OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Spirit of Dreams
0 Users 3 0
In the heart of Spirit of Dreams, where the sacred fire burns and the river sings to the ancestors, there lies a hidden pathway—a portal of the spirit, where time bends and the soul transcends. Thi...

KEEP CALM AND... The force, trust, you must at EUROPA SIM, Moon of Jupiter!

MAKE EUROPA great AGAIN! VISIT US... and mind the magabagas spiders...

And here it is: You will find a good number of new decor items on the small stores next to the main shop...more incoming!
Uber: hop://

1. Please bear in mind that many items have been uploaded with High LOD to perserve quality. Do consider not overloading your sim with those!
2. Rotation on scripted, triptych, frames isn't perfect... lacking some practice there with non-axis ones!

EUROPA, MOON of Jupiter // The only SIM where DROIDS lives MATTER :)

Sodasullivan: LOVE THIS 1 years ago
Late Night Parties begin at 10pm-1am
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ April McKenna
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Dave King
DJ Clan Escotia
And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe'.
Greedy is available for anyone wanting to have a game!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :) Welcome
Adult grid with open waters & Air, Copy your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with clubs, parks, beaches, Roleplay, Free Education, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Galleries, Clubs, Adult Getaways, Dinkies friendly, Game nights, Countless places to Explore & Enjoy! Join for free today - Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! WEBSITE

4 trucks of different colors, lighting system, and instruments with animation ... enjoy!

OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.

Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 1 years ago

Happy New Year from all of us at Virtual Beach

Hugabug: Happy New Year Misstress 1 years ago

How to create Mesh Models with AI Video >>>

CyberGlo CyberStar: Lone Wolf you always are at the fore front of technology with using A.I. I'm amazed at this ai mesh creator! Thank you for taking the time to demo this for all of us. Your videos are always very in... 1 years ago

Happy New Year 2024!!

Richard Lionheart: Happy New Year! 1 years ago

Cheers to the New Year! Möge 2024 voller Glück, Gesundheit und Erfolg sein.

thedeeferry: Attractive couple snapshot. The same wish to you and yours. 1 years ago

⭐ᆞHᆞმᆞᑭᆞᑭᆞჄᆞ⭐ ᆞՈᆞᗴᆞധᆞ ⭐ ᆞƳᆞᗴᆞმᆞɌᆞ⭐

Join Hypergrid Games @

Zeus2485 Anton: Thank you, Sandra. same to u both happy new year 1 years ago
Ich wünsche meiner Familie, Freunden und Bekannten für heute Abend einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2024. Danke für viele unvergessliche schöne, nicht schöne und lustige Momente die mit Euch erleben durfte, danke das es Euch gibt.
Wir schlagen ein neues Buch auf und freuen uns auf neue spannende 365 Tage mit Euch.
Kommt gut ins Neue Jahr mit viel Glück und viel Gesundheit.
I wish my family, friends and acquaintances a happy new year 2024 this evening. Thank you for the many unforgettable, beautiful, not beautiful and funny moments that I was able to experience with you, thank you for being here.
We are opening a new book and looking forward to another exciting 365 days with you.
Have a good New Year with good luck and good health.

thedeeferry: Thank you, Marpil. Wishing you and yours the best! 1 years ago

New Spotlights on me, Dress, LaraX, Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn

Zoey's Boutique:

Psicotronic:1 years ago

Merry Christmas to all!
Be healthy and happy!

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year. New Life Italy.

Lampithaler Artist: Frohe Festtage und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr! Möge diese festliche Zeit erfüllt sein von Liebe, Freude und besinnlichen Momenten, und mögen Gesundheit, Liebe und viel Freude Euch begleiten, durc... 1 years ago

skate with your baby in your arms

Weihnachten ist eine besondere Zeit, die oft von Wärme, Liebe und Besinnlichkeit geprägt ist. Es ist die Zeit des Jahres, in der Menschen zusammenkommen, um ihre Liebe und Freude zu teilen.
Deshalb laden wir Sie auch in diesem Jahr herzlich zu unserer Pangea-Weihnachtsfeier ein.
Die reizende Zoree Jupiter wird uns mit musikalischen Klängen verwöhnen, ebenso wie unser DJ Marlon Wayne.
Lasst uns gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Zeit voller Liebe, Frieden und Freude erleben. Wir freuen uns darauf, jeden von Ihnen zu sehen und mit Ihnen die festliche Stimmung zu teilen!

Christmas is a special time that is often characterized by warmth, love and contemplation. It is the time of year when people come together to share their love and joy.
So we cordially invite you to our Pangea Christmas party again this year.
The lovely Zoree Jupiter will spoil us with musical sounds, as will our DJ Marlon Wayne.
Let's have an unforgettable time together filled with love, peace and joy. We look forward to seeing each of you and sharing the festive spirit!
Welcome to our grid... in this month of December set up for Christmas. Here you will find all the teleports of all our lands so you can explore them.
Benvenuti sulla nostra questo mese di dicembre allestita per il Natale . Qui troverai tutti i teleport di tutte le nostre per land per poterle esplorare.

Djtombeur: una ambientazione veramente reale che ti fa vivere il Natale in modo straordinario......BELLISSIMO.... 1 years ago

Lone Wolf: I love my Christmas Tree I got from there. 1 years ago

A moment of silence and meditation.......come to will be surprised.

ZelleMist: Dinkies Funsize Dinkie Resort, Alternate Metaverse, went on a roadtrip to Samsara. A beautifully built sim by Yana Dakota. Very peaceful, a place to relax, to meditate. Complete Instructions and guide... 1 years ago

The destinations offer at our **Winter Worlds Travel Agency** has been updated. So far, 30 destinations of winter or Christmas regions are showcased.

falene hawks: bonjour trop bien Novale faut y aller visiter et faire du ski encore Bravo 1 years ago

Happy Christmas time!!!

Our Advent Calendar is opened again!
You will find behind every door another great gift.
Mare Grid wishes you all a great Christmas time !!!

KikiBaily: Wünsche dem Mare Grid eine schöne Adventzeit :-) 1 years ago


Ellen: So cute!!! Thank you!!!!! I love your clothes! 1 years ago

Noelia is here, I hope you like it!!

I have found a way to create an openai chat gpt bot in opensimulator without having to have your own website to host the code, and without using php. What this means is that if you are interested in your own chatbot, you just need to get your api key from openai and come see me, if you already made one in the past just go to their website and delete the old one and make a new one, then save it in a notecard. But if you still have your key in a notecard then just bring that it should still work. At any rate it is now possible to do this in a much simpler way than before, if interested contact me in world. p.s. i lost my friends list due to a grid crash, so just find me at

Kawaii Unicorn: I am consistently astounded by your intelligence and the creations you bring forth. Your magic region, in particular, stands out with its remarkable scripts that add an extra layer of awe and wonder.... 1 years ago

*** Camballa***
Cristmas outfit-Elf and Shnowman
Boots-leggings-Sweater( maitreya
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

Taliya: Sweet❤️🎄 1 years ago

Body Shimmer "Gold&Black" For Reborn Body

hop:// Terra/226/50/25

Marianne!!! New avatar at Mexico Lindo!! I hope you like it, always welcome!

hop:// Terra/82/41/36

Ellen: You don't allow visitors from my world? 1 years ago
Hello everybody Today we open our new store BLACK SHADES, all clothes in black shades for the REBORN body, we will fill the store with more clothes, shoes, and other fun things for the REBORN body later.
Arthur King
Hola a todos Hoy abrimos nuestra nueva tienda BLACK SHADES, toda la ropa en tonos negros para el cuerpo REBORN, más adelante llenaremos la tienda con más ropa, zapatos y otras cosas divertidas para el cuerpo REBORN.
Arthur King

hop:// Terra/225/49/25

Antonia Ling: Yes, I like black and this is a nice shop for black stuff. Thank you! 1 years ago

"Tomorrow" Ground Level


Dyvall: chubby... deine avatare sind einfach traumhaft uns so detailverliebt zusammen gestellt. ganz lieben dank für deine arbeit ;) 1 years ago
Xinashi Is Taking a New Direction.
I've stopped work on Xinashi and have taken all the builds back into my inventory. The CopyKat Collective hub region has also been packed up.

Here's the deal. I've been working on 20 Xinashi sims for about 3 years now. In addition, I've assembled 160 outfits for the oh HELLO shop in the past year alone. I'm finding it is all too much work. The fact is that less than half of the Xinashi sims have been fully set-up in all of this time. And, since the CopyKat grid closed and the loss of my inventory, I have been unable to assemble new outfits for the shop.

So, I'm sharpening my focus. Xinashi as a whole will be on hold for now. My work in OS will be devoted to assembling new outfits for oh HELLO and working with the CopyKat Collective team on a new project. You might want to join our discussion about the Collective's new project on our Discord server:

Chillin at Luxor

ToyBoy: Nicely build! 1 years ago
ELVEN HUD version 20 released!!!
If you are an elf you need this hud! :) Recently updated, and many bug fixes.
The hud collapses to a small trifoil button which when clicked expands the buttons of the hud. What the buttons do:
1) Teleport - presents a menu to tp you to anyone in a sim.
2) Spy - presents you menu to zoom in on anyone on your sim.
3) Scrying - rezzes a green ball that you click. This ball has several menus. It is used for finding things. You click the ball and select the type of items you are looking for, such as agents, active, scripted prims, passive prims. Then it shows you a list of all such items near you. Then you click select and click an item in the menu. The ball shoots out a greenish stream of light to point to the item. Great for finding lost tiny things that you can't see.
4) Invisible - Turn off your ao and click invisible and you sink below the ground, seemingly disappearing from view. To return to view just click the round TRI-Foil button. Note clicking the round trifoil button ends most spells.
5) Sanctuary - This rezzes a lovely fantasy elven pavillion created by cat of alternate metaverse grid. Then... It tp's you to the top of your own ivory tower, giving you a view of the lands. To get rid of it when you're done, just click the trifoil button and the entire tower vanishes magically. You can also invite friends to sit at the top of the tower with you and contemplate the meaning of the forest. :)
6) Shield - This just rezzes a simple shield that will ask if it can attach to your avatar. To end this shield simply click the trifoil button. :)
7) Speed - This increases your walking, running, and flying speed by 3x the normal values. So you can zoom across your land at the speed of a wood elf. :) To stop and return to normal speed just click the speed button again. It will tell you in local chat your speed is returned to normal.
8) Attack - If you are on a land where you can rez, this will present a menu of people nearby. If you select a name, blue light will shoot from your hand and zoom to that person. The person will be caught up in a whirlwind of bluefire, and as they try to walk they will be lifted higher and higher off the sim. To end this magic effect just click the trifoil button.
~ Note ~ This is the only magic hud that is currently working due to recent changes in the scripting engine. I will go through the other huds eventually and update them to work again. Starting with the ones people request. Those huds are: wizard hud, witch hud, fairy hud, vampire hud.
Note: The radar hud and the multisim status reporter hud have been updated as of today to work with the current sim changes. All 3 huds ( elven hud, radar hud, and multisim status report hud ), are all available at wizardry.
Please enjoy and have fun.

Opensim should be....

  • A Hobby that includes all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A Hobby that does not include all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A platform for people to make a little extra pocket money from selling services and items.
  • A for profit decentralised business.
Vote (41)

NEW items going in daily, just added 2 new houses today. More to come

MorningGlory: 😍 I need to come and see them ... Thank you! ❤️ 2 years ago

Ready for export.....

Jupiter Rowland: Doesn't make you want to nope away like some of Arcadia's or Vbinnia's barrels. 2 years ago
Arial view of Dragonspire. All of my region, The Land Of Xzar, is parceled, even the rivers so the places in the novel can all be named. Enable shared environment, though I keep messing with the skies. I can't make up my mind. Oh! And have your sound on. Though there are still silent pockets through the land. It all takes time...still building the last of it.
There are two entrances directly to Devil's Fork, the back way in, from Dragonspire, through the mountains, or down a lovely path to a gate. So after your visit to Dragonspire, (the house and gatehouse are my versions of a similar house built by Kismet in SL and I am slow at furnishing it, so mostly empty) take a stroll over to Devil's Fork, explore my little town of mostly my own builds in prim and texture, and have a drink at The Grande Phoenix or my favorite dive, Charlie's Bar. ;) See you soon!

BTW a lot of folks are visiting, no one is commenting or reviewing. Even if it is a bad review it would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading this long azz post! Much Love and let's spread it around!! It will come back to you. Promise.

MartyFeldman: ... no regions found with that name 2 years ago

New today, Jewelry

Marianna: Hello, sending an apology to Mahina Nova and Cinda Windlow, I was very afk working on jewelry thank you for stopping by!! 2 years ago

Late Night Parties begin at 10pm-1am
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ April McKenna
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Dave King
DJ Clan Escotia
And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe'.
Greedy is available for anyone wanting to have a game!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :) Welcome

Nano Bikini NIKA
Trikini LENA
Mikrokini SONA

Comes all with Color Hud -Athena Body-


It has been a while since I created Ear Climbers. This is a second set that I have created and since they are so fun to create I will be adding more to the collection.Please find these in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry

MorningGlory: Lovely piece 2 years ago
HG Safari trips return for the Fall Season in 6 weeks from now !
Our schedule is pretty much full, but if you'd like your region to be put on the standby list, or want to save a spot in the next season's schedule (starting Jan 2024), just drop me a word here in osw. Don't be shy !

---- NEW ----

New Outfit !!!!
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Rio De Janeiro
3 0
Stark A
138 79
Serrallo de Mogor A
11 1
Abraham Entertainment Venues A
4 0
Coral Cove A
3 0
10 3
Open Mic Arts
5 0
13 0
Xenotown A
18 0
5 0
14 0
77 16
Hypergrid Games
11 5
11 0
Regions Online: 1,773
Active: 350 avatars in 178 regions
The Box
Xenon Darrow 6 hours ago
@TheReal: I wish it would hide their ads, posts, and comments too. :)
Ankhsenaton 12 hours ago
because you think we can make multiple account with the same mail ?
TheRealChrisHansen 20 hours ago
when we block someone's name why can't it be done server side that it blocks all accounts under that said email? to prevent abuse?
Ankhsenaton yesterday
il y a des primes en $ pour ces gens qui ne font que balancer des vacherie ici ?
Xenon Darrow yesterday
Ferdeez is the same person who has always spewed lies and violence. Blocked long long ago. And the alts
Julie yesterday
Thank you :D
Speck yesterday
@Julie - try in this group Julie :)
Julie yesterday
Anyone know where i can get a steam train :)
Jared Seda yesterday
@CyberGlo Cyberstar! Your back!!!!! Welcome back!!!!
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
Ferdzee enjoy your block, im not taking the bait.
Sparky 2 days ago
You say you dont even know me but you posted crap about me 20 days ago, its on YOUR profile @Cyberglo, fukin fake-ass LIAR
Pagane 2 days ago
If you choice to login to "Last location" will see LAST picture - Like cloud what Cyber explain), If choice "Home" will see screenshot from moment of setting home location. OMG.... EXPERTS!!! Whats will see if type free text in location field???
Pagane 2 days ago
I cannot understand why you continue to speak about experts, knowlege and all this UNKNOWN words! Until almost all here NOT KNOW how to use FS.....
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
Ferdzee you are a bald face liar. None of what you said is true. I don't even know you.
Speck 2 days ago
OR - you could make a png file with "I am amazing!" and put that in place of the last saved location, set it to read only and then it would be your startup screen :)
Speck 2 days ago
@Cyber - Hey if orange dust balls turn you on, that's fine too!
Speck 2 days ago
@Pagane - I wasn't testing FS, just the blocking of the logout picture :)
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
My firestorm logout picture is of me in a sandbox as an orange dust ball. LOL.

New Comments

Vychod_Radek 10 minutes ago
Warning: If you visit this club, be careful. The owner has no respect for intellectual property or privacy. Your unique items, including your avatar, could be stolen by him. Avoid this place to protec...
Mental_Case 34 minutes ago
The "We Want Sex" club is disappointing. It's filled only with bots, which makes the experience feel empty and fake. The owner hasn't created anything original but instead copied the idea from another...
Khiron Ametza 38 minutes ago
Come on guys join us!!!
Tyler Mathews 50 minutes ago
You really need to get your facts right Woody and stop being a Troll.. Yana is one of our best DJ's.. Not Only was she NOT djing that day. Italian music would Not have been played to an Irish Event.. ...
Khiron Ametza 57 minutes ago
Hurry up guys, I just started!!!!
Safinemahoe2 4 hours ago
time to find some silks for this super fun dance!
Timur 5 hours ago
Vielen Dank für die Aufklärung Woody, ...das ist noch die freundlichste Zusammenfassung der GWG Absturzgeschichte die ich gelesen habe.
Woody 7 hours ago
Yana is the worst DJ in the morning crew. Completely talentless. Streams live Italian performances on St. Patrick's Day. She has no idea about music. She overestimates herself. Shame on you.
Bella 8 hours ago
Thanks for the respost :)


we want sex
Warning: If you visit this club, be careful. The owner has no respect for intellectual property or privacy. Your unique items, including your avatar, could be stolen by him. Avoid this place to protec...
Vychod_Radek 13 minutes ago
we want sex
The "We Want Sex" club is disappointing. It's full of bots, making it feel fake and dull.
Nikita_Sylvestrus 18 minutes ago
we want sex
The "We Want Sex" club is a letdown. It's all bots, so it feels fake and boring. The owner copied the idea from another club, with no original thought put in. It's not a fun or real experience.
Monique_hulsen 27 minutes ago
we want sex
The "We Want Sex" club is disappointing. It's filled only with bots, which makes the experience feel empty and fake. The owner hasn't created anything original but instead copied the idea from another...
Mental_Case 36 minutes ago
we want sex
After visiting the "We Want Sex" club, it’s evident that this establishment falls short of expectations and lacks any original creativity or unique vision. Upon entering, it’s immediately noticeable t...
Major_Malfunction 49 minutes ago
we want sex
This is nothing else but a cheap rippoff ( without permittion ) of Alba's club. nothing else but bots and a loser who can't even build a club for himself and has to steal ideas from others.
FoxxyFawkes 58 minutes ago
we want sex
THIS PLACE SUCKS ! Nothing else than NPC's and a Douchbag of a sim owner who only harrasses women and has no idea how to run a club!
Yuki_Yubari 1 hour ago
we want sex
This Place is a illegal copy and a wannabe Alba's sex club with only bots on the sim. its better to go to the original Alba Sex club sim:
Keiko_Yubari 1 hour ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Amaaaaazing region <3 And shocked about the lack of lag considering how busy it is! Great script and resources inside as well as amazing office spaces for rent!
Aurora Starchild 3 hours ago

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