OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Halloween has arrived. Spooktacular is now open.

NineZero: It works! Yay! Thank you! 9 months ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ANNIVERSARY – Jubiläumsparty C&C ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

We clebrate our 2 Year Partnership CRAZY & CARMEN
Wir feiern unsere 2 jährige Partnerschaft

You are all warmly invited to celebrate with us
Ihr seid alle recht herzlich eingeladen mit uns zu feiern

Monday / Montag 11.September 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.


good mood / gute Laune


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: we thx all the wonderfull guests at our anniversary - PEACE and LOVE to all wishes C&C 10 months ago
Firestorm blured appearances
Please tell me why Firestorm under linux always shows me blurry photos in appearance. On same computer under Windows pictures is ok.
If I choose Select photo after a while only this photo is "fixed". After a reboot, they are all blurry again.

Jerralyn Franzic: I'm using 6.6.14 in Linux. I don't have any issues with blurry photos with outfit phots. Uploaded to my Alternate Metaverse account. The Linux viewer doesn't use any Windows DLLs. The Linux FS viewe... 10 months ago
I am pleased to advertise the second blender class on rigging. Below is the notecard of required downloads to participate. Class will meet here promptly at 9PM Grid time.
downoad wuff

Oni Girl

auto rig

blender 3.5 preferred

KatKakoola: Just taken a look at those links, some things I didn't know about so I'll delve a little deeper! Kudos for posting this stuff, new things and new imagination are always needed x Sending 100 Excellence... 10 months ago

New today, Jewelry

Marianna: Hello, sending an apology to Mahina Nova and Cinda Windlow, I was very afk working on jewelry thank you for stopping by!! 11 months ago

We have 3 new residents this weekend
Marty Feldman from Austria
Linda McAlister from Belgium
and Dante Cavalieri is joining us again!

Please make all feel welcome!

Lily Loire: Update: That's a warm "Welkom" rubber ducky for Linda. So many languages but we all come together under one banner as FRIENDS. 1 years ago
Hello Beautiful friends.... our old region is coming to an end and we will be re-birthed soon. In light of that, we are thinking about an end of region party .... We would love Reggie to DJ if you are available, and of course have all the regulars together to say good bye to the old... and welcome the new ! QUESTION..... which weekend day is best and what time... So let us know in comments when you are available over the next 2 weekends if you would like to come and take part. It would be awsome for a friends wide participation. Does anyone want to build something special for the night ? Any particular music choices? Any dress code? etc.... let us know your thoughts . We will make it special XXXX

PinDeluca: Serina is build a cool little dance area on Friends Mainland. We welcome you all to join in and add bits and bobs to make it special i.e.. it could be decor, furnishing, plants or trees - lets all ... 1 years ago
Il me tarde d'être à samedi, pour ce magnifique évènement que nous prépare la grid Atlas. c'est sans aucun doute un des grands évènements d'opensim de 2023, à ne rater sous aucun pré-tesque. annuler toutes vos obligations réelles, annuler même vos propres activités virtuelles, pour venir assister à ce grand défilé comme vous n'en aviez jamais vue !!!

le taxi pour Atlas :

MinordLoup: C'est vraiment très gentil pour eux 1 years ago
I don't understand why there are rosicons who as soon as they see something much more beautiful than theirs tell you that you copy things or you copied the objects in their sim while many others leave the opportunity to have the objects in the shop without breaking the maroni .... .this is called ROSICARE FOR INABILITY TO DO!!!!!!
directly to R_Lion from dominique toretto

Star Ravenhurst: When I first joined Open Sim there was not a lot available except a lot of Linda Kelly and for furniture, WIckenshire had (and still does) the most beautiful prim-built furnishings and decor I have ev... 1 years ago

ChuBelz Grid ist ab sofort geöffnet
ChuBelz Grid is now open

KikiBaily: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Eröffnung Euch Beiden :-) 1 years ago
How to protect your OpenSIM Server from hackers, priscila's etc.
Protect OpenSIM from hackers, Priscila's and DDOS atack is very easy, but most grid owners continue to not protect their grid and servers.

There is 3 simple step guide for admins:

1. Disable BUILD for all visitors, guests, friends..... ONLY OWNERS MUST BUILD! Priscila use THIS option to fill your sim with cocks!
About land: Options:
Edit terrain: NO!!! Only SIM owner!
Fly: yes, why not?
Build: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Object Entry: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Run Script: yes! or mesh body like Athena will not work properly
Safe (no damage): YES!!!
2. Always use router or at least software firewal:
On your router:
my server use IP port 9000-9010, some server may use 8002
don't open port 8003, 3306, 3389 or other numbers what you see somewhere!
config redirect
option src 'wan'
option name 'SIM'
option target 'DNAT'
option dest 'lan'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src_dport '9000-9010'
option reflection_src 'external'
option dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'

config nat
option src_port '9000-9010'
option name 'OpenSim'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src 'lan'
option src_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'
option target 'SNAT'
option snat_ip 'WAN ip XX.XX.XX.XX'

config rule
option src_port '123'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDROP'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
option dest_port '9000'

config rule
option src_port '1900'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDropp'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
3. Make backups!

=========================== 2024 year additions =====================

4. NEWER allow ssh, ftp, sftp, rdp,smb or any other admin or file transfer access to the server via the same IP address! Use another hidden IP address or better VPN!

5. Backup must be on OTHER phisical device!!! Work copy on some directory is NOT BACKUP!!!

And, keep accusing me of being troll, canibal, ....(all what really is you) but if you not protect properly your server, screams will not help!

Pagane: Some dance machines or adult furnirure scripts ask for option guests to build. Guess whi create this scripts! Normal script use OSSL for this. 2 years ago
We are now open for Christmas and you can come to experience the parade any day. Be patient logging in as it is a big build. There is a big underwater sim and much more. Merry Christmas!! The entry problem is now fixed. My apologies.
This event was built by: Michael McHugh, Kimm Starr, Koshari Mahna, Ruby Odegee & Tony Gill with special help from Kayaker Magic and Webby Merlin from Clan Band. And includes many elements and objects created and built and offered for sale on the Kitely Market by high-quality creative builders.

Dabici132: I tried again and this time I arrived directly at the Parade Place without facing a box underwater. WOW, what a fantastic and dynamic creation. It is very impressive, beautiful and immersive ! Kudo 2 years ago
Upgraded the horse rezzer script from the popular NPC horse rezzer to an "All-in-One" Animesh Horse Rezzer, with a load of features in the animesh horse.
Tip: to avoid the horse from dying, remove the "animesh horse rez" script, and have it roam around an area of your region or parcel, follow other horses, and other options.

One of the major benefits of the animesh horse is that it can cross regions (if allowed by the sim owner).
When you own the animesh horse, you can wear it an teleport around.

ThundergodThor: Positively awesome, I love it! The horses are so realistic looking. Awesome job Roland! 2 years ago
Vous ne verrez plus çà, vous ne verrez plus jamais cela.
Le marché de Noël est mort, et ce n'est pas moi qui l'ai cassé !
Merci à tous ceux et toutes celles qui furent présents pendant ces 10 années, merci de votre soutient.
Maintenant c'est fini merci et au revoir.
N.B.: ce marché est l'oeuvre de Freddy Wright sur Francogrid vers 2010, et de personne d'autre.

This year you won't see that, you won't see that anymore.
The christmas market is dead.
I don't break it.
Thank you to all those who where there during ten years.
Thank you for your support.
Sorry Isn't my fault

Tristan Dehaie: @Dabici132, @Marianna, @MelodyStar, @ScarlettEarp, @monika, @thedeeferry, @Roleplayed, @Lampithaler, @Kelso.Uxlay, @elorift, @MoonroseGrid, @JeromFranzic, @soabad Il serait bon de cesser de raconter ... 2 years ago
Many stores where you can buy NOTHING (after all, everything is free!) are waiting for you here. To make your stay as pleasant as possible, there are 4 frozen yogurt stores in the small town - number 5 will open eventually. Or not^^.
Furthermore, there are 2 clothing stores with fashion for men and women, although something has gone wrong with the textures here - but come and see for yourself!
Brand new addition is the hairdressing salon with no less than 3 hairstyles - I can already betray that they are really the latest craze ;)
* * *
Viele Geschäfte, in denen ihr NICHTS kaufen könnt (schließlich ist alles kostenlos!), warten hier auf euch. Um euren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, gibt es 4 Frozen-Yoghurt-Läden in der kleinen Stadt- Nummer 5 wird irgendwann eröffnen. Oder auch nicht^^.
Ferner gibt es noch 2 Kleidungsgeschäfte mit Mode für Damen und Herren, wobei hier irgendwas mit den Texturen durcheinander gekommen sein - aber kommt und seht selbst!
Ganz neu dazugekommen ist der Friseursalon mit sage und schreibe 3 Frisuren - ich kann schon verraten, dass die echt der letzte Schrei sind ;)

Symphony: Super Fun! Omg ! I spent an hour there exploring and found it so interesting, easy on the eye, and an excelent example of how to make an environment with simple pieces. Excellent. ... 2 years ago
I think the next AV i make will be a Gypsy, for the last three years on OS, i have had to change accounts and such three times for grid closings or other such non-sense... just getting tired of packing all my stuff and moving... so i need a good Gypsy outfit and a Caravan for sure.... special Thanx to Kashi of Virtual Zone Grid, one of the metaverse's constants.

Jupiter Rowland: Sean Heavy has plenty of Gypsy outfits at Wright Plaza now. Just saying. 2 years ago
Thank you to welcome me in Art Factory, and all the team, great artists communauty, I am honored to be part of it with a gallery.
Some photos of my virtual worlds, animals, dance and emotion are the themes.
ART Factory grid : Art Factory
my gallery is not far the tour Eiffel

hicks adder: bravo ! :) 2 years ago

Karima Hoisan: The world is media enriched so please have media set to auto-play and music on:) 2 years ago
The Land of DragonFyre... This oar available on outworldz (just type outworldz and oar into google), is a 15 story castle, with a wizards house, a church, a beautiful forest, a lake, a micro beach, automatic npc's, massive dungeon, and even flying dragons that never stop flying. It has 2 caves, a light house, a unicorn, and a cappucino machine. This is the one to get. Make it so #1. If you are anybody that wants a land that is already premodulated in the dureum this is the place for you... A masterpiece of virtual artistry! And there's even boats and a submarine. :O OMG! If you don't git a copy of DragonFyre, you ain't got it! >:( The #1 First Place oar winner in the 2021 grid region competition for best in overall design and use of space. Don't be left out! Git ya sum!

Hyacinth: I just loaded it on GroovyVerse. It looks really great Cyber! :) 2 years ago
CopyKat Life Boat: Alt Island
CK Alt Island is a 2x2 region made available by Apollo Star. I'm still setting up the estate as a short-term hang-out/dance venue. Other uses, such as having shops, are possible if it looks like we need to use this region longer.

CK Alt Island is open to the public. CK residents can sign in with an alt account on another grid. Then come to the Island and set it as your home location if you like. We can use the region until November if we need to.

Thanks to everyone for your help and offers of land.

Antonia Ling: Much luck for the CopyKats and Nico! BTW: The surrealistic image is so cool - love it. 2 years ago

CopyKat Grid, the home of my regions (and oh HELLO!), is off-line for database maintenance. I've been told that the expected return is 2+ days.

Destiny257Seranade: Hope you have it up and running in no time! 2 years ago
just a reminder.. this is an ADULT GRID, and an ADULT REGION.. that means no child avatars or children allowed.. it you think you have been wrongfully ejected and banned message me here and plead your case.. but if you look 12 you are a child avatar

Leeloo: look the woman sizes in the world and realise 1m55 is for lots country a adult sizes woman , NOT A CHILD I not see any woman with 2 meter ;) enjoy ... 2 years ago
Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been, A Member Of The Communist Party?
It's the 1950's and the peak of anticommunist hysteria in the USA. I'm called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, a foci of fear, distrust and repression in American life. The committee is engaged in a campaign against supposed subversives. They ask, ‘Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?" I look in the mirror and see my lipstick. It's red and displays the characteristic yellow hammer and sickle of the Communist Party. "Hell", I thought. "I'm screwed".

It's all a dream of course. I'm wearing a ball gown, converse sneakers, and a blindfold, which I would never wear to a congressional hearing. I'm saving the outfit for my dream wedding.

In case you wonder, yes, there is lipstick like I describe--two versions in fact! It's in the box. Wear it if you dare.

RediOverland: Hum, I want be invite for your wedding. The lipstick is the must. Gugu Dada, maybe? Congrats, dear friend. 2 years ago
Faith, Hope, No Charity.
The hair is named Faith. The skirt is named Hope. And Charity? There is no item named Charity in this outfit. I couldn't find anything with that name in my inventory or in the shops I visited. I even asked a few friends. No luck. I was tempted to change the name of the boots to Charity. But look at them. I'd never get away with the ruse. Faith. Hope. No Charity. Sorry. It's the best I can do. However, the outfit has a gothic studded bra and an off-shoulder fur coat! Yippee, I guess. This trashy classy outfit is found at oh HELLO.

Symphony: cute. great hair too. 2 years ago
The company buying Trump's social network Truth Social warned investors about Trump's history of bankruptcy and failed business ventures. If anyone plans to "solve world poverty" by selling regions for AviTron, you should warn potential buyers too.

(See comment for more info).

Spax Orion: in case that coward deletes the Virtualville listing here is a WBM snapshot: 2 years ago
Naked Yoga
Where: Eros Yoga Center
When: 2 years ago [6 May 2022 15:00 SLT]

Q: Naked? A: Yup.
Q: Yoga? A: Uh huh.
Q: What should I expect? A: Naked Yoga silly. But yes, be prepared for public nudity and sexual activity.
Q: Are there rules? A: Of course!
Q: What are they? A: Well, just accept the note card auto-magically offered when you arrive at the event to do...
Q: Naked Yoga! A: You got it!

content that I cant believe is allowed
I will probably get some comments on it but if you do comment please be respectful. if this is not allowed just delete

I came across a sim that was sex related and owned by a child avi with a G rating. to top it off there were gifs and pic of child avis having sex with adult avis.keep in mind the childs avis pics/ gifs are naked as well as the adults in them

now the content itself is great I just think a sim geared towards sex stuff should be ran by an adult avi and A or M rated. Also I think the child porn needs to go.
ive also noticed that people that take that stuff to share with others on there sim dont remove the child avis, or child and adult pics/gifs from the object. personally its not appealing and we all know related things that have happend on the hypergrid.
Well, it's been a while since I had a new release. I've been RL busy, busy and getting the garden ready for winter.
I know it's a little early for this one but before we know it the holidays will be upon us! I've put out pointsettias with and without pots in the Xmas section of the shop. They come in Red, Pink and White. Textures and all variations are included in the box.
IRC Channel changes:

Yeah I know, almost no one uses IRC but for those who uses it:

Arcadia Shop has changed IRC server, you can use IRC to chat with others, ask questions and support.

The new channel is in Libera.Chat (, use with SSL connection) and then /join #ArcadiaShop in your favourite IRC program or a web app like

Happy Friday!
Can't Copy Items

Why is it that so often I can not take a copy of something even if it is set for copies? This is driving me nuts. Is there a way or setting that I can do to fix this? Thanks

Beware COVID's attack near the Halloween Curiosity Shoppe this morning

I think it would be fabulous if OpenSimWorld had a translator. I see people frustrated with one another replying in different languages. I know it so complicated to copy and paste to a google translator but I see people snipping at one another getting their knickers in a twist. LOL.
All good things...

One day in 2019 I packed my stuff, got my dog, put it all on my bike and went to spend the summer in another country. That was my routine after all. I took my trusty laptop, an old mac that was barely enough to browse internet and may be log in world for a couple of minutes.

I spent a great month and then corona happened.

Long story short: I got stuck in that country, that's ok though, as long as I have internet I don't have to be in a specific physical place so I could cope, in time I just decided to live permanently here.

Then about a month and a half ago my hard disk of my old laptop isekai'd itself, my main rig is still in another country and suddenly I was data-less. Since this disk was meant to just handle light tasks it never stood a chance against real production work.

That set me back immensely, and that's the reason why I haven't been able to produce any new object in two months, so in the meantime I've been showcasing you the stuff I've made until that point in time.

But, I've a finite amount of stuff to show you! Of course I've more in the shop, did you know I have a cook hat, a drunken bat, a full bathroom set; did you know you can drink coffee at the top of the shop or eat cake at the tower?; did you know every night I mix music but I don't tell anyone?

But, I don't think what I have left is interesting enough so my daily articles ends today, but fret not! The reconstruction of my data is nearly complete so from this point on I'll publish an article when I release a new product because... I can make new products again! Yay me.

So cheers and thank you so much all the people who consistently liked my articles and commented on them, thank you for the visiting and for enjoying the toys I make for this adult playground we enjoy every day.

See you on my next release.

What do you like the most when going to a party?

  • See new people and be seen.
  • Watch your avatar dancing with friends / significant other(s).
  • Listening to the music.
  • The act of dress up and prepare for the event (not the event itself necessarily).
  • I don't like parties and what is this.
Vote (15)

For Aley Rai's fans and collectionners
We've meshed the air pump, now available with animations and sounds
Everyone can copy _ It is at Cap'N Kelso Underwater Tour Kiosk

WHAT TIME IS IT! It's time to get to the airport! This week Clan plays his favorites. Come party with Clan's Clan at our beautiful one of a kind airport venue at 1PM, with your host Captain DJ Clan! Clanicopter rides, dancing, greedy games... Come fly CLAN AIR! Your Boarding Pass: Escotia


Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 2 years ago
LIGHT MUSEUM is now known as LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM (store number 07), SOUND BOXES (environment sounds) for ur sim/place:
Choose different environements such as:

NATURE SOUNDS: Boreal Forest, Australian Outback, Pine Forest, Desert,Rain Forest, Swamp, Beach, River, Waterfall, Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Tornado, Underwater, Whales & Dolphins ,Volcano Eruption, Earthquake, Wet Water Cave and African Savannah.

URBAN SOUNDS: Bar, Harbor, Amusement Park (Machinery, Merry go round, Haunted Mansion and Zombies), Construction,Subway, Factory, Military Base, City Traffic, Airport, Stadium, Garden Party, French Cafe, Irish Pub, Buddhist Temple, Bazaar (Oriental Market), Mosque, Chinese Market, Cooking, Office, Volleyball, Hospital, Night Club ,City Battle WW2, Swimming Pool, Traffic Jam, Gregorian Chant, Grocery, Police Department, Coffee Shop, Mantra OM and Hockey.

FARM SOUNDS: Farm Ambiance, Ducks, Cattle Yard, Turkeys, Backyard Geese, Horse Stable, Goats, Pigs, Fire (Campire and fireplace) and even an Old West Saloon Ambiance.

BIRDS SOUNDS: Amazon Parrots, Black Capped Chickadees, Budgies, Cockatiels, Crows, Eagles, Nightingales, Northern Cardinals, Owl, Pigeons, Robins and Thrushes.

MEDIEVAL and FANTASY SOUNDS: Medieval Tavern, Space Station, STARWARS (Cantina, Duel of Fates, Imperial March), Yggdrasil Viking, Cosmic Melody, Enchanted Forest, Dinosaurs Jungle and Spiders Cave.

P.S. When boxes are rezed for the 1st time it might happen the sounds break a little bit. Normal at Opensim when more than 1 wav file is played. But after loop is completed ,sounds will go smooth :)

Don't usually do drama politics lol but i recieved more than the usual Hate Mail since posting here. 1. This is no Second Life 2. 70% of the items i see for sale in Second Life are free downloadable objects and clothes modified and then resold for quite alot of money (i do game graphics in RL) 3. OS Grid came to us as a free open source and is especially valuable to those who are handicapped and on low incomes who can never never never afford SL to create their dreams 4. No other grid would be around if not for the FREE tech service from OS grid staff and developers 5. If you tweeked your copy of OS Grid sofware for YOUR GRID and it runs better GREAT that is what we want! YOUR HAPPINESS 6. When attending someones event try to have manners if possible, I know these are hard times and everyone is on edge but lets all just step back for a moment and take a breath. Im happy to help anyone or discuss or listen Hugsss and have a great day HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Opening at Christmas

Where: Social Shopping District
When: 4 years ago [10 Oct 2020 12:00 SLT]

Come join us at the grand opening of the Social Mouse sExpo, starting at 9 AM on October 10th! Feel free to try everything, and take what you like.

After today all items will be accessible to the sExpo group only, so make sure you get a group invite today!