OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Home to Majestic Club , Music , Live singer Dj and Much more take a walk and see some of the romantic spot just to chat ,wedding ,romantic dining Birthday party Just speak with the owner,h...
Hey Everybody, TOMORROW starting at 2pm Grid time until 4pm grid time, I will be on the Virtual Beach Grid to help commemorate the life and times of Trizzy Hunter who passed through the portal to eternity in December. This Memorial celebration is hosted by Mistress Dalgato. I hope you will take the time out of your busy schedules to attend and exchange memories of Trizzy who will be tremendously missed.
Beginning at 2:pm (14:00)grid time ----- Beach Memorial Gardens ---- until approximately 2:20 pm (14:20). After the memorial service in the gardens we will transfer to ----'s Edge ---where we will celebrate the life of Trizzy and I will bring you some of the best tunes from the 60's, 70's and 80's and let's continue in the joy that Trizzy wished for all of us.

LaviaLavine: CORRECTION the transfer from the Memorial gardens will be to Daggers Edge ---'s Edge 2 months ago

Valentine's Day Full Avatar #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

NEWS!!! NOSE DEFORMERS (UNISEX) experiment with the different versions so that you can find the perfect match for your desired look, you can combine them!
hop:// De Volcanes/120/124/3827

I have a new office on Wolf Territories Grid in their new Workspace region, which is now their main landing.

Here's the hop: hop://

JeffKelley: You never disappoint us. 2 months ago

News!! Nyx Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/354/236/5002

New Cyberpunk Store- Hikonai #region #arkhamgrid

Enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding nature and wildlife at Eden.
Ride the orca, sail a boat, walk around wild animals, visit the Mermaid lair and much more to discover!

Marianna : This is indeed breathtaking, very beautiful 💗 2 months ago

i added some animeshs have fun

harthelie: tres bonne idee cette sim j'ai pris l'araignee 2 months ago

New women's store #kingmancity

New Outfits For Legacy- Classic_Perky_Bombshell_Pregnancy_
Out Now!!


Das alte Jahr ist morgen futsch, für Mitternacht ’nen guten Rutsch. Das neue Jahr soll Glück dir bringen, für Gesundheit, Herz und andere Dinge. Chrissy

Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful Christmas! ❄❄❄
🎅 ⋆。°❄ ⋆。°✩🎁 🎄𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼🎄🎁 ⋆。°❄ ⋆。🎅

Aurora Starchild: Dat sexy mafia 3 months ago
During Christmastime, we pause to take in the beauty and kindness of the season. The spirit of giving inspires us to help those less fortunate or to share simply out of love for humankind. Thank you for giving me your friendship and support. I cherish the laughter we share, your gift of forever smiles makes my season and year bright. Best wishes in the New Year 💗🎄💗

Monentes Jewelry
Christmas 2024

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/99/106/3827

Lise: Che bella selezione di moda, ci sono abiti bellissimi e unici. Grazie. 3 months ago

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/140/149/3827

Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts: Merry Christmas from Arkham Grid!
to celebrate the holidays, we will be releasing important exclusive gifts
Come and get the goodies at Kingman City, Arkham Grid, With a gifted out every day up to Christmas! - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim Jimmy Olsen/Lone Wolf

Marianna : When I first started creating jewelry I discovered that I could use the dingbat fonts for neat jewelry parts. You have to make sure you have permissions especially if you plan to sell the jewelry. ... 3 months ago
🎄 Einladung zur Weihnachtsfeier 🎅

🎁✨Hallo ihr Lieben,
die schönste Zeit des Jahres steht vor der Tür, und ich möchte diese besondere Gelegenheit mit euch feiern! Deshalb lade ich euch herzlich zu unserer Weihnachtsfeier im Soul-Grid ein.
Wann: 11.Dez. 2024/19 Uhr
Wo: Tosca
Freut euch auf eine gemütliche winterliche Atmosphäre, mit netten Menschen, guter Musik und eine Portion guter Laune!
Ich freue mich auf euch, einen wundervollen Abend mit euch zu verbringen!
Mit weihnachtlichen Grüßen,

Hello loved Ones. The sweetest time of the year is coming and i want to celebrate it with you! We are going to have a Christmas-Party at Soul-Grid.
When: Dec., 7pm CET / 10 PST
Where: Tosca
Enjoy a cozy, wintry Atmosphere, with nice people, good music and a lot of fun. Christmassy Wishes, Nasti

Rose Lavande: Vielen Dank liebe Nasti für die tolle Weihnachtsfeier und die super Musik ♥♥♥ 3 months ago
Hi Starchild Shoppers! Some of you have recently given me feedback in terms of the scattered of the stores - which I was thinking about already.
Question is:
If I were to combine all stores in one region - which LAYOUT would work best for you?
A big mall on ground like @hertha201 's SilverFox Mall? Several TP-connected levels like R. Lion or @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!

SilviaFrey: R.Lion 3 months ago

Find my Winter Island @
Your are always very welcome at my land
"Happy Holidays" Love Bebe

SheaButter: It's winter for a very long time. Am sure we can view when Osgrid is back online. 3 months ago

📝 DreamGrid Update

I have pushed out a BETA zip file for 5.75 that is manually updatable by extracting the zip.

Christmas Advent Calendar
Kingman Furniture Design #christmas2024 #arkhamgrid

🎄✨ Bonjour à tous ! ✨🎄
L’esprit de Noël commence à s’installer doucement, et j’ai envie de partager avec vous un peu de cette magie ! 🌟
C’est le moment de se réjouir, de penser à ceux qu’on aime, et de préparer de jolis souvenirs pour la fin d’année. 🎁❤️
Je vous souhaite déjà plein de douceur, d’amour, et une belle dose de féerie dans vos cœurs ! ❄️🎶
Et surtout… n’oubliez pas : Noël, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour illuminer nos vies et celles des autres.

Avec toute ma joie et mon sourire ! 😊
Joyeuses fêtes à l’avance ! 🎅🌟

Ankhsenaton: brrrrr j'ai déjà froid ;-) .... mais je vais venir ! :-) 4 months ago
Well, I couldn't really make a Douglas Fir and NOT decorate one for an old fashioned Christmas, Decorated with gold tinsel and red, white & green plaid bows, old fashioned decorated ornaments and multi colored lights with a big star at the top takes me back to my childhood days. It's free, it's full perm, it's yours to get at our Holidays & Seasons department. Drop in, no through the chimney, and get yours and may it bring you a bright, blessed and Merry Christmas, blessings and much love, Lavia.

Passion Jumanji: I rezz'd it out near my farming stores along with the other two. I'm going to put this at the Wolf Pack Club for Christmas. Thanks SO MUCH, Lavia! :D HUGGIEZ! :D This tree sure has added some Christma... 4 months ago

----- NEW -----

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/159/127/3827

-Lara X
Comes with Unpacker and Texture Hud

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

*** News at Camballa***
Hoodie Outfit in any Colors
Reborn and Maitreya
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

:) I am going to be tearing down the Magic Shoppe at Wizardry in the coming weeks. I wish to replace it with a forest, and an elven temple perhaps. So if you want any of the magical items there please get them now, also Savine has copies at her store which is where you will have to go to get the items. I just feel like the area would be better served as a more natural environment for a wizard. Without the old cluttered up shop on the hill.

Pounamu: Hello. I love your store. The End. 5 months ago
Last week's Safari tours, plus an in depth interview with Pangea Grid's Marlon Wayne
The thoughtful, profound and unmissable installation by Loru Destiny
Exploring Moonrose grid, with the very talented Chrissy Coage
Pangea Grid's birthday

Sunday 13 October
Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
9:30 AM SLT / 18:30 Uhr CET
12 PM SLT / 21:00 Uhr CET ....Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: An Tagen wie diesen....kann nur Adriana die Erste sein :-)))) 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Bjorn Skin Overlay for EvoX (age marks)=
You have this addon available at the Starchild Shoppe: Beauty store.
Age marks overlay (does NOT come with the skin).
It comes in 4 different tones, and 25% or 50% for each tone:

Uber: hop://

MinordLoup: superbe, mais je n'arrive pas a utiliser le Uber, merci d'avance pour me faire parvenir le LM ou modifié le uber pour le plus grand nombre ;) 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Gold Face & Head Glitter (Male & Female)=
Going with the previous body ones - 2 sets of golden glitter addons.
Bear in mind it's only the GOLD version.

Uber: hop://

SilviaFrey: Espectaculares. Gracias 5 months ago
Due to the Hurricane emergency I am cancelling Saturday's dance at Masala Al Kohav! Again there will be NO DANCE tomorrow, Saturday the 28th. Please be safe, seek shelter and let us know you're alright. God bless and Keep!

CyberGlo CyberStar: I watched team connercroff and team dominator as they live streamed on youtube while in the eye of the hurricane. 6 months ago

#halloweenland #arkhamgrid
Teleport Area DREAMSCAPE

Everyone Loves the Pumpkin Patch!

Ankhsenaton: If I'd seen all this in my early days in SL I'd have been really scared I'm not much of a haloween “customer” but the medieval mix appeals to me. I almost destroyed an island with the cannons! Well do... 6 months ago
=[OUT NOW] Peace Decor Set=
A new decor set with 11 items:
Stone lamp (light-scripted)
Bowls, Candle holders, coaster, mugs, plates, and stools (just decor)

Uber: hop://
After many requests, I've added a new Egyptian area to my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Most of the large items are ready, except for the pyramid club which is nearly done. There are a few smaller items ready but there will be many more of those to come and some will be free. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to teleport there.

MaiseyMoon: Seeing this reminds me of the Neverending Story ♥ 6 months ago
Hello, I hope you all are having a great day as we start Friday. Sam has created a BEETLEJUICE set. Have you seen the new movie? I got to say I was amused. It was not bad, but the first one was awesome to me. If you get a chance, go see it. Happy fall, everyone.

CyberGlo CyberStar: I saw both movies. The first one was better. The second one had too much weird stuff.... Like when beetlejuice explains what happened to him and his wife in some weird dead language and continues o... 6 months ago
At landing, we have created gifts, even though everything is free here in Dallas. But these 99% are new items we have created, so come in and grab them all, but check daily or weekly because new ones will be added along the way.
6 new Xara/LaraX outfits.
tops pants Skirts and Gown
come check it out.

If you havent already picked up your Xara Body, why not? its the fastest growing size body in Opensim. Our body has a great hud that has many perks, such as Auto Alpha, BOM, Working neck Fix so it will fit any head you put on it with little work. We designed a flat nipple so your nipples will not stick through your clothes., and much more.
Hurry Down !!
Hello, it was brought to my attention today. I was loading information in the wrong place to see where the items were. I am sorry for that and will not set them on Dallas but on to Dallas Mall. Because here gives you the address to get the items. So anything you have seen comes from Dallas; this is where the address is. Happy Shopping Please remember the new items are on the circles for the moment.
New Project, Interior Decoration Ideas. Find The Beach House @

This time a Beach House, I made some modifications to it. Complete furniture & Decorated. Almost everything is copy for your own delight & creativity. Hope you like it
Hugs Bebe

Sodasullivan: Bebe, you are amazing and everything at Wonder is such a delight. 6 months ago

...added a hairbase too :)


Sodasullivan: You have been so busy Aurora! The hair bases you have been offering are top quality. Come on boys! Get out there and take your look to the next level! 6 months ago
New landscaping has arrived! I am obsessed! Meadows and bushes and trees and flowers! I put a big red glowing NEW sign above them. When you land, face the store and walk to the right then left at the corner. You can't miss them. You will find "New" signs to identify recent additions in the shop. More architecture is now available as well. Thanks for visiting. All are welcome.

RemmyRavenhurst: These are really beautiful! 7 months ago

Live Traffic
6 1
Shinobar Annex
67 19
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3 2
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95 23
SciattiShopClothes A
89 6
Rio De Janeiro
2 0
Hypergrid Games
11 5
ShoppingDance A
6 1
Xenotown A
18 0
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
49 8
Lockets Dream A
6 2
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Maze Grid Home A
5 1
Tierra De Volcanes
176 0
45 2
Regions Online: 1,739
Active: 195 avatars in 138 regions
The Box
CyberGlo CyberStar 12 hours ago
As many people know... I am amazing! It is for this reason that I have created the Amazing Device. See the main post feeds for more information. You know who you are.
JillMunroe 18 hours ago
@Dorena Eben weil sie wohl schon einen Hauch von Demenz hat, sie weiss schon 2 minuten später nicht mehr, was sie geschrieben hat!
Pagane 20 hours ago
Ако не знаете английски, поне си спомнете български (говорили сте го до преди няколко стотин години!!!).
Dorena Verne 20 hours ago
Sag mal Cheryl , was bindet dich hier eigendlich so verbissen an dem Thema "Demenz" fest, zudem dererlei Diagnosen hier im Portal wohl kaum gestellt werden können.?
CherylFurse 21 hours ago
Um deiner Antwort vorzugreifen @Jill. Ich glaube dir, dass du volljährig bist. Ab einem bestimmten Alter kommt es aber durchaus durch Demenz zu einer Regression. Ist auch normal.
CherylFurse 21 hours ago
@Jill du möchtest unbedingt trollen. Mit deinen Namensverfremdungen (Furz) möchtest du bei einem Publikum punkten? Du gibst eine Vorstellung ab, als wenn du Teenager wärst bei Knuddels chat für Schüler nach der Schule. Da wird auch so gemobbed. Wie alt bist du wirklich?
Susanna_Heller yesterday
dann hat der Suchtentzug zu VR aber nicht lange gehalten oder warum hängst wieder oder so schnell hier wieder rum
JillMunroe yesterday
@cheryl furz...und ratet mal wer am Lautesten im Hühnerstall gackert..apropos Freunde, wer dich als Freund hat braucht keine Feinde mehr. Und ja mein Wochenende war bis jetzt super ausgewesen und mich mit realen Freunden getroffen!..
Hyacinth yesterday
Spinning some late night tunes at our new region, if anyone is looking for something to do. :) hop:// gateway
Wolf Territories Grid 2 days ago
Try posting on their FB page
Speck 2 days ago
@TheBigA - I can't help you with Globits personally but I noticed that Wolf-Grid accept them. Wolf seems pretty on the ball so I doubt he'd list them as a payment method if they were defunct. - Good luck! Maybe let everyone know here when you get an answer?
TheBigA 2 days ago
Hi everyone. Weeks ago i requested to be set up with the Globits people. no one respond's to applications or e-mail . I notice alot of that website is information of 10 years ago. is it still alive or has it been abandoned. ?
Pagane 2 days ago
Cry! Help! Xenon and twins is banned from someone and this is major OSW problem:) Oh yes, also some bad peoples now want to use germany when speak to nazy fuhrers:) Doctor! Patients not drunk pills!!!
CherylFurse 2 days ago
Niedersachsen kann bestimmt aushelfen. Die haben genug Hühnerfarmen für die ganze USA lol
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
nur so nebenbei die Amis haben Eier Probleme und keine Zeit deinen englischen Tex zu lesen und bei Trump der hat im Moment Kanada und Grönland im Kopf aber sich nicht deinen englischen Text XD
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
oder brauchst internationale Aufmerksamkeit ha ha ha ha
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago
Schreib deutsch oder sprech mit Trump Player
CherylFurse 2 days ago
@Susanna Live and let live. Best solution for any family or small community. We are social humen and want to feel free in our being. So best is not to bully others and let them live.

New Comments

AmberNL 4 minutes ago
post source if u try to re-post stuff like this please.. ( source : )
Speck 37 minutes ago
What a great idea! I wish there had been something like this the last time I was active in Opensim.
harthelie 1 hour ago
Merci a vous Nico d'avoir fait ce groupe
Ankhsenaton 2 hours ago
That's very nice, Nico. But it's a shame to give the link to Marianna's profile, which isn't always so nice (!!) for Mistressdalgato, who seems much more consistent in her behavior! https://opensimwor...
Chelsea Louloudi 4 hours ago
Oh wow...thank you CyberGlo! The region is far from finished and i'm trying to create some sort of interactivity eventually...visitors are very welcome to pop in :D
LisaHellstein 5 hours ago
so beautiful ♥ many thanks♥
Kylie Brimmer 6 hours ago
Damn and my grid have joomla too. Not sure how it going to replace it cause i have all users in joomla opensim.
Sharpened Razor 6 hours ago
this script is thowing errors
Faith Fromund 10 hours ago
Here now and enjoying your set! Thank you for the invite. =)


super endroits plein de joli endroits a visiter ,libre de faire ce qu ont veut bravo
Wesley Snipes 1 hour ago
Rio De Janeiro
Un sacré job!!! C'est tres grand et très joli. Quelques boutiques toutes simples et agréables. Un grand merci à Andersom pour son aide et sa gentillesse.
Jadepatience 18 hours ago
Love this store, always has lots of interesting things to see ... The owner is extremely helpful ... totally recommend this shopping experience.
Alchy Miklos 21 hours ago
Very nice region, contains a lot of different cars, from old cars to racing one (NASCAR).
Monica Cloud 23 hours ago
J'adore!!! très bon accueil de la propriétaire et des articles de qualité.
Jadepatience 23 hours ago
Events Plaza
Great place with great people, wonderful DJs and live artists. And @Cullen: rankings are based on in-world traffic, not likes.
Gentle Dragonheart yesterday
Fabrica dos Sonhos
does not support the latest version of the client. Apparently everything there is very old and ancient lol. If so, then I don't see the point
Alex Leo yesterday
Events Plaza
@ Cullen_Bohannon Likes don't mean a darn thing. Not many people use that option. Event Plaza is the place to be. Aussie has done a wonderful job hosting this event for many many moons.
SheaButter 2 days ago
Events Plaza
Seriously? You gotta be kidding me, How the hell can you be on the 11 place with just 6 likes...something stinks
Cullen_Bohannon 2 days ago

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