hâte de visiter cet endroit.
ContessaLacombe 3 hours ago
It's our lovely sheep farm!!! Yay!!! Thanks Jimmy!
Tom Lewis 4 hours ago
C'est magnifique
CherylFurse 5 hours ago
Tyler Mathews 8 hours ago
Yana Dakota has an eye to detail.. Anything she builds springs to life with realism.. she is one amazing builder and Tahiti is no exception..
falene hawks 9 hours ago
helas, si mais nous ne serons plus là bon je retente un acces chez vous ce matin tout va de travers a de suite
Emma Lewis 9 hours ago
Bonjour Falene ! Bon j'espère quand même que ça se produira pas
falene hawks 10 hours ago
bonjour merci de cette vision de notre avenir pas si lointain
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
I never heard of this before. Very cool. I'm going to read more about it and learn more about it. Very cool.


Lush Isle
Great region - lots of quality stuff in the stores, and great parties!
Aurora Starchild 3 hours ago
Région magnifique !
Emma Lewis 10 hours ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
It says that this grid doesnt exist
Khiron Ametza 14 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
This is the best grid out there. Everyone here is very friendly, they all feel like family. All the staff is amazing. All the DJ's work hard and play the most amazing music in OS.
Cartoni Bogbat yesterday
Very beautiful and it has that calming Zen atmosphere. Really enjoyed my visit!
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
what a beautiful and amazing place.. Thanks for sharing all that you have.. found some stuff so cute. Recomend you take the time to explore... there is something at every turn that is beautiful
Niketa Amly 2 days ago
super endroits plein de joli endroits a visiter ,libre de faire ce qu ont veut bravo
Wesley Snipes 2 days ago
Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience 3 days ago
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos 3 days ago

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