OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Outworldz Alexandria
0 Users 16 5
Cleopatra hears that Marc Antony is rushing to her side, barely alive after falling to his sword. The world changed that day from a democracy to a dictatorship, and Egypt was enslaved. A 16 region ...
Honored to participate in the Opensim Worlds Fair this year :-) I have two areas: parcel 10 - Lunaria Emporium which is a sim-sized area, and a display in the tech area talking about pbr. Hope to see you there :-)

Here's the hop: hop://

Opening March 4th 9am with a brand new build

Exciting changes are coming to Home and Gardens! Not only will we have stunning historical homes powered by Bullet physics, but an entire region showcasing some of the finest and freshest properties in the Ubode Physics realm. We've also given H&G Furniture a complete overhaul, with a wealth of brand-new items that will make it easier than ever to find what you're looking for.

All three regions will have their own dedicated beacons, so you can easily navigate to the areas that interest you most. This massive undertaking has been months in the making, and I'm thrilled to finally unveil the new and improved Home and Gardens and H&G Furniture this Tuesday, March 4th at 9am grid time.

These homes are for your personal enjoyment only - no god-modding or unauthorized redistribution allowed. I work tirelessly for the people of the Open Sim, not for any individual grid. I can't wait for you all to experience the incredible transformation we've achieved!

LisaLandar: I am also looking forward to the opening and am excited - thank you very much for your tireless work ! 22 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/118/136/3827

Jordan Melody: loveee them!!! 24 days ago

Can't decide between animals or plants? Why not have both! These and many other planters available now in the Family Living store in Ardent Lake.

It's been a long week but a great one. Poor old tired wolf.

Caribia: cheers =) 27 days ago
Because we're all about the food at Birch Grove Spring! I made/arranged (a clever person at Sketchfab named Moonlian actually made the waffles) some In Norma's Diner by the Train station if anyone's wishing for some.

Frank Hurt: Dang it, now you have me craving waffles! I can almost smell them! 1 month ago

Lone Wolf at Wolf Grid Welcome Region next to our balloon rides, helicopter hire and even more!

Brrrr lots of goings-on in opensim right now! Need a breather from the asset frenzy? Get yourself a cuppa, here are a few recent posts from the HG Safari blog *caution may contain eye candy*
Yana Dakota's spiritual paradise, with an asian theme
another Japanese build of great beauty
important hg news about how your grid can be part of the Parade on Pangea
some much needed R&R, Star trek style
Neverworld's fab riders
and finally a positive take on the OSGrid situation

Frank Hurt: I always enjoy your travel essays! Regardless of presence of alleged eye candy. 1 month ago

A view from Wolf Software System's Office at our Wolf Workspace Welcome region. Region owners get a free office they can use to promote their regions in or just use.

Work continues on our welcome area.

Xenon Darrow: It's so amazing how quickly offices are filling up! 2 months ago
Each year, we do a multi language conference to celebrate all that's good, challenging, and fun about Opensim. This year it will be April 5 and 6... more about that in coming weeks! Along with the speakers and art events in several languages, most of you probably know there's also a big Expo park that opens before the event so you can explore and learn about your fellow opensimmers. Everyone can make a booth for this expo - the deadline of Jan 31 but let Thirza know if you're running late, we'll save you a space!
Many of you (like Bloom Peters, her booth show in in the photo) have already modded the basic Expo Booth, and passed it to Thirza on OSGrid for placement in the park, but if you haven't done so yet, don't delay!
You can get the basic booth at the landing area on HIE region, and there are explainer videos in a bunch of languages at

Luna Lunaria: Got my booth there :-) 2 months ago
NEWS!!! 42 CHEEK DEFORMERS (UNISEX) These deformers were created to be for LeLutka heads, they are unisex.
Experiment with the different versions so that you can find the perfect match for your desired look. hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827

Open Now Furniture Dreams...... Furniture, all Animated Decoration, 2 Floors

Wolf Workspace - Welcome Region at night

Xenon Darrow: Such a brilliant idea, Lone! Such gorgeous work, Jimmy! 2 months ago

One of the tower blocks at Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Region - Home to Wolf Software Systems Ltd, a real life software company that makes web sites, mobile apps and more.

Luna Lunaria: I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me 2 months ago

NEW Release SN Leo Trunks

- Athletic
- Legacy
- with HUD

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

KarinBecker: wowwwwwwwww sexy 2 months ago
DJane Sylvia heizt Euch ein mit einem wilden Mix
Ab sofort jeden 3.ten Dienstag im Monat

DJane Sylvia heats you up with a wild mix
From now on every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Taxi: Club
It's with a heavy heart I announce the closure of the Hub Grid.

It was never one of those 'popular' Grids, and nor is the E Grid, but I like to think a few held it in a special sense :) We may not have been popular or well visited, or featured on the Safari or anything like that, but we enjoyed what we had. Sadly the funds are no longer there to finance the hosted Grid, so it will be shutting its doors, so to speak, immediately.

The E Grid will remain available for its rentals and may continue to offer new rentals.

If you are renting there, be sure you are wearing the Residents tag to visit your home.

Most of the E Grid will now be private, all that is not rentals.

While I am sad to announce the Hub going dark, I want to shout out to Masala Estates for their wonderful hosting and recommend them very very highly to anyone!

I am myself going on Hiatus here for an extended time. Life has changed for me and not in a negative way, but still changed. I will check from time to time, and want to thank those of you who visited our regions, for all your support. You truly made it worthwhile to stick around :)

Luna Lunaria: So very sad to see your place close down Milly. I wish you nothing but happiness and peace no matter where you are 2 months ago

The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking

Lange hat es gedauert aber der Druck wurde immer größer.....JA OK...ich mache es nochmal 🙂

Ihr seit ALLE eingeladen zu dieser Einzigartigen Party im TOSCA

p.s. Gäste mit evtl Hörschäden bitte Ohrstöpsel mitbringen 😉

Linda_Luo: noch 2 tage dann iss soweit 2 months ago
View from our Penthouse Apartment on Park Avenue over Central Park. We can see from balcony the UFO over little New Jersey. wow. The Central Park alone is 3x1 big. Whole sim is 7x7 and with off sim mountains etc 8x8. You can do a lot of things in Central Park. Swim in lake, Windsurf, riding horses, go on Concert at the Central Park stage, gather to play chess ... and much more. Like you do in Central Park in New York City too. lol If you put on sunset or midnight environment it is the right ambient to enjoy and it is enough light everywhere. If you want some worrying scary scenes you can use the shared environment with fog lol Of course, most people use midday environment. But ambient is not the same then to enjoy all the different aspects to feel the sim alive with all the people and traffic. For videos you should look on my rumble account. I posted there more than 50 videos. Perhaps it is recommended for people with old computer to see all alive. My videos you can find here on 3 pages. Most are 1080 pt videos recorded with my MacBook.

Frank Hurt: That's a huge build! I need to check it out. I enjoy your machinima videos too. I am slowly figuring out how to record quality videos too, which I intend on sharing with everyone. 2 months ago

New women's store #kingmancity


ValeriaRossi: La vendita resta invariata sono avatar realizzati da me a mio gusto e fantasia vanno richiesti, cliccare il quadro in modalita modifica leggere il nome del avatar scelto e comunicarlo a Valeria Rossi,... 3 months ago

'...At mine altars the youth of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice...'

I have various circlets and tiaras created at the back of the store by the wedding rings. I was asked to create these when I first started creating jewelry and have loved them ever since; these are always so fun to create and look pretty when worn. Jewelry
Circlet is created using RhinoGold/Matrix Gold Software.

snik snoodle: Hi Marianna - I wonder if this blender add on may prove useful for you: also a bit more info on it here: 3 months ago
Firstly "Happy New Year" everybody!

zetaworld grid automatically logs out any hypergridders from dynamic dns grids from visiting them (SUPER RUDE ZETA!), so in return I've done the same, so if zetaworld residents get logged out when hypergridding to " of merci" then that will be the reason why.

I'm more than happy to reverse my decision, assuming zetaworld does the same :)

I'm trying to be a more positive, encouraging, creative and empathic individual, but currently I'm struggling. I'll do my very best to do better in future. :)

Always happy to share grid admin tips along with general opensim support and help, generally, I don't bite, unless you do :)


Glenys Bieler: Zeta SAY its to do with German law: Grids have to have the name and details of the grid owner on their website to be legal...... I don't know if thats true or not - but tbh I don't care - it still suc... 3 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

We wish you all a Happy New Year

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/99/149/3827

**Trinity Skin for EvoX Briannon OUT NOW!**
Something a bit different, a gorgeous brownie toned skin! Fits Briannon EvoX Head.
The tone is 'out' of the range tones I have brought for other skins, so it includes body skin as well.
- Trinity skin in 1 tone for EvoX Briannon Head
- Addons (Dimples, eye lids, moles...)
- Body skin in several versions (including a feet 'fix' for legacy bodies).

**Uber:** hop://

Tay Blindside: still can't get to your LM you have posted 3 months ago

RemmyRavenhurst: Avatars really are an art form in themselves! 3 months ago


**Dali Babe V-Tech Addon FATPACK Out now!**
We haven't forgotten about fembois! These flat body skin add-ons for V-Tech addon will feat seamlessly into any of the LEGACY or REBORN styles of the main Dali line.
- Comes in 15 different tones in the Dali Babe Range
- Includes several add-ons.

Uber: hop://

Merry Christmas to all from the E Grid and the Hub Grid!

Lise: Merry Christmas and may your 2025 Grid be filled with many wonderful memories! 3 months ago

Joyeux Noël et joyeuses célébrations de fin d'année

new winter region GOS DACHA

Luna Lunaria: Nice work, I look forward to visiting. I stopped by your regions today but I dont think this one is open yet 3 months ago


Belze Cherub: WIE IMMER KLASSE 3 months ago


Belze Cherub: WIE IMMER KLASSE 3 months ago

----- NEW -----

With this cute outfit I would like to thank you all and wish you a merry and blessed Christmas season.

Am Sonntag den 15. Dezember gibt es die nächste Adventslesung mit Rubeus Helgerud. Ab 20:00 Uhr gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt

Weihnachtliche Vormusik gibts wieder ab 19:30 zu hören. Schnappt Euch Glühpunsch und setzt Euch auf die Kissen ins gut beheizte Märchenzelt und hört ein wenig zu. Wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.

On Sunday, December 15th, there will be the next Advent reading with Rubeus Helgerud. From 8:00 p.m. there will be a Christmas atmosphere in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market market

Christmas pre-music will be heard again from 7:30 p.m. Grab some mulled punch and sit on the cushions in the well-heated fairy tale tent and listen for a while. We look forward to seeing you all.

CCC-Athena/Petite & Legacy/Perky Boutique is Re-Opening at a New Location.
Please enter the Boutique Region Clothed !!!
No Public Nudity allowed !!

I woke up to a message from @Ferdzee casually saying, "Oh, by the way, your grid now supports PBR." Wait, WHAT? PBR? You mean DG has PBR now? Yep! Shiny, beautiful gold—Yay! Over time, I'll be updating all my jewelry. It’ll take a while, but the future is looking golden and brilliant! Dreamgrid 5.9 is PBR! Time to update your FS viewers people :) Thank you @Ferdzee you are my Hero!! Yayy
The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking world—perhaps a misty mountain range, an alien landscape, or a bustling medieval city. This dream is like the first stroke of inspiration for an artist.

When you start building, the blank OpenSim region becomes your canvas, a digital palette where each prim, texture, and script is a brushstroke. The process is exhilarating as you shape the terrain, paint the sky with colors and clouds, and breathe life into your vision. You sculpt cliffs, plant forests, and carve rivers, adding details that make your world not just beautiful but immersive.

What makes OpenSim even more thrilling is its ability to provide massive land sizes without the prohibitive costs of other virtual platforms like Second Life. The expansive landscapes give creators room to explore their wildest ideas, unburdened by financial constraints. This freedom fuels creativity, allowing for sprawling builds that are limited only by the creator’s imagination.

There's also a sense of discovery as the imagined meets the possible. You experiment with elements—adjusting lighting for a perfect sunset, scripting interactive elements, or adding soundscapes that make the environment hum with life. The joy of creation is heightened when the imagined dream surpasses your expectations and becomes a place where others can explore, share, and marvel.

Building in OpenSim is not just crafting pixels; it’s the act of creation in its purest form—a thrilling dance between imagination and realization, where the limits are only bound by the extent of your dreams.

This is an excellent place to start:

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Very nice, Marianna, and really accurate. 4 months ago
AMV5B - Alternate Metaverse Grid Celebrates 5 Years!

All of you are invited to our 5th Birthday celebration on the Region AMV Birthday, A Co-Creation of Ted Junior and Chris McCracken, two excellent builders and landscapers! There are a few touches by the talented Lilie Finesmith and by Cataplexia Numbers as well. We will start off with a Short Grid Address to open and the Re-Inauguration of our Grid's Mayor, The lovely Taffy Star. After the Inauguration we will celebrate at the main stage with a Live Performance by Mavenn Live & Joao Frazao!

We will have 3 more days of parties & Events, and wrap it up on December 8th. Live Performers, DJs & Storytelling, Free gifts, and Free portraits by Zelle Mist are available throughout the 4 day event!

We are so fortunate...Cliff & be able to call so many incredible people Our friends and family! Love and Light to all of you and a most gracious THANK YOU for helping to make this grid the wonderful and diverse place that it is! Birthday (235, 174, 23)

Alternate Metaverse 5th Birthday Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 5th

9:30 AM - 10:30am - Grid Address & Inauguration At Cafe' Espresso Stage
10;30am - 11:30am Mavenn Live @ The Living Stage
11:30am - 12:30pm Joao Frazao @ The Living Stage
12:30pm-1:30pm DJ Baby Miller @ The Butterfly Stage
1:30pm-2:30 DJ Naya Pinazzo @ The Butterfly Stage
4 - 6pm Maldrul Smith @ The Butterfly Stage

Friday, December 6th

10am-11am DJ DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem @ The Butterfly Stage
12noon -1pm Storytelling by Yichard Muni @ The Garden Of Journeys
2pm-3pm Dave King Live @ The Guitar Stage
3pm-4pm DJ Anys @ The Guitar Stage
4-5pm Zoree Jupiter @ The Guitar Stage
5pm - 6pm Beccca Baxton @ The Guitar Stage
6pm - 7pm DJ Maia Antarra Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage
7pm - 8pm DJ April McKenna Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage

Saturday, December 7th

9am - 10am DJ Tyler Mathews
10am -11am Mr Mikie String @ The Living Stage
11am - 12noon Clan Escotia & Clans Band Live @ The Living Stage
12noon - 1pm Ernest Moncrieff @ The Living Stage
1pm - 2pm Icky Thump Live @ The Living Stage
4pm -5pm DJ Jordan Melody @ The Butterfly Stage
5pm - 6pm DJ Chris McCracken @ The Butterfly Stage


Sunday, December 8th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ The Butterfly Stage
11am -1pm Dave King & Wintermyst Tangerae's Video Party @ The Butterfly Stage
1pm - 2pm Ian Kitsilano Live w Mr M & The All-nighters @ The Guitar Stage
2pm - 3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Guitar Stage

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design #christmas2024 #arkhamgrid

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Aurora Starchild: Ay por dios que maravillosidades. Con lo que me gusta a mi todo lo navideño *.* 4 months ago

Live Traffic
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Rock City
60 16
Happy Hour!
TwoHearts Wedding Island A
7 0
NW Welcome
6 0
Magical Fairies Pass
4 0
Serendipity Isle
5 0
Badass Club Land A
22 1
Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
25 13
Serendipity Isle
4 0
Trianon Complex A
96 23
4 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Risa A
9 0
Lush Isle A
8 0
Serrallo de Mogor A
11 1
Regions Online: 1,824
Active: 232 avatars in 150 regions
The Box
Caribia 25 minutes ago
And why i say so ? cos I have been struggling with things same as with osgrid two years ago meshes disappear from land and what you wear and this is not what I hear from other opensim users and yes my friendlist is large
Caribia 31 minutes ago
and hey about wolf grid.. dont go.. get to smaller ones
Mystic Moonlight 31 minutes ago
yeah ill find him eventually lol
Caribia 35 minutes ago
mm he can have vacation in rl?
Mystic Moonlight 40 minutes ago
ty caribia ,,,yeah they arent listed in his kitely market just checked there ,, i am just wondering what grid hes in now ,, last i saw him was at the air show during the summer
Caribia 55 minutes ago
he should be in Kitely Mystic
Mystic Moonlight 1 hour ago
looking for his ridabl;e donkeys
Mystic Moonlight 1 hour ago
anyone know where kyaker magic is now
Caribia 6 hours ago
lol pagane that way my mother made apple pie :D
Pagane 6 hours ago
How to make real cream potatoes FAST and easy: 1) peel , cut up, and boil potatoes. 2) strain potatoes!!! 3) give potatoes, heavy cream, butter, salt, and pepper to kids 4) after 30 seconds collect ready cream from kids, floor, roof and windows.
CyberGlo CyberStar 8 hours ago
How to make real cream potatoes: 1) peel , cut up, and boil potatoes. 2) strain potatoes and add to mixing bowl 3) add heavy cream, butter, salt, and pepper 4) using a handmixer beat until fluffy adding more cream (not milk) as needed.
Misty_Falls 8 hours ago
*clicks remote* yay, time for my favorite soap "The Box"
Speck 19 hours ago
I must say that I find it incredibly funny that Susanna the attack dog lunges, attempts to bite, gets push back and then hides in a ban. Is Susanna really so dumb as to not realise that I can still read her posts? Poor soul.
Susanna_Heller yesterday
Wieso du auch ... dann kannst dic h bei der AFD bewerben die suchen noch.
Tommy White yesterday
nicht nur die Haselnuss ist Schwarzbraun
Susanna_Heller yesterday
Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss von Heino und dann ab zur Anifa Demo XD
Susanna_Heller yesterday
ohhh typische Deutsche Musik .... gibts auf diesem Event dann auch Kotztüten oder muss man seine eigenen mit bringen ....
Speck yesterday
Of course you do, because you have failed in your tragic quest for some molecule of power. I will not block you because you are pointless and powerless.

New Comments

Caribia 43 minutes ago
past is past why need a reminder?
Mystic Moonlight 53 minutes ago
well opensim would be one of the smallest dots beings it is almost 18 years old ,,, it was one of the first next to sl of course you had others before them like worlds and rose3d and cybert...
JoeBuilder 2 hours ago
Most in opensims have never heard of Virtual Museum me for one and I been here 15yrs.
Sharpened Razor 3 hours ago
yes im having the same problem cant buy anything from the shop
Khiron Ametza 6 hours ago
5 mins to go, the place is gorgeous!!!
SoA .BAD 6 hours ago
it is build for bullet physics
AmberNL 7 hours ago
is it build for ubode or bullet physics?
Acen8 10 hours ago
Thanks for your help :)
Aurora Starchild 11 hours ago
Oh wow, thank for sharing - didn't know this one, and love data! That was a lot of zoome out I have to do :)


Tried to visit and received this message. What is the point of listing this here then? (Teleport failed. Denied access to private region CoyKoi:You do not have access to that region.)
ThorAsgard 10 minutes ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Been in many grids and this is the most sharing and caring one and I mean people .. sharing and caring to one which is playing the victim
Caribia 56 minutes ago
Dream 23
TY for the freebies. I enjoyed my visit.
Debra Ann Congi 3 hours ago
Club Nakkie
Club Nakkie is the coolest Adult Playground region I have ever seen from landing to venue's it just doesn't get better than this. There's so much to do. Ellie Venusa knows how to design a Playground t...
DaphneLuna yesterday
Hypergrid Games
NO foreign visitors allowed. Why advertise if no one is allowed to visit? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Debra Ann Congi yesterday
Alternate Metaverse
Very friendly people, always willing to help. They truly care about their grid and residents.
Elifunt yesterday
Blue Lagoon
@Pipinella That's nothing new! Micke and Emma have already done this on their old grid GWG. Nothing will change, even with a new grid and name...and decency, behavior are foreign words for the two any...
Richard Lagoon yesterday
Blue Lagoon
Sehr enttäuschend, mein Avatar wurde mitsamt seinem Inventar kommentarlos gelöscht. Sehr traurig, dass es keinen Anstand und kein Benehmen hier gibt.
Pipinella 2 days ago

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