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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump
0 Users 10 0
We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump! Nestled in a whimsical dung beetle paradise, this vibrant space celebrates creativity, resilience, and community. T...
All this talk about my work as being poor quality crap gave me inspiration! It is true many creations are just that Poor Quality Crap! Who needs it? YOU Do! so we formed a new group where you can find all sorts of Free Crap https://opensimworld.com/groups/1078 Our first giveaway @JamieAnna Wright kindly offers to you! Be prepared and don't forget the poop scoop!
groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump

JoeBuilder: What is CRAP? I have 16 regions full to the brim of stuff I myself call crap :) It is things I have picked up from all around left in Sandboxs mostly full perm for copy I think was interesting at the ... 2 months ago
**Sugar Belly Addon FATPACK (Reborn/Maitreya-LaraX/Legacy) OUT!**
Happy New Year everyone!
From the abs, we got into more sexy roles - because all shapes are SEXY! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Out now is this Add-on fatpack (more to come) for the Dali skin tones line.
It comes for REBORN, LEGACY, and Maitreya (Athena)/LaraX.
Remember you can find the new legacy and reborn bodies at SciattisiGrid and Exotic Realities!

**Uber:** hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Starchild%20Shoppe/...

Hicks: It is the imperfections of the human body that make it its beauty. By adding this kind of product you add diversity.bravo 2 months ago
rappel, comme tous les ans le marche fermera debut janvier , merci
Good morning,
Remember, as every year the march will close in January , thank you
Guten Tag,
Erinnerung, wie jedes Jahr schließt der Marsch zu Januar , danke

Govani13: hätte gerne mal ein spaziergang genacht ..aber läst mich nicht zu ... 3 months ago
**Dali Babe MAITREYA (ATHENA) Body Skin Megapack Now!**
Hi everyone, last on the line of Megapacks: Maitreya 5.3 (Athena) version of the body skins.
Same 3 styles and ALL addons - this one does come in 'only' 15 of the 22 tones, though.
As with LaraX one, it does not include any shape, so you can just use your default body one.

UBER: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20NE/104/...

Nay Kellyel: PERFECT 3 months ago

My current project. Getting back into a style I really love after a long hiatus.

Mistressdalgato: tosses you some gloebit, gimmie gimmie gimmie! 3 months ago

----- NEW -----

----- NEW -----

News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

Aurora Starchild: Jo, trae las cosas más cucas siempre 5 months ago
The beautiful souls in Florida are in our thoughts and prayers as this monster named Milton hits land. May God protect and shield you and deliver you from the ravages of yet another storm...our hearts go out to you.

(**) Modifications and instructions on how to use on "READ ME" notecard!

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: I forgot to mention and its already on the notecard: Once one rezes the script inside, the lamps will glow all red for few seconds.. be patience and soon they will work perfectly 5 months ago
Sometimes when you start to build you think, I don't think I can ever do this. But as you build, it begins to come alive and you're inspired and encouraged and it becomes a work of love. I have a love for ancient cultures and their architecture and customs and Japan is one of my favorites. A culture rich in traditions, customs, values and beliefs that are the heartbeat of the nation still today. This is Morisato Palace, Morisato means "flowing with or full of wisdom". It will be the central build of a new Japanese region I'm working on. When it's ready I'll put out a beacon and open the gates. For an idea of the size of this palace, that's me in the front of it in the pink top, the little white haired spot LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Nojan: great work! 5 months ago

----- NEW -----

=OUT NOW: Serpent Candles=
Out now at the Odds&Decor store, this gorgeous serpent/snek candle holder:
- Two versions: hanging and standing
- 6 different snakes for each model
- Material layers
- Texture HUD to change textures of candles, metal, and snek-tongue.
- Particles light scripted to individually turn on/off on click

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20NE/379/...

LeonitasLionheart: Awessssssome share! Thanks. :) P.S. plz note that in-store artwork for this is currently showing llewellyn pg chairs and ottoman set, not the snake candles. ;) 6 months ago
Why so serious? :p

Just a reflective moment, a snapshot I thought turned out well. Remember to have fun and relax a bit, and treat each other with respect. Taking the time to hear someone out, does not mean you agree with their opinions. Treat people the way you would wish to be treated. Enjoy your week, everyone!

RemmyRavenhurst: We need more of it in this world for sure! :) :) 6 months ago

Thank you all, Hugs

IndigoQueen King: It was a beautiful ceremony, a beautiful day and love and blessings to the both of you. I am so happy I was able to attend. Hugs 6 months ago
When we log into virtual worlds, we step into realms of magic and fantasy, leaving the real world behind, even if only for a few moments. These virtual spaces offer a magical escape, free from the politics and religion of the real world. Let's keep these issues where they belong, and preserve virtual worlds as sanctuaries from everyday problems. 🦄🪄💗

PapaJohnson: Well said! I agree... 7 months ago
When you are in the dark forest and you get the feeling that something dark and evil is standing right behind you...

Wenn dich im finsteren Wald das Gefühl beschleicht, dass was finsteres Böses direkt hinter dir steht..

Mona725: The question is, is it necessary, or useful to mingle with politics in the virtual world, unless you love to ruffle feathers. Many of us builders, and users, use virtual reality to escape the mundane... 7 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Madison Rigolo: Oh thats cute! 8 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: tasty! 8 months ago

Cute little Kitten Clingers at the MAIN Yin Yang Town (Clothing Store) ..
- 7 Different Colors via click the Kitten
- with and no meow Sound
- for left and right Leg

Jared Seda: omg these are sooooooooo cuuuuuute! 8 months ago

News!!!! There is a dispenser! just wear it and whoever clicks on it can take a smothy (delivery is random) hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/70/336/3225

KrisTina: That tongue on the right tho... kind of spooky, wonder if she sheds her skin once a year. 8 months ago

Jared Seda: Visited today and holy smokes its gorgeous. You did a wonderful job its so peaceful. 8 months ago
*EUROPA RACEWAY* New release, now open for public - Really a lot of roads - on normal speed (gear 1 from many vehicles) one takes 22 minutes and 30 seconds for complete a tour! Have fun! Hoverbikes rezer available on place! To tap into this place, go to SIM EUROPA, then at welcome area, look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick as destination EUROPA RACEWAY.

Wolf Territories Grid: What could possibly go wrong.... I thought it would never end. 9 months ago
We're working on tutorials and videos to help folks who are new to open sim to get around in open sim better - from creating your very first avatar to knowing how to Hypergrid, we're putting it together to help others find the joy of Open Sim just as we have. This not "just" for our new grid members but for anybody new to open sim, we'd love to help you.

Mistressdalgato: this is cool, i have the firestorm oar to help people with how to use firestorm, once you get this region finished i may be inclined to want to put a teleport for new members to the region. 9 months ago
Today at Soul-Grid !!!!

Up to 8pm CET the Soul Residents' Show begins. Our Show is more then entertaining. It's an Adventure, which brings people together. It's where you find friends, where you laugh and have fun together. Share that moment with us, let's enjoy the Show. Danach After-Show
Were looking forward to see you
Heute im Soul-Grid !!!!

Ab 20 Uhr starten die Soul Bewohner mit ihrer Bühnenshow, unsere Bühnenshow ist mehr als Unterhaltung – sie ist ein Erlebnis, das Menschen zusammenbringt, wo man Freundschaften knüpft, wo man lacht und miteinander spaßt. Teilt diesen Augenblick mit uns, lasst uns miteinander feiern.
Danach geht es mit Musik und guter Laune weiter.
Wir freuen uns auf euch

MarcWatcher: Danke dass ich ein Teil von diesem super tollen Abend sein durfte. 9 months ago
At EUROPA, we welcome all humanoids,bots, NPCs, arthopods, xenomorphs, and arachnids with open arms, antennae, and pincers! Are you feeling unwanted? Lonely? Isolated? Do you keep getting banned for copying other people's copybotted stuff and sharing it with your friends?
Fret no longer! Come to EUROPA! We are filled with bots to keep you company! And in the amazing EUROPA MALL (*), all things are free and full perm! Share with your friends, your family, your dog, your cat, your chicken, and your facehugger! Share with one of the MAGABAGA spiders!

We look forward to your visit! Come to EUROPA!
(*) At welcome area, call an interphasic bubble taxi to the mall!

*MCL*: Like I said from the start, if it does not have full permission, then it should! So if you find things around our stores and it says they are not, just let us know. Believe me, I will make it! Even ou... 10 months ago
The Closet.
This amazing new product lets you drop in an item of clothing, and a picture of that clothing (or shoes, or hair) and click through the items in your closet. Then you can choose to have the item GIVEn to you, or to AUTOMATICALLY WEAR the item. Note: Please use copy items. If you find any bugs, please contact me and let me know. I'm leaving it at my welcome center for you to buy for 0$. cyberdatastorm.com:8002:SandBox (yes the doors open and close...) Note 2: The automatic WEAR only works if you are on dreamgrid, or if you own your own grid your on and have OSSL functions enabled. :) Note 3: This was Arielle's idea. So I think she should have the first one. But anybody can get one. Enjoy!

Arielle: Thanking you CyberGlo, this is perfect! I been dreaming of something like for quite a while but didn't think it was actually possible. 10 months ago
Hey everyone,
hope everybody is doing great today.

We have just updated our store with new Skins for Athena and EvoX Heads, also a new Eyes Megapack!

32 Skins, each got 4 versions to wear on your Athena Body.
5 different EvoX Skins (includes Ears, Neckfix, Shape and Eyebrows) that works perfect with the Skin tones!
31 Eyes Megapack on the Skins Entrance on our Mall!

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

ZoeyRavenheart: Hi! Will you be doing skins for any of the other bodies or just Athena? 1 years ago
* Black White Village *
A small, sleepy village on the brink of mayoral elections. There are posters on the streetlights everywhere. Really annoying ...
* * * *
* Black White Village *
Ein kleiner verschlafener Ort, der kurz vor den Bürgermeisterwahlen steht. Überall hängen Plakate an den Straßenlaternen. Echt nervig ...

Jerralyn Franzic: A quick way to find a black and white avatar is to visit Shapeshifter. Felix Ringtail's avatars feature black and white skins. Many of the avatars wear monochromatic outfits. Ruth and Roth bodies are ... 1 years ago
Ich wünsche Euch für das neue Jahr: Eine Hand die dich festhält, ein Netz, das dich auffängt, ein Schild, das dir den Weg weist und 1000 Sterne, die dir diesen Weg erhellen.
I wish you for the new year: a hand that holds you tight, a net that catches you, a sign that shows you the way and a thousand stars that light your path.

KarinBecker: ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★ ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR 2024 ☆ ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ¥☆★☆★☆¥ ★☆♫♫ .•*¨`*•..¸☼ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫♫♫ 1 years ago

May your holidays be filled with joy, and may the New Year bring you prosperity, love, and exciting adventures from all around the world!

AnKaBi: vom ganzen herzen wünschen wir ein schönes weihnachtsfest 1 years ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change it...you can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 1 years ago

Piazza di Spagna,Roma #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Congratulations and salutations! Unity Clarity Pleasure to you and yours. It is an attractive energy when two hearts meet and beat as one. Love long and prosper! 1 years ago

May peace, hope, and love be this season’s present to you personally!
Have a peaceful Advent Season

BELZE: Das ChuBelz Grid wünscht eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 1 years ago

*ORANGE TREE NEW RELEASE* MEsh tree, up to 2 trees into a single prim! Leaves with smooth animations and textures included! Available at FARM AREA!Enjoy :)

LeonitasLionheart: Orange you betting people will go bananas over this? 1 years ago

Moonrose Winter Shopping is open most of the items are copyable on 01.12 2023 there is again an Advent calendar .I wish you a nice time

Lyr Lobo talking about Shopping and Content in Opensim, on Inworld Review. Do you agree with her suggestions and opinions?

Arielle: What specific suggestions and opinions are you meaning @Thirza Ember? Can you point to the time of the show you are referring to? 1 years ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter TP area now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Feel free to use our public transports MAGABAGA Maglev. If you adventure on ground area, beware of some local creatures.. Enjoy :)

📝 How to configure landing points on your sims

An explanation for the landing point controls and how to make landing points act the way you want them to



UPDATE: The Adachi shopping regions will not be reopening. Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends.
login.friends-grid.com:8002:Collective Central

*The Past And Future of Adachi*
~2012 to 2023...and beyond!~

Adachi is an area of Tokyo, Japan - a place Oni has a deep connection to. Oni opened the first Adachi in OS eleven years ago. In 2020, Oni opened the CopyKat Grid, with the Adachi regions at it's core. CopyKat quickly became the #2 destination in OS. Why? Well, just look at the glowing comments people made about Oni when I posted about his retirement.

After Oni's retirement, he gave ownership of the Adachi OARs to Maurice, a member of the CopyKat Collective. We are reopening Adachi again to shoppers within a week. See you at there soon!

Photo: Adachi Fireworks Festival. 2023.

proxnet.org:8002:Ankabi Welcome

I would like to collect a list of those who make original items or systems or scripts for Opensim. Currently I have the following listed :


I'd love to add to this list if anyone can help me out, please. These will be listed in an information office I wish to set up with a poster leading to a link for each one. If you happen to be a creator and would either like or not like to be included, please let me know. Thank you.

Joe Builder: Is there a prize for being listed? 2 years ago

London themed shopping sim, new items being added every day.... If you see anything that you want and it's not available just give me a holler and I will help you out.... Happy Shopping ♥

OpenSimUser: Nice start, looking forward to more getting added. 2 years ago
UPDATE March 3rd : New version 2.1 with newly created high-LoD meshprim

16 Charsx5 per line= 80 Chars Mesh XYzzyText Message Boards: grab yourself a copy at Grid.Vibel.eu:8002/Neiferleaf
(For Arkham grid members: you need a special VIP Group Account to get access, please contact our grid administrator)

KrisTina: Very useful, well done! 2 years ago

Nach einer ganzen Woche Krankheit im Bett .. bin ich nun wieder für Euch am machen :) .. Valentinstag ist bald .. darum hab ich am Landepunkt ein wenig aufgestellt für Euch

La Cittadella Di Rachel: Schön 2 years ago
I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002 that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 2 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Daves Place A
15 1
Shopping FUN A
11 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
China A
2 2
1 0
Xenotown A
18 0
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Stark A
138 79
Kings Quarter A
12 1
Little Big City Shopping Mall
22 0
OpenSim Worlds Fair
12 0
Tierra De Volcanes
172 0
Hypergrid Games
11 5
11 6
Alternate Metaverse
47 1
Regions Online: 1,785
Active: 303 avatars in 176 regions
The Box
Ted Junior 5 hours ago
HI ALL IF YOU BORED , join us at amv, Dj Sofee Spinning your tunes , Hola a todos tenemos festuki con dj sofee , guten mittag alle , dj sofee macht musik jetz ihr zeit alle eingeladen , feel free to join us , meet and greet.alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Alternate Metaverse
Spahkey 10 hours ago
Good morning everyone
KrisTina 13 hours ago
@KHIRONAMETZA ask @RichardFairplay
Khiron Ametza 15 hours ago
Please Watersplash grid owner or somebody else can tell me if NewLifeItaly grid was mac banned from your grid?
Esti Mation yesterday
about dreamgrid, i also wrote to Fred and got the normal reply and the download of it got online and it is downloadable again, too late for me but others can do
JamieWright 2 days ago
I found a hurdy gurdy on Sketchfab. It's the weird little things sometimes that delight:)
Pagane 2 days ago
Despite all the problems in Osgrid, even when their server is offline, it absolutely correctly notifies me that I am banned in LBSA, but I can visit other SIM even they are down :) This is transpolar!
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
yehhh osgrid is bipolar these days... up, down, up, down...
JamieWright 2 days ago
@Blake https://www.osgrid.online/news/maintenance-mode/
SheaButter 2 days ago
@Blake Hayvenhurst...Osgrid is offline for maintenance.
Pagane 2 days ago
osgrid is partialy down. may be 99,98%

New Comments

CCI Grid 4 minutes ago
The people were thrilled by the DJ how he rocked the Viking event
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 1 hour ago
By AI, you mean
Dorena Verne 2 hours ago
Sorcha 3 hours ago
Sandie 4 hours ago
Lovely, kind and helpful people.:))))
Cullen_Bohannon 8 hours ago
What I love about AMV is that it hands you complete creative freedom. Forget the cookie-cutter environments; AMV gives you a blank slate where you can build, break, and rebuild until your vision comes...
Glenys Bieler 11 hours ago
Looks great - as before. Was slightly confused when I teleported to the usual place and found it had moved - but a nice clear sign what's happened means that confusion took only 2 seconds (even for m...
ChristiM 19 hours ago
ChristiM just now The best thing about Wolf is the very reasonably priced islands, small, big or bigger still. Hang on, no, it's all the free stuff, like OSGrid in its heyday. And easy access to the r...
Aurora Starchild 19 hours ago
Thanks everyone for all the love and support so far, btw


Hartland Shopping
Some very nice builds here, plus well laid out malls
Zendrako 30 minutes ago
New Beginnings
This is the most beautiful sim, I have ever seen Isadora has bone an exceptional job, and has a spectacular waterfall grab a horse and ride around this beautiful sim not to mention the great club
Jamibogbat 2 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Difficult to add anything to the other reviews below. Perhaps I can expand using some specific details from my own experience here. It's so friendly, everyone's helpful with a real sense of communi...
ChristiM 5 hours ago
Alternate Metaverse
The new region Alternate Metaverse, combines all that you need. Great Entertainment = Amazing DJs - Amazing Artist and AN AMAZING PUBLIC And so much more ... You never get bored :)
Rique Giano 5 hours ago
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Been in many grids and this is the most sharing and caring one and I mean people
Caribia 13 hours ago
New Beginnings
come check out the sim myself and jacob worked hard on it
IsadoraLeah wolf 14 hours ago
Blue Lagoon
The welcome area is very nice and beautiful, but it seems there are no more regions to visit and the only one I found, VVM Furniture Shop, doesn't give access to the region parcels. ?
Khiron Ametza 15 hours ago
found some fun things! Thank you~
Steampunk Siouxsin 18 hours ago
OpenSim Worlds Fair
Koshari, Kimm & Cooper & Whomever else helped build this magnificent Worlds Fair, You've done a spectacularly awesome job here! :D It's such a wonderful place to be! I will take my friends here often...
Passion Jumanji 19 hours ago

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